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北师大版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(不含听力材料)-5一、听短对话回答问题1 . ABecause he has no watch.BBecause his watch doesnt work.CBecause his watch was lost.DBecause his watch is too fast.2 . Who is using the camera?APeter.BPeters cousin.CPeters mum:3 . ATo the cinema.BTo the park.CTo the game shop.DTo the computer lab.4 . When will Susan arrive?AAt 4:30.BAt 4:45.CAt 5:20.5 . AYes, he is.BNo, he isnt.CYes, he does.DNo, he doesnt.二、听长对话回答问题听对话,完成下列各小题。6 . What did the man look for?ABooksBA new world.CAn unknown world.7 . Did he find something he wanted?AYes,he did.BNo, he didnt.CWe dont know.8 . When will he come next time?AEarlier tomorrow.BNext week.CNever come again.听对话,选择下列各小题的答案。9 . Where are they talking?AIn a cinema.BIn the street.COn the phone.10 . What are they going to do this Saturday?ATo see a film.BTo have a school trip.CTo play table tennis.11 . When will they arrive at the cinema?AAt 7:00 p.m.BAt 7:30 p.m.CAt 8:00 p.m.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。12 . How often does Tony go fishing?ATwice a month.BTwice a week.COnce a week.13 . Which of the following is true?AGrace will go fishing alone.BTony doesnt like fishing.CThey will go fishing together.长对话理解请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听三遍)14 . They will take the final exam_.Anext WednesdayBthis FridayCnext Friday15 . The man_ the coming exam.Ais worried aboutBdoesnt care aboutCfeels confident in16 . The woman may not be good at_.AmathBphysicsCChinese17 . The woman has never_ before.Abeen to a big cityBseen the seaCtravelled abroad18 . As for the summer holiday, the man may_.Ago to ThailandBvisit his parentsCleave for Sanya or Xiamen三、听短文回答问题听材料,回答下列各个小题。现在你有 20 秒钟的时间阅读下面四个小题。19 . Who is speaking now?AA teacher.BA tour guide.CA scientist.20 . Hows the weather there today?ACool.BWarm.CHot.21 . What special view will people have when they visit there?AHouses of all shapes and styles.BBirds of all colors.CSchool teachers and many pupils.22 . Which season is the best time for people to watch birds?ASpring.BSummer.CAutumn.四、补全短文7选5Making a list is helpful. It can help you plan how much time you need to get things done. 23 . Then there are things to remember when making lists. If you always add to the list, youll never be able to complete everything. You will feel sorry for not finishing everything. 24 . Then you may throw away the list.If you have one hundred items (条) you have to do, break that down into 10 lists of 10 items. 25 . Its also a good idea to organize your tasks from the most-important to the least-important. 26 . And you need to center on the work-related tasks at work. When you get home, put the work list away. 27 . This method is good because youll only be centering on one thing at a time. AYour family can help you complete your list quickly.BAlso it will keep you from forgetting things. CYour most important task should be at the top of your list. DEvery time you complete a list, you have finished 10% of your work.E. Here are some good ways to make a perfect list. F. And then be 100% centered on the things you need to do at home. G. At some point, youll get tired of feeling sorry.五、完型填空Once a gentleman was traveling in a train. He felt _ and got down at a station to look for some water. But when he got to the water tap, the train had started. He ran back but _ the train.It was getting late and he decided to spend the night at the station. The next morning he asked about the next _ . He came to know that the next train was on the other day. So he decided to find a place for a days stay It was getting _ and he could not find a place near the station.At last he reached a small village Ile asked a villager _ he could stay in his house for a night. The villager agreed. The villager cooked him food and _ him a room to stay. But he did not ask for anything in return.At seven in the evening, the gentleman heard a knock at the door, The villager opened the door. It was a _ man in black. He asked the man to pay his debts (债务).The next morning, the gentleman _ some money on the bed. When the villager found the money, he also found a note. It said: You _ me but didnt want any pay from me.Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the rich man. I knew that you were in need of_ . This is what you need.28 . AhungryBthirstyCtiredDbusy29 . AcaughtBmissedCgotDsaw30 . AbusBshipCplaneDtrain31 . AdarkBcleanCdirtyDquiet32 . AandBorCifDbut33 . AgaveBbuiltChadDbought34 . ApoorBrichCuglyDnice35 . AforgotBrememberedCleftDborrowed36 . AcookedBtaughtCtalkedDhelped37 . AfoodBmoneyCtimeDhouseMy cousin Amy likes shopping. She often buys_for her family. One day, she goes to a_. Its on sale. She buys a_skirt for her mother Cindy. Blue is her mothers favorite color. Amy buys a white shirt for her father Henry and a sweater for her sister Linda. The sweater is green and_very nice. She buys a pair of sports shoes for her_Jack. He likes playing sports, so he_them. Amy loves her grandma. And_does Amy buy for her? She buys her a_bag. She can put her radio, keys and many other things_it. Her family like the things very much. They_Amy is a good girl.38 . AfoodBshoesCbooksDclothes39 . AschoolBstoreCroomDlibrary40 . AblueBgreenCredDwhite41 . AwatchesBsellsCsoundsDlooks42 . AsisterBbrotherCfriendDuncle43 . AfindsBknowsCneedsDplays44 . AwhatBwhoCwhereDhow45 . AsmallBbigClongDshort46 . AatBonCinDto47 . AloveBgetChelpDthink六、阅读单选In the ancient Arabic tale called Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the young hero Ali Baba says “Open Sesame” and a door to hidden treasures is opened to him. The old story had a special meaning for Ma Yun. He drew inspiration from_for Alibaba.com: Chinas largest e-commerce(电子商务) website.In 1995 Ma was working for US trading company, when he was introduced to the Internet. “I knew nothing about personal computers. I had never touched a keyboard before,” he said. He searched the word “beer” and saw that nothing came up about Chinese products.Ma had an idea. Why not build a large Internet market to connect consumers(消费者) and companies from all over the world? That way they could do business online.That is how Alibaba began. His company grew quickly. But that doesn t mean everything went smoothly for Ma. Alibaba had a difficult time in 2000, when many Internet companies failed. He was successful because he managed to attract investment into his company.But there is a deeper reason.It is Mas attitude. “You deserve(值得) to live your dream,” he said. “Everyone thought I was daydreaming when I started. But the most important thing is that we believed in our dream from day one, to today and tomorrow. Of course we made many mistakes, but we never gave up hope.”Besides the determination(决心), Ma is also smart. For him, success in business is like trying to catch a rabbit. “If there are nine rabbits, focus on catching onedont try and catch them all,” he said. “Change your ways if you need to, but dont change the rabbit. Get one first, put it in your pocket and then catch the others.”48 . What does the word “it” in the first paragraph refer to(所指)?AThe young hero Ali Baba.BThe phrase “Open Sesame”.CThe old story.DThe website.49 . From Paragraph 2, we know that Ma Yun _.Awas working in an Internet company in the USBstarted to learn about computers in 1995Cwas determined to buy and sell Chinese beerDwanted to produce Chinese personal computers.50 . What happened to Ma Yun in 2000?AHe attracted investment during a difficult time.BHis company grew quickly and smoothly.CHis Internet company failed like many others.DHe founded his own company.51 . What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AMas good qualities.BThe importance of working hard.CMas hobbycatching rabbits.DThe secrets of Mas success.Spanish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place:John SmithsDate:July 131 Price:¥60Time:7:30pm9:30pm Tel:3012768Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou(周杰伦),the famous pop singer. Place:The music hall Date:July2022Price¥200¥250Time:8:00pm10:00pmShows_Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history!Place:Daqian MuseumDate:July1_August 31 Price:¥50(half for students)Time:Monday to Friday:8:30am5:30pmWeekends:9:00am8:00pmTel:271139952 . If you want to learn dancing, you can call .A2711399B4886888C2312899D301276853 . You can enjoy Jay Chous music atin the music hall.A9:00 pm on July 23B8:00 pm on July 20C7:30 pm every dayD9:30 pm on July 154 . You can learn at John Smiths.AAmerican JazzBpop songsCthe whole of Chinese historyDSpanish dancing55 . There is a big show on history at.ADaqian MuseumBthe music hallCJohn SmithsDthe meeting hall56 . If Mr. Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it?A¥70.B¥100C¥125D¥200Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much that they might hear something like this from mom or dad: “Enough! Stop and find something else to do!”It can be good advice. Studies show that video games can be good for hand-eye skills, problem-solving(解决问题的) skills, and the minds ability(能力). But too much video game playing can cause health problems.Its hard to get enough active play and exercise if youre always inside playing video games. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight.Really too much video games playing also can be bad for kids friendship and school grades.But heres the good news, playing games some of the time can be OK. Just for no more than 1 or 2 hours a week and choose good games.Whats a good game? That depends on how old you are. Your mom or dad can help choose some which is good for you. If you can choose one to make yourself better and make progress(进步), thats even better.As a teenager(青少年), you might challenge(挑战) your mom, dad or even your grandma to play with them or try some cartoons. By doing so, you can improve(提高) friendship with them and even make them feel good. But most teenagers dislike to do so. They prefer to play alone or with friends. But to be honesty(坦白说), this really makes a great difference.Theres a lot of discussion(讨论) these days about video games. Parents and teachers want to know how to help kids to choose good games.57 . Studies show that for kids video games are _.AharmfulBhelpfulCtiringDnecessary58 . Its _ for school children to play too many video games.AgoodBfriendlyCbadDlonely59 . Children can choose good games with the help of _.Atheir parentsBtheir friendsCthe teachersDthe computer60 . The problem about playing video games is _.Awhat to do with school workBhow to plan their play time wellCwhat to do with their friendshipDhow to help choose good games七、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)61 . Dolphins are very c_. They can do many things like a man does.62 . Jerry Gareia was the l_ of the band The Grateful Dead.63 . Tom often does sports and has a s_ body(身体).64 . My fathers father is my g_.65 . My c_ is Jim. He is my aunts son.66 . Jay Chou (周杰伦) can d_ and sing well.67 . Yao Ming is a famous b_ player in the world.68 . Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have two children, a son and a d_.69 . We need to come up with an i_ and make a decision at once.70 . Lily lives(居住) n_ her school. She often walks to school.八、语法填空阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。A small talk is a good way to kill time and make friends. When you are in other71 . (country), do you know how72 . (have) small talks with people?In England, the best topic(话题)is the weather. Its also a safe(安全的)topic. You can start a small talk by73 . (say) “Its a fine day, isnt it?”English people love their pets, so its also nice to start with “A 74 . (love) dog!”, “Whats its name?” But American people like to talk about sports like soccer and basketball. They also talk about clothes like “Its a nice shirt. Where did you 75 . (buy) it?” The weather is a safe talk in America, too.Of course, there 76 . (be) also a lot of topics to avoid during small talks. Dont ask people, “How old are you?” And never 77 . (ask), “How much money do you make? Where are you78 . (work) now? ”. It makes people 79 . (feel) sad. Dont ask the people you first meet if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend.At last, please remember its also important 80 . (be) polite when you talk with others.九、材料作文81 . 假设现在是周六上午10点,天气晴朗。Lucy和她的同学们正在公园里玩。请你根据下列表格中提供的信息,写一篇60词左右的短文,叙述一下他们的活动,可适当添加情节。NameActivityPlaceLucy and Katedraw picturesbeside the flowersSam and Lilydanceunder a treeLindaplay the guitaron the chairJuliewalkby the lakeTom and Kengo boatingon the lake第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、4、三、听短文回答问题1、四、补全短文7选51、五、完型填空1、2、六、阅读单选1、2、3、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、语法填空1、九、材料作文1、

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