仁爱版八年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 3 Language in use 同步练习C卷

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仁爱版八年级上册 Module 10 Unit 3 Language in use 同步练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) (2015八上长春月考) This road is very w_ now, but it was very narrow(狭窄的)ten years ago. 2. (1分) I wish you good l_ in getting the job. 3. (1分) When we were s_, the waitress came with a menu. 4. (1分) (2017七下江苏期末) 根据所给音标、汉语注释或上下文,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(1) Please check the _endn(r) z names again. We should make sure that all of them are here for the meeting today.(2) Are you _(能够)to sing an English song?(3) We have about eight _(百)students in our school.(4) The zoo is _(西北)of the river. You can watch different kinds of animals there.(5) Mary is a polite girl. She will say hello to me whenever she _.(经过)(6) I _(突然)remembered that I didnt lock the door, so I hurried home at once.(7) We have to drink our tea _(没有)milk, because there isnt any milk in the fridge.(8) Be _! The floor is wet!Yes. We should look out! Its easy to fall down !(9) Sorry, Im very busy now. Would you please call _back?(10) Which city is the capital of _?Paris.5. (1分) His brother teaches Maths in a j_ high school. 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空 (共10题;共10分)6. (1分) (2019九下长兴月考) 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 A young man was on a train. As the train turned a Corner, it slowed down and then _house came into sight. The house looked so different from the grey Buildings of the City _everybody on the train turned to look at it. Some passengers _(begin) to talk about it.The young mas also _(interest) in the house. He decided to get _at the next station and make his way to the house. The owner of the house told _(he)that he was trying to sell the house, But no one would Buy it, as the noise of the trains passing nearby made it _(difficulty)to live in.The young man decided to Buy the house right then and there for $30, 000. He used it for advertising, as the house faced the railway Bend(弯道). The train had to slow down at the Bend, giving the passengers plenty of time to look at the house.The young man went to several Big _(company) and explained the advantages of placing advertisements on the side of the house. _(final), one Company agreed to place some ads. The young man _(pay) $180, 000 for three years of advertising.In this world, turning disadvantages into advantages is the key to success.7. (1分) 语法填空 A kidnapped 3-year-old boy _ (name) Aiden helped police find himself on Tuesday, Jan. 13, after answering _ (he) mums phone in her stolen car- find out how he pulled it off!Authorities said they found a 3-year-old boy who was sitting _ a car stolen outside a Utah day care on Tuesday after he _ (answer) his mothers cellphone and honked the horn to draw their attention.The boys mother, Elizabeth Barrios, left the car unlocked and running _ a snowy morning as she dropped off another child, a baby, at the day care around 7 am in Ogden, a town about 40 miles north of Salt Lake City, the police said. When she walked out, she saw someone _ (drive) her car away with her 3-year old son Aiden inside.Police arrived and called her cellphone, which was in the car, hoping _ (reach) the thief and negotiate the boys release.Instead, the boy answered the phone. He told his mother that a _ (strange) had driven away her car and was going through her purse. She told him _ (stay) calm as the man took things from her purse _ ran away.He is a very smart child, the police praised the kid. He did a great job.8. (1分) _ (this)quilts are yellow. 9. (1分) (2017深圳模拟) 用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词An artist found that he had not yet painted the one “real” picture.In his search, he met a priest (牧师) who asked him _ he was going.“I dont know,” said the artist. “I want _, (paint) the most beautiful thing in the world.”“How easy!” replied the priest. “It is Faith.”The artist travelled on. Later, he met a woman_ told him that the most beautiful thing in the world was “Love”. “Love _ (make) the world a better place,” she said._ (late) he met a soldier. The artist asked him _ same question and the soldier said “Peace” was the most beautiful thing in the world.“How can I paint _ Faith, Love and Peace?” thought the artist.As he entered the doorway, light shone in his j_ (eye) and he realized that his search was over. In the faces of his wife and children, he saw Love and Faith. He sat in his favorite old chair comfortably and his heart _ (be) at peace.The artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and _ (call) it “HOME”.10. (1分) (2016九上深圳期中) 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Some people prefer to make friends with people who are very much like them while others prefer friends who are very different. There are advantages of both types of _ (friend). If a man _ (choose) a friend similar to himself, there is no problem that they will share many common interests. They may have similar goals in life. This means that they will be able _ (help) each other in achieving their goals. Two people who are very similar will feel _ (comfort) with each other and may understand each others feelings better. _ (they) friendship may be deeper and last longer.There are also many advantages of _ (make) friends with someone of opposite interests and even character. In this type of friendship, the two people complement(补充) each other. If one is weak in some ways, _ other is strong. Two people _ similar goals may find themselves in competition, _ those who want different things can always support each other. Those who have different interests can _ (introduction) each other to new experience and so enrich(丰富) their knowledge.A friend who is unlike me may be challenging, but a similar friend is familiar and safe.11. (1分) The work is difficult so I think its_(possible)to finish it in an hour12. (1分) After he finished reading a novel, he continued _ (play) games with his friends. 13. (1分) The singing competition was the _ (happy) day of my life.14. (1分) The students _ often _ (ask) to finish doing their homework in class by the teacher. 15. (1分) (2016江苏模拟) We all know that early to bed and early to rise _ (make) you healthy and wise.三、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)16. (2分) (2016青岛) do you usually share happiness with? My parents and my best friend.A . WhoB . WhoseC . WhatD . How17. (2分) _ you have a baseball? A . AreB . DoesC . Do18. (2分) Is it an exciting book? Yes, its _ excitement.A . up toB . instead ofC . full ofD . at least19. (2分) (2019扬州模拟) What? We can take buses with just a mobile? Yes. Buses in Yangzhou began to _ Alipay app.A . shareB . saveC . searchD . support20. (2分) Mr. Smith arrived at the station in the early morning. He expected his old friends. A . makingB . meetingC . to makeD . to meet21. (2分) Excuse me,where is the bookstore? _.A . Thank you all the sameB . Go along this road and turn left at the first crossingC . Youre welcome22. (2分) The boy _exercises, so he has to see the doctor because of overweight.A . nearlyB . hardly everC . alwaysD . usually23. (2分) You _ jump onto a bus while it is still moving. It is too dangerous. A . canB . mustC . cantD . mustnt24. (2分) (2017苏州模拟) Im not good at playing cards, you know. _! Its just for fun.A . What a surpriseB . What a shameC . Dont say soD . Come on25. (2分) Jane can speak English _. She wants to work for the Olympic Games. A . correctB . niceC . sweetD . well26. (2分) (2018牡丹江模拟) Im not sure when the flight to America will take off. I think it _ be leaving in an hour. A . mustB . cantC . could27. (2分) (2017常州竞赛) You _ be careful with fire when you have a picnic in the forest. Its too dangerous. A . willB . mustC . canD . may28. (2分) Does it often here? Yes, it is quite .A . rain; rainB . rainy; rainyC . rain; rainyD . rainy; rain29. (2分) The girl in the classroom_ be Mary. She called me from Beijing just now.A . mustntB . needntC . shouldntD . cant30. (2分) Is Mr. Brown driving here? Im not sure. He _ come by train.A . mayB . shallC . needD . must四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分) (2017七上徐州期中) Mr. Wu is my _(地理)teacher. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) (2016七下上虞期中) 请根据提示,给你的朋友海伦写一封邮件,告诉他有关你的学校生活及现在具备哪些能力。1). 每天早起早睡,按时上学,完成家庭作业。2). 每天走着去上学,不仅能锻炼身体,还有利于环保。3). 每天放学后,我经常和朋友一起打篮球。周末,我还去俱乐部练钢琴。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、4-6、4-7、4-8、4-9、4-10、5-1、二、 用所给词的适当形式填空 (共10题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)31-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32-1、


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