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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Your bedroom is too dirty.Please _.Aclean it upBclean up itCset it upDput it up2 . The librarian told me that I could _ these magazines for three days.AborrowBbuyCkeepDreturn3 . -I hear that he will go abroad next year. -Really? _AThats news to me.BThanksCIt doesnt matter4 . Must I park my car in the garage?No, you _. You may park it here.AmustntBcantCneedntDwont5 . To children, _ are their first teachers.AparentsBgrandparentsCdoctorsDfriends6 . Dont forget to _ the lights when you leave the classroom.Aturn onBturn offCturn downDturn up7 . We can _ some information about this city on the Internet.Alook upBlook likeClook afterDlook forward to8 . The number of students in our school _3000 and a number of the them _from the same city.Ais, isBare, areCis, areDare ,is9 . What a beautiful coat! Where did you buy _? I want to buy _ just like it.Ait; oneBone; itCone; oneDit; it10 . Lucy and Lily are _ students.Atwo newBtooCnew twoDnew too11 . Trees are very important. We cant _.Acut them downBcut it downCcut down themDcut down it12 . 2.Mary doesnt like doing chores at home andJack.Aso doesBso doesntCneither doesDneither doesnt13 . I dont want _ usual instruction of the task. Please give me _ unusual one.Aa, anBan, aCan, /D/, an14 . -Do you think the last problem in this math test difficult?-Yes. I couldwork it out.AhardlyBeasilyCfinallyDnearly15 . _ he did well, he was never top of his class.AAlthoughBButCBecauseDSince二、完型填空根据课本内容选择最佳答案Teacher:Hi,Anna,are these your pencils?Anna:No, _ Bobs.Teacher:And is this his green _?Anna:No,it isnt.The blue pen is his.Teacher:_ this dictionary?Anna:Its Hellens .And green pen is _ ,too.Teacher:_?Is that yours?Anna:Yes,it is.Teacher:Thanks for your _,Anna.Anna:_.16 . AtheyreBthesereCitsDits not17 . ApencilBpenCdictionaryDnotebook18 . AHowsBWhat colorCWhat aboutDWhos19 . AsheBherChisDhers20 . AAnd the eraserBIs this an eraserCIs that an eraserDWhats that21 . AcallBeraserChelpDpen22 . ANo thankBThats right.COKDYoure welcome三、阅读单选Amazon. com was one of the first companies to try to sell products on the Internet. Jeff Bezos started the company. He was a successful vicepresident of a company in New York. One day he predicted the future. He thought,“The World Wide Web is growing 200 percent a year. Its going to continue to grow. Shopping is going to move to the Internet. People are going to shop online. ”He gave up his good job and drove across the country to Seattle,Washington. There he started an online bookstore called Amazon. com. Bezos had very little money. The company began in a garage,and at first there were very few people who bought things. At the Amazon. com site,people can search for a book about a subject,find many different books about that subject,read what other people think about the books,order them by credit card,then get them in the mail in two days. This kind of bookstore was a new idea,but the business grew. In a few years,Amazon. com had 10 million different things in categories including books,CDs,toys,electronics,videos,DVDs,things you use to fix up a house,software,and video games. Today you can buy anything from food to gold rings at a“virtual shopping mall”,that is,a group of stores all over the world that works like group of stores all in one place. Are people going to shop online more and more? No one knows for sure. At least online shopping is growing.23 . Amazon. com is _.Aa bookshop to sell books on the InternetBa school to teach students on the InternetCa kind of email to send and receive lettersDa company to sell things on the Internet24 . From second paragraph we infer(推测) that _.Apeople can buy books on the InternetBAmazon. com had 10 million different thingsCits easy to buy anything on the InternetDmost people enjoy buying things on the Internet25 . From the passage,we mainly know that _.Aonline shopping is growing nowBwe are not sure if online shopping is growingCits cheaper to do shopping onlineDmany people shop online at firstSome Advice on Travel1. Forget fashion(时尚)! Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys(旅行).2. Traveling on trains and buses can be boring, so take a good book to read.3. If youre going somewhere cold, remember to put on your warm clothes!4. If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to bring your sun-block(防晒霜) and sunglasses.5. Always take a camera with you tocapturethose special moments.6. Be careful with your things whenever you go to a busy place, like a train station. There are many thieves there!7. Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you are a student, take your student card with you.8. Always leave room in your bag and buy presents on the way home.9. Bus tours often stop at expensive shops along the way, save your money by buying presents at local shops.10. If you travel abroad(国外), remember to take your passport. Whatever you do, dont lose it!26 . If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer, you should take _ with you.Awarm clothes and sports shoesBsunglasses and sun-blockCfashionable(时尚的) clothes and a big bag27 . According to the passage, _ is a good way to keep away from boredom(单调) while youre on a train or a bus.Ataking a cameraBreading a good bookClistening to music28 . You must always _ while you are at busy places because there are often thieves there.Alook after your things wellBgive your things awayCget your things ready29 . If a student wants to buy some presents at lower prices while traveling, he should show _ to the shop assistant.ApricesBhis thingsChis student card30 . The underlined word “capture” in this passage means _.A拍摄B感受C获得In general, people talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. Scientists think that there are two groups of people: people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors.The warm colors are red, orange and yellow. Where there are warm colors and lots of light, people usually want to be active. People think that red example is exciting sociable (善交际的) people, those who like to be with others like red. The cool colors are green, blue and purple. These colors unlike warm colors, are relaxing. Where there are cool colors, people are usually quiet. People who like to spend time alone often prefer blue.Red may be exciting but one scientist says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. He suggested that a warm color such as red or orange, is a good color for a living room or a restaurant. People who are relaxing or eating dont want time to pass quickly.Cool colors are better for offices of factories as the people who work there want time to pass quickly. Scientists dont know why people think some colors are warm and other colors are cool.However, almost everyone agrees that warm colors remind people of warm days and cool colors remind them of cool days. Because in the north the sun is low during winter, the sunlight appears quite blue. Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.31 . When people talk about two groups of people, they mean those that like_.Awarm colors and like cool colorsBred, orange and yellowCwarm colors and cool colorsDgreen, blue and purple32 . People who like warm colors,_.Aare very hard to get on with othersBare very easy to get on with othersClike to stay at home by themselvesDdont like to be with others33 . Which of the following is NOT true?ATime seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors.BThe persons who are relaxing dont want time to pass slowly.CMaybe warm colors remind people of warm days.DThe writer thinks cool colors are good for offices of factories.34 . Why do some people like warm colors and others like cool colors?ABecause the people who like warm colors are active.BBecause the people who like cool colors prefer staying at home alone.CBecause warm colors are nice and cool colors not niceDThe writer doesnt tell us the reason.35 . Which is the best title?ATwo Groups of ColorsBCool ColorsCWarm ColorsDColors and People阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Dont want to miss the train?Here are some steps to follow!Enter the railway station.There are X-ray machines at the gate of each railway station.All the luggage(行李) has to be passed through to examine for dangerous things.Once you put your luggage on the machine,please go to the other side and get it quickly in case that your luggage is taken either by mistake or on purpose.Find the right waiting room.After you enter the railway station,you should find the hall where your train is going to leave from.There are always electronic boards at the railway station with information shown in Chinese.You can find your waiting room according to the information given on your train ticket,or you can ask a member of staff(工作人员) for help if you are in trouble with Chinese.Get onto the platform(月台).In most cases,checkin starts 30 minutes before the train leaves if it is the starting station.So you are advised to arrive at the station one hour early.If it is not a starting station,checkin starts when the train arrives,then you just need to be 30 minutes early.You will be informed by radio then.Remember to take all your luggage!Board the train.The train number and the carriage(车厢) number are shown outside the train clearly;So it is easy to find your carriage.There is a member of staff at the door of each carriage to whom you are required to show your ticket.If you board on the wrong carriage,he/she will guide you to the right one.36 . Passangers luggage should be examined at the railway station.Aby a member of staffBby an X-ray machineCby a ticket sellerDby a policeman37 . The information on the train ticket tells a passenger .Awhich waiting room to go toBwhere to find an electronic boardCwho to ask for help at the stationDwhat the Chinese on the boards means38 . For G68 from Guangzhou to Beijing which starts out at 11:15 and arrives Wuhan at 15:28,checkin at Wuhan station starts .Aat 10:45Bat 14:28Cat 14:58Dat 15:2839 . The staff member at the door of the carriage will .Ahelp you find the right waiting roomBcheck your ticket and lead you to your carriageCcheck your luggage for dangerous thingsDshow you the ticket and tell you the train number40 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAll the trains leave from the same hall at a railway station.BIf you are in the wrong carriage,you will be asked to get off the train.CIts possible that your luggage may be taken by others when it is examined.DYou can find your carriage easily because each carriage has a different color.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。41 . The naughty boy threw a stone into a pool to change the _ (表面) of the water.42 . The concerts_(今晚) are supposed to attract large numbers of fans of the pianist.43 . After learning safety tips, I know _(逗留)where one gets hurt is the first thing to do.44 . A growing number of gun accidents call for much _(严厉的) laws to control guns.五、单词填空根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整。These days, people are crazy about watching the film Us and Them d45 . by Rene Liu, who is a famous singer. The film was f46 . released(上映) on 28th April, 2018. It tells the love story between a young man and a young girl. The film a47 . people of all a48 . and it is very s49 . .六、填空(题文)信息归纳(本部分为5小题,每小题1分,共5分)Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. There were no modern machines, either. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills fish and affects(影响) our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and louder. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It affects every living thing in the world.The world is not only hungry, but it is also thirsty for water. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid(避免) a serious worldwide water shortage later on. We all have to learn how to stop wasting our valuable water. One of the first steps is to develop ways of reusing it. But even if we purified(净化) and reused the water, we still would not have enough. All wed have to do is to make use of the vast reserves(储备) of sea water in the world is to remove the salt.Paper comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets. We can also use cotton handkerchiefs(手帕) and not paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give us a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later.Information cardThree kinds of main pollutions today(小题1).(小题2).(小题3)A serious worldwide problem were going to face(小题4)How many ways are mentioned(提到) to save paper?(小题5)七、汉译英:整句句子翻译50 . 我们的老师对家庭作业的要求很严格。(be strict about)_.51 . Mike 是个戴着眼镜的高个男孩。(with)_.52 . 我哥哥经常讲笑话让我笑。(tell jokes)_.53 . 法国以其绝佳的葡萄酒而闻名。 (be famous for)_.54 . Lisa 更喜欢给学生上课。 (prefer to)_.八、材料作文55 . 书面表达请根据表格内容写一篇80词左右的英语短文,简单说明你对下列各电视节目的态度以及原因。ProgramsAttitudesReasonsTalent showsLikeInteresting and excitingNewsLikeKnowing what is happening in the worldSoap operasCant standBoring and not realSports showsDont mindnot very interestingTalk showsLoveLearning something from the performers_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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