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人教版八年级下册unit5单元练习题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What if you have two days_?Id like to go_ a trip_ Suzhou.Aof; for; toBoff; on; toCoff; on; forDof; for; for2 . The blender is too noisy. Would you please _?Aturn off itBturn it offCturn it on3 . Tom Mary speaks good Chinese. So they can talk with these Chinese students very well.ANeither ; norBEither; orCBoth ;andDNot only; but also4 . (题文)Who were the shoes with special heels invented_?AwithBofCforDby5 . Tom looked _ and said nothing for a long time because he didnt pass the test.AhappyBcomfortableCdisappointedDproud6 . - Where is Andy? He isan important meeting in the meeting room.Ajoining inBtaking part inCjoiningDattending7 . How often does the programme Xiuhuliaozhai come out on YWTV? It comes out every Saturday, its a _ programme. Aweekly Bmonthly CdailyDyearly8 . I spend two hours _ TV with my friends.AwatchBwatchingCseeDlook9 . -I lost the chance to take part in the sports meeting.-_!AWell down!BGood luckCWhat a pity!DCongratulations.二、阅读单选Researchers have recently discovered how to make families work, more successfully. A surprising idea has appeared: the single most important thing you can do for your family, it seems, is to develop a family story.I first heard this idea in the mid1990s. from Marshall Duke, a professor at Emory University. Duke was studying stories in families when his wife, a childrens learning specialist, made a discovery: “The students. who know a lot about their families will do better when they face challenges (挑战),”Sara said.Interested, Duke set out to test her conclusion. He and Emory workmate Robyn Fivush developed a method called the “Do You Know? degree that asked children to answer 20 questions such as: Do you know where your grandparents grew up? Do you know where your mum and dad went to high school? Do you know about an illness or something really terrible that happened in your family?Duke and Fivush asked those questions to members of four dozen families in 2001. They then compared the childrens results with a group of psychological (心理学的) tests the children had taken and reached a conclusion that agreed to Saras theory. The more children knew about their families histories, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their selfrespect, and the more successfully they believed their families worked from generation to generation (代代传承).“We were really surprised, Duke said. The researchers mentioned the children after the terrible events of September 11, 2001. “Once again, Duke said, “the ones who knew more about their families proved to be stronger.Why does knowing where her grandmother went to school help a child overcome something terrible and difficult? Duke said that children who have the most self-confidence have what he calls “a strong intergenerational self. They know that they come from something bigger than themselves.Duke suggested that parents do the same activities with their children again and again. Any kind of activities work to teach the sense of history: holidays, vacations, big family get-togethers, even a drive to the shop. “These traditions become part of your family,” Duke said.Years of research have showed that most happy families also communicate successfully, but its not simply a matter of talking through problems. Talking also means telling a positive (正面的) story about yourselves. When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter (章) to their life story that helps them overcome the difficulty. This skill is very important for children when they are growing up.The bottom lines: if you want a happier family, create, refine and retell the story of your familys best moments and your relations ability to overcome difficulty. That act alone may prove the fact that your family will thrive (兴旺) for many generations to come.10 . What does the passage mainly tell us?AHappy children are usually brought up in happy families.BOur family is the most important place to teach children.CThere are many things for the young to learn from the old.DFamily history plays an important part when children grow up.11 . What can the “Do you know? degree tell us?AWhat relation in ones family is.BWhat story ones family has had.CHow much one knows his family.DHow much one loves his family.12 . Which of the following is true, according to the passage?AThe event of September 11, 2001 helped Duke reach his conclusion.BDuke thinks that a strong intergenerational self is very important.CDuke and Saras research work led us to an unexpected conclusion.DAccording to Duke, positive talks will add new chapters to ones life.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空13 . You must believe in yourself.Thats one of the_(secret) of success.14 . Its a_(pleased) for me to go shopping with you.15 . How do you like your English teachers_(pronounce)?Pretty good.You may think she is a native English speaker.16 . The two villages are_(connect) by a bridge.17 . Mary often helps me with my homework.She is very_(help)第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、阅读单选1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、

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