人教版八年级上册英语 Unit10 测试卷(无听力部分)

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人教版八年级上册英语 Unit10 测试卷(无听力部分)一、单选题1 . Would you mind showing me around the new library?_. Lets go.AI think soBCertainly notCThats rightDIt doesnt matter2 . I ate a big bowl of noodles five minutes ago. Now, Im not.AtiredBhungryCcoldDbusy3 . If Mr. Smith back tomorrow, please let me know.Awill comeBcameCcomesDcome4 . Thank you for_ let me_ on the trip today.Aagree to;goBagreeing;goingCagreeing to;goDagree;to go5 . If our parents do everything for us children, we dont learn to depend on _.AthemselvesBthemCusDourselves6 . Everyone here likes David because he is so humorous. He always makes us laugh.ArichBfunnyChandsome7 . The clothes in this store are sold _ very good prices.AinBatConDto8 . Sunshine Taxi Service. Can I help you? My plane _ off at 11:30 in the morning. Can you send a taxi no later than 9 oclock?AtakesBtookChas takenDwill be taken9 . Jackie Chen _ a big nose and his hair _ short.Ais, areBhas, areChas, is10 . Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your study, my boy. You must stop_ your homework now.Ato play; to do Bplaying; doing Cto play; doing Dplaying; to do11 . He can play_,but he cant play_.Athe baseball,pianoBthe baseball,the pianoCbaseball,pianoDbaseball,the piano12 . Reading a lot is very useful. Im sure you can learn English well _.Ain a wayBin this wayCon the wayDby the way13 . (题文)Youre halfway _things with a good start.Ato doingBto doCdoingDdo14 . Why are you unhappy, John?I didnt finish my homework again. Im afraid Miss Zhang will be me.Aangry withBfriendly toCproud ofDinterested in15 . Im afraid we dont have enough rooms for our guests _.Ato liveBto live inCliving inDto living二、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有一个多余选项)As a volunteer(志愿者) teacher, I traveled a long way to a small village school in Long Zhou, Guangxi. On my way there, I thought about the village, the school, and the children there. However, my heart sank(下沉) when I arrived there. It wasnt what I expected. 16 . . It had only three rooms, one for Grades 1, 2, and 3, and the other for Grades 4, 5 and 6. There was a third one for me.17 . . They asked me a lot of questions, and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai. The next day, I gave them a test to find out their level(水平). To my surprise, though the test was very easy, over half of the students failed(不及格), yet they all wanted to learn new things. 18 . .I was busy preparing lessons, reading test papers every night. I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hard-working children, and I could see that they were making progress(进步) with my help. 19 . . I understand their lives better, and we are now good friends.20 . Im very happy, and the experience has been very useful for me. I love the small village and the children. In fact, I would like to go on working here.AI knew they needed me.BThe volunteer teacher doesnt like to work there any longer. CIt didnt look like a school at all!DThe children welcomed me warmly on my first day.E.I have also learned a lot from them.F.I have worked in Long Zhou for a year now.三、完型填空These days _ school safety events(安全事故) have happened. How to be safe is very _ to us. If you remember the following rules, your life will be _.School bags should be put in front of your body instead of _ them on your back. When there are many people on the bus, it is _ enough for thieves to steal(偷) the things if your bag is on your back.If you have to take a bus to a place _, try to get to the stop a few minutes before the bus _. On the bus, _ sit alone. You had better sit behind the driver or with friends. Dont _.If you _ at a strange place, you should notice the environment around you. You shouldnt walk alone outside. Make sure _ the public phones are.If you are followed by a stranger, cross the street and go in the other direction(方向); let the stranger know that you know he or she is there. Next, go and get help from _if it is necessary.Its more fun and safer _ things with friends. Take along a friend when you walk to school, bike around the park or go to the store. _ out with a friend is a good idea. And traveling with a group of kids is _ better.21 . AmanyBmuchCfewDlittle22 . AinterestingBuselessCimportantDboring23 . AworseBmore safeCsaferDharder24 . AputBputsCputtingDhave put25 . AeasyBdifficultCexcitedDtired26 . AcloseBfar awayCnearDfar away from27 . AgoesBtakesCstopsDcomes28 . AdontBnotCcantDdoesnt29 . AtalkBsleepCsitDspeak30 . AreachBget toCgetDarrive31 . AwhyBhow farCwhereDwhen32 . AanotherBthe othersCthe otherDothers33 . AdoBto doCdidDdone34 . AGoBGoingCGoneDHave gone35 . AmoreBlittleCevenDever四、阅读单选Mrs. White was very fat. She weighed(体重) 100 kilos, so she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You need a diet (节食),Mrs. White, and I have a good way here.” He gave Mrs. White a small book and said, “Read this carefully and eat the things on page(页) 11 every day. Then come back and see me in two weeks.”Mrs. White came again two weeks later, but she wasnt thinner. She was fatter than before. The doctor was surprised and asked, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?” “Yes, doctor.” she answered.The next day the doctor visited Mrs. White during her dinner. He was very surprised at what he saw. “Mrs. White,” he said, “why are you eating potatoes and bread? They arent in your diet. ”“Doctor,”Mrs. White answered, “I follow(遵从) my diet at lunchtime. But this is my dinner.”36 . Mrs. White went to see a doctor because _.Ashe had a bad coldBshe felt terribleCthe doctor was her friendDshe wanted to be thinner37 . The doctor asked her to _.Aeat more foodBeat less foodCeat nothingDeat healthy food38 . Two weeks later,Mrs. White became _.AfatterBthinnerChealthierDstronger39 . The doctor was surprised when he visited Mrs. White during her dinner. Because_.Ashe eat nothing.Bshe was eating meat.Cshe was eating potatoes and bread.Dshe wasnt in.40 . “I follow my diet at lunchtime. But this is my dinner.” means _.AShe always followed the diet.BShe didnt follow the diet.CShe didnt like the dietDShe only followed the diet at lunchtime, and she didnt follow the diet at dinner.A young woman travelled and stayed in a hotel. All the rooms in the hotel were singles (单人间). So she lived in a single room.Just when she was going to bed, there was a knock at the door. She had no friends in the city. So she was quite surprised but still opened the door.The man who was standing at the door looked a little nervous. “Oh! I,m sorry. I thought this was my room.” the man said and walked away in a hurry.The woman called the police at once. Soon, the man was caught. He was a thief! But how did the woman know that?All the rooms in the hotel were singles. Who would knock at his own door if he was staying alone? Only a thief would do this. He wanted to see if anyone was inside before he broke into the room.41 . A young woman travelled and stayed _.Ain a hotelBin a parkCin a police officeDin her friends home42 . The man looked a little _ when the woman opened the door.AhappyBnervousCmadDsurprised43 . The man knocked at the door to _.Afind his friend in the cityBstay aloneCsee if anyone was insideDcall the police44 . Who is clever?AThe thief.BThe womanCBoth the thief and the womanDNeither the thief nor the woman45 . Why did the woman call the police?ABecause the man knocked at the door.BBecause the man walked away.CBecause the man broke into the roomDBecause the woman knew that the man was a thief.阅读理解。On the first day of school our teacher introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didnt already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I turned around to find a little old lady with a warm smile. She said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. Im eighty-seven years old.”“Why are you in university at such a YOUNG age?” I asked. She replied, “Im here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids, and then retire and travel.”I knew she was joking. I was curious what might have encouraged her to be taking on this challenge at her age.“I always dreamed of having a university education and now Im getting one!” she told me. We became friends. Every day we would talk nonstop after class. I always enjoyed listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. And Rose easily made friends wherever she went.At the end of the term we invited Rose to make a little speech. She cleared her throat(喉咙) and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. Ive learned a few secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. Youve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.”“There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older.Thatdoesnt take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity(机会) in change.”46 . When the author and Rose first met, they began their conversation in a _ manner.ApoliteBimpoliteCseriousDhumorous47 . The author considered Rose as a “time machine” because _.Ashe always came to class on timeBshe made friends easily at universityCshe enjoyed a long life and had lots of wisdom and experienceDshe knew the difference between growing older and growing up48 . The word“That”in Paragraph 7 refers to(指)_.Agrowing olderBgrowing upCstaying youngDbeing happy49 . From this passage we know Rose believed _.A“Easier said than done.”B“Well begun is half done.”C“It is never too late to learn.”D“Reading makes a full man.”五、完成句子50 . Bob and Frank _ OK.51 . Hello, _ Gina.Hello, Gina! My (我的) name is John.52 . What color is the Z?_ yellow.53 . _ your _, please.J-A-C-K, Jack.54 . Whats it _ English?Its _ ruler. And _ ruler is white.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或者丹玉前的字母填入空格。每个单词或短语只能填一次)AothersBregularCeasilyDconnectedEget familiar withFrespectA police officers job responsibilities are varied. Police make sure that people follow the law.They solve crimes, direct and control traffic, help in emergencies such as car accidents, collect evidence at the scene of a crime , and even testify(作证)in court.Police also work in a wide variety of places. Some work in offices or police stations, but 55 . patrol(巡逻)communities on foot, by car, on a motorcycle, or even on a horse! Still other types of police officers ride in boats to protect rivers, lakes, and harbors.Most police wear a uniform. These are the police you can 56 . recognize. But other police may not be as easy to spot: Detectives or special agents wear57 . street clothes.Police can be men or women, and they have a very dangerous job. This is because police often deal with people who have broken the law. Many police officers carry weapons, such as a gun or nightstick, to protect them from harm. Sometimes police officers are58 . to car chases or have to go to risky places, such as the scenes of fires and explosions. Police officers always put themselves in harms way to keep us safe, so its important to 59 . them.七、材料作文60 . 书面表达(满分20分):以My good friend为题,字数80左右,包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺。要点: 1.Helen是我的好朋友。她着方脸,微笑的眼睛,留着齐肩发。2她最喜欢的科目是地理课和家政课,每次考试都能得到最高分。3.她在任何时候都乐意助人。常常在功课上帮助我。4.她还喜欢旅游,上个月她去了故宫博物院,看见了许多古董。5.长大后她想当一名社会工作者,这样她可以听取人们的问题,并帮他们解决。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、材料作文1、

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