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冀教版中考英语语法专练(十四):复合句D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) is the girl? She is my cousin, Kate.A . WhatB . HowC . WhoD . How old2. (2分) Do you know the boy_ is sitting next to Peter? Yes, He is Peters friend, They are celebrating his_ birthday.A . /; ninethB . that, ninethC . who; ninthD . which; ninth3. (2分) (2019玉林) Ben, could you tell me_? Hes my cousin from Shenzhen.A . who he isB . where is heC . who is heD . where he is4. (2分) Excuse me, could you tell me ? Look ,its over there. A . when the bank opensB . where the bank isC . how far is the bankD . how can I get to the bank5. (2分) - Did you have any difficulty in todays homework?- No, in fact, I found _.A . it very easy to doB . it very easy doneC . its very easy doingD . very easy to do6. (2分) (2019八下郁南期末) Could you tell me _ you bought the schoolbag? Of course. I bought it on the Internet.A . whenB . whyC . whereD . what7. (2分) (2017九上哈尔滨期中) What he enjoys _great and interesting.Yes, _its dangerous.A . sounds, butB . sounding, butC . sounds, so8. (2分) Could you tell me _?Sorry, I dont know.A . how can I get to the Water Sports CenterB . when will Mr. Black come backC . why is Tom late for classD . where Mr. Green has gone9. (2分) (2019八上福田期末) I heard you attended the Futian Model United Nation Conference (模联大会). Yes. It was amazing. At first, I was nervous because the hall _ teachers and students.A . was short ofB . was ready forC . was full of10. (2分) _ he was not well, I decided to go without him. A . OfB . AsC . SoD . With11. (2分) The volleyball match will be held on time unless it _. A . rainsB . will rainC . rainedD . is raining12. (2分) My grandma is very old now, _ she cant grow vegetables any more. A . becauseB . soC . thoughD . but13. (2分) (2017七下陆丰期末) Im hungry, I have some food.A . Because ;soB . So; becauseC . Because;/D . /;so14. (2分) Studying in groups is a popular way _ can develop students ability.A . whichB . whatC . whoD . whom15. (2分) (2019八上上海期末) Mrs Li, _ Mr Li, is a careful accountant. A . not likeB . dislikeC . dislikesD . unlike二、 句型转换 (共10题;共50分)16. (5分) (2018七上乌鲁木齐期中) They are brother and sister. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ brother and sister?17. (5分) Its a comfortable bed(改为感叹句)_it is !18. (5分) (2019闵行模拟) The girl could hardly believe what she heard about the accident. (改为反意疑问句) The girl could hardly believe what she heard about the accident,_?19. (5分) Weve already finished cleaning the classroom(改为否定句)We_cleaning the classroom_20. (5分) Is your room tidy? (作肯定回答) _, _ _.21. (5分) My father is tall and thin. (改为否定句) My father _ tall _ thin. 22. (5分) (2018九上灌云期末) A对画线部分提问 (1) We have a sports meeting once a month._do you have a sports meeting?(2) The girls under the tree are dancing happily._are dancing happily?23. (5分) Paul left Canada two days ago.(同义句转换)Paul _Canada since two days ago.24. (5分) Go to bed earlier, or you will feel tired tomorrow. (保持句意基本不变) _ you _ go to bed earlier, you will feel tired tomorrow.25. (5分) (2016七下上虞期中) 句型转换(句型转换)(1) Ruth comes from New York. (同义句)Ruth_New York.(2) Whats the weather like today ?_the weather today ?(3) Many people are in the room. They are dancing .(合并为一句)Many people_in the room .(4) Tomis studying now .( 划线部分提问)_Studying now .(5) They have an English class every day. (用now替换 every day )They_an English class now.三、 翻译 (共13题;共57分)26. (3分) (2019广州模拟) 现在,很多人用手机代替相机拍照。 Nowadays, mobile phones _ _ to take photos instead of cameras.27. (2分) 谢天谢地!一年只有一次。 _! Its only once a year.28. (3分) 当你长大,你或许成为一名科学家。You_ be a scientist when you_. 29. (5分) 每个人都希望获得成功。 Everyone hopes to _.30. (4分) (2017八上灌南期末) They planned _(给有需要的人们提供足够的水). 31. (5分) 根据汉语意思完成句子(1) 我到处找这本书。I_everywhere_the book。(2) 我们应该尽可能多地锻炼。We should take_exercise_.(3) 父母常会发觉难以跟他们的小孩沟通。Parents often find it difficult to_their children(4) 你必须尽可能快点跑,要不你就赶不上早班车了。 You must run_,or you wont catch the early bus(5) 结果他被给予了一份好工作。_,he was given an excellent job32. (5分) 每天运动使那个老人看起来强壮。 _ _every day _the old man _ _.33. (5分) 我被一只狗跟踪了。 I _ by a dog.34. (5分) 安迪是一个流行音乐迷。Andy is a(n)_35. (5分) 我是如此喜欢这本书,所以我想再读一遍。 I like this book _ _ _ I want to read it again. 36. (5分) 客厅里几乎没有什么地方可以让孩子们坐下。 There was _ _ space for the children _ _ _ in the living room.37. (5分) (2017苏州) 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在横线上。 (1) 苏州有着2500多年的历史。_(2) 这座城市以其美丽的园林而出名。_(3) 这几年苏州发生了很大的变化。_(4) 住在这样一个现代化的城市里很舒适。_(5) 我们会尽力使苏州成为一个更美好的地方。_38. (5分) 何老师总是对我很关心。(care) Mr. He always _ me a lot.四、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共2题;共13分)39. (4分) Does Chris need; _(to buy/buy) much orange juice? 40. (9分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 everywhere head where know bed come but always(1) _ is Ginas schoolbag? Its on the sofa.(2) Look! Your new jacket is on the _. (3) Alans baseballs are _ on the table, under the sofa and in the box. (4) Can you _ to my room, Bob? (5) Where is her hat? Its on her _.(6) Jim _ says Good morning, Ms. Green. when he meets Ms. Green. (7) Linda can find her map, _ she cant find her ring. (8) Where is the key? I dont _. Is it in your desk?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 句型转换 (共10题;共50分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、22-2、23-1、24-1、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、三、 翻译 (共13题;共57分)26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、37-5、38-1、四、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共2题;共13分)39-1、40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、40-6、40-7、40-8、

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