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外研版版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ dont you have some noodles for lunch, John?Thanks. I dont like noodles at all. I d like to have some rice.AHowBWhenCWhyDWhat2 . Project Hope is _ to help the poor children go to school.AaimBaimingCpurposeDwanting3 . -How many elephants did you see ? - _.ANo one B NoneBNot muchCNo many4 . -_, I could play the violin when I was only two years old.- Really?ABelieve it or notBNo problemCCome onDYou are welcome5 . The smile on Mothers face suggested she_.Awas gladBwas surprisedCis pleasedDwas annoyed6 . I _ go to bed_ my mother came back home.Awont, untilBdidnt, untilCwill, untilDwont,when7 . Tom _ his English book in the classroom last Friday.Ahave forgottenBforgotCleftDwas leaving8 . You dont need to read todays newspapers, because theres _in them.Asomething specialBnothing specialCanything special9 . These are my _. My father is fat,and my mother is short.AparentBparentsCfriendsDfather10 . The weekend , I have _ homework, so I am _ busy.Atoo much, much tooBmuch too, too muchCtoo many, many tooDmany too, too many11 . Mum, I got an “A” in the English exam yesterday.I cant believe it. _ progress youve made in English.AHow greatBWhat greatCHow a greatDWhat a great12 . I think English is _useful language.Yes, I think so. We should learn it well.AaBanC/13 . _ is the last day of a week.ASundayBFridayCSaturday14 . (2017黑龙江龙东) My cousin isheavy because he often eats fast food.Amuch too;too manyBtoo much;too muchCmuch too;too much15 . When I was late that I came to the classroom _without letting the teacher see me.AshylyBnicelyCnervouslyDsecretly二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:16 . ? B:It was great. I enjoyed it. A:17 . ? B:My family went to the Great Wall. We visited my uncle in Beijing. A:18 . ? B:No, I stayed at home and studied for the math exam, 19 . . Did you go? A:Yes, I did. I saw the Rush Hour last night. B:20 . ? A:It was really exciting.AWas it excitingBHow was your vacationCHow was the movieDFrank helped me study itEWhere did you go on vacationFWhat did you do last nightGDid you go to the movies last night三、完型填空Christmas GiftsOn last Christmas Day, our parents home was full of joys of a close family relationship but this year things are different. Our father had gone on November 26, and this was our first Christmas without him. Mother was doing her best to be good, but I could tell this was especially_for her. Im not sure if I should give her my planned Christmas gift.A few months earlier I had painted two pictures of my parents. Id planned to give them as _gifts.While painting one day, I was surprised by the doorbell ringing. I opened the_ My father came. I showed him the paintings. Finally, with tears running down his face, he said, “I dont believe it. Look, how beautiful your mother is. Will you let me decorate them with frames(相框)?” I _ offered to send them to the frame shop the next day.Several _had passed after my dad died. It seemed all happiness was taken away from my mother and me. I finally remembered to call about the paintings and was glad that my father had got a chance to see the pictures before he died. I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me my father had visited the shop,_ the frames and had them wrapped(包起来).As I _my mothers sad eyes and unsmiling face, I _to give her Daddys and my gift.After looking at the paintings and the card, with tear-filled eyes and a wide smile, she said, “I knew Daddy would be with us on Christmas Day!”I looked at the gift card with my fathers handwriting. “Mother: Our daughter reminded me why I am so lucky. Ill be looking at you always. Daddy.”21 . AinterestingBhardCeasyDproud22 . AMothers DayBbirthdayCNew YearDChristmas23 . AdoorBwindowCboxDpresent24 . AhappilyBsadlyCquicklyDstrangely25 . AminutesBhoursCweeksDyears26 . Aheard ofBpaid forCshouted atDgave up27 . Alooked atBlooked afterClooked forDlooked out28 . AhappenedBforgoCpromisedDdecided四、阅读单选For many years, we couldnt talk with the deaf. These deaf people couldnt use a spoken language.But beginning in the 1700s, the deaf were taught a special language. Using this language, they could share thoughts and ideas with others. The language they used was a language without sound. It was a sign language.How did this sign language work? The deaf learnt to make certain movements with their hands, faces and bodies. These movements stood for things and ideas. People might move their forefingers across their lips. This meant “you are not telling the truth”. They might tap their chin with three fingers. This meant “my uncle”.The deaf learned to see a finger alphabet. They used their fingers to make the letters of the alphabet. In this way, they spelled out words. Some deaf people could spell out words at a speed of 130 words per minute.The deaf dont use the sign language and finger spelling as much as they once were. Today, the deaf learn to understand others by watching their lips. They also learn how to speak.29 . How long has the sign language been taught?AFor 1700 years.BFor 700 years.CSince about 300 years ago.DSince about 200 years ago.30 . How did this sign language work?AThe deaf make certain movements using their hands, faces and bodies.BThe deaf speak with their mouth.CThe deaf talk with us by writing.DThe deaf only talk to us by using their fingers.31 . Which of the sentences is wrong?AThe sign language and finger spelling are not used as much as they once were.BToday, the deaf are taught to understand others by watching their lips.CThe deaf might tap their chin with three fingers. This mean “you are not telling the truth”.DThe deaf are also taught to see a finger alphabet.32 . The title of the passage is.AThe Deaf.BThe Blind.CThe Language of the Deaf.DThe Language of the Blind.33 . From the information in the picture, we know that Lily was born on.AJune 8, 2005BJune 22, 2005CJune 22, 2013DJune 8, 201334 . According to the personal information, we know that Mary Connor lives in.ACanadaBAmericaCEnglandDAustralia35 . You can borrow books.Aat 10:30 am on MondayBat 10:00 pm on ThursdayCat 3:30 pm on SaturdayDat 8 a.m. on Sunday36 . How many people shop online from 5pm to 8pm according to the survey of 2,000 American online shoppers?A320.B640.C800.D420.37 . Which of the following is NOT true?AYoud better wear your sun hat to enjoy wonderful sunshine.BThe boats will take you to different places for swimming.CMr. Smith and his child need to pay $160 for the tour.DYou can enjoy the beautiful view of the sea from the hotel.Where Are We Going, Dad? Season 2 finished three weeks ago, and The Voice of China had its finale(结局) last month. As much as you may miss these shows, theres no need to be worried about having nothing to watch in the coming months. With the Chinese version(版本)of well-known South Korean reality show Running Man hitting Zhejiang TV on Oct 10, a winter season is full of fun and excitement. Lets go and find out whats happening in the show.NameRunning ManChannelZhejiang TVTime9 pm, every FridayPerformersDeng Chao, Wang Baoqiang, Li Chen, Angelababy and 3 other performers38 . _ and The Voice of China finished last month.AWhere Are We Going, Dad? Season 1BRunning ManCWhere Are We Going, Dad? Season 239 . What kind of show is Running Man?ATalk show.BReality show.CSoap opera.40 . We can watch Running Man on _AZhejiang TVBHunan TVCSichuan TV41 . Can we watch Running man at 9 pm this Saturday?AYes, we can.BNo, we cant.CIm not sure.42 . How many performers are there in Chinas Running Man?A4.B3.C7.五、完成句子完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。43 . 为了赶上同学,玛丽学得更加努力。Mary studies harder_ up with her classmates。44 . 当你度假时,你应该尊重当地风俗。You should respect local customs when you_.45 . 中国因悠久的历史和丰富的文化而被熟知。China is known for its long history and rich_.46 . 在我们学校周围有许多古树。There are many old trees_.47 . 美丽的大自然依赖于每个人的保护。_depends on everyones protection.六、单词填空根据材料内容及所给首字母提示填空,使材料通顺、意思完整。I had a great time on my trip to Canada. I went with two t 48 . and all my classmates. I m49 . my family at first but at the end of the holiday, I didnt want to go home!On my favourite day, we went on a really long walk in the mountains. We had to c50 . all our things in bags on our backs (背). It was hard work but we never got b51 . because we chatted (聊天) all the way. We had a rock climbing lesson before our lunch and later that afternoon we a 52 . at a lake. There we camped for the night. I helped build the fire. The teachers and two of the older students c53 . dinner. After dinner, we sat a54 . the fire and sang songs and made wishes in the dark.Some of us girls decided to sleep outdoors (在户外) b55 . we wanted to look at the stars. Several boys made “tiger” noises trying to make u 56 . afraid, but we just laughed because we were having so much fun. Ill n 57 . forget that day.七、信息归纳Johns family is going on vacation next week. Theyre renting a house in the mountains for a week. John plans to have a relaxing time. Hes taking some books because he wants to read. Hes going hiking and bike riding. John is going to the mountains on Monday, and coming home on Friday. Hes going to a party on Saturday night.Johns mother is going on Monday, too. Shes staying all week and coming home on Sunday. She plans to take walks with her husband in the beautiful countryside.Johns father is working on Monday and Tuesday, so he cant be in the mountains then. Hes going on Wednesday morning. He plans to go fishing, and hes coming home with Johns mother.Johns sister is staying at home. Shes taking classes this summer and visiting friends.根据短文内容把对应的时间填入表格中。Going to the mountainsComing homeJohnOn Monday58 . Johns mother59 . 60 . Johns father61 . 62 . 八、材料作文63 . 书面表达艾米金(Amy Kim)是当今世界上最出名的中国摄影师之一,她的一些作品将于近日在丽都画廊(Lido Gallery)展出。请你根据下面的提示就这次摄影展写一段评论报道。词数:80左右。提示:1这次将展出她的部分最受欢迎的摄影作品。2有许多优秀的人物照和乡村照。3这是世界级别的摄影大师的一次展出,不要错过。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、信息归纳1、八、材料作文1、

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