外研版英语七年级上册Module 6 单元测试卷

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外研版英语七年级上册Module 6 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The camel comes _ Africa and it lives _ the desert.Ain; atBfrom; inCin; forDfrom; on2 . _ go to the park with me?ALetsBWould you like toCAre youDHave you3 . -Are you busy on Friday night? Lets go to a movie.- That _ good. I am free and I can go with you.AsmellsBsoundsClistens4 . Mr. Black is very kind to others. We all like _ very much.AusBthemChimDher5 . Some old people need a _ because they feel lonely.AgiftBstickCpetDwatch6 . The girl was sent to hospital by her mother yesterday.AsickBillCgoodDwell7 . Please let_go with_.Ahe; myBhe; meChim; myDhim; me8 . You can easily think up a good idea to going out with him.ApreventBavoidCstopDcomplete9 . _ you Alan?Yes, I _.AAre; amBIs; amCAm; areDIs; is二、完型填空Charlottes Web (夏洛特的网) is popular with readers of all ages. It is a story about two_: a little pig called Wilbur and a spider (蝴蛛) with the name of Charlotte.One day, the pig Wilbur is sold (卖) to a farmer. Wilbur has no _ there, and other animals look down on (看不起) him. He is unhappy and sad. But his _ turns around when he meets the spider Charlotte and Charlotte becomes a great friend to him.There is _news for Wilbur. He is going to be killed. It seems that there is no _ for him until Charlotte thinks of a clever plan to help him. She uses her web to write messages of praise (赞扬)about Wilbur. People in this town never _ messages in a spiders web. So they think that the messages must come from God! Wilbur becomes _ enough to go to a big game. He doesnt _ the game, but the famous web makes sure that he will never be slaughtered. The sadness of the story is the spider Charlotte herself. Saving Wilbur makes her very _. And after giving birth to her babies, she dies (死). When Wilbur thinks he will have no friends again, three young and small baby _ come and become his new friends.10 . AreadersBanimalsCstudentsDfarmers11 . AmoneyBfoodCfriendsDfamily12 . AwayBlifeChobbyDtaste13 . AlateBearlyCbadDgood14 . AhopeBtimeCuseDhurry15 . AwriteBseeCsendDhear16 . AoldBcleverCtallDfamous17 . AloseBwinCenjoyDchange18 . AhappyBstrongCtiredDexcited19 . ApigsBducksCmonkeysDspiders三、阅读单选When you watch TV programs about wild animals, it is surprising to see how an antelope can run away from a lion. In the wilderness, everyone has his own way to protect himself. Even plants have their own ways of fighting off enemies.Over millions of years of evolution, plants have developed their own defence system(防御系统). Chemicals are wildly used for survival(生存). By making their leaves, flowers, roots and fruits distasteful or poisonous(有毒的) to enemies, plants can fight back.One such plant is the Golden Wattle tree. The British scientist David Cameron has found when an animal eats the trees leaves, the amount of poison increases in the other leaves. “Its like the damaged leaves telephoning the others telling them to fight together against the enemy, ” he said.The tree also sends defence messages to neighboring plants by giving out a special smell. Golden Wattle trees in the surrounding 45 meters will get the message and produce more poison within 10 minutes. Now, if an enemy eats too many of the trees leaves, it will die.Every species of plant or tree is good at the production of a particular set of chemicals. A herbivore that can safely eat the leaves of one tree may be poisoned by its neighbor.In this way, plants have developed not only individual defence system, but also shared it with others. This makes it impossible for a single animal to destroy even a small area of forest.20 . From the first 2 paragraphs,we can learn that_Aplants can do nothing against their enemies.BChemicals are quite useful for plants to survive.CAn antelope can always run away from a strong lion.DLeaves,roots,flowers and fruits of plants are poisonous.21 . If animals eat one Golden Wattle trees leaves,the tree can_Akill the animals with special smell.Btell other trees to come to protect it.Cwarn other trees against the animals on the phone.Dsend defence messages to the neighboring plants.22 . The word “herbivore” in the 5th paragraph probably means animals which _.Aproduce poisonBlive on small animalsClike to eat rabbitsDfeed on plants or grass23 . The last paragraph of the passsage suggests that this kind of defence system is_Abad for animalsBgood for forestsChelpful to some animalsDharmful to forests.24 . The passage is mainly about_Athe example of protecting forestsBthe balance between animals and plantsCthe ways of plants fighting against enemiesDthe relationship between lions and antelopesThe dodo was a ground nesting(筑巢), flightless bird. An adult dodo could grow to a height of about a meter and weigh between 45-50 pounds. The natural habitat of this kind of bird lay in the forest of Mauritius.Seed(种子) and fruits that were found in the forest were the main food of the dodo birds. As they could easily get the food they required in the forest, they didnt need to fly. As time went by, they finally lost the ability to fly. It turned out to be a major disadvantage for dodos, as they were left with no ability to protect themselves against human beings attacks in their natural habitat, which drove this kind of bird to extinction(灭绝).The extinction of the dodo started in 1505, when Portuguese sailors set their foot on the Island of Mauritius. Before this, the dodo didnt face any danger. People began to hunt them. It was not long before animals, like cats, pigs and monkeys, were also introduced to the island by humans. When ships arrived, the rats on these ships came onto the land. Though these animals were not able to attack huge dodos, it was easy for them to attack dodos nests on the ground. These animals continued to feed on dodo eggs.The dodo became a relatively(相对地) rare bird in Mauritius at the beginning of the 17thcentury, and became extinct in the end. The last reported sighting of a dodo was in 1681.25 . Why did the dodo lose its ability to fly?ABecause it liked walking on the ground.BBecause it had no enemies in the forest.CBecause it was too big to fly.DBecause it didnt need to fly to look for food.26 . What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?AHumans hunted for dodos for money .BDodos nesting places were attacked by human beings.CThe dodo became extinct because of human activity.DOther animals on the island lived mainly on dodos meat.27 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe extinction of the dodo.BThe appearance of the dodo.CThe actions taken to protect the dodo.DThe punishment for hunting the dodo.四、句型转换28 . Hes singing now. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ now?29 . Are Anns parents taking a walk? (作否定回答)_, they _.30 . Tom is playing basketball. (对画线部分提问)_ Tom _?31 . He is playing the piano in his room. (对画线部分提问)_ he _ the piano?32 . Tom usually eats dinner at 7:00 in the evening. (用now改写句子)Tom _ dinner now.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词 (每空限一词)。33 . This term, we began to learn a new subject _(物理).34 . In our school, students usually have _(每周的) tests on each subject.35 . The results of all the _(竞赛) will come out next Monday.36 . Simon is helpful, he often enjoys _(自动给予) me help.37 . Whats the total _(重量) of the three babies?About 10 kilograms.六、完成句子38 . Good afternoon, Alice!Good _,Amy!七、材料作文39 . (本大题10分,开头已给出,但不计入总词数,文中不能出现真实姓名和校名)Animalthe pandaLookColor黑白色Eyes圆圆的黑眼睛Favorite foodbambooReason非常可爱My favorite animal in the zooMy name is Li Ming . Today_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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