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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空I used to hate scary films. I didnt understand why some people wanted to scare _ on purpose (故意地). But now I love them. _, I have something nearby to hide my face sometimes, but I still enjoy watching them. As a _, I have to watch something “happy” afterwards (然后) to take my mind off them.Watching scary films is like going on a rollercoaster (过山车). Many people ride it for the _ that comes from being scared without actually being in _. As I am truly scared of the rollercoaster, watching scary films is my way of experiencing this. And it is interesting, especially _ it is a film you havent seen before. You can try to _ whats going to happen._ I saw a film called The Strangers by myself. For some reasons I had to keep _ the video and doing something else. It took me five hours to finish seeing the film.Scary films make me _ but excited. I know I will continue to scare myself.1 . AhimselfBherselfCourselvesDthemselves2 . AAt lastBBy mistakeCTo be honestDBy accident3 . AboyBruleCjokeDjob4 . AkindnessBexcitementCsuccessDsadness5 . AdangerBfearCsilenceDfun6 . AbutBalthoughCsoDif7 . AcreateBplanCguessDask8 . AHappilyBShortlyCFinallyDRecently9 . AstoppingBimaginingCdecidingDchoosing10 . AhappyBscaredCboredDangrySome people think that all wild animals are dangerous. But in fact, very _of them will attack(攻击)a man if he leaves them alone. If you meet a lion or an elephant, I think you will _; but even a lion will avoid(躲避)a man if it is not very _. Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they have grown too old and too weak to catch their usual _, such as deer and _ small animals. If you see a wild _, perhaps you will be frightened(害怕的). But elephants usually run away at once if you dont attack them. Some animals get very frightened if you they only smell a man. Some stand and look at him for a moment _ they run away. Some take no notice at all but walk away _ in another direction. Wild animals only attack _ when they are afraid that people want to harm(伤害)their _, or when the hunters shoot(射击)at them and make them angry.11 . AfewBmanyCmuchDlittle12 . Acome nearerBbreak downCstay aliveDrun away13 . AthirstyBexcitedCtiredDhungry14 . AfoodBfishCthingsDdrinks15 . AothersBotherCanotherDany16 . AdogBcamelCgiraffeDelephant17 . AbeforeBafterCas soon asDwhile18 . AluckilyBnoisilyCquietlyDloudly19 . AdogsBpeopleCchildrenDother20 . AneighboursBfriendsCyoung babiesDparents二、阅读单选Its 1 October. Its Toms birthday. He sees a card on the table when he comes back home. It says, “Theres a present for you, Tom. Look for it in your room.” His parents are watching him and smiling. On his bed he sees a new red box. He thinks, “my present must be in it.” He opens it. There is nothing but a card in it. He takes it out and reads, “Dear Tom, Im your present. My first(第一个) letter(字母) is in the word “pear”, but not in “bear”. My second(第二个) letter is in “tell”, but not in “tall”, and you can find my last(最后一个)letter in both “ban” and “ink”. What am I?” Tom thinks it over. P-E-N! he smiles and says, “Aha, I know, Mum. But where is it?” his mother tell him it is in his bag. He finds his present a nice new pen!21 . Toms birthday is _.Ain OctoberBon OctoberCat OctoberDof October22 . Tom sees a card _.Aon the tableBon his bedCin a red boxDin his bag23 . The card in the red box tell him _.Awhat his present isBwhere his present isCWho gives him a presentDhow his present is24 . Where is the birthday present?AOn the table.BIn his bag.COn the card.DOn the bed.25 . Toms present is _.Aa letterBthree lettersCa cardDa nice new penA hen(母鸡)is in the kitchen now. She says to her children, Lets make biscuits(饼干)Her husband(丈夫), the rooster(公鸡), is reading the newspaper in the living room. The hen asks, Can you help? But the rooster does not want to help. He says, No, I cant. Im very busy! Im reading the newspaper. The hen says to her children, Lets get things to make biscuits. Her children say, OK, Mum!While the hen and her children are busy making biscuits, the rooster comes into the kitchen. The hen asks, Can you help? The rooster does not want to help. He says, No, I cant. Im hungry. I need to get something to eat now. The hen says to her children, Lets go on our work! Her children say, OK, Mum!The hen and her children take the biscuits to the yard to get dry. The rooster is in the yard too. The hen asks, Can you help? The rooster does not want to help. He says, No, I cant. Im very busy! Im getting ready to go fishing.After a while, the hen says to her children, The biscuits are ready to eat! Try some! Her children say, OK, Mum! They eat together happily. The rooster sees the biscuits. They look very delicious. He says, Can I have some? The hen gives some biscuits to her children and says to the rooster, No, you cant.26 . How many times does the hen ask the rooster to help her?AFive.BFour.CThree.DTwo.27 . The rooster doesnt want to help his wife, because_.Ahe is busy reading his newspaperBhe is very hungryChe is getting ready to go fishingDhe is very lazy28 . According to the passage, which sentence is NOT true?AThe hen and her children make the biscuits in the kitchen.BThe hen and her children take the biscuits to the yard.CThe hen and her children eat the biscuits together.DThe hen gives some biscuits to her husband to eat.29 . Whats the best title of the passage?AThe hen and her family.BThe hen and her husband.CThe rooster and his children.DThe hen in the kitchen.Smoking in indoor public places including public working places, public transport vehicles(车辆)and some other special outdoor working places has been banned(禁止)in China since January 2011.Lets look at the following advantages of banning smoking.First, banning smoking will not only help in saving smokers from health problems and diseases, but will also be good for passive(被动)smokers. When the smoker is smoking in a restaurant, the people around him are sure to breathe(呼吸) in the smoke and suffer from(受苦,患病) the diseases an active smoker gets. If smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be controlled(控制).Next, banning smoking will put stress on smokers to give up. Since a smoker is prevented from smoking, he will learn how to live without smoking for long hours. When a smoker doesnt smell or see anybody around him smoking, it might reduce his wish to smoke too. As a result, people have to give up smoking.Smoking in public places influences non-smokers to start smoking, especially adolescents. When teens see people around them smoking, they will follow them easily. Thus the number of teen smokers will increase. Also asthma(哮喘)and other problems are often seen in children living around smokers. So if it is banned, these places will become safe for children and teenagers.Looking from the economic point of view, smoking should be banned to increase work productivity(生产率).Employees(雇员)who smoke usually take breaks to smoke while working. So the number of hours they put in their work is smaller.If you see from the environment point of view, smoking should be banned. Smoking causes air pollution. If it is banned, it will help keep the environment from getting worse.30 . _ doesnt belong to a non-smoking placeAA fieldBA hospitalCA libraryDA restaurant31 . The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us _Abanning smoking is good for restaurantsBbanning smoking is good for non-smokersCbanning smoking is good for spread of diseasesDbanning smoking is good for active smokers and passive smokers32 . According to the text, the underlined word “adolescents” means _AmenBwomenCadultsDteenagersIn China and even in the world, Huawei is a wonder (奇迹). Although it started producing mobile phones not many years ago, it has become one of the most famous phone companies.Now Huawei has got third place at the mobile market, just following Apple and Samsung. After seeing more of its smartphones(智能手机)were sold last year, Huawei appears to be more confident in its bigger goals.“We hope that in tree years our market share(份额)can be the top two and in five years our market share can be the top one, Richard Yu, CEO of Huaweis Consumer Business Group(消费者业务集团),said in a recent TV interview.The company sold 108 million smartphones in 2015. Compared with 2014, the number increased by 44 percent, though it was much smaller than Apples 231.5 million iPhones and Samsungs 317.2 million smartphones.“The number of our smartphones is still growing,” Yu said, and our company is expecting an increase of 30% in smartphone shipments(出货量),Itll be a great success. Although Huaweis smartphones sold well in Western Europe and China, the market in the US is another example. Yu said that the company was “so late” to the US. “However, we are trying hard to raise our market share there in the next few years.”33 . How many smartphones were sold by Huawei in 2015?A75 million.B108 million.C231.5 million.D317.2 million.34 . Huawei phone company is expecting an increase of in smartphone shipments.A15%B20%C30%D45%35 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHuawei has a very long history of making smartphones.BHuaweis market share will be the top one in five years.CHuawei has got second place at the mobile market.DHuawei is trying hard to make its market share rise in America.三、语法填空(题文)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。as, sound, they, clever, send, imagine, heavy, hear, lucky, know, if, followas, sound, they, clever, send, imagine, heavy, hear, lucky, know, if, followMr. and Mrs. Brown were farmers inSouth Australia. They lived there for many years. They had a kangaroo (袋鼠) in (76) (小题1) family. The kangaroo was called Lulu. Several years ago, Mr. Browns son gave Lulu to him (77) (小题2) a gift for his 60th birthday. Soon Mr. Brown and Lulu became good friends and Lulu often (78) (小题3) him around the farm.One day when Mr. Brown was working on his farm, a(n) (79) (小题4) tree branch (树枝) fell on top of him suddenly (突然). Mr. Brown fell to the ground (地面) and didnt (80) (小题5) what happened next. Lulu stood next to Mr. Browns body. She started barking (叫) and didnt leave Mr. Brown. “She (81) (小题6) like a dog. She barked and barked. And she didnt stop,” said Mrs. Brown. After (82) (小题7) Lulus barks, Mrs. Brown quickly went to see what had happened. She saw Mr. Brown lying on the ground and (83) (小题8) him to the hospital right away. (84) (小题9), Mr. Brown was saved.“Lulu is great!” said Mr. Brown. “She saved me! She is a friendly and very (85) (小题10) kangaroo.” After Mr. Brown left the hospital, he took Lulu everywhere he went.四、信息归纳A special app for deaf kids-StorySignThere is some good news for deaf children. Huawei develops a new app(应用程序) called StorySign. The app will make it easier for deaf children to read stories.Huawei uses the AI technology to create StorySign. It can run on a phone or tablet(平板电脑) and people can use it for free. _ do the children and their parents use it? First, download(下载) the app from the app store in 10 different languages. Next, choose a book from the apps library. Then they will see a character called Star. Star will turn the written words into sign language(手语) to help deaf kids read. The first book on the StorySign platform(平台) is the popular childrens book Spot the Dog.Some charities(慈善机构) like European Union of the Deaf also help a lot in developing the app. Andrew Garrihy, Huaweis CMO, says, “There are about 32 million deaf children in the world.It can turn the written words into sign language to help deaf kids read. We hope our app can help them enjoy the wonderful world of books.”Information CardWho is the special app for36 . .What can the app do37 . .Fill in the blank in the passage with one word38 . .What is the first book on the StorySign platform39 . .How many deaf kids are there in the world40 . .五、材料作文41 . 最近,为了创建全国文明城市,金华市民们都全力以赴的努力着,使得金华变化很大(垃圾分类,道路更整洁,“绿色”出行)。请你根据提示,用英语写一篇短文,描述近期金华的变化,以及几点“创文”的建议。注意:1必须采用表格提供的内容,并写出至少两点自己的建议;2文中不能出现真实姓名和校名;3词数:80-100词,短文首句仅供参考。提示词:civilized文明的 environment环境 sort分类 waste垃圾 volunteer志愿者Build a civilized cityChange of JinhuaEnvironmentSort the wasteWays of transportationBy bike/on foot/by busYour adviceRecently,we all work hard to build a civilized city 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、语法填空1、四、信息归纳1、五、材料作文1、

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