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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . people came to Hainan for a visit during holidays.AThousandBThousandsCThousand ofDThousands of2 . Happy birthday to you!_!AThank youBThe same to youCThats all rightDYoure welcome3 . They didnt go to bed _ they finished their homework.AuntilBbecauseCwhenDif4 . Why do you _ very happy this afternoon?Because we are going to spend the evening at Lilys house.AtasteBsoundClookDsmell5 . I hate to do the dishes.I think it isof all.AboringBmore boringCmost boringDthe most boring6 . France has _for everyone, _why not visit France this year?Aeverything;andBanything;butCnothing; soDsomething; so7 . Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean?Yes, but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours.Aacross; throughBthrough; acrossCacross; acrossDthrough; through8 . Mary _ by the lake when a black cat ran past her.AsatBhas satCwas sittingDsits9 . Julia shines at every turn in the company. And her boss pays her well.-Yeah. I hear she makes a _ $90000 every year.AextraBclearCcleanDmean10 . Can you think of any tips to protect yourselvescrime ?Asafety ; againstBsafety ; onCsafe ; againstDsafe ; on11 . I called you last night, but no one answered me.Oh, I_ a shower.Ahave takenBwas takingCtookDwill take12 . Miss Lin _ a lot of work for the poor area since 2015.AdoesBdidChas doneDwill do13 . _ interesting boy is on the play ground, he plays _ football there every day.AAn, aBA, aCA, anDAn, /14 . Amanda, you look tired today. Whats wrong?I worked_ late _ I didnt go to bed until midnight yesterday.Atoo; toBso; thatCnot only; but alsoDsuch; that15 . (题文)Lucy likes singing. We often hear her after class.AsingBto singCsingsDsang二、完型填空It is interesting to visit another country,but there are some problems when you dont know the _ very wellIt may be _ to talk with the people thereWe may not know how to use the telephone in the country that we are visitingWe may not know how to buy _ we needIn a _ country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a _It is not easy to decide how _ to tip waiters or taxi driversWhen we need help,we might not know how to ask for helpIt is not pleasant to have an experience _ that_ a short time, however,we learn what to do and what to _We learn to enjoy life in another country and then we may be _ to leave16 . AlanguageBpeopleCwordsDcountry17 . AtiredBhappyCdifficultDeasy18 . AsomethingBanythingCthingsDshopping19 . AgoodBstrangeColdDyoung20 . AshopBschoolChospitalDrestaurant21 . AsoonBmanyCmuchDoften22 . AasBlikeCforDwith23 . AAfterBAgoCBeforeDFor24 . AtalkBtellCspeakDsay25 . AgladBworriedCsorryDinterested三、阅读单选James and his wife went to Beijing Restaurant for dinner at 7:00 pm. On April 1st, 2005, while they were eating, a waitress came to tell them that the two men at the next table were film-makers and that they would like to have a talk with James.James agreed. One man came to sit down next to him and said that they were making a film named “The Magic Gloves.” The story was like “Harry Potter” and they were looking for an actor to play a magician. They would like to invite James to have a try.James was excited, “Many people think I look like Patrick Steward.” However, as he was going to leave China in 3 days, he wanted to try out after dinner. The man agreed.At 9:00 pm, when James asked for the bill so that he could go with the film-makers, the manager of Beijing Restaurant said sorry to him with a smile, “Its April Fools Day joke! Your meal is free. Thank you.”James completely forgot about it but when he found that he was fooled, he didnt leave at once. The waitress asked him if he needed some help. James said, “I was fooled once. Im afraid the meal is not free. I am waiting for the bill to see if it is another joke.”26 . James came to the restaurant _. Ato have dinnerBto meet the film-makersCto celebrate April Fools Day Dto play a magician27 . James agreed to act out because.Ahe was fullBhe thought he looked like Patrick StewardChe wanted to make some money Dhe liked Harry Potter28 . The phrase “was fooled” in the last paragraph probably means .Awas attackedBwas laughed atCwas disturbedDwas played a joke on29 . Which of the following is true? AJames stayed at the restaurant for less than two hours.BThe two men sitting next to him were really film-makers.CJames didnt know it was April Fools Day until he was told so.DJames left the restaurant right after dinner.30 . When the manager came to tell him the truth, James .Awas angry that he had been fooledBwas pleased that he had been given a free mealCwas still not sure if they were playing another joke on him Ddecided to wait for another free mealPeople all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send birthday presents. Big Ben is not a person. Its a clock. Big Ben is the great clock hanging up in a tower of the parliament building. The people of London like to see Big Bens four friendly faces. They like to hear the bell striking (敲)on the hour. Bong! Bong! Bong!Big Bens story started in 1834. In that year the old parliament building was burned down. Its clock tower fell to the ground. There had to be a new building and a new clock. Plans were made. They called for a “King of Clock, the biggest and the best in the world”. So the clock had to be big. And it had to keep very good time. In two years the big clock was made. Five more years went by before the clock tower was last finished. Then the four bells for the chimes (鸣响) were brought into the tower. And at last the big hour bell was put in place. It rang out for the first time on July 11, 1859. This great bell had to have a name. A meeting of parliament was called to pick one. “This clock is the king of clocks,” one man said. “Lets call the bell the Queen of Bells.” “Then why not Victoria?” said another (Victoria was the British queen (英国女王) at that time). The talk about names went on and on. Then Benjamin Hall got up to speak. He was a big man. By this time they were all tired. Someone shouted, “Why not call it Big Ben and be done with it?” Everybody laughed, and the meeting was over. But it was called Big Ben from then on. Not just the bell but the whole clock.31 . In 1834, what happened to the clock tower?APeople finished the clock tower.BPeople sold the clock tower.CPeople polluted the clock tower.DThe clock tower broke down.32 . Big Ben is the name of a _.AbuildingBclockCbeautiful girlDcity33 . In which year might Victoria be the British queen?A1583B1768C1620D186334 . Which is the best title (标题)for this passage?AWhy Big Ben Is So BigBBritish Parliament BuildingCHow Big Ben Got Its NameDBritish Queen VictoriaMa Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has written a book that has moved many people around the world. “Ma Yans Diary” tells us about Mas life. She lives in a poor village called Zhangjiashu in Tongxin, Ningxia, and she has no money to go to school. But she is brave and has a strong desire(欲望)to go to school.Her mother gave her diary to a French reporter, Pierre Haski when he went to Zhangjisshu in 2001. Now, it has been published(出版) in France Italy, Germany, Japan and China.Ma is now a Junior Three student at Yuwang Middle School in Tongxin. Before this, she had to leave school twice. When she had to stop going to school the first time, her mum told her there was no money for her to go to school. She worked for 21 days and saved 13 yuan. With this money, she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school but her two brothers could stay.“I want to study,” Ma wrote in her diary. “Why can boys study but girls cant? It would be wonderful if I could stay at school forever.”Ma loves school so much because she wants to have a better life.“My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my village leave school early and get married young. I dont want that kind of life,” Ma said.After her story became known, many French student sent money to her. Mas dream is the same as ever. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and become a reporter. “Then , I can find poor kids like me and help them, ” she said.35 . Which of the following can describe Ma Yans character(性格)best?ABrave.BPretty.CLucky.DPoor.36 . Now you can find “Ma Yans Diary” in all the following countries except (除了)_.AGermanyBBritainCJapanDFrance37 . Which of the following is the main(主要的) reason for Ma Yans Diary to be published?AHer mother gave her enough money to publish the book.BShe wrote about the poor life in her village.CShe is very good at writing.DHer diary was read by a French reporter.38 . Which is the reason for her leaving school for the second time?AShe had to help her mother do some housework.BHer brothers studied better than she did.CGirls were not equally treated(平等对待)in their village.DShe didnt study hard.39 . Ma Yan wants to study because she wants to _.Ateach her parents knowledgeBget more money for her study in Tsinghua UniversityCbecome more famousDget more knowledge to change her own life四、完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。40 . 我们在学校学到了很多有用的东西。We have learnt a lot of useful things _.41 . 我发现写一个与你关系很近的人很难。I found it difficult to _ someone close to you.42 . 五一节即将到来,我们都很激动开始倒计时。May Day is coming and we are all excited to start to _ the days.43 . 土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。Saturn is the second biggest planet in the_.44 . 到达山顶的时候很多人感到不舒服。Many people _ when they reached the top of the high mountain.五、填写适当的句子补全对话完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。按编号把答案依次填入下边的表格内。(共10小题,A: Peter, what are you going to be when you45 . up?B: I want to be a cook.A: It sounds interesting. Can you tell me the46 . why you want to be a cook?B: Because I like delicious food. If I am a cook, I will enjoy more nice food.A:47 . are you going to do that?B: I am going to take a cooking class after high school.A: But to be a cook is very48 . , because you have to work for long hours a day.B: I dont need to49 . about that.A: Why not?B: I will buy a robot to50 . me with cooking. They will never get bored.A: Thats a good idea. I wonder51 . you can cook now.B: Yes, but not too many. I can just make some52 . meals, like dumplings and noodles.A: Dumplings? Its my53 . . I like them so much.B: Really? Can you come to my house54 . dinner this evening? I will make some dumplings for you.A: Its so great. I must come to enjoy them.六、单词填空be, swim, remember, holiday, visit, luck, cloud, on, cook, MayMay 31st, 2017Dear Julia,Thanks a lot for your last letter. Yesterday was 55 . 30th. It was Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon-Boat Festival is also called the Duanwu Festival. This festival is 56 . lunar May 5th. People usually have dragon boat races and eat zongzi to 57 . Qu Yuan. We had a one-day 58 . yesterday. Mother got up early in the morning. She 59 . zongzi, chicken, fish and so on. They were very nice and I liked them. In the afternoon, it was very hot, so we went 60 . to enjoy the cool water in the river(河流). There 61 . many people in it. We had a lot of fun. Later on, it turned 62 . . We went home at about 4:30. It began to rain when we got home. We were so 63 . .If you plan 64 . China next year, would you like to spend(度过)this festival with us?Yours,Kangkang七、填空任务型阅读Cambridge(剑桥) is one of the top universities in the world, and its a city as well. To the surprise of some visitors, there are no walls around the university. Most of the members of the city are the students and teachers of thirty-one colleges. It got its name “Cambridge” from the river called Cam and a bridge built over it. Before the university was founded, Cambridge was a developing town. It developed(发展) faster because of the opening of the railway(铁路) and became a city in 1951. Many young students hope for a chance(机会) to study at Cambridge. Maybe youll be a member of Cambridge one day.Something about CambridgeThe appearance(外观) of CambridgeNo walls around the 45.65 . The origin(来源) of its nameRiver Cam and a 46.66 . over itBefore the university was foundedCambridge was a 47.67 . townThe 48.68 . why Cambridge developedfasterThe 49.69 . of the railway八、话题作文70 . Write at least 50 words on the topic “My Family“. (以“我的家庭”为题,写一篇至少50个单词的短文,要求语句正确通顺,内容连贯,标点符号不占格)_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、完成句子1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、话题作文1、

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