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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My favorite _ is apples.AvegetableBfruitCfoodDdrink2 . He used to _ in Weifang,but now he is used to _ in Beijing.Alive;liveBliving;livingClive;livingDliving;live3 . In the library, students are required to keep _ and move _.Aquiet; quietBquiet; quietlyCquietly; quietDquietly; quietly4 . _ are you going to stay in Shanghai?For a couple of weeks.AHow manyBHow longCHow soonDHow often5 . Im in _.Agrade 1, class 2Bgrade 1, Class 2CClass 2, Grade 1DGrade 1, Class 26 . The sentences on the blackboard are very important. Please _in your notebooks.Aget down themBgot them downCwrite down themDwrite them down7 . -What do you think of my opinion?-To tell you the truth, I disagree with you.AIn order toBTo sum upCTo be frank8 . The policemen caught the thief, but he _ on the way to the police station.Aran awayBwoke upCgot outDcame in9 . The shirt looks very nice . I guess it is _ 100 yuan .Aat firstBat lastCat leastDleast10 . Have you ever _ to bring your homework to school?Yes. I _ it at home once last term.Aleft; forgotBforgotten; leftCforgotten, forgotDleft; left11 . David knows much about the city because he _ there three timesAhad goneBhad beenChas goneDhas been12 . -Whats this ?-Its _ egg.AaBanCtheD/13 . After I finished my homework, I turned off the lights and then _ classroom.Awill leaveBis leavingCleft14 . When_you_the new bike? I_it for 2 days.Adid; have; boughtBdid; buy; have hadCdid; buy; have boughtDdid; have;have had15 . Which of the following sentences is correct?AHow happy are the teenagers!BActions speak louder than wordsCThe teacher said:“Practice makes perfect”DWe had eggs、porridge and fruit for breakfast二、完型填空Last summer, I went to a beautiful beach on vacation with my parents. We_ there_ a week. The weather was always sunny and _. In the morning, my father and I played beach volleyball. My mother read books _rested on the beach. In the afternoon, we had great fun playing in the water. In the evening, we _to the movies. There were some nice movies every evening. I liked cartoon movies best. Sometimes we went_. But the shops were too crowded, so we didnt really_it.Oh, yes, there were all kinds of fruits _bananas, grapes, and pineapples (菠萝). Pineapples are_favourite and I ate a lot of them.On the_day, it was cool. We decided to take a walk near the beach. The wind was gentle (温和的) and the air was so clean that we didnt want to leave the lovely place.16 . AleftBflewCstayedDplayed17 . AinBforCwithDon18 . AcoldBhotCrainyDcloudy19 . AbutBorCalsoDuntil20 . AwentBlistenedCgotDstopped21 . AcampingBskatingCshoppingDswimming22 . AbuyBhateCsellDlove23 . AlikeBasCforDwith24 . AourBthisCtheirDmy25 . AfirstBsecondCnextDlast三、阅读单选Jim, a successful businessman, told the experience of his childhood. When he was 12, his parents died. He was alone and didnt get on well with others. People always laughed at him. No one showed kindness to him. His only friend was a dog named Tiger. He gave his dog enough to eat and drink, but sometimes he was not polite to it. He didnt know that an unkind work sometimes could cut ones heart like a knife.One day as he walked down the street, a young lady was walking in front of him. Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped to pick it up, she dropped other bags. He came to help her. “Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!” she said kindly, smiling.A special feeling came to him. These were the first kind words he had ever heard. He watched her until she went far away, and then he whistled to his dog and went directly to the river nearby.“Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!” he repeated the womans words. Then in a low voice he said to his dog, “You are a nice little dog!” Tiger raised its ears as if it understood.“Uhum! Even a dog likes it!” he said, “Well, Tiger, I wont say unkind words to you any more.” Tiger waved its tail happily.After telling this, the businessman stopped for a while, and then he said, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the very place where that kind woman planted in me the first seed of kindness. All of us should learn about kindness. What a great power it has!”26 . The boy repeated the words “Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!”, because _.Ahe was thinking about the wordsBhe didnt understand the wordsChe wanted to talk to his dogDhe liked talking to himself27 . What made the boy start his new life?AThe people laughing at him.BThe kind words spoken to him.CThe hard life.DHis lovely dog.28 . He was feeling _ when he whistled to his dog.AfunnyBsadClonelyDexcited29 . Which of the following is Right according to the passage?AHe never took good care of his friend, Tiger.BHe usually had many friends around him.CHe helped a young lady when her bag dropped.DHe often washed his dirty face in the lake.30 . What s the best title of this passage?AA Dog and a BoyBA Poor Boys ChildhoodCA. Businessman and a BoyDThe Power of KindnessMany people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of ones own.Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend ones free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of nature.Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional (偶尔的) walk in one of the parks and a fortnights (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest of the country they are quite prepared to spend with those who are glad to get away from London every night.31 . Which of the following statements is NOT true?APeople who love nature prefer to live outside the city.BPeople who work in London prefer to live in the country.CSome people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.DMany nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside the city.32 . One can use the same money for _ to buy a little house with a garden in the country.Agetting a small flat with a gardenBhaving a small flat with a gardenCrenting a small flat without a gardenDbuying a small flat without a garden33 . When the flowers and vegetables in the garden come up, those who_ have been rewarded.Alive in the countryBhave a garden of their ownCare busy digging and plantingDhave spent time working in the garden34 . People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that _ if they had to live outside London.Atheir life was meaninglessBtheir life was invaluableCthey didnt need a happy lifeDthey couldnt sleep late in the morning35 . What does the writer think of the life in London?AHe likes living in the city centre.BHe prefers to live in the countryside.CIt isnt mentioned in the passage.DHe enjoys working in the garden at weekends.One evening as I was leaving the store, I noticed a man with a very old sleeping bag going through the garbage can nearby. He pulled out fast food trash bags and inspected all that was in the thrown-away bags, but he never stopped anyone to beg for money or anything else as they entered or left my store. After he went through the entire trash can, he carefully cleaned up the area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper. My heart literally hurt for him. I decided to help him. I got out of my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat. He thanked and followed me to the fast food place around the block. I bought him the biggest meal they had on the menu. He didnt ask for anything and the only request was a big glass of hot sweet tea to go with his meal. When I brought him the food, he was so thankful. He told me how much he appreciated the meal.I wanted to give him some money. He shook his head. I asked him if I could buy a few meals and put it on a gift card for him. He agreed.As I handed him the gift card, he broke down crying. He told me that he prayed for me today. I wasnt sure what he meant (I was guessing he was praying for me for what I did for him) so I thanked him. “NO, I prayed that God would send someone to buy me a hot meal today and he sent you!” Tears traced down his checks.I didnt know what to say I always pray over my food, but Ive never prayed for a meal. Ive never doubted that I wouldnt be able to eat Tears began to fill my eyes. Oh myhow blessed am IMaybe God used me to answer this mans prayer.Everybody has a story though I didnt know his, but I had done what God wanted me to. God put him in my path I knew he did. I took him to my office.36 . Perhaps the man the writer saw outside his store was a_Astreet loverBbeggarChamburger loverDhomeless man37 . According to the passage, what kind of person was the manAA nice lonely person with a sleeping bagBA lonely, serious person with a trash bagCA polite, careful person with few wordsDA friendly, careful person with little money38 . Why did the man break down crying when the writer gave him the gift card?AHe wanted to have some hot meals.BHe could have a new sleeping bag.CHe had finally talked to God.DHe finally got what he needed.39 . What could probably happen in the writers office?AThe writer asked the man to pray for him.BThe writer invited the man to work in his store.CThe writer gave the man another big hot meal.DThe writer gave the man some moneyMr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey ( 新泽西) in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店)at the foot of the hill.One year, however, Mr Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around the famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They had expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were surprised when the waiter asked whether they would take dinner there that night. “ Are you still serving dinner?” asked Mr Smith. “ Yes, certainly, sir,” answered the waiter. “ We serve it until half past nine.”“ What are the time of the meals then?” asked Mr Smith. “ Well, sir, We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine.” answered the waiter.“ But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London.” said Mr Smith.40 . Mr and Mrs Smith always spent their holidays inbefore they made a lot of money.A. New York B. LondonC. New Jersey D. Washington41 . They went to London by.A. sea B. plane C. train D. bus42 . From the story we know that this was thetime for Mr and Mrs Smith to go to London.A. first B. secondC. third D. fourth四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词43 . The boys brother is _(训练)for the basketball match now.44 . We want to keep the _(记忆)for the rest of our lives.45 . Its not fair to _(踢)the ball in the game.46 . My father made an important _(决定)to send me to America to study.47 . There is no _(借口).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空填空题48 . Look at the _ (hunger) boy. He wants to eat something.49 . Nancy is a _ (beauty) lady. She always wears nice skirts.50 . Its raining _ (heavy) outside.51 . It is not fair to _ (kick) another player in a football match.52 . The small cat makes lots of _ (footprint) on the snow ground.53 . The wind usually b_ strongly in winter.54 . In summer it isnt hot in the t_ near the beach.55 . Be careful! The ground is w_ after the rain.56 . It was really _ (snow) yesterday. So I got to school quite late.57 . Lucy is a _ (luck) girl. She gets a lot of things from the shop.六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子58 . 在森林里迷路很危险。_ in the forest is _ .59 . Sam决定在公园里散步。Sam decided _ in the park.60 . 去年那栋房子没有人。Last year, _ in that building.61 . 刘丽经常独自一人听音乐。Liu Li often _ music _ .62 . 金风花姑娘想坐下,因为她累了。Goldilocks wanted _ because she felt tired.七、单词填空Africa is famous for deserts. There are not many trees and forests. In o63 . to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment, eleven countries are building a great wall of trees a64 . Africa. It is called the Great Green Wall.The wall is 8, 000 kilometers long and 15 kilometers w65 . . It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, on the south of the Sahara Desert(散哈拉沙漠) So far, Senegal has made the best progress by p66 . about 11,000,000 trees.Many years ago, there were few trees in that area and the winds used to be very s67 . . It was harmful to the fields. Also, there was little rain, so few crops could grow and many people went h68 . , But now, more and more trees are being planted And the trees today p69 . food for the local people and increase the wetness of the air. Little by little, there are green fields for people to grow c70 . so local people can have more food to eat.The project which began a few years ago may c71 . a total of 8 billion dollars. Many countries are trying t72 . best to help to continue the planting. So we will be able to see the whole green wall across Africa in the near future.八、填空Mum and dad are two of the most important people in your life. They influence(影响)you more than others you meet in your life. So if your mom or dad loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she or he does. Mums and dads care for(关心)their children from the minute they were born. So its very important to stay close and get along(和睦相处)with them. But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.Spend time together. Dont play a computer game or watch TV, ask your mum and dad to play with you. Go to the cinema, or read a book out loud.Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mum or dad. You can make your parents happy with a hug(拥抱), a card, or a joke(笑话). Its also lovely when a child cleans his or her parents room. And when you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be very happy.Do your best at whatever you do. You dont have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud(自豪). It makes them happy to see how youre changing into a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know youre doing a good job.阅读以上信息, 用恰当的词完成下面的表格, 每空一词。Parents influence children mostReasonsfor loving parentsParents do a lot more than 73 . people.Parents care for their children from the minute they were born.Some ideas of 74 . children to get along wellwith parentsSpend more time with parents, like playing or watching 75 . together.Be kind to parents. For example, you can help them 76 . their room.Do your best at whatever you do and you need to 77 . yourselves.九、话题作文78 . 你一定有过一次难忘的旅游经历,它也一定给你留下了美好的回忆,请以”My Favorite Trip”为题,向你的同学介绍一下那里的天气、饮食、风景、民俗等,使同学们以后度假是有更多的选择。要求:语句通顺,篇章结构完整,60词左右。My Favorite Trip_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、话题作文1、

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