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外研版英语七年级下册第八模块综合提优测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What would you like to do to relax yourself?I preferbasketball rather than magazines.Aplaying;readingBto play;to readCplay;readDto play;read2 . Dont point _ others with your hand. Its not polite.AatBtoCinDfor3 . The boy noticed a man_the house just now.AenteredBto enterCentersDenter4 . Here is the dictionary.Thank you. Ill _ it on time.AkeepBreturnChaveDborrow5 . Dont leave your books on the table. Please_.Atake away itBtake them awayCtake away themDtake it away6 . -_? Its September 10th.AWhat day is it?BWhats the date?CWhats it?7 . -_ does his father make a living ?- _driving a taxi.AHow , ByBHow , WithCWhat , ByDHow, In8 . When and where _ you born ? I _ born in Shanghai _ September 1, 1990.Awas, were, atBwere, was, onCwas, was, onDwere, was, in9 . Most of us will spend most time _lessons.AstudyBto studyCstudyingDstudied10 . Do you want to go now,would you like to leave later?AbutBorCandDso11 . (2017届山东省滨州市滨城区九年级第二次模拟)David enjoys _ music at weekends, but I prefer _ for a picnic.Alistening to;go outBlistening to;to go outCto listen to;to go outDlisten to;going out12 . -Who broke the window?-_. A strong wind broke it last night.ASomebodyBAnybodyCNobodyDEverybody二、完型填空(题文)根据短文内容, 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。What do you think a hero is? In this story, a brother and a sister have different ideas.It was on Apri1 10. Kwan was excited. The newspaper was_a writing contest(比赛). The winners story would be printed in the newspaper!“It says to write about someone_you think is a hero,” Kwan said. “I will write about my favorite soccer player. Hes_hero.”Kwans sister, Cho, asked,“Can I enter the contest?”“No. Youre too little,” Kwan said.“You wont win.” He_his soccer ball and went outside.Cho knew what to do._, she took the newspaper. Next, she read the contest rules. Then, she began to write. “I believe that I can win,” she said to herself.When Cho had finished, she found her mother. She told her mother_the contest. “Who did you write about?”asked Mother.“I chose Rosa Parks,” said Cho. “She was a true_She believed everyone was equa1 (平等的). She wanted all people to be treated the same.”On tht morning of June 3, Kwan ran outside to get the newspaper.“The contest winners story_in todays newspaper!” he shoutedTwo minutes_, Kwan came back inside.“I guess I need to reconsider(重新考虑) what I said to you, Cho. You are not too_. You won the contest!”“Your story taught me a lot,” Kwan said, “Rosa Parks was a true hero.”13 . (小题1)AhavingBwinningClosingDwatching14 . (小题2)AwhichBwhoseCwhoDwhat15 . (小题3)AIBmeCmineDmy16 . (小题4)Afixed upBmade upCpicked upDput up17 . (小题5)AFirstBThenCNextDFinally18 . (小题6)AwithBfromConDabout19 . (小题7)AfriendBheroCwinnerDactress20 . (小题8)Acan printBcant printCwill beDwont be21 . (小题9)AlateBlaterCearlyDearlier22 . (小题10)AlittleBsmallColdDbig三、阅读单选Nick is a 14-year-old schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has little free time. He thinks playing computer games is the best way to relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just like that way, he neither eats nor drinks for several hours.Last weekend, he played games in front of the computer again. He was too excited and didnt want to move. He didnt have anything for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor told him he should do some different kinds of activities. In other words, he needs more exercise to make him have a healthy body.After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctors advice. He often plays soccer with his friends. Sometimes he still plays computer games or weekends, but he never does it for long. Now, he lives a happy and healthy life.23 . How old is Nick?A13.B14C15D1624 . Nick likes_ in his free time.Ariding a bikeBplaying the guitarCplaying computer gamesDhaving a school trip E25 . Who took Nick to the hospital?AWe are not sure.BHis mom,CHis friend.DHis dad.26 . Why was Nick taken to the hospital?ABecause he was too excited.BBecause he had a cold in the morning.CBecause he was too nervous of his studies.DBecause he couldnt move after playing computer games.27 . Nick should follow the doctors advice toAgo to the moviesBlisten to musicCtake more exerciseDplay computer gamesDario and his mother loved their new apartmentThe living room was large enough for their pianoThat night,the two of them sat side by side at the pianoThey played jazz music to celebrate their new homeThe loud music filled the room and made them feel very happyThe next morning,however,their happiness disappearedSomeone had left a note under their door during the nightOne of their neighbor had written to complain(抱怨) about the sound of the pianoDarios mother asked the building superintendent(管理员) if he knew anything about itBut he said that they were all nice people and he couldnt imagine any of them had done thatLater that morning,Dario suggested that they write a letter to their neighbors and apologize for their playingMaybe we could go and visit everyone in personhis mother saidWhat if we invited them to come here for a party instead?Dario askedThey both loved the ideaOver the next few days,they sent out invitations and prepared desserts for their guestsThey decorated the apartment with streamers and party lightsFinally,the day of the party arrivedSome guests brought presentsOthers brought flowersSome even brought desserts to shareOne woman,Mrs. Gilbert,presented Darios mother with a book of piano music by ChopinI heard you playing the other night,she saidThe sounds woke me out of bedI worried that you might play like this every nightSo I wrote a short noteI hope you dont think I disliked the playingDarios mother smiled at Mrs. GilbertI think maybe we owe you an apologyshe saidI didnt realize how late it was when we were playingMaybe we should play some quieter music at nightYou play,you play!Mrs. Gilbert saidI like what you play! Just not so loud at nightShe pointed to the book she had given themThese songs are not such loud musicThese songs are beautiful musicDarios mother saidWe will be happy to play them in the eveningAnd we wont play so loud or late!Dario saidHe was already looking forward to practicing the new musicMore than that,however,he was happy to see the big smile on his mothers faceIt gave him a feeling of warmth and made him feel that they were home at last28 . From the first two paragraphs we know that _.ADario an his mother were both musiciansBDario and his mother had just moved to a new neighborhoodCthe superintendent left a note under their door during the nightDsomeone complained because they didnt like jazz music29 . Dario and his mother held a party _.Ato celebrate their new homeBto make new friendsCto show their apologyDto get many presents and flowers30 . The word streamers in the passage means something showing peoples _.AhappinessBsadnessCsafenessDkindness31 . Mrs. Gilbert presented Darios mother with a book of piano music by Chopin because _.ADario liked Chopins piano musicBshe disliked Darios playingCshe wanted Dario to play some quiet musicDshe wanted to learn music from Darios mother32 . The best title for the passage may be _.ADaio and His MotherBNew NeighborsCA Book of Piano MusicDHome at LastTom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other. Sometimes they were not. But some of their classmates said they were like brothers.One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant (饭馆) to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked,“What can I do for you?”“Please bring us two apples first,”said Tom.When the waiter put the two apples on the table,Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry.“You are impolite (没礼貌). Why didnt you take the smaller one?”Tom said.“But I was right,” said Mike with a smile.“If I let you take first, which one will you choose?”“Of course Ill take the smaller one,”said Tom.“Yes,” Mike said,“If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will be mine. Dont you think so?”“Oh,”Tom couldnt answer.33 . Tom and Mike were_.Anot always kind to each otherBnot students in the same classCbrothersDnot classmates34 . One day they went out_Ato have lunchBto take a walkCto buy applesDto sit in a restaurant35 . The waiter brought them _before the meal.Atwo eggsBtwo orangesCtwo applesDsome milk36 . Mike took the _apple.AbetterBbiggerCsmallerDworse37 . Who ate the bigger apple finally? _.AMikeBTomCBoth Tom and MikeDNobody四、句型转换. 同义句转换38 . She won the chess game at last.(改为同义句)She won the chess game _.39 . She decided that she would buy the book.She decided _ the book.40 . He stopped and had a look at me.He stopped _ a look at me.41 . I helped him with his English.I helped him _ English.42 . He was so angry that he couldnt say anything.He was too angry _ anything.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母提示拼写单词43 . They didn t like the f_ in the bowl.44 . Once upon a time, there was a little girl c_ Betty.45 . She was a_ in Baby Bear s bed.46 . The stories always b_ with“Once upon a time”47 . Baby Bear p_ at the girl in his bed.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空48 . Susan felt really _(surprise)at the surprising news.49 . He often goes to school without _(have)breakfast.50 . I miss my parents very much. Im looking forward to_(see)them again.51 . Thanks so much for _(plan)for this party.52 . Kim invites me _(spend)my summer vacation with him in Tibet.53 . Its important to know how to turn down an _(invite)politely.54 . All the students are busy making _(prepare)for the school music concert.55 . I _(take)a trip to Shanghai the day after tomorrow.56 . Jane didnt play computer games until she_(finish)her homework.57 . He _(catch)me by the arm and said, “Dont forget.”七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。58 . 他把他所有的钱都捐给了一所中学。He _ all his money to a middle school.59 . 我爸爸喜欢吃早饭的时候浏览报纸。My father likes _ the newspapers while he is having breakfast.60 . 直到雨停了,我们才回家。We _ go home_the rain stopped.61 . 鲍勃吃惊地看着墙上的画一句话也没说。Bob looked at the pictures on the wall in _ and said _.62 . 我经常在电话里和他沟通。I often_ him on the phone.八、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: 63 . ?B: I was at home yesterday.A: 64 . ?B: I was ill in bed.A: I m sorry to hear that. 65 . ?B: Yes, I went to the hospital yesterday morning.A: 66 . ?B: He told me to have more rest.A: 67 . .B: Thankyou, sir.九、多任务混合问题阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree far away in turns. The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall. When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly. The second son said no; it was covered with green leaves, and full of hope. The third son disagreed. He said there were many flowers that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them, he said there was lots of fruit in the tree, full of life and harvest(收获). The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, but they had each seen only one season in the trees life. He told them “You cannot judge a tree, or a person by only one season and its true nature the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be judged at the end, when all the seasons are up.” If you give up when its winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, harvest of your fall. Dont let the pain of one season kill the joy of all the rest. 68 . Why did the man ask his sons to go and look at a pear tree in turns?69 . Did the four sons have the same answer?70 . What did the man think about his sons answers?71 . 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。72 . 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。十、材料作文73 . 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。帮助他人就是帮助我们自己。请你根据内容提示写一篇英文,和同学们分享你帮助他人的经历及感悟。内容提示:帮助他人的一次经历帮助他人的感悟参考词汇:unforgettable,experience要求:词数80左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数必须包括内容提示,可适当发挥。语句通顺,意思连贯文字中不得出现真实人名,校名,其他地名Everyone may meet with difficulties in his life. We need others help when we are in trouble. Now Id like to share._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、


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