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人教版八年级第一学期期末教学质量调研测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I have _ basketball. And I always play _ basketball in the morning.Aa; /Ba; theCa; aDthe; /2 . -This task is really beyond me. -Well, if you _solve it, you wont get paid.AcantBneedntCmustntDshouldnt3 . “My Heart Will Go On” was one of songs of 1998.ApopularestBmore popularCvery popularDthe most popular4 . Therell be a parents meeting next week, and my parents will _ for it.Aboth comeBcome bothCall comeDcome all5 . Mark, where were you at ten yesterday?I the fire station with my classmates. I learned a lot.AvisitedBam visitingCwas visitingDvisit6 . -Mandeep can go to school now. UNICEF has paid for her _.-How lucky she is!AeducationBorganizationCcompetitionDinvention7 . We call her XiWang. What kind of sentence structure is it?AS+V+OBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+PDS+V+DO+OC8 . (题文)- I like playing football very much.- Why dont you _ a football club?Atake partBjoin inCjoinDattend9 . _ careful! _ cross the road when the traffic light is red.ABe; NotBBe; DontCDo; CantDDo; Dont10 . My new iphone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday. _.AIt doesnt matterBIm sorry to hear thatCDont be sillyDId love to11 . He is than me and he isin our class.Ataller, tallestBthe taller, the tallestCtaller, the tallest12 . -What did the teacher say just now?- The teacher told us _ our hands before _ the questions.Ato rise; answeredBrise; answeringCto raise; answeringDraise; answered13 . I _ go to bed _ my father came back.Awont, untilBwill, untilCdidnt, until14 . The beautiful house is_ sale, but it wont be on sale.Aon;Bfor;Cwith;Din15 . -We have a new classmate ,Judy!-Yes, she comes from Canada ,but she can speak Chinese _us.Aas good asBas well asCas nice asDas better as二、完型填空I used to have_ interesting and smart friend Lucy. But I refused _ with her because she was always complaining! For years, I fought against my feelings, because I really like and admire her, but I have found I just cant be her friend. Her world is_ of buts. For example, the trip was nice, but the drive was _ long. I didnt realize _ her complaints were silently changing me.Months ago, my best friend May was listening to me complaining about Lucy _she got really angry. Either break up with her, or leave me alone. She shouted _me, Im tired of listening to your complaining. Her honesty _ me, and I began to keep myself away from Lucy. _ , I did forget her.Now I try to remain happy and positive about life, and find friends of the same. Theres been scientific research showing that people_ find reasons to be thankful for their lives are actually happier, and I believe that is true. Endless complaining seems to control your life if you let it _ into your brain. And too much complaining will actually make your life _.Some people take gratitude walks every day, where they think about _lives in a positive way. By _ a grateful attitude, you can be turned away from whats troubling you, and toward what makes you happy. Then you _have a beautiful life.16 . A/BaCanDthe17 . AplayBto playCplayingDplays18 . AfullBfillCfullyDfilled19 . AmuchBevenCstillDtoo20 . AwhichBwhatCthatDhow21 . AifBafterCunlessDuntil22 . AwithBatConDin23 . AsurpriseBsurprisesCsurprisedDwas surprising24 . AlateBlaterClatelyDlatest25 . AwhenBwhyCwhoDwhich26 . Ato comeBcomesCcomeDcoming27 . AbadlyBworseCworstDthe worst28 . AtheyBtheirsCtheirDthemselves29 . AdevelopBdevelopsCto developDdeveloping30 . AcanBmustCshouldDhave to三、阅读单选To.jennycompmail.caFrom: limingnet.cnDate:01/03 9:08 p.m.Subject: Plan for the tripHi, Jenny,Im excited to hear from you! You and Danny will come to China and see the Silk Road(丝绸之路)with us! We will travel along the Silk Road together. Wang Mei and I will meet you in Beijing. Our first stop will be Xian. How far is it from Beijing to Xian? Its about 1114 kilometers.This trip will be very special. The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometers long! But we dont have enough time to see it all. We can only see part of it. Well learn about the history and culture of China along the way.I will send you the plan for our trip.Your friend,Li MingPlan for the TripDays 1-2 Arrive in Beijing and take a train to XianDays3-4 Visit Xian and the Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑)Days 5-6 Visit Lanzhou and the Yellow RiverDays 7-8 Visit DunhuangDays 9-10 Come back to Beijing and leave Beijing31 . Why will Jenny and Danny come to China?ABecause they want to meet Li Ming.BBecause they want to see the Silk Road.CBecause they want to work in China.DBecause they want to visit their grandparents.32 . What will be their second stop along the Silk Road?ADunhuang.BLanzhou.CBeijing.DXian33 . Why will they NOT see all of the Silk Road?ABecause the trip is boring.BBecause Xian is very far from Beijing.CBecause they dont have enough money.DBecause they dont have enough time.34 . How many days will Jenny and Danny stay in China?AAbout four days.BAbout six days.CAbout ten days.DAbout a month.35 . This writing is _.Aabout how to learn historyBa letterCfrom Jenny to Li MingDan e-mailHuman, Dont Come too CloseFrequent touching from humans may change plants genes and slow their growth.When we see babies or pets, we cant help gently touching them to show our love. And they give us happy feelings back. But a recent study shows that its different for plants.A study, published in The Plant Journal, shows that plants dont “like” to be touched. Thats because touching changes their genes (基因) and, even worse, can slow their growth.Professor Jim Whelan of the La Trobe Institute in Australia gave an explanation. “The lightest touch from a human, animal, insect, or even plants touching each other in the wind, leads to a huge gene change in the plant,” Science Daily reported.In order to test the theory, the scientists did an experiment on plants. They grew a number of plants to the age of four weeks. Then they touched them with a paintbrush every 12 hours over a 36-hour period.They found that as a response to the touch, the mitochondria (线粒体) in the plants had been partly destroyed. The mitochondria, as Science Alert noted, are the “powerhouse of the cell (细胞)”. The mitochondria produce energy for the rest of the cell in both animals and plants.If this “powerhouse” is weakened, the plants will lose a large amount of energy that should have supported their growth. Whelan further explained to Science Daily, “If the touching is repeated, then plant growth is reduced by up to 30 percent.”Although the process does have a strong effect on plants, usually the plants survive. Touching changes the plants, but its not necessarily a bad change.According to Science Alert, frequent touching or moving plants will make them grow shorter than other ones. The researchers believe this change, in some way, could be helpful. It may help plants fight threats to their health such as insects and bad weather.The new research findings have led to a deeper understanding of the plants response to touching. And the research might “open up new ways to reduce sensitivity (敏感性) and improve growth in the future”, Science Alert reported.36 . Why did the scientists do the experiment?ATo test if touching can change the genes of plants.BTo show that plants and animals genes are different.CTo tell when touching has effect on plants and animals.DTo find out why some plants grow more slowly than others.37 . What did the scientists find in their experiment?ARepeated touching shortened the plants life by four weeks.BTouching slowed down plant growth by reducing energy for growth.CRepeated touching made plants die sooner than they were expected to.DMitochondria in the plants couldnt produce energy because of touching.38 . What do the scientists think of the fact that touch makes plants become shorter?AThe plants will be more likely to be attracted by insects.BThe plants will be more easily harmed by bad weather.CThe plants will be less sensitive to being touched.DThe plants will be better at fighting dangers.American SchoolsAmerican schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take only four or five subjects(学科) each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.After high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.39 . How long is each term?ATwo months.BThree months.CFour months.DFive months.40 . How old are the students when they graduate(毕业) from high school?AFive years oldBSeven or eight years old.CSeventeen or eighteen years old.DTwenty years old.41 . How many subjects do the high school students have each term?AThree or four.BFive or six.CSix or seven.DFour or five.42 . What do many college students do after class in America?AMany of them read books after class.BMany of them go to work to get money for their studies.CMany of them go to parties.DMany of them go out with their friends.About five hundred years ago, an earthquake happened in a small village. Luckily for them, it didnt destroy (毁坏) anything and no one was hurt. But a large stone fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road. When the earthquake stopped, many people came to the road and saw the stone. Some of the strongest men wanted to move it away, they tried again and again but at last they failed. “Well,” they said sadly ,“theres nothing we can do about it, well have to change the way.” At this time a boy of 12 years old said , “ I think I can move the stone away.” “You?” all the strong men laughed at the boy, “What are you talking about ?”The next morning people were all surprised to see that the stone was gone. It wasnt on the road any longer and it wasnt even near the road. The boy smiled and said “Iburiedit.”The people looked rather surprised. “You see,” he said , “I dug (挖) a deep hole next to the stone and I dug a small incline (斜坡) up to the stone and the stone rolled down into the hole itself. Then I covered it with earth. “The villagers shouted “Clever boy! Clever boy!” and some of them said, “ Why didnt we think out this good idea ?”43 . Around 500 years ago, this story happened in a small_.AtownBvillageCcityDcountry44 . moved the stone out of the road at last .AAn old manBA young manCA boyDSome strong men45 . Finally, the large stone was _.Ain the earthBin the houseCin the riverDon the road side46 . The underlined word “ buried ” has the same meaning as “_”.Amoved awayBbroke downCput and covered in the earthDbecame smaller47 . From the story, we can see that_.Athe boy was stronger than the villagersBthe villagers were not clever at all.Cthe boy was very good at thinkingDthe boy also laughed at the strong men四、根据首字母、中文提示填空48 . The volunteers at the Helping Hands Club will be happy_(give) you some ideas.49 . Mrs. White hopes her grandson_(share) the joy with her soon.50 . Children in poor areas are in great_(缺乏)of food, clothes and books.51 . Beijing welcomes millions of_(visit) each year.52 . When I was in a high school, I often _ (骑) a bike to school.53 . It was raining hard, so we decided_(not go) cycling.54 . My family just moved into a new house.We are looking forward to _ (raise) some cute pet dogs.55 . Annie works _(努力地) on all the subjects.56 . Jack, take off your w_ jacket so you wont catch a cold.57 . Tom, be b_! You are sure to be a hero.58 . Without _(say) goodbye to anyone, the girl went away.59 . Professor Li gave us a talk on how to protect _(we) last Wednesday.60 . The students are talking about different ways of _(raise) money.61 . Last night they _(be) very tired because they _(chat) with their friends until 11o clock.62 . _ you _(give) the CD to him last week? - No, I _(leave) it at home.五、回答问题阅读与回答问题(No more than six words)We spend money everyday. But, do you know how to design them? David, a 15-year-old boy from the UK, just became the designer of the new one-pound(一英镑) coin.To fight against fake(假的) coins, the UK government(政府) had a design competition in September last year. Among about 6000 works, Davids design was the best one and won the competition.The new coin has 12 edges(边). On one side is the picture of the queen(女王). And on the other side,he designed a crown(皇冠) and four plants. And the government will use the coins in 2017.63 . Whose design was the best in the design competition?64 . Why did the UK government have the design competition?65 . How many works were there in the competition?66 . What is on the other side of the coin?67 . When will the coins be in use?六、汉译英:整句翻译下列句子68 . 他的父母结婚二十年了。_69 . 她的丈夫过去很健康,现在偶尔看上去不健康。_70 . 越来越多的人认识到我们必须尽力减少各种污染。_71 . 昨晚直到李雷做完作业他父母才回来。_72 . -你最近收到你父母的来信了吗?-是的。昨天收到一封。_七、材料作文73 . 根据下列表格提供的信息写一篇80词左右的短文。姓名Kitty性别女年龄12学校北京阳光中学性格善良,乐于助人爱好当志愿者帮助邻居修自行车、电脑等梦想之家离北京市中心十英里的阳光镇上有一套大房子和家人住在一起_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、回答问题1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、材料作文1、


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