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八年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Where is Lin Xin? -She likes playing tennis. She_in the gym.AmaybeBmay beCmustDshould2 . We all think him a helpful boy. The underlined part is in the sentence structure.ASBIOCDODOC3 . -Excuse me, is that a radio?-No, its a _. My grandma buys it for me to learn English.Atape playerBmodel planeCID card4 . My mother is _ in the kitchen now. Can you call her in five minutes?AbusyBhappyChealthyDtidy5 . We prefer the beautiful house _a big garden.AforBofCintoDwith6 . What was your mother doing when the rainstorm came?She home from the supermarket.Ais walkingBwas walkingCwalked7 . Teacher Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but _was to my taste.AallBneitherCsomeDnone8 . Mr. Li asks us to remember thatcareful we are,mistakes we will make.Athe more;the fewerBthe fewer;the moreCthe more;the more9 . -Hows it going, James? - _.AI dont like it.BThank you.CNot bad.DNot at all.10 . _ is your school?I cant remember it well. I_ for ten years.AHow big, have leftBWhat big, have been awayCHow big, have been awayDWhat big, have left二、补全短文7选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。You want to show your friends and family that you are caring about them.11 . However, its not likely that anyone needs another tie, decorative box or holiday sweater. Here are some easy ways to give gifts that are interesting, low-cost and most of all, enjoyable. 12 . This is an inexpensive way to give a holiday gift. It will not only add a bit of green for indoor atmosphere, but also clean the air. Find any container that can hold soil and simply buy some seeds and plant them. If so, you give a gift of life to come. Clean someones home. Its best if you would do this before or right after the actual holiday, because thats when most people need a hand to keep their places clean and tidy.13 . Imagine when they get home to see a clean house and a piece of paper that says, “Happy holidays! My present to you this year is a clean and comfortable home.”Make a weeks worth of dinners. Most people dont like to cook, but they want to eat healthfully. And even for those who like to cook, by the end of a long workday, they dont feel like cooking.14 . So making a weeks worth of dinnerthick hearty soups, and maybe a frozen entree(主菜)or twocan mean the difference between a good meal and another night of popcorn and wine. And what a gift it is for a busy person! Buy a pre-paid gas card. If they drive a car, theyre going to need gas.15 . Instead of giving a gift card to a store, give a gas card, which frees that person up to pay off bills, or buy something else with the money theyre not spending on gas. AGive plants. BIt feels good to give. CCreate a gift for your friends. DYou could give them the gift as a surprise. ENobody enjoys spending money on that. FBeing tired and hungry while cooking is a hard job. GThoughtful gifts can be experiences, time and a special after-holiday treat.三、完型填空A farmer had some little dogs, he wanted to sell them. He painted a sign advertising about that. As he was putting up the _, he felt a tug(拖曳)on his shirt. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. Dad, he said. Would you like _ the little dogs? I like them very much. “Well,” said the farmer, “but these little dogs _ lots of money”The boy dropped his head for a moment. Tears came to his _.It seemed that he really wanted his dad not to sell them. He said, “Can I take a look for the _ time, Dad?” “Sure,” said the farmer. Out from the dog house and near the fence(栅栏)the boy was _ by four little balls of fur. His eyes were full of thanks and excitement. He was so _ at that time. “I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to a little dog. The farmer sat down at the boys side and said, Son, you dont need that dog. You will never be able to _ and play with it; you cant catch up with it.” Hearing this, the boy said _, but his eyes were full of tears, and he stepped back from the fence, pointing to a specially made shoe and said, “You see, I dont run too well myself, but I still need someone _ me.16 . AdogBquestionsCadvertisementDsign17 . Anot to sellBsellCto sellDnot sell18 . AtakeBspendCcostDuse19 . AmouthBnoseCeyesDears20 . AfirstBlastCnextDend21 . AfollowedBaskedCmadeDmet22 . AsadBworriedCangryDhappy23 . AsingBjumpCrunDtalk24 . AanythingBnothingCeverythingDsomething25 . AtalksBagreesCdislikesDunderstands四、阅读单选Childrens Training(训练) CenterEnglishTime: Monday, Thursday & Friday9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.Room: 201Teacher: Miss LiuTel: 0633-8209642ComputerTime: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.Room: 503Teacher: Mr. HuTel: 0633-8206162DrawingTime: Monday, Thursday & Sunday9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.Room: 307Teacher: Miss YangTel: 0633-8206569SwimmingTime: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.Place: Swimming poolTeacher: Miss Wang & Mr. ZhangTel: 0633-820228026 . Tom wants to learn computer. He can call the number .A0633-8202280B0633-8206162C0633-8206569D0633-820964227 . If you want to learn drawing, you can go to .ARoom 201BRoom 503CRoom 307DSwimming pool28 . If you have time on Wednesday afternoon, what can you go to learn?AEnglish.BComputer.CDrawing.DSwimming.29 . can teach you English in Childrens Training Center.AMiss LiuBMr. HuCMiss YangDMiss Wang & Mr. Zhang30 . Students can learn swimming on .AMonday afternoonBTuesday morningCWednesday morningDThursday afternoonIf you dont have a meal,do you notice yourself starting to get angry very easily? Well,this is often known as being “hangry” or being angry because you are very hungry. But as it turns out,its not just a funny phrase but scientifically true!Scientists have found this feeling of anger usually comes from having low glucose(葡萄糖)levels in the bloodstream. Glucose is put into the body after you have a meal. The brain needs this to work well. When the glucose in your body is low,your brain sends hormones(激素)to increase the amount of that. This makes it hard for you to control your feelings. Your brain even starts to feel like you are dealing with a life-threatening situation if you dont get enough glucose. In the situation,your brain feels like your life is in danger. Another problem is that your brain will also use neuropeptide(神经肽)to send a message saying you should eat something. And this is the same chemical that manages anger. The scientists say we may also thank our forefathers for our hunger. Thats because long ago when there was not much food,people had to eat as much as they could to get enough food to live. Even now,when most people have enough food to eat,there is still that feeling toward needing food.31 . When does the feeling of anger come out?AWhen the glucose level in your bloodstream is high.BWhen the glucose level in your bloodstream is low.CWhen there are many hormones in your brain.DWhen there are few hormones in your brain.32 . What is neuropeptide according to the passage?AA kind of medicine.BA bone.CA kind of chemical.DAn organ.33 . What does the underlined word “life-threatening” mean?A放弃生命的B挽救生命的C保护生命的D威胁生命的34 . What is this passage probably taken from?AA science magazine.BA diet report.CA travel book.DA sports magazine.Once upon a time, a proud swallow lived in a large tree. He liked his colorful feathers and his long tail so much that he believed nothing could be better than them. One day, he saw a crow and thought, “How silly this bird is! All his feathers are black.” He looked at himself lovingly and enjoyed his own feathers. Just then, the crow flew and sat on the same branch(树枝) as the swallow. The swallow said, “All your feathers are black and your tail is so short.” The crow smiled and said, “But they help me fly.” The swallow said, “So do mine. But look at how beautiful they are!” He spread his wings and flew a little closer to the crow. The crow saw that the swallow had lots of blue feathers and some white and pink ones, too. He looked at his own feathers and thought, “Its true. The swallows feathers are much prettier than mine.”The crow said, “Swallow, youre right. You have lovely feathers and a long tail, but only in summer. Your little feathers cannot keep you warm in winter at all. While you shiver in the cold, my thick feathers keep me warm in the cold winters.”35 . When the swallow said the crows feathers and tail werent beautiful, the crow _.Abecame angryBsmiled and explainedCflew away quicklyDbecame worried and sad36 . The underlined word “shiver” means “_” in the passage.AshakeBloseCfallDturn37 . What does the story want to tell us?ABirds of a feather flock(聚集) together.BDont be proud of something thats of little use.CFind out our own problems and solve them quickly.DDont make friends with people who are too proud.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据各句句意及汉语提示写出单词(每空限填一词)。38 . Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. We are very _ (自豪的)of her.39 . I read English aloud every morning to improve my _ (发音).40 . September is the _ (第九)month of a year.41 . We shouldnt take these game shows too _ (严肃地)while watching them.42 . Tom and Peter are good friends. They can talk about and _ (分享)everything.六、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。Stephen Hawking, the best-known scientist if his time, passed away on43 . (三月)14,2018.Hawking was born in Britain in 1942. In 1959, he entered Oxford University and then went to Cambridge University for 44 . (深远的) study. At the age of 21, he suffered from a terrible 45 . (疾病)called AlS. He had to sit in a wheelchair.46 . (尽管) Hawking was really sick, he never gave up studying the universe. He used every new day that life 47 . (提供) to continue his study. He said, “ Where there is life, there is hope.”Hawkings health condition continued to get 48 . (更糟). He lost his voice in 1985, and had to communicate through a computer. But he 49 . (设法做成) to make series of important discoveries in 50 . (物理). He also wrote some best selling science books 51 . (成功地), such as A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell.Hawking was a great scientist,his work and story will live on for many years. His spirit will52 . (仍然) encourage people across the world. We will remember him forever.七、回答问题阅读表达“Four great inventions in ancient China are important symbols of the country. Now China has “new four great inventions”: high-speed trains, mobile payment, bike sharing and online shopping. They are changing peoples lives in China and maybe all over the world.High-speed trainsBy the end of 2016, China had the worlds largest high-speed railway network. More than 2,500 high-speed trains are running across China each day.Lin Jinlong, an overseas student from Cambodia, shared his experience of traveling by Chinese high-speed train from Beijing to Tianjin. The two cities are over 100 km away, but the trip took only about half an hour. “That was amazing!” Lin said.Mobile paymentMobile payment has become a part of Chinese peoples everyday life. It makes their lives much more convenient. “My wallet is no longer in use. I .can buy and eat anything I want simply with my smart phone,” said Lin. “Even vegetable sellers are using mobile payment.Bike sharingBike sharing is not new itself, but the bike sharing in China stands out - it allows users to pick a bike anywhere in the city and leave it anywhere at the end of their journey. Its really convenient, cheap and green. Mobike, a bike sharing company, has even brought the service to some other countries.Online shoppingYou are out if you have never shopped online. Now you can buy almost everything from websites like Taobao and JD, and get what youve bought within days. Chinas online shopping makes many foreigners feel both excited and surprised.53 . Do “new four great inventions” only change peoples lives in China?_54 . When did China have the worlds largest high-speed railway network?_55 . Why does Lin say his wallet is no longer in use?_56 . What does the writer think of bike sharing?_57 . Where can you buy almost everything if you shop online?_八、汉译英:整句. 翻译句子58 . 树木可以使土壤保留在原处。_59 . 刷牙时关闭水龙头是好主意。_60 . 我们应该使用双面纸来节约资源。_61 . 我们经常看到一位老人在公园里回收空瓶子。_62 . 森林给动物提供了家园和食物。_九、书信作文63 . 题目假如你是李华,你们学校要举行英语才艺展示(English Talent Show),你们打算本周末去街心公元(Center Park)操练,你要邀请外教Tom来给你们指导,请你写一封电子邮件告诉他排练的时间、地点、怎样到达、他能帮你们做什么。提示词:suggestion, pronunciation, perform提示问题:When and where will you prepare for the program?How can Tom get there?What can Tom do for you?Dear Tom,How is it going?I am writing to invite you to help us prepare for the school English Talent Show._I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、汉译英:整句1、九、书信作文1、

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