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仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月月考(19-20班)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My pen is broken, so I have no pen to _.Ato writeBto write withCto write on itDto write with it2 . When the police _ searching _ the house, they found nothing strange.Awas; /Bwas; forCwere; /Dwere; for3 . Which part is the VERB of the following sentence I really like Chinese food.?AreallyBlikeCChineseDfood4 . Mr Sun _ get out because he _ his leg.Acouldnt; hurtedBcouldnt; hurtCcant; .hurtDcant; hurted5 . There are three_students in their school.Ahundreds ofBhundred ofChundredsDhundred6 . Would you like something to drink?Thanks,but I dont want _ any _.Adrink;drinkBto drink;drinksCto drink;drinkingDdrink;drinks7 . There is _ sheep on the farm. It looks quite lovely.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few8 . Jim didnt come to school yesterday. What happened _ him?AonBtoCwithDfor9 . Hello, youre a student at the English centre, arent you? Yes, I am. Sorry, Well, I see you in the library a lot.Adid I say something wrong?Bhave you seen me?Care you OK?Dhave we met before?10 . _ apples are those?They are mine.AWhatBWhoCWhoseDHow11 . Theresome milk and eggs on the table.Ais notBare notCisDare12 . If you go to London for your holiday, I will go to _ same place _ you do.Aa; likeBthe; likeCa; asDthe; as13 . I saw him_ the key _the lock, turn it and open the door.Aputting; inBput; inCputting; toDput; to14 . My brother tried his best _ up. Finally, he reached the top of the mountain.AclimbingBto climbCclimbsDto climbing15 . My mum usually cooks delicious food _ us every day.AtoBonCforDof二、完型填空One day a young painter went by a garden. He was attracted by the beauty of the garden.He imagined how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was_Surprised, the painter asked that old man, Why are you looking after these flowers since you cant see them? The gardener answered, I can tell you _reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, _ I cant see the flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can _ the fragrance(香味) of them. As for the last one, thats _“Me? But you dont know me, said the painter.“Yeah,its_ that I dont know you. But I know flowers are beautiful angels(天使).people will look at my garden and the beauty will make them feel_. It also gives me a chance to speak with you now. At the same time we enjoy the happiness these flowers have _ us. The old mans words surprised the painter and gave him much pleasure.The man grows flowers in order that everybody can_their beauty. The gardener in the garden is alone but not lonely. All passers-by are his friends; all flowers are his neighbors.I believe every flower has eyes. They can see the_of the old mans heart and the beauty of his soul(灵魂).16 . AstupidBdeafCblind17 . AthreeBfourCfive18 . AhoweverBalthoughCunless19 . AsmokeBhearCsmell20 . AyouBmeChim21 . AeasyBtrueChonest22 . AunfairBgood Cstrange23 . AbroughtBtakenCcarried24 . AborrowBenjoyClend25 . AkindnessBvalueCtruth三、阅读单选Cathy is 1.53meters tall, but she is 160pounds. She decides to lose weight (减肥). She goes to the doctor, and the doctor gives her the following advice.Exercise: Run for 30minutes every morning. Swim twice a week. Go to work on foot instead of (而不是) by bus. Take a walk after supper every day.Diet: Have a glass of milk and an egg for breakfast. Eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat for lunch. Eat only fruit for supper three times a week. Never eat junk food. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.26 . The doctor gives Cathy _ pieces of advice on Exercise and _ pieces of advice on Diet.Afive; fourBfour; fourCfour; fiveDfive; five27 . Cathy needs to run for _ every day.Atwenty minutesBhalf an hourCan hourDforty minutes28 . Cathy needs to go swimming _ .Atwice a weekBonce a weekCevery dayDthree times a week29 . We can infer(推断) that Cathy probably goes to work _ before she goes to the doctor.Aon footBby bikeCby busDby car30 . According to the doctors advice, Cathy _ .Ashould drink a glass of milk and eat two eggs for breakfastBshould drink a glass of milk before going to bedCcan eat junk food once a monthDshould eat only fruit for supper three times a weekIt was a wet, rainy day during the school holidays. Lily looked out of the window and thought about her parents. They were on a long holiday. They said Lily was not old enough to go. So Lily was staying with her Aunt Bella. Today Lily was unhappy. She was all aloneAunt Bella was out shopping.Lily decided to go to the top floor. Maybe there was something interesting. She came to the top floor. There was an old door. Lily opened the door and walked in. The walls were changing colours. A sofa wasnt on the floor! It was in the air. Then she heard a sound “Whoooosh” and after a minute she saw a boy appear (出现).“Hi,” he said. “I am the genie (精灵). Who are you?”“Im Lily,” she answered, “but you dont look like a genie.”The boy looked at her. He said, “Hocuspocusinversus!” And then Lily was in the air. “OK! I believe you,” she shouted. “Get me down!”“So, how many wishes do you want?” the boy said.Then she told the cool genie she was lonely (孤独的). She told him about having no friends. The cool genie just nodded his head (点头). When Lily finished her story, she felt better.The genie said, “Well, I must go now!” Then he was gone. Lily went downstairs (下楼) and found a postcard from her parents. It said, “Dear Lily. Miss you, back next week, love Mom and Dad.” Then the front door opened and she heard Aunt Bella coming in with her shopping bags.The next day Lily decided to say “Thank you” to the genie. She went to the top floor and opened the door. But there was nothing there except (除了) a dark old room with a few boxes.31 . Why was Lily unhappy?ABecause it was a rainy day in the school holidays.BBecause her parents were on a holiday.CBecause her Aunt Bella was at home.DBecause she was lonely.32 . Where did Lily see the genie?AOn the walls.BIn the sofa.CIn the room on the top floor.DIn the air.33 . How did the genie make Lily believe that he was a true genie?AHe made Lily in the air.BHe appeared in the room strangely.CLily saw a sofa stay in the air.DHe said, “Hocuspocusinversus”.34 . What did Lily do when she believed the boy was a true genie?AShe said she wanted some wishes.BShe told the boy she was lonely and unhappy.CShe ran downstairs.DShe laughed happily when she saw the boy.35 . Why did Lily feel better after telling her story?ABecause she knew the genie would be her friend.BBecause her parents would come back next week.CBecause her aunt would buy her a present.DBecause telling her problems to others made her happy.Reading for pleasure(消遣) is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important way.Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too busy.Many experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good writing.Dr Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you dont have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:learn how English speakers use Englishread faster in Englishfind examples of good writing in Englishlearn new wordslearn about the culture of English speakers36 . Many experts say students learn more _when they read for pleasure.Agrammar and listeningBlistening and spellingClistening and speakingDgrammar and words37 . Each student needs to learn _by pleasure reading.Asomething difficultBsomething differentCsomething easyDsomething important38 . From the passage, we know pleasure reading makes it the most impossible for each student to_.Afind examples of good writing in EnglishBlearn new wordsClearn how English writers use EnglishDread faster in English39 . The passage is mainly about _.Apleasure reading in a different wayBpleasure reading in the same wayCpleasure reading in an easy wayDpleasure reading in an important wayAll the girls in Class l, Grade 9 at Woodland School agreed they love watching TV series. Different girls loved different TV series. Their teachers took a survey of the girls favourite TV series for this summer vacation The graph above, shows the results.40 . The graph shows the results of _ .Ateachers favourite TV series in a classBgirls favourite TV series in a classCteachers favourite TV series in a gradeDgirls favourite TV series in a grade41 . According to the graph, the most popular TV series was_this summer vacationAStory of YanXi PalaceBFu YaoCRuyis Royal Love in the PalaceDGuardian四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。42 . You shouldnt keep me _(wait) for so long time at the gate.43 . He can sit all day long without _(say) a word.44 . Its necessary for you to make plans to _(see) your friends in Switzerland.45 . Its too difficult for me to _(finish) the task in such a short time.46 . I felt _(relax) lying in the sun. What a good time!五、单词填空47 . Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to e【小题1】in the city. We are even getting used to the noisesand pollution in the city. It has become a p【小题2】of our life. I have never been to the country. Nature is a word strange to us. This summer I had the chance to go with my parents on a v【小题3】to countryside.For the first time in my life I have the experience with the country life. Here I r【小题4】what a life of nature is. This is a small village far from cities. It is at the foot of a mountain. The life there is s【小题5】. It is different from the city life.There are few cars or other t【小题6】on the way. The air is fresh. The sky is high. The people are friendly. They are not as busy as t【小题7】in the big city. Everywhere you can find people bathing i【小题8】the sun. They drink clean water. The water comes from the mountain. They e【小题9】the quiet life very much. Whats more, there you can hear the sound of nature. You can find the children p【小题10】with water in the river and the dogs running after the people. All these make a wonderfulpicture of countryside. How I love the country life!六、信息归纳任务型阅读A long story about people is usually called a novel. It can be about any kind of man, woman, or child. It can be about kings, or Chicago newsboys, or housewives. The French writer, Victor Hugo, wrote his novel Les Miserables about a poor man who stole (偷) a loaf of bread. The American writer, Ernest Hemingway, wrote A Farewell to Arms about a young American with the Italian Army in World War One.A novel can tell the story of any kind of action, over any period of time. The modern Irish writer, James, Joyce, covers less than twenty-four hours in Ulysses. Yet, Joyce takes a thousand pages to tell all that happens from the time one man gets up in the morning until he goes to bed early the next morning. A German writer, Herman Hesse, uses only one hundred and fifty pages in his novel Demian to cover a boys life from the age of ten until he becomes a young man.A novel does not just tell the things that people do. It also tells why they do them. The Badge of Courage, by the American novelist, Stephen Crane, tells about a young soldier who runs away the first time he is in the war. The book shows why he acted as he did. It describes his mental suffering (精神折磨) until he overcomes his fears.People buy novels because they enjoy reading about other people. The novel meets the human desire (欲望) to know and understand other people.Definition (定义)It is a long story about peopleCharacter48 . of any kindLes Miserables is about a man who stole bread.A Farewell to Arms is about a young American with the Indian Army.49 . Cover any period of timeUlysses covers less than 24 hours.Demian to cover a boys life from the age of ten50 . he becomes a young man.Plot (情节)Things and51 . for doing them.The Badge of Courage describes a young soldiers mental suffering.PurposeMeet the human desire to know52 . .七、汉译英:整句遣词造句53 . 我们必须按时到校。_54 . 请把书留在你们的课桌上。_55 . 我妈妈不会讲英语。我爸爸也不会。_56 . 不要熬夜看电视。_57 . 我妈妈对我要求很严格。_八、材料作文58 . 你听说过一头叫Alice的鲸鱼(whale)吗?它被称为世界上最孤独的鲸,原因是这只鲸说话的频率有52赫兹,而正常鲸的频率只有1525赫兹,所以说话的时候没有人听见,难过的时候也没有人理睬。请你根据下列描述,写一篇关于她的小短文。1. 人们在1989年首次发现了Alice, 它长39英尺。2. 人们很惊奇地发现Alice用不同于其他鲸鱼的频率(HZ)说话。3. 没有鲸鱼能听到Alice说话, 它找不到它的家人和朋友。4. Alice独自游过了太平洋 (the Pacific Ocean)。幸运的是,Alice看起来很健康。5. 但是人们在2004年失去了Alice的消息,我._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、


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