外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module3 Making plans Unit 3 Language in use

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外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module3 Making plans Unit 3 Language in use姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选Do you often make a resolution on New Years Day? What will you do next for it? If you have a great resolution, it will be good for your life and study. Here is some advice on how to make a good resolution.Plan for the ResolutionHolding a goal isnt enough. You need to think out some clear steps for the resolution. So make your plan. A good plan will tell you what to do next and how to accomplish the goal at last. Making a plan is very important.Make Your Plan Right Now If you make your plan later, you may forget your resolution gradually(逐渐地). Its important that you begin making your plan right now.You should write down your resolution and plan in some place, such as a notebook or your diary.Think “Year Round”, Not Just New YearsNothing big can be finished in one day. You make a resolution in one day. It doesnt mean you must finish it in one day. It may need a hundred small steps. The New Years resolution should be a starting point. You must keep a habit for accomplishing your resolution gradually.1 . What does the underlined word “accomplish” mean in Chinese?A实现B培养C制定D经营2 . If you make a resolution now, what should you do next according to the passage?AKeep it in mind and do nothing.BTell it to everyone.CAsk others to help you finish it.DThink out your steps for it.3 . What is the best title for the fourth paragraph?AKeep a Diary Every Day.BMake an Important Plan.CWrite Down Your Resolution and Plan.DFinish Your Resolution Right Now.4 . The passage is mainly about_ .Awhat is a good resolutionBhow to make a good resolutionCwhen to make a New Years resolutionDwhy we need a resolution二、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空true discuss attract pround ninety5 . Next week it will be his grandfathers _birthday.6 . Although she is not beautiful, many people find her_.7 . The little boy hoped that he would be the _of his group.8 . Are you sure that young lady is _sorry about what happened?9 . The project is still under _ these days.三、单词填空. 根据短文意义及首字母提示完成短文Hi,Im Rose. Im in Class Three,G10 . Eight. My friends often ask me w 11 . I am going to be in the f 12 . Well,I like s 13 . very much. And I often l14 . to songs by many famous15 . I can also sing some of them. So many friends t16 . I am going to be a singer. B 17 . I dont want to be a singer. I think singers work is very tiring. Then what am I going to be in the future?I want to be an English t18 . Teachers arent rich but I would be happy with my s19 . . It is my dream job.四、语法填空Do you know the song My future isnt a dream?I love the song20 . it brings me confidence(信心)。 I think that all of our dreams can come true if we work hard21 . them.When I was young, my father always22 . me what I would be in the future. Sometimes I found it very hard to give 23 . right answer. “I want to be a doctor.” “I hope to be a 24 . (science)”. Some of these answers sound like 25 . (joke), but I never think they are 26 . (meaning).I know clearly that those high buildings have solid foundations(坚实的地基). As a student, I should have a clear goal to work hard from now.Now my goal is to go to the27 . (good) university in China after high school. I know its hard, and Ill 28 . (meet) many problems. But no matter how difficult it is, Ill keep on 29 . (work) on it and never give up.五、材料作文30 . 你是李华。下周将有来自英国的学生来你校交流学习。请你给英方负责人写封电子邮件,申请其中一位同学住到你家里。邮件需包括以下三方面内容:(1)简要描述一下你的家庭情况;(2)你希望接待什么性格的学生;(3)你打算给这位学生安排什么活动。注意:(1)90词左右。邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。(2)文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。Dem Sir ar MadamI am very harmv to have a student in mv home. _Yours sincerelv.Li Hua第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、阅读单选1、二、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、三、单词填空1、四、语法填空1、五、材料作文1、

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