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外研版版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its dangerous _ him _ in this river.Aof; to swimBof; swimmingCfor; to swimDfor; swimming2 . -Whatyouwhen it is snowing?- I do some washing with my mother at home.Aare, doBare, doingCdo, doDare, going to do3 . I hope the traffic in our city will become more in the future.AeasyBconvenientCquicklyDbetter4 . Thank you for the time and trouble youve taken to drive me to the airport. AMy pleasure.BYes, please.CNever mind.DOf course.5 . Where isfrom?is from Canada.AI, HisBhe, HeCyou, He6 . Is your baseball under the bed? - Sorry, I _ know.Aam notBdontCnot7 . Winter holiday is coming. Traveling to Hainan is a good _.AexcuseBreasonCpromiseDidea8 . The price of the purple socks _ only 5 dollars for 3 pairs.AareBisChaveDhas9 . Take a look atbooklet on the shelf.It tells you how to use the new cooker.AaBanCtheD/10 . This boy is my _.AbrotherBdaughterCfatherDuncle二、完型填空My name is Dave. I _ a good friend. His name is Tom. He is Chinese. He is in Beijing _ his parents now. His mother is our English _. His father is a math teacher. They all like their jobs. Tom is _ years old. He is in Class One, Grade Nine. Im in Class One, _Im in Grade Seven. Tom is a good boy. He often helps me with my Chinese. He likes English food. We often go to the restaurant for dinner.Oh, Tom has a little sister. _ name is Linda. She is only three years old. She likes bananas and apples. I often _ bananas for her. This girl likes comedies. She often _ to see movies with her parents on weekends. I like this girl and she likes me, too. She says Im very _. Well, I have an aunt. Her name is Cindy. She works at Huaxing Clothes Store. She gets up at six every morning and she gets home at six every evening. She likes playing _ piano and she has a piano. She wants to join the music club.11 . AhasBhaveCisDare12 . AwithBandCofDat13 . AteachBteachesCteachingDteacher14 . AfifthBfirstCfifteenDsecond15 . AandBatCforDbut16 . AHerBSheCTheyDWe17 . AcallBbuyCisDhas18 . AgoesBgoCgoingDget19 . AboringBdifficultCfunnyDnot well20 . AaBanCtheD/三、阅读单选21 . The above material is probably from_.Aa website for buying booksBa book reviewCa poster in a book shopDan advertisement in a newspaper22 . If you buy a new hardcover book from Amazon, _ .Ayou will pay $12.00Byou will save $1.73Cyou will pay $7.74Dyoull pay $8.8823 . If you want to buy a used paperback book, youll pay at least_.A$2.59B$6.98C$7.74D$8.8824 . In this material, “in stock” probably means_.Aavailable for saleBsold outConly one leftDnot arrived.25 . Which is not true according to the material?APeople in China can buy this book from Amazon.BThis book is written by Sam McBratney.CYou can share the information of this bookDYou can buy this audible book from Amazon.Choose the best answerHow does your lunch taste? Students at the Philips Academy Charter School in the US say their lunch taste fresh and “proud”.From grades 6 to 8 students in the school had to grow their own lunch. On the small farm inside their kitchen, they grew crops like broccoli and many kinds of Asian greens.To most students, it was the first time for them to see how food is produced (生产). The greens grow under artificial lights (人造灯). Each month, students from different grades come to observe (观察) and water them. The farm produced about 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of leafy greens every three weeks. The fresh food was soon on the studentstable. “We harvest it and then its used in the kitchen and the salad bar. And were eating it during lunch, and its fun,”said Yves Millien, 14.And this organic (有机的) project is not only for teaching science. It really helped change studentseating behavior. Catkin Flowers, 13, hated green food before. She thought they tasted bad. However, aft er she grew her own crops, Catkin changed her mind.“I made this and I want to eat it because its good and I am proud of it,”said Catkin.26 . The students say their lunch tastes “proud” because _.Athey grow their own lunchBtheir lunch tastes deliciousCthey cook their own lunchDtheir lunch is good for their health27 . The students grow vegetables _.Ain their classroomsBin their school kitchenCon a nearby farmDon the playground28 . The farm takes _ to produce about 8 pounds of leafy greens.Aone monthBtwo weeksCa weekDthree weeks29 . According to Catkin Flowers, the project has changes her _.Aattitude toward scienceBeating habitsCwork styleDlearning habits30 . What can we infer from the story?AThe school doesnt have enough money to buy food.BStudents in the US enjoy growing vegetables.CThe project is part of the schools science class.DThe project aims to change studentseating habits.阅读下列图表,回答 43-45 小题。Jacksons Yearly SaleThis week only (Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)Mens and womens clothing: Shoes, coats, sweaters, swimwear and jeans Furniture(家具): Sofas, dining tables, chairs and bookcasesAddress: The corner of Main and East StreetSmiles is having a big weekend sale TVs, radios, and computers Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Fort Street MallAppleOpen Time: 8: 00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m.Come and see what we have on sale for your office! On First Street30% off office furniture: Desks and bookcases20% off office equipment(设备): Typewriters(打印机) and telephones 10% off office things: Pens and paper31 . A telephone used to be $200 at Apple, but you only have to payfor it now.A$140.B$160C$18032 . Our school needs sofas and something for teachers to take notes, we should go to.AJacksons and SmilesBSmiles and AppleCJacksons and Apple33 . From the chart, we can learn.Awe can go and buy some desks at 7 p.m.BJacksons has the longest opening hours in a dayCif we want to buy some womens clothes, we can go to First Street四、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节单词拼写34 . Della felt sad because she could not a_ a present for her husband.35 . The n_ called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer attracts teenagers around the world.36 . Angela was l_ because she won a prize to the lovely city of Paris.37 . A balanced d_ means having different kinds of healthy food every day.38 . I enjoy helping my mum cook a delicious m_ in my spare time.39 . Aunt Polly wants Tom to paint their fence. However, Tom is l_. He would prefer to play games.五、语法填空I get40 . at 7:00 and I go to school at 8:00. I41 . (have)science at 9:00 and then I have maths at 10:00. Maths is42 . (I)favourite subject. I like maths43 . its interesting. Mr Tan is my maths teacher and Mr Li is my 44 . (China)teacher. They are good 45 . (teacher).I have lunch at 12:00 46 . then I have music at 13:00. I have history at 14:00. I47 . (not)like history,48 . I really like art. I have art at 14:0049 . Wednesday.六、回答问题根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Istillremember (记得) myfirst Englishclass.Itisveryinteresting.Theteachergoesintothe classroomwithasmile(微笑) onhisface. Atthebeginning, hemakesaself-introduction (自我介绍). AndhetellsusthathisEnglishnameisJohnSmith. Thenheasksallofustofind English namesforourselves (我们自己).Weareveryhappytofindagoodname.Then heasksustowrite ournamesdownonournotebooks.IthinkaboutmyEnglishnameforalongtime.ThenIcomeupwith(想出)a nicenameShirley.Allthestudentswritetheirnamesdown andgivetheir notebookstothe teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up (站立) at the same time.50 . How is the writers first English class?_51 . Whats the first name of the English teacher?_52 . What does the teacher ask the students to find?_53 . Where do the students write down their English names?_54 . Why do three girls stand up when the teacher calls “Shirley”?_七、看图作文55 . 书面表达。下面的图片描述了李平上周收留流浪狗的故事。请根据图片内容,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇约 100 词的英语短文,完整描述图画情景,并表述自己对此事的看法。参考词汇:a stray dog 流浪狗givea bath 给洗澡第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、回答问题1、七、看图作文1、

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