北师大版(同北京课改版)英语七年级下册Unit5 Now and then检测题

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北师大版(同北京课改版)英语七年级下册Unit5 Now and then检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . CCTV-10 often plays around the world. It can help us learn more about not only nature but also different cultures and customs.Anew somethingBsomething newCanything new2 . 一What does David often do at weekends一He oftenmountains with his friends.AclimbsBclimbedCwill climbDis climbing3 . -_ is that red dress?-Its fifty yuan.AWhatBHow expensiveChow highDHow much4 . -Mark speaks English well, but you _ him.-Thank you.Aspeak as badly asBspeak worse thanCdont speak as badly asDspeak much better than5 . It is getting harder and harder money for the poor kids now, because the price(物价)keeps .Ato raise; to riseBto raise; risingCto rise; to raiseDto rise; raising6 . Lets, OK?Ago fishBto go fishCgo fishingDto go fishing7 . (2014泰州市) -Is thereelse in the classroom?-It is empty. is listening to a speech in the school hall.Aanyone; AnyoneBanyone; EveryoneCeveryone; AnyoneDeveryone; Everyone8 . Theretwo chairs beside the sofa in my room.AisBareCbeDwas9 . How can I find Mr. Zhang?You can _ him _ 123-4567.Aask; forBe-mail; atCthank; forDcall; at10 . Mother puts the desk _ the two beds .AonBatCbetweenDin二、补全对话6选5补全对话,每空一词A. What is the name of the city?B. What was she like?C. How old was she?D. When were you born?E. She was very tall.F. Who was your first teacher?A: 11 . B: I was born in 1988.A: Where were you born?B: I was born in a big city.A: 12 . B: Shanghai.A: 13 . B: My first teacher was Mrs. Li. 14 . A: 15 . B: She was very friendly. We loved her very much.三、完型填空Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in_of the small towns in England. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London, the_of England. There were several younger children in the_.Their life was_.So Dickens could not go to school. He didnt go to_until his father came out of prison (监狱).At that time he was_twelve years old. But he did not finish school. Two years_, he began to work. He often went to the library to_books. He read a lot. Then Dickens wrote lots of novels and stories all his _.Dickens died over a hundred years ago._ people are still reading his books with great interest.16 . AanyBoneCsomeDa17 . AcityBtownCcapitalDcountry18 . AschoolBclassCcityDfamily19 . AgoodBhardCeasyDwonderful20 . AschoolBa schoolCthe schoolDschools21 . AalreadyByetCstillDnever22 . AagoBbeforeClaterDsince23 . AseeBbuyCsellDread24 . AmoneyBhomeCclassDlife25 . AButBSoCWhyDWhile四、阅读单选Class ScheduleTimeClass8:008:509:009:509:5010:0510:1011:0011:1012:00HistoryMathsMorning breakEnglishPE12:0012:501:001:502:002:50LunchArt and craftChemistryHi, my name is Alex. This is my school schedule. I have to wake up every morning at about 6:30. First, I have breakfast. Then I go to school on foot. It takes me 20 minutes to get there.I have four classes in the morning. I like history the most. Mr. Rudolph is really cool because he knows everything about history, and he tells us lots of interesting stories. We also get a 15-minutes break in the morning. I usually talk to Seth and Franklin at that time. We also share our lunch together, near the football pitch.The afternoon is easier, since I have only two classes. Chemistry is my favourite. We get to do fun experiments. I want to be a doctor one day. Art and craft is also fun. Our teacher, Mrs. Lester, is nice. She encourages(鼓励) us even if our drawing is bad.After class, I ride my bike home. I spend about an hour doing my homework and then, I go out with friends for a while.26 . In the morning, Alex_.Ahas an art and craft classBnever eats breakfastCwakes up after sevenDhas four classes27 . If a students drawing is not good, Mrs. Lester_.Amakes the students draw it againBstill praises(表扬) himCdoesnt encourage the studentDgives the students an “F”28 . Who are We in the second paragraph?ASeth and FranklinBMr. Rudolph and Mrs. LesterCThe afternoon classesDThe students in the class29 . Which class is NOT one of Alexs favorites?AHistoryBNot mentioned(没提及到)CChemistryDArt and craft30 . Which of the following is true(正确的) about Alexs schedule?AClasses last 50 minutes eachBAlex has eight classes a dayCHes at school 10 hours a dayDChemistry comes before English五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线上。31 . Dont be so _ (紧张不安的).32 . A good _ (计划) can help us do our work better.33 . Lets _ (欢呼) for our Chinese volleyball team.34 . The river is wide and _ (深的). Its dangerous to swim in it.35 . We bought the fruit and vegetables at the _ (市场) yesterday.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。36 . 我们必须查明他住在什么地方。We must _where he lives.37 . 他在23岁时成了一位著名的歌手。He became a famous singer _23.38 . 当她开始写作时,她用了一个新名字。She _when she began to write.39 . 她爷爷的生活不同于她的。Her grandfathers life _ hers.40 . 马克吐温离开学校后做了什么?What _Mark Twain _ after leaving school?七、回答问题Fill them upJoe: I dont want to clean my room today!Mum: It can be interesting. Here is a red box, a blue box and a green box. You can choose(选择) what things go in which box. Joe: It is interesting!Lets put all the toys in the red box. Here are my toy cars, my toy planes and my toy robots. Mum: Good!Now lets put all your clothes in the blue box. Joe: I can put my shoes, my shirts and my trousers in it. Mum: How about the pencils and books? Joe: I want them to go in the green box. Mum: Joe, look at your room. Joe: Wow, its clean!That was fast!Cleaning my room is easy and interesting!41 . What are the colours of the boxes? They are _42 . Which is the first box that Joe uses? _43 . What can Joe put in the blue box? _44 . Which box does Joe use for his exercise workbook? _45 . What do you think of Joes mums of cleaning the room? _八、材料作文46 . 书面表达请你根据以下内容提示,以“The Story of Li Hua”为题,为学校广播站英语专栏写一篇短文,介绍发生在你班同学李华身上的一件事。(1)上周五放学后李华乘高铁去北京,看到有一男子在高铁上抢占别人的靠窗座位而不坐自己的座位。(2)李华上前劝说这位男子回到自己的座位,但遭到了拒绝。(3) 乘客用手机拍了照片,发布到网上。(4)老师知道后表扬了李华,李华说制止这种不文明行为是他应该做的。(5)你觉得参考词汇:高铁 high-speed train抢占某人的靠窗座位 grab someones window seat劝说某人做某事 persuade sb. to do sth. 发布 post表扬 praise不文明的 uncivilized要求:(1)词数:80100 个。(2)短文的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。The Story of Li HuaWhen Li Hua took the high-speed train to Beijing after school last Friday,第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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