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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He asked the man outside _.Awhat is he doing.Bfor whom he was lookingChow long he has been waiting2 . My grandpa lives _, but he doesnt feel _.Aalone;aloneBalone;lonelyClonely;lonelyDlonely;alone3 . My brother fell off his bike and hurt his leg._.ANothing seriousBIm feeling terribleCIm sorry to hear that4 . There is_ art room in the building.AanBaCtheD不填5 . Some of his friends are interested in science, but none of them can tell _.Awhen UFOs appeared next timeBthat horses know the way or notCwhere was this kind of plant foundDhow elephants communicate6 . The living conditions in the countryside _ greatly in the recent years.AimproveBhave improvedCimprovedDwill improve7 . -Excuse me! You cant take photos here. Look at the sign NO PHOTOS.-Sorry, I _ it.Adidnt look atBdont seeCdidnt seeDwont see8 . My father _ lots of stamps since he was at primary school.AcollectedBwas collectingChas collectedDwill collect9 . I _ making soup on weekends.Awould likeBwantClikeDcan10 . _ comes before winter.ASpringBSummerCAutumn二、完型填空Most children like watching TV. On TV _can learn a lot and they can see and know many things about _country and the world. Of course, they can learn over the radio. but they can learn better and more easily with_. Why? Because they can hear and _ at the same time. But they cant _anything over the radio.Many _ watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on _. But a few children watch TV every_. They _very late. So they cant have a good_. How about you, my young friend?11 . AtheyByouCIDwe12 . AyourBourCmyDtheir13 . AradioBfilmCgameDTV14 . AwatchBspeakClistenDsing15 . AhearBlikeCseeDlearn16 . AchildrenBold peopleCshopkeepersDpolicemen17 . AMondayBFridayCweekendsDweekdays18 . AplaceBtimeCmanDnight19 . Ago to bedBgo to the parkCcome back homeDget home20 . AtimeBrestCgameDmeal三、阅读单选Each year on Feb 21, UNESCO ( 联合国教科文组织) holds an International Mother Language Day (IMLD ). The event is to help people to pay attention to the disappearance of the worlds languages; many of them are disappearing each year. UNESCO sees this as a terrible fact.What happens when a language dies out? Something great is lost-not just sounds and marks but the way that people understand the world and communicate with each other. We keep different cultures and traditions through languages. Kill a language and all these are killed too.Through IMLD, more and more people come to realize he terrible situation and try to stop it.Googles 2018 Endangered (濒临灭绝的) Languages Project is a good example. Many speakers and protectors of endangered languages upload (上传) texts, audios and videos to the project website. They want to introduce the way that people communicate and express themselves around the world.The Myaamia Project is the same kind of effort to revive the language spoken by the Miami tribes (部落) of the United States. Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language , which died out in the 1960s.These activities give life to those endangered languages. People who work to keep Languagesalive are not limited to the past. Many young people design apps and use social media to support their activities. They spread the word to save the world.So, while the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope. We all have a special feeling of our mother language. This is why we should remember the wise words of late president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela: If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language,that goes to his heart.21 . UNESCO holds IMLD every year in order to help people to _.Alearn and use endangered languagesBshow their talents in learning languagesCpractice reading skills of mother languagesDrealize the situation of endangered languages22 . What did people do in Googles 2018 Endangered Languages Project?ADiscuss how to make good use of Google.BOffer online courses on endangered languages.CShare materials about endangered languages online.DTranslate endangered languages into mother languages.23 . What does the underlined word revive mean in Paragraph ( 段落) 4?A创造B学习C复活D清除24 . What can we infer ( 推断) from Paragraph 5?AIt is more difficult to protect endangered languages.BThe disappearance of languages has already stopped.CYoung people dont care about endangered languages.DYoung people have creative ways to protect languages.25 . The writer mentions Nelson Mandelas words in order to _.Atell the importance of ones mother languageBshow his contributions to language protectionCtell the trouble in learning endangered languagesDshow the possibility of protecting mother languagesHigh -speed trains, Zhi Fu Bao, shared bikes and online shopping are considered as the new Four Great Inventions of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video ,young people from 20 countries were asked to talk about the great inventions that had influence their lives in China. Here are 4 young peoples . opinions.SamI m from Romania. China is really great country and its high - speed railways are very fast, comfortable and tidy. It takes me only about 6 hours from Beijing to Shanghai by train. It saves a lot of time and it is cheaper than airplane. I wish we would have high - speed railways in our country some day. YalaI m from Nepal. I always go out by bike. Bicycle - sharing system allows people to borrow a bike from point A and return it at point B. Its not only cheap but also a green and healthy way of life. I like it very much. ArchunaMy life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. Here in China, I seldom take money with me when I go out. I can pay for almost everything by Zhi Eu Bao. Oh, it s amazing. However, in India, if you don t take a wallet with you, youll be in trouble.BondYou can find many wonderful things that we dont have in Thailand. We don t have Zhi Fu Bao or other online payment Apps. With them, I can go shopping without going out of the doors. It s so exciting!26 . What does Sam think of the high - speed railways in China according to his words?AFast and tidy.BComfortable and interesting.CCheap and amazing.DExpensive but fast.27 . What do A and B refer to in Yala s words?ATwo bikes.BTwo riders.CTwo places.DTwo people.28 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?ABicycle - sharing system provides bikes for free.BPeople can also go shopping without a wallet in Thailand.CZhi Fu Bao is the only way of paying for things.DThere re no high - speed railways in Romania29 . What can we know about the new Four Great Inventions?AThey were created by young foreign people.BThey are the signs that China is improving quickly.CThey were brought to 20 countries.DThey are just so - so in young foreigners eyes.Balzac(巴尔扎克) was a great French writer. But he was very poor before he became famous. He lived in a dirty, wet room and was often worried about food. All his friends were very poor and they could not help him.One night it was very cold. The wind blew and it was snowing heavily. Balzac went to bed early but couldnt fall asleep. He didnt get any food before he went to bed. He thought and thought, but he couldnt have a good idea. At midnight he saw a man climb in through the broken window. The man began to steal something on his bookshelf. Balzac got up quietly and said, “Dont waste time, my friend! I couldnt find any money in the daytime. How can you find some in the dark?”30 . Balzac was a _.AworkerBwriterCdoctorDcleaner31 . Balzac lived in a dirty, wet room because _.Ahe was very poorBhe wanted to live thereCit was coldDhe was a famous man32 . Why didnt he ask his friends for some food? Because _.Ahe had no friendsBhis friends didnt want to help himCall his friends were very poorDhis friends didnt like him33 . How was the weather that night? It was _ArainyBcloudyCsunnyDsnowy34 . Could the thief find any money? _AYes, he could.BNo, he couldnt.CMaybe.DI dont know.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。seldom agree it prefer pride35 . Believe me I can fly. Im_ that I can fly.36 . Sometimes, smile has_ own form of power.37 . The_ has raised hopes that the war may end soon.38 . She_ feels so happy that exciting tears come from her eyes.39 . My mother_ cotton clothes in the past, but now she likes silk better.五、单词填空In a small town, there lived a doctor. He40 . (be) good and kind. He was ready41 . (go) and help people. People always went to him when they were ill.Many years later, the doctor began to forget things. People were afraid,and little by little they stopped42 . (go) to him. The doctor saw his business wasnt as good as before. He43 . (think) ,Well,if I were the patient(病.),I would be afraid to go to me,too. Maybe its time for me44 . (stop) being a doctor. But this town has no doctor. What will the people do when they45 . (become) ill?His wife heard him46 . (talk) to himself and said,Why dont you find a young doctor to take your place? Then people will have another good doctor47 . (take) care of them and I will get my husband back. The doctor liked what his wife said. He48 . (find) a very good young doctor to help the people. The doctor and his wife then had time to take long walks together,go dancing,go49 . (travel) and spend the rest of their days together.六、多任务混合问题What is the difference between a fear and a phobia(恐惧症)?Somebody might have a fear of dogs. But if the fear has started to change a persons life,he or she probably has a phobia.Flying may be the safest way to travel,but many people are scared of doing it. Fear of heights is also very common. For example,Spiderman actor Tobey Maguire cant stand high places. However,Tobey is not afraid of spiders that most people are afraid of. Rupert Grint,who plays in the Harry Potter movies,is(A)in fear of spiders.(B)Some people have phobias that are more unusual. For example,cats are very cute for most of us,but not for such powerful people in history as Alexander the great and Napolean Bonaparte. Actor Nicole Kidman says,Im not scared of snakes or spiders,but Im scared of butterflies. Sometimes when I came home from school,the biggest butterfly I had ever seen would be just sitting on our front gate. I would climb over the fence,move slowly to the side of the house,or do anything to avoid having to go through the front gate. Clowns are not so funny for actor Johnny Depp,whose childhood memory of the painted faces and fake smiles still makes him scared.50 . 将(A)处划线短语in fear of译为汉语。_51 . 将(B)处划线句子Some people have phobias that are more unusual.译为汉语。_52 . 根据短文内容,把人物与害怕(恐惧)的事物相匹配。将栏的字母代号填写在横线上。ITobey MaguireAclownsRupert GrintBheightsNicole KidmanCspidersJohnny DeppDbutterflies_53 . 从文中找出能表达文章主旨大意的句子。_七、材料作文54 . 书面表达英文有句谚语“East or west, homes best.”,某英文报以此为标题,向广大中学生征文。请根据下面图表信息写一篇短文,介绍你家的情况。内容包括:你家的居室及居住环境、家庭成员及家庭成员之间的关系,并谈谈如何让你的家更美好。词数80左右。注意事项:1. 必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及提示信息以外的地名。There is an old saying, “East or west, homes best.”第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、

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