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冀教版九年级中考英语模拟试卷(二)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2019八下建平期中) Mum, could I go to the movies tonight? _.A . Yes, you couldB . No, you couldntC . Yes, you canD . No, you neednt2. (2分) ProjectHopehasbuiltmanyschools_bigclassroomsandlibraries.A . inB . ofC . forD . with3. (2分) (2016七上夏津开学考) Ive got a toothache. Im going to the _. A . parkB . dentistC . teacher4. (2分) I felt _ all day. A . sleepingB . asleepC . sleepyD . sleep5. (2分) Do you like Zhang Bichens song?Yes. She is the winner of The Voice of China . I cant think of anyone with a _ voice.A . bestB . betterC . worseD . worst6. (2分) Tom made_ mistakes than Simon in the English test, but he made _ mistakes than Lucy. Simon made_ mistakes of the three.A . more, fewer, fewestB . less, fewer, leastC . less, fewer, the fewestD . more, fewer, the fewest7. (2分) Can I watch TV now?No, you _. Its 10 oclock. You _ go to bed.A . cant; canB . cant; mustC . may not; canD . neednt; must8. (2分) After training for two months, we won the first prize in the competition. A . actuallyB . finallyC . usually9. (2分) Its better to teach a man to fish than_ him fish. A . to giveB . givingC . to findD . finding10. (2分) The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it. A . was travelingB . traveledC . had been travelingD . was to travel11. (2分) The computer was invented . A . in 1940sB . at the 1940sC . in the 1940D . in the 1940s12. (2分) The skirt looks different from others and it is nice.Thanks. It _ by my mother last month.A . madeB . is madeC . was madeD . has been made13. (2分) Is Grandpa sleeping?Yes. So keep quiet!A . silentB . safeC . alive14. (2分) (2019长沙) China is getting better at making hi-tech products _ can be bought in all parts of the world. A . whoB . whichC . what15. (2分) How are you, Danny? _.A . Nice to meet you.B . Im fine.C . Hello!D . Im from China.二、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)16. (1分) 通读全文,根据短文理解,选择最佳答案填空。 Every school has its own rules. How many1are there in your school? At some schools, the students2to wear uniforms on school days. But many students dont want to wear the school uniforms. They think the uniforms are the ugly3. But the school doesnt allow students to wear4own clothes at school. So some students draw cartoons or other famous singers on their5. They think it is very6that all the students wear the same. It isnt very good that teachers and students are wearing7. But most of the students8the rules. What do you think9? Do you10your school uniforms?(1)A . students B . rules C . uniforms D . rulers (2)A . has B . must C . should D . have (3)A . clothes B . shirts C . Skirts D . cloth (4)A . their B . they C . them D . themselves (5)A . schoolbags B . books C . uniforms D . desks (6)A . bored B . boring C . interesting D . interested (7)A . same B . differently C . different D . the same (8)A . follow B . agree C . listen D . listen to (9)A . of B . about C . by D . for (10)A . wash B . make C . like D . put on 17. (1分) 完形填空 Every day after school, Jack locked himself in his bedroom. He was working on a(n)1project. He didnt tell anyone what he was doing, not even his best friend Larry. Jack finally 2. He made a robot. It looked like Jack. The robot had orange hair and wore glasses. The robot and Jack both talked in a special voice. Life is going to be 3now! shouted Jack. I will send my robot to school while I will 4at home and play.The next morning the robot ate breakfast. Then, he took the bus to school. After school, the bus sent the robot back home. The robot knocked on the door. Sweetie, Im so glad you come back. I really5you! said Mum. Then she took the robot into the kitchen and gave him a snack before6.I had lots of 7at school today, said the robot. I went to a space museum. I got to 8a real spacesuit. It was too big for me. Jack was 9outside the kitchen. He was10. He wanted to be an astronaut. He thought this wasnt a good idea. So the next day, Jack went to school himself. (1)A . easy B . bad C . secret (2)A . arrived B . finished C . started (3)A . terrible B . similar C . easy (4)A . stay B . walk C . study (5)A . worry B . miss C . understand (6)A . breakfast B . lunch C . dinner (7)A . time B . diseases C . fun (8)A . put on B . listen to C . think about (9)A . apologizing B . listening C . talking (10)A . happy B . hard-working C . sad 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分) (2019山东模拟) 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。Jane: Hi, Tina!1Tina: Im going to the childrens hospital to help out with something.Jane: 2Tina. Yes.Jane: Thats great. How often do you do it?Tina: Once a week. You know I have lots of other things to do on weekends.Jane:3Tina: I usually tell stories, play games with the sick children and so on.Jane:4Tina: Of course you can. Ill go there this Sunday morning. You can go with me then.Jane: OK.5Tina: Lets meet at the school gate at eight thirty.Jane: OK. See you!(1)A . Whats the matter with your sister? B . Do you want to be a doctor? C . Whats your plan for the weekend? D . Is there a hospital near here? (2)A . Did you have a good vacation? B . Do you often do volunteer work? C . Were you late for the meeting? D . Are your parents at home today? (3)A . Do you like watching game shows? B . Do you help your mom with housework? C . How many children did you meet? D . What do you do in the childrens hospital? (4)A . Can I join you? B . That sounds interesting. C . Can you help me? D . Im good with children. (5)A . When will she arrive? B . When did you leave? C . Where shall we meet? D . Where do they live? 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共49分)19. (8分) (2019朝阳模拟) 阅读理解 Whats your pain telling you?Is that pain you feel in your back, neck or shoulders just a short ache from your new exercise menu? Or is there something deeper and more serious at work? Either way, you decide not to pay attention to it.Pain is a warning system; it tells us that something is wrong, says Bradford Butler, a doctor. Continual pain goes further. It is telling you that a whole system in your body isnt working right.For many people and their doctors, the first reaction for pain, and sometimes the second and third reactions as well, is to take some painkillers and go on your way.That doesnt solve the problem, Butler says. Too often, with back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain or other continual pain, many doctors focus on reducing(减少) the pain rather than finding out the cause.Imagine this, you wake up midnight with an unbearable toothache, and then visit a doctor who discovers a huge cavity(空洞)but, instead of repairing the cavity, just gives you some powerful medicine for the pain and sends you home. Left untreated, the pain would get worse and the damage to the tooth would worsen, leading to bigger and more expensive medical process later on, Butler says.Butler offers some advice for those whose bodies are trying to warn them that something is wrong.Choose your doctor wisely. Blind faith (信任) in any doctor is not the answer. Butler says, Doctors have their own specialty and make sure you find someone who will really help you with your problem.Dont let your body resetting its pain level fool you. What happens when you let the pain go? Your body adapts (适应) . Butler says, When your body gets used to the pain, you think the problem must be gone. While in reality, your bodys pain setting has been raised. The only time youre feeling pain is when youre already in terrible poor condition. Think of prevention. Dental (牙科的) patients are encouraged to have regular check-ups, whether theyre in pain or not, so the doctor can work on potential (潜在的)problems. Thats the way for other pain, Butler says. Being free of symptoms(症状)doesnt mean you dont have big problems. It just means that you dont know theyre developing. We need to listen to our pain and fix whatever is wrong as soon as possible, Butler says. You wont get better until you find the cause of the problem.(1) Bradford Butler probably believes that . A . reducing the pain is the most importantB . finding out the cause of pain is too easyC . taking some painkillers can solve the problemsD . continual pain warns you that something is seriously wrong(2) In Paragraph 5, the writer wants to tell us . A . medical process is not cheapB . getting fully treated is necessaryC . repairing the cavity is very difficultD . powerful medicine is the best solution(3) What can we know from the passage? A . Staying in terrible condition makes us fool.B . Having regular check-ups is only for dental patients.C . Finding the cause of the pain will make us healthier.D . Choosing a wise doctor is important from beginning to end.20. (8分) 阅读理解 Bob comes out of the station and at once(立刻) he doesnt know where to go. This is the first time he comes to this town. He comes to see his good friend, Peter. Peter is a worker. He works in a factory. But Bob doesnt know where the factory is. He walks in the streets. He passes(经过) a hospital, a post office, a bookshop and at last he gets to a school. Some students are coming out. So he asks one of them for help. Excuse me. Do you know where the watch factory is?Of course, I know. I live near there. My father works there. Its outside this town. answers the boy. Is it far from here? Can you show me the way, please? Bob asks again. Its about 8 kilometres away from here. Im going home now. Will you go with me? Ill take you there.Thats great! Thank you very much!Now lets take a No. 10 bus. Itll take about 15minutes to get there.Its very kind of you. says Bob. (1) Bob goes to a town to .A . look for a jobB . see a studentC . see his friendD . work in a factory(2) Peter works in a . A . schoolB . hospitalC . post officeD . factory(3) The watch factory is . A . in the middle of the townB . outside the townC . near the schoolD . between a hospital and a bookshop(4) Bob and the child go to the factory . A . on footB . by carC . by busD . by taxi21. (8分) 阅读理解 Being outgoing is good for your life. Those people who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Even shy people can be outgoing.You can start to become outgoing with your best friends or a group of friends. But the real challenge comes when you meet strangers or new friends. Smile more and usually they will reply to your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.Start a talk. Just a simple Hello. or How is it going? is a good start. If you want to make interesting I talks, you can read news in newspapers and prepare your views, or surf the Internet for new information and then keep that in mind.The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step. Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.(1) You should start being outgoing with . A . your parentsB . your teachersC . your best friendsD . your new friends(2) When you start a talk with a stranger, you can say . A . Whats the matter?B . Whats your name?C . How is it going?D . Are you healthy?(3) The easiest way to be outgoing is . A . talkingB . smilingC . playingD . going out(4) Making new friends can make us . A . more outgoingB . healthierC . more athleticD . wilder(5) Which is NOT the writers view? A . Being outgoing is really difficult.B . Being outgoing is good for our lives.C . Being outgoing helps us have more fun.D . Being outgoing with strangers isnt easy.22. (10分) 阅读理解 Haley Evans loves books very much. When she was little, she made a family newspaper with her mother, In Grade 3, she worked with an organization to collect around 2 ,000 books for children, And she has donated(捐赠) about 8 ,000 books so far.On March 30, the middle school student from the United States made another amazing project again. She opened a Free Little Library in Oakland University with her friend Megan MacKenzie baot Free Little Library is not a new idea. People can take or leave the books they want. They are welcome to give away books to poor children as well. It is becoming popular in Western countries.Haley came up with the idea after reading a piece of news. In Detroit, the US, people make Free Little Libraries for kids who dont have enough money to buy books.Megan is proud of their project. She told The Oakland Post, I like the idea because I never got to read so much when I was a kid. And it really encourages reading, so kids can grow up with a really big vocabulary and get more interested in reading.Haley and Megans Free Little Library is mainly for childrens books now. But the girls plan to put in more books for adults next month. Their second library will open in May.(1) The word donated has the same meaning as . A . gave awayB . gave upC . put awayD . put up(2) Which of the following about Free Little Library is NOT right? A . Haley opened it with her friend Megan.B . People can take or leave the books they want there.C . It is becoming popular in many Western countries.D . You cant go into it if you have no money.(3) Haley and Megan plan to open their library. A . secondB . thirdC . fourthD . fifth(4) The best title for the passage may be . A . Where Haley opened her libraryB . Library lets more children read booksC . Information about Haley and her friendD . How to open a library in America23. (15分) (2019七下温州月考) 阅读下面5小题的任务信息,然后从A-F中选出他们最有可能感兴趣的信息相匹配,其中有一项多余。 _Next Sunday is my brother Vincents birthday. He likes playing computer games very much. But I have only 200 yuan._Alice is my good friend. She asks me to go to her birthday party this Sunday. I want to buy a new dress for her._Bella is a school girl. She is 13 years old next Monday. Her parents want to buy a piano for her because she likes playing the piano very much._Vickys best friend Lauras birthday is coming. She wants to buy her a present, but she doesnt have much money,she only has 5 yuan._Carl will have a birthday party this evening. His parents buy a lot of food and drinks. But they do not have a nice birthday cake.A. The computer is very nice and it is on sale now. It is only 3,000 yuan now! Do you like it?B. Do you like eating cakes with ice cream and fruits? This birthday cake is only 120 yuan.C. Do you like this nice birthday card? It is very cheap, only 3 yuan. You can buy it for your friends.D. This computer game is the latest(最新的) one. Many boys like it very much. It is only 150 yuan.E. All clothes in our shop are on sale now. Look at the green dress! It is only 80 yuan now. Do you like it?F. Do you want to buy a nice piano? Have a look at this one. It is a little expensive, but it is really good.五、 单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分) (2019天水) Have you made a _(决定) to go on a vacation? 25. (1分) There are many s_ in the sky. 26. (1分) We shouted to_(弄醒)him up. 27. (1分) The boy has a bad _(记忆) of the old house. 28. (1分) (2019七上嘉兴期末) Its 8 oclock. Dont be late for school _(再,又). 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分) (2019南通) 假如你是李明,请参考南通市初中学生综合索质评价方案的相关指标,对你本学期的突出优点和明显不足进行总结,举例佐证优点并针对不足提出改进措施,完成一份自评小结。 注意:1)图表中的内容不需要面面俱到,不要逐条翻译。2)词数90左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。3)表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。Self-assessmentIm Li Ming, a student in Class 8, Grade 9. I think its necessary for me to find out my strengths and weaknesses at the end of this term. 第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)16-1、17-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)18-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共49分)19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、五、 单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 (共5题;共5分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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