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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期学科竞赛英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Food is very important. Everyone needs to _ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _.We begin to get knowledge even _ we are very young. Small children are _ in everything around them. They learn _ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _ storybooks, science books., anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _ to find out answers. What is the best _ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get _ knowledge. If we are _ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.1 . AsleepBreadCeat2 . AsportBexerciseCknowledge3 . AuntilBwhenCafter4 . AinterestedBinterestingCweak5 . AeverythingBsomethingCanything6 . AlendBreadClearn7 . AtryBhaveCwait8 . AplaceBwayCroad9 . AlittleBmanyCthe most10 . AoftenBalwaysCsometimesShyness can be an unhappy feeling. But the good news is, youre not alone. Scientists say that more than 40 percent of teenagers and adults consider _ shy. Shyness is feeling a little nervous or as if you want to hide when you re around other people or in a new situation.What _ people shy?Scientists say such things as genetics (遗传基因), life experiences, and environment can influence whether a person is shy. For example, in some families, everybody seems _ shy.What happens _ you are shy? Well, being shy _ cause you to avoid or miss opportunities you would enjoy.How do people overcome (克服) shyness? This is what Gilbert tells us. “When I started off trying to get over being shy, I decided to do little steps at a time, including practicing _ and saying hi to people. And it worked for me.”But shyness is not the kind of thing _ most people can get over overnight. Overcoming shyness takes time and needs practice.Here are some tips given _ scientists.Think of _ to talk about before you leave home. Prepare things to talk about before youre in a social situation. For example, if you know your classmates are _ in an upcoming event, learn about it so you can join in the conversations.Let people know youre shy. If youre shy, just show it Instead of letting people guess, _ them the truth. Explain that you are shy and feel nervous _ enjoy talking to people.Make things easy for the other person. Remember, youre not _ only shy person around. Do what you think might help others feel good for example, say hello or smile.Pick one social skill to practice at a time Start simply. For example, smile or be _ person to say hi. Choose skills you feel _ with to practice for a day, a week, a month, or even a year.11 . AtheyBthemCtheirDthemselves12 . AmakeBmakesCmadeDwas making13 . Ato beBbeingCisDbe14 . AthatBthoughCifDbecause15 . AmustBmayCshouldDneed16 . AsmileBto smileCsmiledDsmiling17 . AwhoBwhomCthatDwhose18 . AbyBtoCforDwith19 . AwhyBhowCwhatDwhere20 . AinterestBinterestsCinterestedDinteresting21 . AtoldBtellingCto tellDtell22 . AandBbutCsoDor23 . AaBanCtheD/24 . AfirstBthe firstConeDthe one25 . Acomfortably enoughBenough comfortablyCenough comfortableDcomfortable enough二、阅读单选We all want our skin(皮肤) to look good in summer. If your skin is clean and healthy,it makes you feel better about yourself. How do you get great skin?Here is some advice.How to wash your skin?1.Wash your body all over once a day. Use mild soap(温和洁肤皂) and warm water to wash your body.2.Wet your skin firstly to help the soap slide(滑动) more easily across your skin and stop you from using too much.3.Wash your face by using facecloth(脸巾) and soap or cleaning cream(洁面乳),and then wash with cool water. Twice a day is enough,as too much cleaning can harm your skin.How to protect(保护) your skin against the sun?1.If you are going to be outside,especially(尤其) in the sun,you should put on sun cream in summer. Use sun cream about half an hour before going outside.2.Wear a hat to protect your face. A wide hat is the best,as it will protect your ears and neck as well.3.Stay in the shade wherever(无论哪儿) you can.What else should you do?1.Proper(适当的) exercise is good for your skin.2.Remember to drink lots of water your skin loves it.3.Eat healthily so that your skin can get what it needs to do its job.26 . You can use _ water to wash your body.AcoolBfreezingChotDwarm27 . The underlined word harm probably means _ in the passage.A修磨B润滑C伤害D祛除28 . Youd better wash your face _a day.AonceBtwiceCthree timesDfour times29 . We cant _ to protect our skin in our daily(日常的) life.Adrink a lot of waterBdo exerciseChave some junk foodDwear a hat while going outsidePracticing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful. popular way to keep fit. It has many followers around the world. There are many kinds of yoga. You may have heard of “hot yoga” before. Now. in India. a new kind of yoga. water yoga. is becoming more and more popular among the local people.In the city of Agra. people practice yoga in water. It is more difficult to practice yoga in water than on land. But practicing yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).Harish Chaturvedi. a lawyer. teaches people water yoga for freeeven the poor people can learn from him. “Water yoga can become more popular than other kind of yoga. because the body does not get tired so quickly.” he said. “Everybody can learn to swim. but if they learn yoga at the same time. they will never feel tired.”“The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water. and you will not have any breathing problem.” he added.Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from illness. He mainly trains children. He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sports room regularly. Many children are interested in it and come to learn from him.“Harish is very good at performing yoga in water.” said Sudhir Narayan. a water yoga student. “He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.”30 . What is Harish Chaturvedi?AA teacher.BA lawyer.CA doctor.DA swimmer.31 . Why is water yoga more popular than others?ABecause you can learn to swim at the same time.B.Because you dont get tired so quickly.BBecause it can keep people fat.CBoth A and B.32 . The underlined phrase “for free” in the passage means _.A快乐地B自由地C免费地D规律地33 . There are more _ than _ in Harishs yoga class.Achildren; adultsBadults; childrenCwomen; menDolds; adults34 . What can be the best title of the passage?AWays to keep fitBWater yoga in IndiaCHot yoga in the worldDHarish Chaturvedi and his classes三、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节单词拼写根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺的单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空只写一词)35 . On the top of the Canton Tower, you can e_ the beautiful scenery.36 . I was l_ for school this morning because my bike was broken.37 . After watching Amazing China, I feel very p_ of my country.38 . It will be Fathers Day tomorrow. I am going to buy a g_ for my father.39 . His family was very poor, so he had to leave school at the a_ of 16.40 . Please g_ up early, or you will not catch the early bus.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。Years ago, I lived in an apartment in a large city. The house next door was only a few meters away from 41 . (my). Through the window, I could often see a woman reading in the house every afternoon. Several 42 . (month) went by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was not very clear through the dirty window. I wondered 43 . the woman didnt wash her window. It 44 . (real) looked terrible. One bright morning, I decided 45 . (clean) my house, including washing the window inside. Late in the afternoon when I 46 . (finish) all the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee. 47 . surprising! I found that the womans window was so clean 48 . she could be seen clearly sitting by the window. That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at others through my 49 . shortcomings(缺点)? Since then, I have always been thinking more 50 . before and trying to clean the dirty window, in this way, I may see the world around me more clearly.五、多任务混合问题Liu Mingxiao, 13, is a pretty and smart girl. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because her mother has AIDS(艾滋病). Lius father has died of AIDS. But Liu didnt get it.AIDS means fear(惧怕)for most people. “Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me bad names behind my back. Even a teacher who used to like me turns her back on me now. It makes me feel sad.” said Liu.Lius mother didnt know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came back home with her nose bleeding(流血的),“ She fought with a boy who said something bad about her father.” said Lius mother. “My heart really hurts. My daughter did nothing wrong!”For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them. Many of them have to drop out of school(辍学)because they can no longer stand others indifference(冷漠).“People are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it,” said Wang Chongrun, head of a group to help children living with AIDS. Wang went to the villages and gave lessons about AIDS to the people there.“Many of these children are just as healthy as others,” Wang said.“Even if they have AIDS, its still safe to eat and play with them. They need our love and understanding. A friendly smile means a lot to them!”51 . Nobody wants to play games with Liu Mingxiao because she comes top in her class .52 . Is it safe to eat and play with the people who have AIDS? _53 . Why do many children whose parents have AIDS leave school?_54 . People _ AIDS because they know little about it,55 . _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、

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