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人教版八年级英语寒假作业-作业十二姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its so cold today. Would you mind not _ the window? Do it as you like.AopenBopeningCto open2 . The story happened the morning of 25th ,Sepetember .AtoBinConDat3 . Theres little _ left at home. Go and buy some, dear.AcarrotsBpotatoesCrice4 . There a new project about AI Robot in our school next year.Ais going to haveBare going to haveCare going to beDis going to be5 . Though he was born in a rich family, he never_ his wealth.Ashowed upBshowed aroundCshowed offDwas on show6 . For me, the most important thing is to _ Jin Zhiwens songs.AlistenBlistensClisten to Dlistened7 . John likes . He can very well.Aswimming; swimBswim; swimmingCswim; swim8 . please check your paper to there are no mistakes .(错误)Athink ofBmake sureCthink aboutDbe sure about9 . (题文) We all should make a contribution to _ our environment.AprotectsBto protectCprotectingDprotect10 . There_ a sport meeting in our school this weekend, isnt there?Awill beBisCwill haveDis going to be二、阅读单选I have a dog, Rubby. He wrote his resolutions on New Years Day.2014 New Years Resolutions1.Be a brave(勇敢的) dog in the house.At least stop letting Mimi, the cat, push me around.2.I will not eat Mimis food before or after she eats it.3.Remember not to stand up after sleeping under the coffee table.4.Remember not to put my toys behind the fridge.5.Never eat fish and other seafood, or I will die.6.I will not eat Dads socks or pens.7.Keep an eye on the dog Piggy.Never let him take my meat away.8.We dont have a doorbell.I will not bark (叫) when I hear one ring on TV.9.I will not wake Mom up by touching her with my cold and wet nose.10.Mom and Dad are in bed and I have to sleep on the floor.根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。11 . Who is Mimi?AA dog.BA cat.CThe dogs Mom.DThe dogs Dad.12 . Where does the dog often put his toys?AUnder the coffee table.BBehind the fridge.COn the sofa.DOn Moms bed.13 . What can make the dog die?ASeafood.BDads socks.CDads pens.DMimis food.14 . When does the dog usually bark?AWhen he sees a cat.BWhen he smells strangers.CWhen he walks outside.DWhen he hears a doorbell ring on TV.15 . What can we learn about the dog from the passage?AHe likes playing with the cat.BPiggy is his best friend.CHe has a cold and wet nose.DHe likes to sleep on the floor.三、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。16 . 下午三点我的头开始痛得厉害。At three in the afternoon my head _.17 . 你想看哪种类型的影片?_ movie would you like to watch?18 . 第二天那个农民离开了医院。That farmer left the hospital _.19 . 他拿出手机递给我。He _ the mobile phone and passed it to me.20 . 爸爸用相机给我拍了一张照片。Dad _ of me with the camera.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、三、完成句子1、

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