人教版八年级英语上Unit 1能力检测题

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人教版八年级上Unit 1能力检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Some birds are flying _ the lake. What a beautiful picture!AforBunderCinDabove2 . I go for a row on the lake.Aam usedBam used toCused toDused3 . WeChinesehavea_holidayonNationalDayeveryyear.AsevendayBsevendaysCsevendaysDseven-day4 . Did you go shopping yesterday?Yes, I bought something _ my father.AonBtoCforDof5 . I dont like historyits boring.AAndBSoCButDBecause6 . Do you knowthis computer? Yes. Last Monday.Awhen he buysBwhen will he buyCwhen he boughtDwhen did he buy7 . Ill give the boys_to eat. -Oh, I know fish and salad.Asomething healthyBhealthy somethingCanything healthy8 . This morning I went to school ina hurryI left my notebook at home.Aenough; toBtoo; toCso; thatDsuch; that9 . I want to go to the zoo. I feel very to stay at home all day.AinterestedBinterestingCboredDboring10 . Katrina watches TV once _ week.AaBtheCanD11 . -Why dont you listen to the radio?- _AThats all right BYoure welcome CThats a good idea12 . The boy was so hungry that he ate_ hamburgers for dinner yesterday.Aother twoBanother twoCtwo anotherDmore two13 . I wonder _ here yesterday.Awhen did he comeBwhen he cameCwhen does he cameDwhen came he14 . The robber was guilty _ computer crimes in the past.AofBfromCoffDon15 . Let me teach you how _ 。Ato singBsingsCsingDto sings16 . (题文)_?Well,Im new here.Is there a park around here?AWho are youBHow are youCHow can I help youDWhere are you from17 . Lily is sure about there before 8:30.AgetBgetsCgettingDto get18 . Tom watches TV four _ five _a week.Aand, timesBor, timeCor, timesDand, time19 . Ifyouare_music,youcanjointhemusicclub.AinterestedinBafraidofCbusywithDgoodof20 . I saw a boy_in the yard.AplayBplayingCplayed21 . Can he promise _ us? Of course! He is very friendly.AteachBteachesCto teachDteaching22 . The play us some stories at the lost and found office. Theyre very interesting.AmakesBsellsCasksDshows23 . When I _ at the school gate, my classmates had already set off for the museum.AarriveBarrivedChave arrivedDhad arrived24 . -What do you want to do when you are in American?-I expect _ English well.AlearnBto learnClearningDlearned25 . There _ lots of bad news on the Internet for children.Aseems to beBseem to beCseem to haveDseem to have二、补全对话7选5从A-J 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。( 选项中有两项是多余的)A: Hello, Li Jun ! How are you doing?B: Fine, thanks.A: Im thinking about a trip to Beijing. 26 . B: Yes, I can. What would you like to know about Beijing?A: 27 . B: Yes, it is. Its very cool in autumn.A:Great. 28 . In your opinion, which place of interest is the most popular in Beijing?B:29 . As the saying goes, He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.A: Sounds good! Ill go there first. What else can I do in Beijing?B: 30 . Shopping is always part of travelling.A: Good idea! It is said that Beijing Roast Duck(烤鸭)is very delicious.31 . B: At Quanjude Restaurant. 32 . A: Great! I cant wait to go now. Thanks a lot.B: 33 . AIts my pleasure.BIll go there in October.CYou can go shopping there.DThe Great Wall, of course.E. When shall I go to Beijing?F. Is autumn the best time to go there?G. Where can you buy some nice clothes?H. Can you tell me something about the capital city?I. I am sure you can have a good dinner there.J. Where can I taste it?三、完型填空I used to hate scary films. I didnt understand why some people wanted to scare _ on purpose (故意地). But now I love them. _, I have something nearby to hide my face sometimes, but I still enjoy watching them. As a _, I have to watch something “happy” afterwards (然后) to take my mind off them.Watching scary films is like going on a rollercoaster (过山车). Many people ride it for the _ that comes from being scared without actually being in _. As I am truly scared of the rollercoaster, watching scary films is my way of experiencing this. And it is interesting, especially _ it is a film you havent seen before. You can try to _ whats going to happen._ I saw a film called The Strangers by myself. For some reasons I had to keep _ the video and doing something else. It took me five hours to finish seeing the film.Scary films make me _ but excited. I know I will continue to scare myself.34 . AhimselfBherselfCourselvesDthemselves35 . AAt lastBBy mistakeCTo be honestDBy accident36 . AboyBruleCjokeDjob37 . AkindnessBexcitementCsuccessDsadness38 . AdangerBfearCsilenceDfun39 . AbutBalthoughCsoDif40 . AcreateBplanCguessDask41 . AHappilyBShortlyCFinallyDRecently42 . AstoppingBimaginingCdecidingDchoosing43 . AhappyBscaredCboredDangry四、阅读单选I have tried many ways to be ill. I dont wear a sweater when I should, and two days ago I walked in the rain without my shoes. But so far nothing has happened. Debbie once told me about a boy in her class who liked being away from school. He would rub (擦) the end of the thermometer (温度计) until it went up to 39. Then hed put it in his mouth and his mother would think he was really ill.This morning I tried doing that but it never went above 35 and I rubbed it for ten minutes. So I held the thermometer next to the light on my desk and it went up to 40. I thought Id put it in my mouth and walk downstairs like that. Then my mother would take it out and she would be worried when she saw that I was rather ill.The only trouble was I didnt know the thermometer would be so hot. As soon as I put it into my mouth I burnt my tongue! I spit the thermometer out. It fell on the floor but it didnt break.I will have to think up a better way to get my mother and father back together.44 . Why did the writer walk in the rain without her shoes two days ago?ABecause she had no money to buy a pair of shoes.BBecause she thought it interesting to walkCBecause she forgot to put on her shoes when she left home.DBecause she hoped she could be ill in this way.45 . According to (根据) the passage, which of the following is true?AThe boy in Debbies class helped the writer a lot.BThe boy in Debbies class knew everything.CThe boy in Debbies class didnt like going to school.DThe boy in Debbies class was not healthy.46 . After the writer rubbed the thermometer, it went to _.A35B37C39D4047 . Why did the writer spit the thermometer out?ABecause it smelled terrible.BBecause it was too hot.CBecause it was too long.DBecause it was broken.48 . The writer tries to be ill because _.Ashe wants to stay at homeBshe wants her father and mother to come back togetherCshe wants to ask her father for some moneyDshe wants to see a beautiful nurse五、根据首字母、中文提示填空49 . This bike is my sisters. It belongs to _ (她的)。50 . This isnt my book. _(我的) is in the bag.51 . They quarrelled among _(他们).六、用所给单词的正确形式填空52 . Do you like _ (do) the same things as your friends? No, I dont.53 . My mother often makes me _ (clean) the room. My room is very clean everyday.54 . The boy enjoys _(swim) very much.55 . Its difficult for her _ (make) friends because she is so shy.56 . What happened to him?He _ (break) his arm while playing basketball.57 . My best friend Jim cares about me and he is always there _ (listen) to me.58 . My brother wants to be a student _ (help) at the English study center.59 . Did you take part in the _ (sing) competition yesterday?60 . We all think the most important thing is _ (keep) healthy.61 . How often _ your father _ (drink) milk? Never.用所给词的适当形式填空62 . Here _ (come) the bus!63 . I want to go _ (boat) with my parents next Sunday.64 . So much work usually makes him _ (feel) very tired.65 . We _ (have) rice and fish for supper today.66 . The school _ (cover) an area of 568 square kilometers.七、填空这是初中英语选修教材Reading for Enjoyment 的目录(contents)。请仔细阅读该目录,完成对教材内容的介绍。ContentsModuleTopicReadingCulture1 P2FriendshipAnns best friendFriendship in Rome2 P10Wild worldAnimals in dangerSharks rights3 P18Healthy livingProper exerciseThe tree of life4 P26MusicGreat musicians of the pastVienna New Years ConcertHeres a table of contents from Reading for Enjoyment. There are 67 . modules in this book. Each module has three parts68 . , Reading and Culture. The topics are Friendship, Wild world, Healthy living and 69 . . the Reading part provides lots of fresh reading passages, which help students improve their 70 . skills such as finding facts, and bring them great enjoyment as well. The 71 . part provides rich cultural background through short stories. The book helps open up students eyes and improve their comprehension abilities.八、书信作文72 . 假设你是李华。上周末你和同班同学去绿色农场郊游,大家玩的很开心。请你通过e-mail将此活动过程告知你的好友Tom,并简要谈谈你的感受。要点如下:The trip to the Green FarmWhen4月22日早上8:00出发。下午5:00返回。Where学校大门口集合。绿色农场效游。How乘坐校车。What野炊、摘西红柿,放风筝等(至少提及三项活动)。Safety tips不要到河里游泳;不要单独行动:参考词汇:get close to the nature(亲近大自然)写作要求:1、词数6080;(开头和结尾已给出)2、文中不能出现真实的校名或人名;3、所给的要点必须都用上;4、紧扣主题,适当发挥。Dear Tom,Hows it going? Last weekend, I went to_Yours, Li Hua第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、七、填空1、八、书信作文1、


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