外研版七年级英语上册:综合测试题12 Modules 6~8

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外研版七年级英语上册:综合测试题12 Modules 68姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Emma was hanging the colorful papers, not really paying attention to where she was placing them. She was a little unhappy._, it was her birthday too and no one in her class had even said happy birthday. They were all busy planning the surprise _ for their head teacher Mr. Smith.Sure Mr. Smith was _.He knew everyones birthday and made cards for them. He highfived you when you got an A on a test, and _ you when you failed. Emma knew Mr. Smith deserved(该得)a surprise party. _ she wished just one person could remember it was her birthday too!Emma had a quick look at the huge card the class had made. It was as long as the blackboard. She knew Mr. Smith would be unhappy if they _ him presents. So she suggested the class make a card just like he did for them.“Emma, will you turn off the _ please? Ms. Clark said. “Im going to call Mr. Smith now.” Ms. Clark called Mr. Smith, saying the lights in the _ had gone out. As soon as Ms. Clark finished the call, Emma lookd around the classroom _ with a sigh(叹气)for another time and turned the lights off.The door opened and everyone shouted, “_ ”“A surprise party for _? Mr. Smith asked. He walked over to the huge card. “This is the most beautiful card Ive ever _. But it makes my birthday card kind of _ Then he turned to Emma and handed her the card. “Happy birthday, Emma. Im excited that we share the same _.Me, too, Emma said, _at Mr. Smith.Happy birthday, Emma! her classmates cheered.1 . AAfter allBBy the wayCFirst of allDFor example2 . AtalkBlessonCpartyDtrip3 . AhealthyBhumorousChandsomeDgreat4 . AthankedBpraisedC1eftDencouraged5 . AAndBButCOrDSo6 . AshowedBmadeClentDbought7 . ATVBfanClightsDcomputers8 . AclassroomBgymClibraryDyard9 . AangrilyBhappilyCslowlyDsurely10 . AWelcomeBSurpriseCMorningDGoodbye11 . AmeBherCyouDus12 . ApostedBorderedCmadeDseen13 . AexpensiveBoldCsmallDlong14 . AbirthdayBcakeCcardDdream15 . ArushingBsmilingCpointingDwaving二、阅读单选What Is Self-tracking All aboutPerhaps youve tracked(观测) how many kilometers youve run, how many hours youve slept or how much youve eaten in a day.If so, youve taken part in a popular movement called the “Quantified Self Movement” or “Self-tracking”. Maybe youve wanted to change a bad habit but couldnt. Self-tracking may be your answer. The idea is to collect information about your everyday activities and analyze(分析) them to help improve and form a healthier lifestyle.Recently, tools such as smartphones, apps, along with newly published wearable things, are making self-tracking easy. Today, one can use Fitbit, the Jawbone Up, Google Glass or a smart watch to record personal data(数据) including sleeping hours, stress levels, heart rate and mood.So why does a person self-track? Someone may be trying to lose weight or improve their sleep. Another person feels tired after eating. Self-tracking could help him to know what foods make him sleepy and watch his diet.Tracking daily activities isnt a new concept. In years past, athletes and their coaches kept notes food, training and sleep in order to achieve an athletic goal. Similarly, doctors have also helped patients to record parts of their lifestyles and eating habits to help fight health problems. However, it wasnt until 2007 that magazine writers Gary Wolf and Kim Kelly created the term (术语) “Quantified Self” or “self-tracking”.Although self-tracking has many advantages, Dennis Nash, president of Data Speaks Health Solutions, says self-tracking has its disadvantages. Once people start tracking their daily activities, it can become an extra task people like to do often. Also, they might begin to worry too much about their health.Though self-tracking doesnt make sure that ones quality of life will improve, it can encourage people to make healthier choices.16 . People choose self-tracking because _.Ait watches your eating habitsBit increases your movementCit records how many kilometers you run every dayDit collects personal data and leads to self- improvement17 . The writer mentions tools such as smartphones and apps in Paragraph 3 to show _.Awe depend too much on themBit is easier to do self-trackingCthey do harm to peoples healthDtools are necessary to do self-tracking18 . Self-tracking was firstly come up with by _.Atwo magazine writersBathletes and their coachesCdoctors and their patientsDscientists of Data Speaks Health Solutions19 . You can find this article in the part of _.AEducationBSportsCHealthDNewsVisit Dongqian Lake ZooCome and see big elephants from Yunnan and tigers from the northeast. The African giraffes are waiting for you. Clever monkeys are going to make you laugh. A lot of other animals you have never seen are waiting to meet you.Tickets:Grown-ups: ¥80Children: ¥40Under Six: FreeOpening HoursFrom Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m.Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 a.m.5:30 p.m.Keep the zoo clean.Do not feed or go near to the animals.20 . Now Mr. and Mrs. King are going to the zoo with their seven-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. How much will they pay for the tickets?AOne hundred and twenty yuan.BOne hundred and sixty yuan.CTwo hundred yuan.DEighty yuan.21 . Which is the visiting time?A8:00 a.m. on Monday.B5:00 p.m. on Thursday.C8:30 a.m. on SaturdayD7:30 p.m. on Sunday.22 . We can _ in the zoo.Athrow dirty thingsBnot go close to the animalsCnot laughDgive food to the animalsWhen I was young, my father used to grow carnations a kind of flower that was red, pink and white. He took care of them with much love and devotion (挚爱). When he came home from work every day, he would enjoy watching them. And he used to tell us, “No one should touch my flowers.”One day, my younger sister Clemence, who loved Dad very much, wanted to help him. So she cut the carnations from their stems (枝干) one by one and arranged them on the ground. She believed that Dad would be very pleased to see them that way. When Mom and I realized what my sister had done, we became completelyspeechless. However, my sister didnt know why no one showed her any appreciation (欣赏). When Dad came back, he went straight to watch the flowers as usual. Seeing his flowers lying on the ground like dead animals, he was surprised at first. He looked towards the street to see if it was any of the neighbors children who could have done it. Then he looked at Mom in silence. Finally Mom, who always taught us to tell the truth, said, “No bad neighbors did this great job, only your lovely daughter Clemence.” Dads face changed into a smile and then he said, “Do I have better flowers than my lovely daughter?” My younger sister smiled and hugged Dad strongly.23 . How many kinds of colors do carnation have according to the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.24 . Why did Clemence cut the carnations from their stems?ABecause she didnt like them.BBecause Dad told her to do so.CBecause Mum told her to do so.DBecause she wanted to help her dad.25 . What does the underlined word “speechless” mean in Chinese?A无语的B伤心的C惊奇的D无助的26 . What did the father feel after hearing what the mother said?AAngry.BExcited.Cpleased.DSad.27 . Whats the best title for this passage?AMy Cleverest SisterBMy Dads Best FlowerCMy Dads CarnationsDMy Honest MotherThis Sunday is Grandpas 70th birthday. The Smart family are going to celebrate it, so they will have a busy weckend.SaturdayMorningDad-clean the car in the gardenMom-clean the kitchen and bedroomsAmy-have dance lessons in the gymRose-workon science projects in the li-braryAfternoonMom and Dad-buy some food at the su-permarketAmy and Rose-pick up gifts and cards for GrandpEveningwatch TV togetherSundayMorningMom-make a big birthday cakeAmy and Rose -wrap Grandpas giftsAfternoonAmy-help Mom cook delicious foodRos-hep Dad ecorate the sitting roomEveningAmy and Rose-give gifts to GrandpaThe whole family- have a party28 . The Smart family will be busy this weekend because they plan to_.Awork on science projectsBdo some cleaningCcelebrate Grandpas birthdayDwatch TV togther29 . _wants tomake a birthday cake on Sunday morning.ADadBMomCAmyDRose30 . The whole family will watch TV on _.ASaturday afternoonBSaturday eveningCSunday morningDSunday evening31 . Dad and Rose will be _on Sunday after-noon.Ain the libraryBin the gymCat the supermarketDin the sitting room32 . Amy and Rose will _together.Awrap Grandpas giftsBcook the foodChave dance lessonsDdecorate the sitting room三、用单词的正确形式完成句子从下列方框中选择适当的连词填空,完成句子。sothat asas as soon as because until as but if when though and33 . She didnt go to bed _ she finished her homework.34 . I didnt buy the dictionary yesterday, _ my father will give me one.35 . Mike wants to know _ we will have a picnic tomorrow.36 . My friend spends a lot of money on books _ he is not rich.37 . This box is _ heavy _I cant carry it.38 . You should do _the teacher told you.39 . She went to the supermarket yesterday, _bought nothing.40 . _Joan Chen was 14, some people from a film company came to her school _encouraged her to study acting.41 . Please give the magazine back to me _ possible.42 . I dont think PE is _important _science.四、单词填空根据汉语提示补全短文I am a middle school student.I have a lot of 43 . (规定) in my house.I have to study harder than before.My parents are 44 . (严格) with me.Im not allowed to be late for school or stay up.I cant get my ears 45 . (穿孔)They are always worried about my 46 . (安全)I cant go out with my friends at night.I am not allowed to47 . (选择) my own clothes.I have some hobbies.But my parents think these can get in the way of my 48 . (学业)I have always wanted to be a 49 . (职业的) runner when I grow up.However,my parents wont allow me to train so much.They have always taught me how important it is to study at school and 50 . (进入) university.I know my parents care about me.But I think I should be allowed to 51 . (决定)for myself.Only then will I have a 52 . (机会)to achieve my dream.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Jane is seven years old. Today is 53 . (she)seventh birthday. She 54 . (wear)a nice new dress. She has a party at home. She invites many friends 55 . they all come to her home. They 56 . (give)many beautiful presents to her. Lingling 57 . (choose)a Tshirt as a present. Jack buys many magazines because Jane likes 58 . (read). Daming brings a pair of sports 59 . (shoe), because he wants her to get some exercise. On the table there is a lot of 60 . (food)to eat. They sing, dance, and listen 61 . music. They have 62 . great time there.六、填空请阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填上适当的单词 (每空限填一词,并将该单词的完整形式填写在答题卡内相应编号后的横线上。)Mike and Peter are good friends. They are students. Mikes birthday is in the eleventh month of the year. Peters birthday is on October 1st. Mike likes playing basketball, but Peter likes playing soccer. Mike often wears sports shoes to play basketball. He likes white sports shoes. Mikes birthday is coming. Peter goes to a sports store with his friend, Bill. At last, they buy a pair of white sports shoes for Mike. When Mike sees the shoes, he is very happy.Mike and Peter are good 63 . MikeHis birthday is in 64 . He likes playing basketball. He likes 65 . sports shoes.PeterHis 66 . is on October 1st. He likes playing soccer.Birthday Bill and Peter buy a pair of sports shoes for Mike and Mike is very 67 . .七、材料作文68 . 书面表达假如Jack是你的朋友,以下是他的个人信息,请你根据表格内容写一篇短文介绍下他。作文要包括所给全部提示,可适当发挥,词数70左右。姓名Jack年龄12性别boy国籍英国家庭成员爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、妹妹兴趣爱好及理由饮食习惯愿望想每天健康和快乐_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、填空1、七、材料作文1、


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