外研版八年级英语上册期末复习 Modules 7—8 综合测试

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外研版八年级英语上册期末复习 Modules 78 综合测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didnt like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. ” But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again.Vinces uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Vinces parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didnt like soap or water, either. The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were playing, Vince looked at Tobys hands and then went back to Tobys parents and said proudly (骄傲地), “Tobys hands are dirtier than mine, ”“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am, ”1 . When Vince saw Tobys hands, he felt _.AsorryBproudCsadDterrible2 . Vinces hands were a little_ than Tobys.AdirtierBcleanerCbiggerDsmaller3 . From the story we know that_ .AVince liked soap and water, but Toby didnt.BToby liked soap and water, but Vince didnt.CVince and Toby liked soap and water.DVince and Toby didnt like soap or water.4 . How many people are there in the story?AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six oclock on Saturday morning.In this early morning there wasnt much traffic and there werent many people.Just as I was crossing the road near the top of the hill,a car came around the corner.It was traveling very fast.Suddenly it hit a lamp post(路灯柱) and turned over.I ran to the car to help the driver at once.He was badly hurt and there was a lot of blood on his face.A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance(救护车) while I was taking care of the driver.Many people came to see what happened.A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions about the accident.After a while,the ambulance arrived and the driver was sent to the hospital.On Monday morning I went to the hospital to see the man.The doctor told me that he was much better,and he would leave the hospital after a few days rest.5 . Where did the accident happen?ANear the school.BNear the top of the hill.CIn the school.DNear the hospital.6 . What happened to the driver?AHe drove the car very well.BHis car hit a lamp post.CHis car turned over.DBoth B and C7 . Who hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance?AThe writer.BA policeman.CSome people.DA young woman.8 . What did the policeman do?AHe took the driver away.BHe sent the driver to the hospital.CHe asked the writer a lot of questions.DHe phoned for an ambulance.9 . Was the driver dead at last?AYes,he wasnt.BNo,he was.CYes,he was.DNo,he wasnt.At the age of 16, Einstein failed in several courses because he mixed with a group of naughty kids. One weekend morning, Einstein held a fishing rod and was about to fish with those kids, his father stopped him and said to him calmly,” Einstein, youre so fond of playing all day that you failed in the examination. Im so worried about your future with your mother.”“What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also failed, but dont they go fishing as usual?”“My boy, you cant think so,” Looking at Einstein, his father said lovingly, “There goes a story in our hometown. I hope you can listen to it carefully.”“There were two cats playing on the roof. Accidentally, a cat fell into the chimney holding another one When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, a cats face was polluted with the soo(烟灰) while the others face was clean. Seeing the soot-faced cat, the clean cat thought its face was dirty and ugly, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its face. the soot-faced cat saw the clean-faced cat, thinking its face was also clean, so it wandered(闲逛)in the street without washing its face.”“Einstein, no one can be your mirror. Only you are your own mirror. Taking other people to be your mirror, even a genius may become a fool.”Hearing this, Einstein was ashamed and lay down his fishing rod and returned to his small room. Since then, Einstein often took himself as a mirror to check, and reminding himself. I was special, so I neednt be as ordinary as others. This was why Einstein succeeded.Different ways and wishes will produce different attitudes(态度)towards life. You can consult the other peoples attitudes to decide your own, but you can never follow others to do so.You must see yourself clearly, and know what your goal is. Your future doesnt depend on what others do, but on what you are going to do.10 . What was the cause of Einsteins failure in his several courses?AHis parents gave him too much pressureBHe spent too much time fishing with his friends.CHe found his courses too hard for him to deal withDHe spent too much time playing with some naughty kids11 . From the story, we can know that _.Aboth of the two cats made the right decisionBthe clean cat regarded(认为)itself as its mirrorCthe soot-faced cat washed its face by the riversideDthe two cats didnt know whether their own faces were clean or not12 . Why did Einsteins father tell him the story?ATo tell his son to be his own mirrorBTo warn his son to keep away from those naughty kidsCTo remind his son to study hardDTo ask his son not to listen to other s advice13 . The word “consult” is the closet in meaning to _.A复制B参考C商量D模仿14 . The writer wants to make us realize that _.Awe should have our own attitudes towards lifeBwe should study hard to have a bright futureCwe should not make friends with bad kidsDwe should be different from othersThese nature-themed films will inspire you to get into the spirit of green living this Earth Day and everyday.ChimpanzeeChimpanzee is a nature documentary film about a young common chimpanzee named Oscar who finds himself alone in the African forests. In the movie, Oscar finds a new father who takes him in and raises him like his own child. It is the first interesting thing in the movie. The film was directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield.We sell the tickets from November 20 to November 26.To the ArticThis documentary adventure reveals an interesting tale of survival(生存). The Greg Macgillivray, and Meryl Streep, the famous actor, takes audiences into the lives of a polar bear and her twin seven-month-old kids during the 41 minutes. They work hard to find new homes. You can choose to Watch Now or Download it to a compatible device.Young Voices for the PlanetIt is a documentary. The filmmaker is Lynne Cherry. She wants everyone to know that kids can make the world different. The movie tells eight different stories of kids who are offering solutions for environmental problems. It is exciting to meet so many cool and kind kids and help their voices to be heard. Young Voices is a series of short films featuring children and young people using science to reduce the carbon footprint of their homes, schools.Amazon Instant Video$3.99 to rent$14.99 to buy15 . According to the table above, which of the following movie can we watch at home?AChimpanzee and To the Artic.BTotheArtic and YoungVoicesTorthePlanet.CChimpanzee and YoungVoicesTorthePlanet.DAll the three movies.16 . If you want to watch To the Artic and Young Voices for the Planet, you should pay at least _ .A$ 3.99B$14.99C$18.98D$2017 . The three movies are all _.AcomediesBthrillersCdocumentariesDoperas18 . From the table above we know that _.ALynne Cherry wrote To the Artic.BChimpanzee introduced a lovely kid Oscar to us.COscars new father likes him very much.DTo the Artic is about lives of penguins.二、用单词的正确形式完成句子选词或短语填空ever,write about,pity,first prize,invite19 . Its a _ that you cant go sightseeing with us tomorrow.20 . Have you _ heard of the wonderful story?21 . My parents would like to _ their friends to celebrate my birthday at home.22 . Who won the _ in the English competition?23 . What about _ your school?三、单词填空I live in a big city. Its noisy and dirty and I always f24 . very tired. At weekends,I like to leave the city and get some f25 . air and have a good rest. A few weeks ago,I decided to go to s26 . my parents. I was really looking f27 . to it. My parents live a long way away. I went to see them with James,a friend of m 28 . And we drove there on Friday night. In the middle of the night it began to rain. The roads became very wet and it was difficult to drive. We arrived home just after midnight,feeling very tired. The next m29 . it was still raining. James took his car to a garage(汽车修理站). In the afternoon the weather got b30 . .We wanted to go for a drive. My parents lent(借给)us their car. But their car wasnt very good. It didnt work on the way. How unlucky we were!We had to ring up the garage. Oh,they said, y31 . car wont be repaired until tomorrow. ” So we had to stay at my p32 . home all the day. On Sunday my mother dropped a heavy box on her foot and we had to hire(雇佣)a taxi to take h33 . to hospital. When James and I drove back home on Sunday afternoon,we got stuck(堵车)in a car accident. Oh,my God!Next time if I want a rest,Ill stay in the city.四、语法填空Once there was a man named Tom. His eyes were in great pain. He visited the best doctors in the world. He also tried different kinds of medicine. 34 . nothing helped. One day, Tom met a famous eye doctor. He advised the man to look 35 . only green things for a long time.It was a very strange36 . (suggest), but Tom wanted to try it. He 37 . (buy)boxes of green paint and painted everything green in his house. To his surprise, it38 . (real)worked! The pain was starting to go away.Several weeks later, 39 . friend in white visited Tom. While he40 . (walk)towards Toms house, Tom came running with a box of green paint and poured(倾倒)all the paint on him. The friend was very angry. Tom first said sorry to41 . (he), and then said that he had to do this-because he needed42 . (see)green things only.The friend laughed(大笑)aloud after hearing that. “Why did you paint everything green?” he asked. “It would be much43 . (easy) if you put on a pair of green glasses! You can paint all things green, but you cannot paint the whole world green!”五、填空任务型阅读阅读下面短文,把AD四个句子填入文中空缺处(5659题),使短文内容完整正确,然后完成第60小题。Driving cars is an important part of our lives. We may do it every day to get to work, to school or to visit friends.56Waiting in line at a red light, a driver may get impatient(不耐烦的) and decide just to drive right through it. If another car is coming from the other direction, there might be a terrible accident.Cutting another car off can make its driver angry, so that driver cuts off someone elses. 5758In Taiwan alone, over seven people are killed in accidents every day. The yearly death rate from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice as many as that in Japan.To allow traffic to move safely, everybody must follow the rules. Before you drive, learn all the traffic rules. 59 A. Very soon everybody is angry and impatient.B. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun.C. Driving can be very convenient, but can also cause many problems.D. Traffic accidents kill millions of people every year.44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . Whats the best title for this passage?ATraffic SafetyBLove Each Other DeeplyCSchool BusesDAnimals in Danger六、材料作文49 . 彼得的服装店(Peters Clothes Store)开张了,请用下列词语帮彼得写一则广告,至少写6句话。参考词汇:come to, T-shirt($5, in all colors), sweater($17, red and white), shoes($12, green)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、阅读单选1、2、3、4、二、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、三、单词填空1、四、语法填空1、五、填空1、六、材料作文1、


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