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北师大版2019-2020学年九年级上学期第二次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I think its going to rain.-_.The weather report says itll be fine.AI think soBReally?CIm afraid not.DI hope not.2 . We have _ Art lesson _ every Monday.Aa, onBan, onCan, inDan, /3 . I look forward to _ the football game tomorrow.AwatchBwatchesCwatchingDwatched4 . You can see many tall trees on _ sides of the street in this area.AbothBneitherCallDeither5 . -_ fine day it is today!-Yes. the sunshine is _ beautiful that Id like to go hiking with you.AHow; suchBWhat a; veryCHow; soDWhat a; so6 . What class is Michael in?He is in_.AClass two, Grade sevenBTwo Class, Seven GradeCClass 2, Grade 77 . If you have any trouble, be sure to call me.AIm glad to hear thatBI have no troubleCI will. Thank youDIll think it over8 . Its time _.Ato go to homeBto go homeCgoing to homeDgoing home9 . When Robinson Crusoe got to the island, the first thing _ he did was _for some food.Awho ,lookBthat ,to lookCwhich, lookingDwhom,to be looked10 . _。Adesk; bestBfive;isCme; yesDcan; name11 . Peter isnt as _ as Amy. He often makes mistakes in his homework .AcarelessBcarefulChappyDunhappy12 . It is hard to find girl amongpeople in the supermarket.Asuch a little; so manyBso little a ; so muchCsuch little ; so manyDso little ; so much13 . From Monday to Friday,I live in the school 10 miles away_ my home.AfromBbesideCofDat14 . The mother was worried _ her baby kept _.Abecause ; cryingBso ; to cryCbecause of ; cryingDif ; cried15 . Ive got two tickets for tonights football match. One is for me, _ is for you.AotherBthe otherCothersDanother16 . My parents doctors.Theyin the same hospital.Aboth are;both workBall are;all workCare both;both workDare all;work all17 . She is the second student in our class.AshortestBmost shortestCshortDshorter18 . Did you notice a boy in white come in?I didnt, because I _ a movie.AwatchedBhave watchedCwas watchingDam watching19 . The goldfish _ a bed and we _ feed them muchAneednt, needntBdoesnt need, dont needCdont need, needntDneednt, dont need20 . The text was _ difficult _ none of us could understand it.Aso, thatBvery, thatCtoo, that二、完型填空For Pineda, it was a long way to succeed. His story began in El Salvador; where he was born with something wrong with his mouth. He had great_in speaking. At age 2, his familys house burned down. Pineda was hurt _,and his legs needed to be cut. His mother died when he was 8, and he_years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院). Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support and encouragement. He taught himself to play the guitar. He began his_with other musicians. Then the group went to Chicago, where Pineda, then 18,_the attention of many people, who wondered what they could do to help him. A hospital offered him free medical care. A rich man agreed to_for Pinedas tickets to and from El Salvador. When he was in the hospital, Pineda began_music, and wondered if he might be able to record his own album(音乐专辑)Soon with the help of a musician, “The Sound of Gratitude(感激)” was born. On October 15th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to_his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far.It was _that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship(艰难). “We have a_in El Salvador, Suffer(受难)first, then enjoy. I guess thats whats happening. ” he said.21 . ApreparationBdifficultyCdevelopmentDconversation22 . ApolitelyBwiselyCsimplyDseriously23 . AspentBusedCcostDtook24 . AspeechBeducationCperformanceDsuggestion25 . AinfluencedBcaughtCrefused.Dseparated26 . AaskBlookCpayDwait27 . AwritingBlendingCsellingDpraising28 . AlearnBleadCfindDplay29 . AfreezingBamazingCoutgoingDembarrassing30 . AmeetingBcrossingCsayingDmeaning三、阅读单选阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AThere are trains to carry people,trains to carry animals or carry thingsThere are fast trains and slow onesSome trains go through hillsIn big cities,the streets are usually very busySo you can find trains under the groundthey carry people quickly in and out of the big citiesCan a train run over the water?Yes,it canThere are many bridges over the riversThe trains can easily run over the waterBut it is not easy to build the bridgesTodays trains have dining rooms for peopleYou may eat something in them on the way if you are hungryTrains are useful to men,women and childrenMany children have model trainsWith the model trains they can build their own rails(铁轨) and enjoy the wonderful world of trains31 . There are all kinds of trainsHere all kinds of trains means _Afast trains and slow trainsBmany different kinds of trainsCtrains to go through hillsDtrains to carry people32 . The trains carry people in and out of the big cities under the ground because _Athe streets are very busyBthe cities are bigCthe trains have dining roomsDthe cities are too small33 . If you are hungry,you may go to _ of the train to have something to eat when you are traveling by trainAsome roomsBsome shopsCthe dining roomDthe station34 . Its _ for trains to run over the water but _to build bridgesAeasy;easyBeasily;not easyCdifficult;easilyDeasy;difficult35 . Which of the following is WRONG?AThere are dining rooms in trainsBThere are fast trains and slow trainsCThe trains can only carry peopleDWe can see trains under the ground四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required.36 . My uncle has planned to visit National Museum of China with me this summer.(对划线部分提问)_ your uncle planned to visit with you this summer?37 . During the test, our teacher stopped us from talking with each other.(保持句子意思不変)Our teacher _us to talk with each other during the test.38 . Did Maggie fly to New York on her own? He wondered.(合并成一句话)He wondered if Maggie_ to New York on her own.39 . The little dog is as heavy as the cat(保持原句意思)The little dog_ as_ as the cat.40 . Betty will sing us some English songs.(改被动语态)Some English songs will _ to us by Betty.41 . My daughter studies both singing and dancing in the kindergarten.(保持句意基本不变)My daughter studies singing_as dancing in the kindergarten.42 . mean, what, underlined, the, sentence, does, in, English(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。43 . Jims parents are going to Qingdao to visit an old friend of _ (they) this weekend.44 . There are several _ (Canada) working in our factory. They are friendly and helpful.45 . Kate, you look tired. Why not _ (take) a holiday?Good idea, but I have to finish the work in a week.46 . After the meeting, the two companies worked more _ (close) than before.47 . My cousin Judy _ (teach) many subjects in a poor area since she left college in 2014.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。I like keep bear agree buildsoft even hard do sad giveAfter Eduardo and Ramon hugged Grandma, they quickly ran to find Grandpa. As usual, Grandpa was in the middle of one of their projects. After48 . Grandpa a big hug, Eduardo asked, “What are you building, Grandpa?”Grandpa answered, “Something you are sure 49 . !” The boys watched Grandpa working. Then Ramon said, “Grandpa, please tell us what you50 . .”“OK. A birdhouse need to 51 . ,” Grandpa finally said. “Not just any birdhouse. I am making a birdhouse for martins.”“What is a martin?” Ramon wondered.“Martins are very amazing 52 . . They find a home and make a nest. As long as their familys home is still there, they will remain year after year. The same family will stay there as long as new babies are born.”Ramon shouted with excitement, “Grandpa, we are martins.” Grandpa stopped his work and nodded his head in 53 . .Hearing that, Eduardo said, “What! We arent birds. We cant 54 . fly.”Grandpa and Ramon smiled at each other. Grandpa 55 . held Eduardo in his arms. “We are like the martins because you and your brother come to see Grandma and 56 . each year. You and Ramon are like the baby birds that 57 . the nest happy and warm since you were born.” Eduardo smiled, too.七、单词填空Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809.His mother died when he was ten years old. Later, his family moved to Illinois and his father remarried. The family was poor, so they had to 58 . strgljust to live. In Illinois, there were 59 . teachers nor schools, but Lincolns stepmother e60 . him to study. He learned to read and write working on the farm.At twenty-one, Lincoln left home. He soon received a law license and became a lawyer. People trusted him and began to call him Honest Abe”.During the following years, he took a more active 61 . in politics. Soon he was not only a 62 . (高度地)respected lawyer but also a well-known politician. He was elected the 63 . sikstin president of the United States in 186 1,and in the same year the Civil War b64 . out.The Civil War was between the southern states that wanted to leave the Union and form their own country, and the northern states that wanted to keep all the states as one country. The southern states wanted to keep the laws that allowed them to own slaves. Both the northern stats and President Lincoln wanted to get 65 . (摆脱)of those slaves. On April 9,1865,the Civil War ended and all slaves were set 66 . Less than a week later, on April 14,1865,Abraham Lincoln was shot at the Ford Theatre in Washington, DAHe died the next day from his w67 . 八、回答问题It was a cold night in Washington, D.C., and I was heading back to the hotel when a man came to me. He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat. Id read the signs: “Dont give money to panhandlers (乞丐).” So I shook my head and kept walking.I wasnt prepared for a reply, but he said, “I really am homeless and I really am hungry! You can come with me and watch me eat!” But I kept on walking.I couldnt forget what happened to me that day for the rest of the week. I had money in mypocket and it wouldnt have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he had been lying. On a very cold night, no less, I thought the worst of a fellow human being. Flying back to Anchorage, I still couldnt help thinking of him.I was the writer of a weekly garden column (专栏)at The Anchorage Daily News. One day, out of the blue, I came up with an idea. Beans Cafe, the soup kitchen in Anchorage, feedshundreds of hungry people every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row in theirgardens for Beans? Plant a row and take it down to Beans. Clean and simple.We didnt keep records back then, but the idea began to take off. People would call me when they took something in. Those who only grew flowers gave them away. Food for the spirit.In 1995 , the Garden Writers Association of America ( GWAA) held their meeting in Anchorage and alter learning of Anchorages program, Plant a Row for Beans became Plant a Row for the Hungry. The idea was to have every member of the Garden Writers Association of America write or talk about planting a row for the hungry.As more and more people started working with the program, many companies gave free seed to customers and had the logo (商标)seen in public.Garden editor Joan Jackson raised more than 30,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables her first year, and showed the public how the program could really work. Texas fruit farms gave away food to their local food bank alter hearing about Plant a Row. Today the program continues to grow.I am shocked that millions of Americans are threatened by hunger. If every gardener inAmerica - and were seventy million strong - plants one row for the hungry, we can make a difference in the number of neighbors who dont have enough to eat. Maybe then I will stop feeling guilty (愧疚) about walking past a hungry man I could have helped.68 . Did the writer give money to the hungry man?69 . How did the writer feel alter flying back to Anchorage?70 . What did the writer try to get his readers to do?71 . What did the GWAA do for the “Plant a Row” program?72 . What is the purpose of the program?九、话题作文73 . Write a passage a short passage about the topic “A Present for My Mother”(以“给妈妈的一份礼物”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,表点符号不占格。)_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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