外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module12 Western music Unit 1 It’s so beautiful!

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外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module12 Western music Unit 1 It’s so beautiful!_第1页
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外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module12 Western music Unit 1 Its so beautiful!姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空The second season of _Got Talent was over. Robotic dancer(机械舞者) Zhuo Jun _ the best in him and beat seven other finalists(参加决赛者) and became the best _at last. His dream _as he was titled(赋予称号) “Chinas 2011 Talent”.Zhuo Jun was born in a small village in 1991. There are four people in his family, his parents, his sister and him His parents _ farmers. They dont know how to dance. Zhuo Jun began to learn dancing by himself when he was 18. Like many other young people, Zhuo Jun began to love dancing _watching Michael Jacksons dancing. He likes dancing very much. He learnt dancing_ videos and computers. When he was in senior high school, though there was much homework to do, he spent some time_dancing every day.Zhuo Jun is a hard-working boy. He often practices a dance many times. He is also a confident(自信的) boy. Before h e won the competition, he said“dont chase (追赶)_, but rather try to compete against myself” He is a modest(谦虚的) boy. When Zhou Libo praised(表扬) him as a talent, he said he just spent much _time than most people.1 . AChinaBChinasCChineseDchinas2 . Atook outBbrought outCcame outDfound out3 . AperformBwinCperformerDwinner4 . Acame outBcame trueCcame inDcame down5 . Aare allBall areCare bothDboth are6 . Abecause ofBbecauseCsoDthough7 . AonBinCthroughDby8 . ApracticeBpracticesCpracticedDpracticing9 . AothersBthe otherCotherDanother10 . AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost二、句型转换按要求改写下列各句11 . My name is Kate. (对画线部分提问)_ is _ name?12 . Her telephone number is 805-4239. (对画线部分提问)_ her telephone number?13 . My name is Mary. (改为同义句)_ Mary.14 . her, name, last, Hand, is (连词成句)Hand is _.15 . His last name is White. (改为同义句)His _ is White.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空16 . Mr Zhang is an old friend of _(我的)17 . If you are there,_ (也许)youll find something special18 . There is _ (没有什么)interesting in this picture19 . 一What would you like to _ (点),sir?一A glass of orange juice,please20 . Are there any _ (交换)students from the USA in your class?21 . Lets watch some _ (精彩的)videos together22 . There are five _ (听)of Coke in the fridge23 . I usually watch a wonderful _ (电影)at home on Saturday24 . Would you like to play _ (足球)with me725 . Lets buy a _ (披萨),shall we?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据语境,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。26 . A lot of people were _ (miss) after the earthquake in Yunnan.27 . Our room looks _ (tidy). Lets do some cleaning.28 . He didnt tell the old man the _ (true). He told a white lie instead.29 . Please stop _ (lie). We have already known what has happened.30 . Last night a young computer engineer was _ (murder) in Star Town.五、根据音标写单词根据所给音标写出下列单词。31 . /baik/_32 . /sp:ts/_33 . /greit/_34 . /memb/_35 . /mju:zik/_六、用单词的正确形式完成句子(题文)选词填空(句子选词填空) different wonder I build you36 . (小题1)When comparing the twins, you will find the _ between them.37 . (小题2)No one helps me. I learned it by _.38 . (小题3)Children, help _ to some fish.39 . (小题4)Look, those red _ are our department.40 . (小题5)I wish you have a _ holiday.七、单词填空Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our fashion show. Im Lucy. I am 41 . (wear) vintage (复古的) clothes. They are from my grandmother. They look out of fashion, but they 42 . (fit) me well. Vintage clothes will become popular in the future. Here comes Jim. He dresses up as a cow-boy. What is he wearing? 43 . (have) a guess! He is wearing a pair of jeans, with a cowboy hat on his head. Look! Nate is 44 . (come)! He is wearing a Scottish plaid skirt (苏格兰短裙). He 45 . (seem) like a girl. Thats funny!Thats all for todays show. Thanks for coming.八、语法填空语法填空It was a very special day because Dylan Terry came to the West End Childrens Home! Dylan Terry is my favorite 46 . (sing). I like him because he sings 47 . (wonderful), hes cute and he helps the kids a lot.We 48 . (stand) near the door, waiting for him. Everyone was very 49 . (excite). Finally, he arrived and shook hands with us. He was so nice! He sang several songs for us. Some of us even started dancing 50 . he was singing. We were having a great time!51 . our surprise, Dylan joined us for lunch. He brought us52 . big cake. Everyone ate some and it was delicious. While we 53 . (eat), Dylan told us many interesting 54 . (story) about himself. I never thought I could talk to my favorite pop star. It was just like a dream. I 55 . (remember) this unforgettable(难忘的) experience forever.九、其他用适当的介词填空。56 . Sue borrowed several books _the library yesterday.57 . Do you often help your mother _the dishes?58 . Can you lend the dictionary_ me,Mark?59 . My parents ask me to hang out _my friends on weekends.60 . Could you please take the dog _a walk after dinner?第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、句型转换1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、语法填空1、九、其他1、


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