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仁爱版2019-2020学年六年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ are you always staying up so late these days?To prepare for my final exam.AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere2 . (题文)Before exams, I have butterflies in my stomach because Im afraid I cant do it well.Aam happyBam nervousCam excitedDam surprised3 . What a lovely day! Why dont we go out for a walk?_.ABecause I am busy.BI dont want to go with you.CThats all rightDThats a good idea.4 . _ do you _ your old clothes?AWhat ; deal withBHow ; do withCHow ; deal with5 . I have to study _ my math test _ Friday afternoon.Aat;onBon;forCfor;inDfor;on6 . Fire is dangerous. We should use it _ .AquicklyBhappilyCsafelyDreally7 . Father is humorous(幽默的), so he can always make me_.AhappyBunhappyChappilyDhappiness8 . AnoticeBnothingCvideoDover9 . Playing _ chess is just like playing _ violin. They all require patience.Athe, theB/, /C/, theDthe, /10 . Is the man on the left your English teacher?No, he teachesBiology. His classes are fun.AweBourCusDours11 . When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _.Apick it outBpoint at itCpick it upDkick it out12 . - Its _ MP4 that I want to buy it at once.- I also want to have one _ I can look cool.Aso beautiful a; so thatBso beautiful an; in order toCsuch a beautiful; in order toDsuch a beautiful; so that13 . Britney couldnt wait her present after she it.Ato open; gotBopen; getsCopening; gotDto open; gets14 . -How do your parents usually go to work?-My mother usually goes to work _ bus while my father _ a bike to work.Atakes, ridesBtake, byCby, byDby, rides15 . He felt _ when he heard the bad news.AuneasyBvaluableCwonderfulDtiny二、完型填空Our words can be a valuable tool to cheer up a person who is down, By offering some kind words, we can help them face their present and future with courage.A car accident happened to me when I was four years old. I had a scar (伤疤) below my nose. Because some children _ me and called me“scarface”, I had little confidence (自信). Although my parents told me that I was _, I did not see myself that way.One afternoon, when school ended, I remained in my _ , waiting for my mother. Miss Pratt sat at her desk with other teachers and talked. I looked at the clock and _ it was time for me to get ready to leave, I put on my coat and hat. One of the teachers looked at my _ and said with a surprise,“who is that girl? She is really pretty in her clothes.“Miss Pratts answer was,“I agree, Mary is pretty”Pretty! The word surprised me. Teachers would not _. Maybe it was true that I looked pretty.At that moment I made up my mind to be the _ child in my class to learn the tables (乘法表). No one was going to stop me. This time I _ myself.About one week later, Miss Pratt said to the class that I was the first one to learn the tables and she told us she was _ me. The whole class smiled and gave me a big hand. I knew I was _ by Miss Pratts words. This might not happen if I didnt hear those kind words. I will never forget the words.16 . Alooked forBlaughed atCplayed withDcared about17 . AprettyBsmartCbraveDpolite18 . AhouseBofficeCclassroomDgrades19 . AheardBrealizedChopedDsuggested20 . AhairBbackCheadDface21 . AlieBagreeClistenDhelp22 . AlastBfirstCsecondDthird23 . AlostBaskedCenjoyedDtrusted24 . Aproud ofBinterested inCangry withDsad for25 . AhurtBcontrolledCencouragedDprotected三、阅读单选Drivers WantedDrive for Xinhua Restaurant. Evening work on weekdays. All meals at work are free. Call us at 8771255House for Salel,200,000, built in 2005. with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. It is in the south of the city. Call Bob at 8395078. Carrefour SupermarketA new Carrefour Supermarket in our city will open on Nov. 8th. Everybody with todays Changchun daily Welcome hall can get a present that day. Welcome!Tel: 8798432Add: No. 126 Wenhua RoadRoses Special ConcertTime:2:00 p. m4:30 p. m, Nov. 25thPlace: Changchun TheaterTicket Price: 160 yuan for each adult and 80 yuan for each studentTel:8221223根据表格内容, 选择最佳答案.26 . If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you will work_.Ain the afternoonBin the eveningCevery dayDon weekends27 . Ann wants to buy a house in the south of the city. She can call _.A8771255B8395078C8798432D822122328 . People with todays Changchun Daily can get a small present from_.AChangchun TheaterBXinhua RestaurantCChangchun DailyDCarrefour Supermarket29 . Li Ming is a school boy. He would like to go to Roses concert with his parents. They will pay_ yuan for the tickets.A80B160C240D40030 . Which one is TRUE according to the messages?AThe driver in Xinhua Restaurant dont need to pay for his meals at work.BThe house for sale costs 1, 000, 000 yuan.CYou can go to the new Carrefour Supermarket on Oct. 10th.DWe can enjoy Roses concert in Changchun Theater at night.四、句型转换31 . Ben has finished the project on reusing natural resources. (改成否定句)Ben _ _the project on reusing natural resources.32 . Amy will study in an international language schoolfor several weeks. (对划线部分提问) _ _will Amy study in an international language school?33 . I was surprised to see my sisters photograph on a magazine cover. (保持句意基本不变) _my_, I saw my sisters photograph on a magazine cover.34 . The girl wondered where she would meet her friends the next morning. (改为简单句)The girl wondered_ _meet her friends the next morning.35 . Sometimes we use smart phones to take pictures instead of cameras. (改为被动语态)Sometimes smart phones_ _ to take pictures instead of cameras.36 . John asked, “Can you look after my pet dog while Im away?” (合成宾语从句)John asked _I _look after his pet dog while he was away.37 . doing, the students, in the lab, an experiment, are (连词成句)_.五、根据音标写单词Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions(按所给音标填空)38 . The _ /prais/ of fuel keeps going up.39 . Would you please draw us the quickest _ /ru:t/ on the map?40 . I put the coin in the _ /m i:n/ and started it.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空41 . We take turns _(look) after Grandma Li.42 . They are _(wait) of the hotel and they work hard.43 . It_(sound) like a good idea.44 . I think _(understand) each other can make us happy.45 . Peter is so excellent that his teacher always_(praise) him.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文. 综合填空阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。dark, come, over, example, useful, tell, she, help, sometimes, becauseIve got a brother who is two years older than I am. 46 . hes OK but other times he is a real pain in the neck. I will give you some 47 . . Yesterday I couldnt put the key in the front door because it was 48 . and I couldnt see where the keyhole was. Did my brother help? No, he just 49 . me how silly I was! And last week when I 50 . back from the hairdressers (理发店), he took one look at me and laughed. “No friends will go out with you looking like that. But dont worry. I can 51 . you. Here, take this paper bag and put it 52 . your head.” Do you know how I felt?On the other hand, having a big brother can be 53 . . My parents are not so worried about letting me go out at night 54 . I have a big and strong brother.Another good thing is that he has many friends and there is a girl who is very good at math. I always ask 55 . for help if I have problems with my math homework. She is always very kind and helpful!八、单词填空Moshe Kai Cavalin is a half Chinese American boy, As one of the youngest students to graduate (毕业) from a two-year college at the age of11,Moshe Kai Cavalin has every reason to be proud of h_.But Cavalin said, I feel proud, but not too proud, because it is the enemy (敌人) of learning.Cavalin graduated from the East Los Angeles Community College. What surprised me is not only his y_ age, but his excellent performance: he is one of the three graduates from the college who had a high score.When he first went to the college at the age of 8, professors treated him like a child. But later, he became one of the class and got a_ pretty well with the other students who were 18 years and older.The 11-year-old college graduate is going to write a book about his secrets on how he becomes s_ without going to primary school and high school.I want to be a scientist like Albert Einstein, said Cavalin.Cavalins mother Sandy Chien comes from Taiwan, and his father is from Brazil. Chien said her son s_ his talent (天赋) at the age of two. He learned very fast and liked to watch TV and read childrens books.Like many Chinese parents, Chien sent her son to a private school to learn the piano at 4, and later sent him to learn Chinese Kung Fu. At age 7, Cavalin had completed high school at home.Being born in America, English is his mother language. He can also speak French. He likes to play games with friends of the same age. L_ ., he has a good relationship with the students who are 10 years older than him at college.56 . h_57 . y_58 . a_59 . s_60 . s_61 . L_九、回答问题Annie lived alone in Chicago. One day, she fell down in her bedroom and broke her leg. So she tried to call her friend Lisa. But she dialed (拨打) a wrong number. The call reached Taylor, an 18-year-old girl. She was a college student and she lived hundreds of miles away from Chicago.At that time Taylor was reading in bed. She thought it was somebody playing a joke. When she was going to hang up the phone, she heard a woman saying “Help! Help!” From it Taylor thought something bad must have happened to the woman. After she got the womans name and address, Taylor called 911 at once. Then she tried to make Annie feel comfortable. She spoke to Annie on the phone till the doctors arrived at Annies house. At last Annie was taken to hospital in time.As soon as Annie felt better, she wrote a letter to Taylor to thank her.根据短文内容回答下列问题。62 . Where did Annie live?_63 . What happened to her one day?_64 . Who answered the telephone?_65 . How did Taylor help Annie?_66 . Why did Annie write the letter to Taylor?_十、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。67 . English,I,programs,practice,by,listening,watching_68 . boats,how,the,dragon,fantastic,are_!69 . it,on,important,to,be,is,time_?70 . sad,made,movies,me,want,leave,to_.71 . sharks,what,do,should,we,to,the,help_?十一、材料作文72 . Writing: Write a passage on the topic”When I grow up” in at least 60 words.成长对你意味着什么?长大后的你会是怎样?请以“当我长大后”为题写一篇至少60个字的短文,(标点符号不占格)(注意:短文中部的出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、将所给单词连成句子1、十一、材料作文1、

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