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人教版八年级英语寒假作业-作业十九姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What happens when you hear a strange noise at night .or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom ? It often makes us _.AjumpBto jumpCjumpingDjumped2 . I wont have dinner_ I finish my homework.OK. Remember to heat(加热) it when you eat.AwhenBifCuntilDbecause3 . The pizza _ delicious. Can I have more?AtastesBlooksCsoundsDfeels4 . A cow is _as a horse.Aas an animal strongBas a strong animalCas strong an animalDstrong as an animal5 . The entrance exam is only fifteen days away from now. You will fail the exam _ you study hard from now on.AifBas soon asCunlessDalthough6 . If it _rain tomorrow , we will go camping.AdontBwontCdoesnt7 . My grandfather is over seventy years old. He is very well because he always_ .Astays upBsleeps lateCplays computer gamesDtakes exercise8 . Will you please_ it to me on Friday?What about Saturday? My computer doesnt work well these days.AsendBgiveCemailDbring9 . Neither the students nor the teacher _ the way to Nanjing Library.AknowBknowsCdont knowDdoesnt know10 . I hear they took _ active part in the school sports meeting._ good boys they are!Aa; What aBan; HowCan; What二、完型填空Just for today I will be happy. I quite agree with Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in the US. He said, “Most people can be as happy as they hope to be in their mind.” _ is from inside. It is not a matter of outside.Just for today I will take care of my _. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish (滋养) it, so that it will be a _ machine for my building. I plan to run for an hour every morning, and play basketball three or four times a week. _ it is possible, I will join a basketball team and train myself there too.Just for today I will try to strengthen(加强) my _. I will learn something useful and meaningful. I will keep reading as part of myself. I will choose _ to read, especially books that need thought as often as I can, because reading is like a key that can _ my mind to the outside world. It nourishes me deeply and _ me a full man.Just for today I will have a plan. I will write down _ I expect to do every day first. And then I will begin _ a very small thing, such as getting up on time. I may not follow it _ the same as I have expected, but I am sure that I will have it. _, a good plan is half done. Just for today I will be _ enough to enjoy myself. I will not be afraid to be happy, and to enjoy what is beautiful. I will not be afraid to love and to believe that those I love also love me. Ill value every moment that will be _ with my parents, my children and my friends. And I will say “I love you” loudly to them. Never keep my love as a _. Just for today I will start my new journey and enjoy life as well.11 . ASadnessBHappinessCFriendshipDCommunication12 . ApetBkidCbodyDhouse13 . AnoisyBheavyCsimpleDperfect14 . AIfBTillCUnlessDWhether15 . AmindBheadCbodyDmemory16 . AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything17 . Aput upBopen upCmake upDclean up18 . AcallsBmakesCwritesDlets19 . AthatBwhatCwhichDwhere20 . AbyBinCwithDthrough21 . AcarefullyBexactlyChardlyDsuddenly22 . AInsteadBFinallyCAnywayDHowever23 . AbraveBcarefulCnervousDworried24 . AspentBwastedCmissedDoffered25 . AdollBpoemCsecretDpainting三、用所给单词的正确形式填空. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空26 . Do you still remember _(meet)Yao Ming in Beijing three years ago?27 . Try _(remember)eight or ten words a day.28 . There are some boys _(play)soccer on the playground.29 . Which is _(difficult),Maths,English or Physics?30 . Well go shopping if we _(be)free this Sunday.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、

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