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仁爱版2019-2020学年中考成果检测卷(二)英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . What does Sam want to be when he grows up?AA pianist.BAn engineer.CA singer.2 . AGo on a trip to Canada.BGo on a trip to Tibet.CGo to attend a summer school.DGo to see a programme.3 . ABC4 . AThe film is wonderful.BShe nearly missed the film.CShe doesnt like the film.DShe was late for the film.二、听句子或对话选择图片5 . What is Betty doing?ABC6 . Where will Lucy go?AABBCC7 . ABC8 . ABC9 . ABC三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。10 . What kind of smartphone has the man decided to buy?AAn iPhone 8.BA Mate 9.CA Mate 10.11 . How much will the man pay for his smartphone?A3800 yuan.B3899 yuan.C3999 yuan.听对话,回答下列各小题。12 . How does Mary like her life in the new school?AShe enjoys it.BShe finds it boring.CShe feels its hard.13 . Who makes Mary love science?AHer science teacher.BHer classmate.CHer brother.14 . When will there be a science class?AAt 7:00.BAt 8:00.CAt 8:45.听对话,选择下列各小题的答案。15 . Where are they talking?AIn a cinema.BIn the street.COn the phone.16 . What are they going to do this Saturday?ATo see a film.BTo have a school trip.CTo play table tennis.17 . When will they arrive at the cinema?AAt 7:00 p.m.BAt 7:30 p.m.CAt 8:00 p.m.四、单选题18 . Lucy draws the _ of the four.Abetter. B. well C. good D. best19 . -That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _?-For 5 years.Ahow soon he will come backBhow long he has stayed thereCwhen he went thereDwhen he will come here20 . Jacks sister doesnt want_ the sports club. She doesnt like sports.AjoinBjoinsCjoiningDto join21 . You wear that red coat if you dont like it.Ahave not toBdont have toCneed not toDdoesnt have to22 . _ you please not run in the hallways?Sorry.I wont do it again.AMustBCouldCNeedDDo23 . I think the Government of Malaysia should be responsible _ the event of flight MH370.AforBonCwithDat24 . Most of the kids in our school enjoy pop songs, some hot songs on the Internet like Little Apple.AbesidesBincludingCexceptDwithout25 . I went to your home at four yesterday afternoon, but you were not in.Sorry, I _ bikes with my friends outside.Aam ridingBwas ridingCrodeDwere riding26 . A new park_ in our hometown next year.Awill buildBwill be builtCis builtDwill built27 . Boys and girls, dont lose in watching TV too much because it is bad for your eyes.AhimselfByourselfCthemselvesDyourselves28 . My fathers _ is my aunt.AsonBdaughterCsisterDbrother29 . What other things do we need to?.Apay attention; More nothingBpay attention; Nothing elseCpay attention to; Nothing moreDpay attention to; Nothing else30 . -Im going to the post office.-_youre there, can you get me some stamps?AAsBBecauseCWhileDIf31 . That fruit salad _ good. I want to eat it now.AseesBlooksCwatches32 . We have known the boy very well _came to our school last term.AwhoBwhatCwhichDwhom五、补全短文5选5Liu Guoliang has been elected as the new president of the Chinese Table Tennis Association(CTYTA)in Beijing. He becomes an excellent coach(教练)from a Grand Slam Champion(大满贯冠军). Now he steps into a new stage again. 33 . He has made great achievements in the field of table tennis. He won the mens singles and doubles gold medals at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.34 . Then he became the chief(主要的)coach of the national team in 2013. He is the Chineses pride all the time. “Now. I work as the CTTA president.35 . Im also responsible for organizing the managing department want to improve the sports development, said Liu Guoliang. Under Lius help, Chinese players have won 28 gold medals from the total 32 gold medals since table tennis became an Olympic sport in 1988. China has won 12 gold medals during the last three Olympic Games.36 . The former(之前的)president of the Chinese Table Tennis Association was Cai Zhenhua.37 . It was Cai Zhenhua who brought Chinese table tennis into the world in the 1980s. Now he has successfully handed the task to Liu Guoliang. AHe left the position last September. BLiu Guoliang was ever a talented player. CChina has been in the leading place in the past many years. DMy main task is to prepare for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. EHe became a coach of Chinese national mens team at the age of 27 in 2003.六、完型填空Toms grandfather is already 70 years old. He will stop working in two weeks. Tom and his parents planned to have a surprise_for the old man.Tom loves his grandpa and he wants to do_special for him. He remembered that his grandpa gave him a business card (名片) when he was in Grade One. He_that his grandpa would not have the job on that card again,_he decided to make a new one for him.Soon the big party came. Tom_the card with him all that evening. He didnt want to put his gift together with the others. When all the other people_, he gave the gift to his grandpa. When his grandpa_the gift, tears (眼泪) came into his eyes. It was a business card with his_job: Full- time Grandpa!“Now your full- time job is to be my grandpa!” said Tom.“Well,_will you pay me?” asked Toms grandpa.“Many hugs(拥抱)!” With these words, Tom gave a big hug _his grandpa.“Oh, thank you very much, my dear. Now I think Im the happiest man in the world!” said Toms grandpa excitedly.38 . ApartyBtripCprizeDcompetition39 . AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything40 . AforgotBknewChopedDcared41 . AbecauseBorCalthoughDso42 . AtookBbroughtCcarriedDgot43 . AleftBreachedCsleptDmoved44 . AsawBsentCwonDchose45 . AlongBshortColdDnew46 . Ahow manyBhow longChow muchDhow often47 . AwithBtoCforDat七、阅读单选No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22, 1998. It was started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. Other cities, including Taipai, Shanghai and Wuhan, also support the day.In Beijing, more and more people are joining the campaign. It asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work. It also calls on Beijingers not to use cars on June 5(World Environment Day). Thesloganfor the day is, “If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.”So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support. “We cant control the weather, but we can choose not to drive,” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman. Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year. In the first quarter of 2012, Beijing only had 52 blue sky days. This was 11 days less than the number for the same period the year before. Much of the dust comes from the desert, but cars cause most of the air pollution. We must do more for No Car Day.48 . The first No Car Day fell on _.AFebruary 2ndBJune 5thCJuly 5thDSeptember 22nd49 . _ was the first city to have No Car Day in China.ABeijingBChengduCShanghaiDWuhan50 . What does the underlined word “slogan” in Paragraph 3 mean?A目的B原因C意义D口号51 . How many blue sky days did Beijing have in the first quarter of 2011?A63.B52.C41.D238.52 . Which of the following statements is True?AChina is the first country to start No Car Day.BNo Car Day is World Environment Day.CNo Car Day has been supported by over 1,000 cities around the world so far.DMuch of the dust in the air comes from cars.As you grow older, youll be faced with some challenging decisions-like whether to cut class or try cigarettes. Making decisions on your own is hard enough. but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence(影响)how you act, to get you to do something, its called peer pressure.Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you a way to remember the planets in the solar system. Maybe you got others excited about our new favorite book, and now everyones reading it. These are examples of how peers positively influence each other.Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them. your soccer friend might try to convince(说服)you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball.It is tough to be the only one who says“no”to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.Youve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to“choose your friends wisely.”Peer pressure is a big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who dont cut class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you probably wont do these things either, even if other kids do.If you find it difficult to handle(处理)peer pressure, talk to someone you trust. Dont feel guilty if youve made a mistake or two.53 . To whom is the passage most probably written?AStudents.BParents.CTeachers.DDoctors.54 . Which of the following is NOT the positive influence of peers?AYou shared your favorite book with your friends.BYour friends asked you to cut class with them.CA classmate taught you how to solve a math problem.DA friend showed you a way to remember the planets.55 . In the last three paragraphs, the author mainly_.Aexplains why friendship is so important to us.Bshows how to choose more good friends.Cdiscusses how peers influence us in some ways.Dgives advice on how to deal with peer pressure.56 . The author gives the following suggestions EXCEPT_.ATalk to someone you trust about the problem.BTake up more hobbies to relax yourself.CFocus on your own feelings and beliefs.DChoose friends with few bad habits.57 . What is the topic of the passage?AFriendship.BMaking decisions.CPeer pressure.DProblem solving.58 . One day, in an English class, the students are having their lessons. Their teacher, a young woman is very happy. She sings some nice songs with them and then she goes to the blackboard and writes “SMILES” on it. “This is the longest(最长)word in English,” she says to the class.A girl stands up and says, “It has only six letters. How can it be the longest word in English?”The teacher smiles and says, “Oh, look! There is a mile(英里)between the first letter and the last one.”【小题1】One day, the students are having _.Aa good timeBa big mealCa long meetingDan English lesson【小题2】The young woman sings some nice songs with _.Aher childrenBher studentsCthe teacherDa girl【小题3】What does the teacher write on the blackboard?AA letter.BA word.CA song.DHer name.【小题4】A girl _ what the teacher says.AasksBbelieves(相信)CdoesntDdoesnt believe【小题5】Is the word “SMILES” the longest in English?AYes.BNo.CCertainly.DSure.Like reading?Want an interesting book to read?Here are our books. Just pick the one that you like best.The Best of the Song Books: By Harlan CobenList Price: $28.00 Price: $21.00 You save: $7.00 (25%)Customer (顾客) Review: Bookmarks by Phillips: Magazine by Patricia CornwellList Price: $24.00 Price: $18.00 You save: $6.00 (25%)Customer Review: The Mystery of Breathing: A novel by Peril KlausList Price: $15.00 Price: $12.00 You save: $ 3.00 (20%)Customer Review: Ten Little Fingers: Books for babies by Annie KebleList Price: $25.00 Price: $15.00 You save: $10.00 (40%)Customer Review: For further information, please click here: www. book . . com.59 . Which book is the most popular one, according to customer reviews?ATen Little FingersBBookmarks by PhillipsCThe Mystery of BreathingDThe Best of the Song Books60 . You read this advertisement most probablyAin a novelBin a magazineCon the internetDin a newspaper61 . Which of the following books helps you save the least money?ATen Little FingersBBookmarks by PhillipsCThe Mystery of BreathingDThe Best of Song Books62 . If you buy every one of the four books, how much would you spend?A$92.00B$66.00C$26.00D$110.00八、听短文填写表格第三节听短文根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)Science showWhereThe speaker is the63 . of this science show, and this show will be held in the64 . hall tomorrow morningWhenThe technology show will be held at65 . oclock tomorrow afternoon.WhatMany66 . inventions will be shown. You can take photos but cant67 . anything on the show.九、单词填空A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple tree he grewOne day, his friend g l68 . the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home andplant it. The farmer was h 69 . with the gift, but when he got home,he did not know w70 . to plant itHe was afraid that if he planted the tree near the r71 . , strangers would steal the fruitIf he planted the tree in one of his fields,his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the a 72 . If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruitF73 . ,he planted the tree in the woodsBut w 74 . sunlight and good soil(土壤),the tree soon diedLater the friend asked the farmer why he planted the tree in such a poor p75 . “Whats the difference? the farmer asked angrily The friend a 76 . ,“If you planted the tree in the sunlight, at least someone could e 77 . the fruitNow you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit,but also you have destroyed a good apple tree” .十、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图与话78 . heavy than _79 . feed on _80 . every day_81 . advise _82 . be used_十一、材料作文83 . 写作假如你是Cindy, 请根据下面表格中的内容,写一封电子邮件,把你周三的活动情况告诉你的好友Linda。要求:1. 70词左右 2. 可以适当发挥 3. 条理清楚WednesdayTimeSubjects/ActivitiesTimeSubjects/Activities8:00 to 8:50Chinese12:00 to 1:00Lunch9:00 to 9:50Math1:00 to 1:50Music10:00 to 10:50English2:00 to 2:50Geography11:00 to 11:50PE3:00 to 5:00Play ping-pongHi, Linda! How are you? Now let me tell you something about my Wednesday._ _Yours,Cindy十二、其他从 B栏中找出A栏中相对应的答语,并将答案的字母填在横线上.84 . _85 . _86 . _87 . _88 . _第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全短文5选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、单词填空1、十、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、十一、材料作文1、十二、其他1、

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