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人教版九年级中考模拟(三)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I like listening to music_ can touch the heart of people.AthatBwhoCwhereDwhat2 . -Kelly, do you know _ the A-level test?-He failed last year, but he finally did it well by practicing every day.Awhen Jacky took part inBwhen did Jacky take part inChow does Jacky get good grades inDhow Jacky got good grades in3 . Jimmy, _ the window _ the birds in the tree.Adont look out at; ofBdoesnt look out of; ofCdont look out of; atDdoesnt look out of; at4 . (题文)The _ is black and white.ABCD5 . great fun it is to go surfing in weather!AWhat; such fineBWhat a; so a fineCHow; such fineDHow; so fine a6 . Whats up? _AI am a student.BI want to be a thinker.CI attend a meeting.DI am looking for a book.7 . In my class,students are good at _ subjects.AsimilarBsameCdifferentDdifferently8 . The old man lives _ and often feels _. We all have pity on him.Aalone, aloneBalone, lonelyClonely, aloneDlonely, lonely9 . Why does she look so_?Because she lost the game that she hoped to win.AtiredBuncomfortableCworriedDdisappointed10 . He wanted to improve his spoken English, so I advised him _ to the English corner.AgoBto goCwentDgoing11 . -_ is the post office?-It is about ten kilometers away from here.AHow farBHow oftenCHow longDHow soon12 . Can your parents English?Yes, they can.AsayBtalkCtellDspeak13 . One of the students _ good at _piano.Aare, playing theBis, play theCare, playingDis, playing the14 . - I lost my bike yesterday and had to walk home.- _.AIt doesnt matterBIts a pleasureCIm sorry to hear thatDNot at all15 . We wont drive to the mountains tomorrow if it.AsnowsBwill snowCsnowedDis snowing16 . The monitor spoke more loudly _ everyone hear him.AmadeBmakingCmakeDto make17 . She enjoyed _ in the park last weekend.AhimselfBherselfCitselfDourselves18 . I the book Little Women, but Ill let you read it first.AreadBdont readCwont readDhavent read19 . Mandeep can go to school now. UNICEF has paid for her _AeducationBvacationCcompetitionDinvention二、补全对话7选5请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白中,使对话通顺、保理,意思完整。(每空一句,其中有两个选项为多余项)A. Who won the match?B. Did you watch the match just now?C. Who is your favorite player?D. The girls played so hard.E. I like playing volleyball very much.F. What do you think of their coach?G. And shes one of the greatest coaches in the world.A. Who won the match?B. Did you watch the match just now?C. Who is your favorite player?D. The girls played so hard.E. I like playing volleyball very much.F. What do you think of their coach?G. And shes one of the greatest coaches in the world.A:Hi, Liu Wei. I cant wait to share my excitement with you.B:What makes you so excited?A:20 . B:Yes, Chinese Womens Volleyball Team won the first.A:How exciting!21 . B:Youre right. The match was wonderful.A:22 . B:Actually, all the players are excellent, especially Zhu Ting and Lin Li.A:Yeah. They never gave up though there were many difficulties.B:23 . A: Lang Ping?Shes the best coach in my heart.B:24 . A:I agree, And there is too much we can learn from Chinese Womens Volleyball Team.三、补全短文6选5The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids(金字塔). They have stood for nearly5,000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years. Yet there are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile( 尼罗河 ) and some of them are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the step pyramid and the bent pyramid.25 . _They still look as much alike as they used to be when they were built thousands of years ago. However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. As a result, we are only able to guess the ways they used. 26 . _The first thing they have to do was to choose a proper place. You may think this would have been easy because there was miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be solved. 27 . _This was for religious( 宗教的) reasons, because the sun sets on the side of it. The pyramid also had to stand well above the level of the river to protect it against the large amount of water. 28 . _In the old days, water transport was, of course, much easier than land transport. So the large stones needed to be carried in boats to the nearest place down the river.29 . _It also had to be near the kings palace so that he could visit it easily. And the king needed to check the progress himself. After all, it was his final resting place for his body. AThere must have been careful planning before building.BThe government has protected them from falling down.CSome of the pyramids can still be seen today.DThen pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile.EFinally, the pyramid had to be near the capital.FThe pyramid could not be too far from the Nile.四、完型填空Tom was a college student. He often made excuses not to attend classes. Also, he spent much of his free time_ computer games. He never went to the library _. How time flew! At the end of the term, there was _ important event that he was afraid of-the final exam. What should I do? Tom walked up and down in the room the day before the exam. He was _. Suddenly he thought of _ idea. The next morning, Tom went into the exam room very early. He found a young man _ looked so confident and took a seat next to him. “Hey you!” Tom greeted. “What? ”the young man asked. “Can you do me a favor?” Tom begged(恳求). “Please let me _ your paper during the exam. I have to depend on you!”When hearing his words, the young man just smiled but said _ . When the bell rang, the young man _ immediately and came to the front, saying, “It is time for the final exam! Now I will hand out the papers to all of you and collect them _ an hour. ”Tom sat there with his mouth wide open.30 . AplayBplaysCplayingDplayed31 . Ato studyBto have a restCto see a filmDto play computer games32 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour33 . AsatisfiedBexcitedCbraveDnervous34 . AaBanCtheD/35 . AwhatBwhichCwhoDwhose36 . AkeepBcopyCuseDtake37 . AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing38 . Asat downBstood upClied downDsat back39 . AinBafterCbeforeDwhen五、阅读单选Our school held many activities last week. We called it Road Safety Week. One of the educational activities was a speech given by a police officer. He shared something about the road safety. Here are some important points about his speech.Most traffic accidents(事故)shouldnt happen. They happen because people are careless. A frequent cause(原因)of traffic accidents is speed(速度). Some people drive too fast. This means that if they have to stop suddenly, they cannot stop quickly enough to avoid hitting(避免撞)others. You need to remember this when you are crossing the street or walking along the sidewalk(人行道).Its not only drivers who cause accidents, however. People on footpedestrians(行人), and bicycle riders often cause accidents, too. Pedestrians sometimes walk out into the street without looking. You should always look on both sides before stepping into the street.Do any of you ride a bike? Bicycle riders can cause accidents by changing directions suddenly or without warning other road users. Before you turn left, for example, you should check behind you to make sure there arent any cars, trucks or buses coming. You should show with your left hand to tell that you want to turn left. You should not turn until the street is clear.The rules of the road are very simple. If we learn them and obey(遵守)them, we should not have accidents any more. There were more other activities in Road Safety Week, hope every student could learn something.40 . Most traffic accidents shouldnt happen if _.Apeople are more carefulBpeople dont know the rulesCpeople cross the streets quicklyDpeople stop their cars suddenly41 . The underlined word “frequent” in the passage means _ in Chinese.A自由的B罕见的C频繁的D所有的42 . What shouldnt the riders do when riding bikes on the street?AWarning other road users before crossing the street.BMaking sure there arent any cars coming.CShowing with your right hand to tell that you want to turn right.DChanging directions suddenly or without warning other road users.43 . From the police officers speech, we can learn the following except that(除了) _.Ariding bikes is the most dangerousBits not only drivers who cause traffic accidentsCsome people have accidents because they drive too quicklyDobeying the rules of the road may stop you from having accidents44 . Which of the following is the best title of this passage?ASafety FirstBRoad Safety WeekCHow to Keep SafeDA Discussion about SafetySome of my classmates are not feeling well. Tom has a toothache. He cant eat anything. Jack has a bad headache. His father asks him to lie down and rest. So he doesnt go to school today. Peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. Nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. So she couldnt eat anything today. Jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. Lucy has a cold and toothache. She will see a dentist this afternoon.45 . Whats the matter with Tom?AheadacheBtoothacheCstomachache46 . Why doesnt Jack go to school?Ahis mother asks him not to go.Bthe doctor asks him not to goChe doesnt feel well.47 . What food can Nancy eat?AapplesBnothing.Cchips48 . Who is stressed out?APeterBJimCPeter & Jim49 . What should Lucy do?ADrink some waterBeat chocolateCListen to musicThe London Pass offers not only great value and convenience, but also enables you to beat the queues at selected attractions. There are also special offers such as discounts at restaurants and theaters, where the attraction is normally free to the public. The London Pass also gives you great offers such as a free guided tour. So whether you prefer museums or cinemas, galleries or ice skating or zoos, with the London Pass there really is something for everyone. You can buy Adult or Child passes for 2, 3 or 6 days. See all ticket prices below and choose what you need.DescriptionPriceLondon Pass 2 days Adult-Item E-036$87London Pass 3 days Adult-Item E-037$104London Pass 6 days Adult-Item E-038$140London Pass 2 days Child (5-15 years)$62London Pass 3 days Child (5-15 years)$72London Pass 6 days Child (5-15 years)$100For contacting us:Please call 1-888-254-0637Outside the US please call 00-800-84468370 or +1 210 507 5997.VIP reservations: Contact a Customer Service representative at 1-866-270-2849.NOTE: If your reservation is made prior to Jan 15th, 2013, email salespreviewhotels.com.50 . According to Paragraph 1, you know that visitors _.Awont be allowed to travel aloneBcan eat meals for free at some restaurantsCwill be fined unless they wait in lineDwont have to pay for a guided tour51 . How much should Mr King pay for the London Pass 2 days if he goes with his wife and 7-year-old son?A$174B$244C$236D$27052 . What can be inferred from the passage?AChildren under 5 need no London Pass.B16 -year -olds can enjoy the London Pass 2 days Child.CThe London Pass doesnt have discounts for adults.DVisitors can only contact them by making calls.Here are some of the most beautiful, creative and artificial islands that human has created.Harbor Island(港岛)Built in 1909, Harbor Island was once the largest artificial island in the world.It has an area of 395 acres and mainly an industrial and port area with train stations and some of Seattles sports stadiums.Kamfers Dam(卡姆菲斯大坝)Kamfers Dam in South Africa is one of only six places in the world where Lesser Flamingos(火烈鸟) breed. The S-shaped island was built in 2006 as a shelter for the birds, which are attracted to the wetlands high concentration of blue-green algae (水藻).Peberholm Island(佩博霍尔姆岛)It is a bridge/tunnel combo(连接体). It is a part of the Oresund Bridge that connects Denmark to Sweden.It is off limits to people apart from biologists. Since the busy traffic is safely separated, Peberholm has become a home for numerous bird and plant species.Hong Kong International AirportIt opened in July 1998 on the artificial island of Chek Lap Kok.The southern gateway to Mainland China took years and $20 billion to build, increasing the land area of Hong Kong by 1 percent. As the third busiest airport in the world, the transportation hub carried more than 53 million passengers in 2011.53 . What does the unlined word mean in Chinese?A虚假的B人造的C自然形成的D举世瞩目的54 . Kamfers Dam has a history of _ years so far.A5B8C14D1255 . Which statement below is true?AIt is hard to go to Peberholm Island since the traffic is busy.BKamfers Dam, a U-shaped island was built in 2006 as a shelter for the birds.CHarbor Island is the largest artificial island in the world.DHong Kong International Airport is the third busiest airport in the world.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词56 . 我喜欢面包,但不喜欢牛奶。I like _, _ I dont like _.57 . 我的爸爸星期一很忙。My father is _ on Mondayr.58 . 你需要运动包吗?_ you _ bags _ sports?59 . 那件棕色的裙子多少钱?八美元。How _ is that brown _? _ eight dollars.60 . 吉娜爱整洁,但她哥哥杰克却不,他的书到处都是。Gina is _, but her brother Jack is not.His books are _.七、填写适当的句子补全对话阅读短文,根据短文内容从短文后的六个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Its hard when a best friend isnt aroundmaybe because she moved to a different school or a different class, or maybe shes just sick at home for the day. Break or lunchtime can be lonely without her. Will it ever feel the same?61 . , but how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends. But remember, theres always room for more friends.Start by looking around your classroomthink about which one youd like to play with at break.Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or offer greetings. Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom.62 . , walk over to the ones you want to play with,act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play, too?” or just join in.63 . ,or if youre feeling shy, ask your teachers to help you to make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend.64 . .As a result, youll soon have one, or two, or even more new friends.You might still miss that special best friend.65 . , you can share something you didnt have before she left: You can introduce her to your new friends!AWhen you are at lesson breakBIf you have trouble doing thisCYou want to have new friendsDBut when you see each otherE. And youll be happy with themF. Be kind, be friendly, offer to help八、单词填空B)根据提示填入正确的单词,一空一词。Last Saturday, I went to Shaoxing Library66 . (独自). On the way there, I saw one of my 67 . (邻居) who is a 68 . (瞎的)man, walking across the street by himself. So I came to him to offer help. He thanked me a lot. After that, I 69 . (继续) to go to the library. Suddenly, it began to rain 70 . (大). I had to run as fast as I could to the library. When I arrived, I got all wet. Then I went into the reading room, searched for the books I need 71 . (当时) all the other people were reading quietly. I found myself a seat near the window and 72 . (开始) my reading. I was so interested in it 73 . (以致于) I almost forgot the time. I also 74 . some books and brought them home. Though on that day I put75 . (推迟) eating dinner, It was a pretty satisfying day for me.九、填空阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成下面表格。(共10空,每空1分,计10分)The Old Town of LijiangLijiang is a few hours bus-ride away from the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan Province. Surrounded by fields, mountains and rivers, the Old Town of Lijiang looks like a jade ink stone in spring and summer, this is why the local people proudly call their town “Dayan” which means the Town of the Big Ink Stone.来源:学.Each year, many tourists from abroad visit the Old Town and the place is like “Venice in the East” to them. There are narrow alleys, pretty streams, small stone bridges, and brick and tile houses with carved doors and painted windows.Jiuzhaigou ValleyThis area, north of Sichuan Province, is a natural wonder. You will never imagine how amazing it is if you dont see it with your own eyes. Every year, visitors from all over the world come to admire the mountains, lakes, streams, trees, underground springs and waterfalls which make Jiuzhaigou Valley an area of outstanding natural beauty.The water in the valleys lakes, streams and waterfalls is famous for being very clear. The valley is also home to many protected kinds of plants including bamboo. The animals in danger, such as pandas, also live in the valley.Mount HuangshanOf all the mountains in China, Mount Huangshan is probably the most famous to be found in the southern part of Anhui province. It is well known for its scenery, sunsets, Huangshan pine trees, and views of the clouds from above. It is said that you wont want to visit any other mountain after seeing wu yue(五岳) but you wont wish to see even wu yue after you come back from it. This saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of it. Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, it has become one of the great symbols of China.II卷(60分). 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成下面表格。(共10空,每空1分,计10分)Three places of interest in76 . The Old Town of LijiangIt takes a few hours from Da li to Lijiang by77 . . Lijiang looks like a jade ink stone in spring and summer,78 . the local people call their town “Dayan”. Every year, many79 . tourists visit the Old Town and the place is like “Venice in the East” to them.Jiuzhaigou ValleyJiuzhaigou Valley is an area of natural beauty. You will never imagine how amazing it is80 . you see it with your own eyes. Many protected kinds of plants81 . in the valley. And some endangered animals82 . pandas also live in it. Every year, visitors from all over the world come to admire it.Mount HuangshanMount Huangshan is in the83 . of Anhui province. It is84 . for its scenery, sunsets, Huangshan pine trees and views of the clouds from above. It is said that you wont to visit any other mountain after seeing wu yue but you wont wish to see even wu yue after85 . from it.十、回答问题For convenience(方便), plenty of people prefer having a takeaway(外卖) to cooking at home. Now there is an app through which people can enjoy delicious and cheap takeaway food.Too Good To Go, an app being used in the UK, allows users to order leftover(剩余的)food at a low price from restaurants. The purpose is to help cut down on food waste, as lots of restaurants usually throw away the food that can still be eaten at the end of the day.Users just need to pick a restaurant and pay through the app. Then they pick up their food at planned times usually around closing time or after peak meal times.“Food waste is one of th

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