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北师大版中考一模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ the traffic was heavy yesterday, we got to the bus station on time.ASinceBUnlessCAlthoughDIf2 . The satellite image shows there willnext Sunday.Asnow onBbe snowyCbe snowDbe snow on3 . I dont like people _ talk much but do little.AwhoBthatCwhichDwhose4 . At that moment,he was last _ the room with his friendsAseen leavingBto see leaveCseen to leavingDto see to leave5 . Dont eat in class, Peter!_.AGood idea!BSorry, Mr. Wang.CThat sounds fun.DThanks a lot.6 . What _ lovely day today! What about going out for _ walk?Aa; anBa; aCthe; theD/; /7 . -Do you know_ girl riding a bike is _ university student, Jim?-Really? She is so young.AA; anBThe ; anCA ; theDThe ; a8 . Some buildings along the street _to keep the city clean.Apulled downBwere pulled downCwas pulled down9 . The moon light is coming in _ the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.AoverBthroughCcrossDacross10 . I passed the driving test yesterday.Did you? I _ it yet.Ahadnt passedBhavent passedCdont passDdidnt pass11 . You can learn English by_.AmyselfByourselfChimselfDherself12 . 一Do you know the new player of our school team?一Of course! I have never seen _.Aa best oneBa taller oneCthe tall oneDthe good one13 . My grandpas 60th birthday party is next Wednesday. Now everyone in my family is_ it.Apreparing forBwriting downCturning downDlooking after14 . (2018山东临沂) Excuse me, could you please tell me _ from here to the airport? Sure, Its about 100 kilometers.Ahow far it isBhow long it takesChow far is itDhow long does it take15 . You dont have to know the writers name to find a book. You _ find it by the title.AmustBcanCneedDshould二、完型填空My name is Paul. This happened to me when I was traveling in Paris.I was walking on the street when a man came up to me. Do you speak English? he asked.Yes, I said.Then he said he was a cook from Montreal, Canada. He told me he had a(n) _. Im here in Paris with my wife and our _ children, and we dont have enough money for a hotel. My wife tried to get money from a cash machine (自动取款机), but she couldnt _ the PIN number (密码). She used the wrong number three times, so the machine kept her card. Could you _ me? I wasnt sure, so I asked to see his passport (护照). My passport is with my wife. She is tired, so shes _ in a coffee shop with our three children. We only need $100 for the night, and I _ Ill pay you back. By this time the man was actually crying, so I thought he was telling the truth. I _ to lend him the money. Then we went to a cash machine, and I gave him the money. He said thank you and left. I _ saw him or heard from him again.I knew maybe his story wasnt true. _ I felt like I had to help him at that time. What if he had some other difficulties that he just hoped to hide _ anyone? Anyway, $100 wasnt that much and helping him made me feel peaceful.16 . AplanBproblemCillnessDidea17 . AfiveBfourCthreeDtwo18 . ArememberBwriteCchangeDcopy19 . AforgetBteachCchooseDhelp20 . AwaitingBactingCpracticingDworking21 . ArealizeBpromiseCadviseDwonder22 . AmissedBhatedCagreedDhurried23 . AstillBevenConlyDnever24 . ASoBButCOrDAnd25 . AfromBunderCwithDinto三、阅读单选In our culture, the ability to make ones own decisions is important. John F. Kennedys quote(引语)Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. shows an unpleasant truth.Much of what we know and believe has been taught to us by others, and we often accept this information without spending much time thinking it over for ourselves.In todays world, we are being presented with information, ideas and beliefs, but many of them are against each other. Psychology(心理学)tells us that if we hear an idea enough times, or心t comes from someone we respect(尊敬), we will probably believe that idea. In these cases, we base our opinions on the opinions of others. If each of us does not think about this information for ourselves and come to our own conclusions , we will become nothing more than parrots(鹦鹉) quoting the opinions of others.Examples of spreading fake news without thought can be seen on the Internet. Some people believe whatever they read and then share the story without thinking about the facts. All it takes is one quick click(点击)of the share button, and the story travels on its way to influence even more unthinking readers. This can cause serious problems.If we just stop for a moment to think about what we read and hear, and form our own opinions, we will be more thoughtful, more independent, and more creative people, but few take that time. Yet we need not lose heart over this bad habit. In fact, simply becoming aware (意识到) of it is the first step towards correcting it. Once we become aware that we tend(趋向)to hold opinions and beliefs without thinking them through, we can change that pattern of behavior. Hopefully, we can learn to experience and enjoy the discomfort of thought and form our own opinions.26 . Whats the purpose of this passage?ATo describe how Internet news spreads.BTo explain why people dont have their own opinions.CTo tell people that they should have their own thoughts.DTo warn people not to believe other peoples ideas.27 . The underlined word fake in Paragraph 4 probably meansAuntrueBunhappyCunfairDunusual28 . How can we have our own opinions according to the passage?ABy spreading the information we receive.BBy learning more about psychology.CBy quoting others opinions like parrots.DBy thinking about what we read and hear.29 . We can probably find this passage in a book aboutAhistoryBeducationCsportsDlanguagesWONDERFUL EVENTSHORSE RACING ALL YEAR ROUNDRaces Start at 3 p.m. Every Sunday City Sports CenterLots of Free Parking SpaceFree presentsNo children allowed100 YEARS OF PICTURESTHEN AND NOW(Photo Show)See the Tianjin History From 1900-2000February 1- April 30City Art Museum, 750 High StreetTuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. 5 p.m. WEEKEND SALESThis Saturday 2-6 p.m.EVERYTHING 20%-40% OFFVisit Us at Block Grandview MallRealize Your DreamsSave Time and MoneyFall in Love with Prices We OfferDANCE PARTYCELEBRATE A SPECIAL DATEBringing Your Sweet HeartSUNDAY NIGHT, COUNTRY CLUBLive Band(乐队) from 9 p.m. 1 a.m.$ 25 A Couple(夫妇)$ 15 A Single(单个的) Person30 . People can see the photo show at _.ACity Sports CenterBCity Art MuseumCGrandview MallDCounty Club31 . What can you do if you only have time between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday?AGo shoppingBGo to see a photo showCGo to the dance party with your sweet heartDGo to watch the horse racing32 . How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party?A15 dollarsB25 dollarsC30 dollarsDFor free33 . Who can not go to the horse racing?AA single personBA coupleCChildrenDFree parents四、单词填空Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he p_his things with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very h_The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark the boy decided to 1_But before he went more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug(拥抱). The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face and a_what had made him so happy. I had lunch with Love. She has got the most beautiful smile in the world. At the same time, the old womans son was also surprised at his mothers pleasure and asked whyI ate a pizza in the park w_ Love, she said, and he is much younger than I expected. If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life.34 . p_35 . h_36 . 1_37 . a_38 . w_五、信息匹配Match the beginnings of the sentences in Column with the endings in Column.(根据句意,栏目A和栏目B配对)AB1We will have a picnic tomorrowAyou will not play it well.2I will finish the book todayBIf it does not rain.3Unless you want to watch something,CI will switch the television off now.4I am going to buy a dress for my motherDunless I can think of a better idea for a present.5Unless you practice playing the piano every day,Eunless I feel tired.39 . _40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _六、信息归纳44 . 根据材料,请找出Jim Green为家人准备的晚餐,并填写表格。Today is my birthday. I want to thank my family for their love. So I cook the dinner for them. I know my mother likes hamburgers and broccoli. But my father likes chicken and tomato soup. I have a brother. He likes hamburgers, too. But he doesnt like broccoli. He likes carrots. I have a sister, too. She likes fish and French fries. I like chicken and apples. I will buy these things for the birthday part y.Father:【小题1】Mo ther:【小题2】Brother:【小题3】Sister:【小题4】Jim:【小题5】七、材料作文45 . 俗话说得好:没有规矩,不成方圆。大到一个国家,小到一个家庭,都要设立规矩。请你结合自己的实际情况,根据下面的提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下你家的家规。提示:1.What are your family rules?2.Which rules do you agree / disagree with?3.How do you change the rules that you disagree with?要求:1.短文应包括所给要点,可适当发挥;2.100词左右。3.文中不要出现真实姓名。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、单词填空1、五、信息匹配1、六、信息归纳1、七、材料作文1、

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