人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 2同步练习

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人教版八年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 2同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . People in that country use spoons or chopsticks to eat. And it is impolite to use both of them _.Aat that timeBat the same timeCfor the first timeDfrom time to time2 . There _ a book and three boxes on the teachers desk.AbeBhaveCisDare3 . Whats white and red? AThey are pink.BIts pink.CThey are pinks.DIts a pink.4 . Tom, _late for school again. Sorry, I wont.AisntBdoesnt beCdont beDnot be5 . Do you know Alice?_, I dont know her.ASorryBYesCExcuse meDThanks6 . Its fun to_ the hills from the balcony.Alook out ofBlook out atClook intoDlook out7 . -Did you sleep well last night?-Oh, no. _ noise outside the hotel almost drove me crazy.AToo manyBSo manyCToo muchDMuch too8 . Yesterday I met Millie _.Aon my way homeBin my way homeCon my way to homeDin my- way to home9 . Im thirsty.Id like a glass of orange juice.What about you,Dad?I prefer a cup of coffee _ nothing in it.AwithBwithoutCfor10 . Which of the underlined letters 划线字母 have the same sound?Abike, bigBgrade, grapeCwould, aboutDclock, close二、完型填空Dear Li Lei,How are you these days? Id like to tell you something about my_. My parents and I have been in Guilin for three days. We are having a_time here.We came here by _. After a long trip, we reached Guilin Railway Station. Unluckily, it was raining_when we arrived. Then we went to a famous park that day. I thought the view was much more beautiful in the_than usual.On the_day of the trip, we went to Lijiang River. We saw many_mountains along the river. Some are like people and some are like a few_sitting together. The most interesting thing was a big rock. You may_ a horse if you look at it carefully enough._wonderful! The mountains around were green and the water was clear. I was so_that I couldnt stop taking photos.Today we went_. We bought some souvenirs(纪念品)and beautiful_made of silk(丝绸). Theyre comfortable to wear. We are busy packing our bags so that we will get things ready_we leave. We will be back home this time on Sunday. I hope to visit Guilin again and you are_your trip to the World Park, too!Yours,Jim11 . AschoolBtripCcityDhometown12 . AgoodBbusyCseriousDdangerous13 . AbusBplaneCtrainDship14 . AslowlyBstronglyChardlyDheavily15 . AsnowBrainCwindDsun16 . AfirstBthirdCsecondDfourth17 . AsameBdifferentClargeDsimilar18 . AflowersBtreesClakesDanimals19 . Atalk aboutBthink ofCmake ofDtake in20 . AHowBWhatCWhyDWhen21 . AexcitedBboringCtiredDrelaxing22 . AswimmingBboatingChikingDshopping23 . ApicturesBclothesCbooksDcards24 . AalthoughBuntilCafterDbefore25 . AseeingBvisitingCenjoyingDtraveling三、阅读单选Learning Colour WordsIn the first few years of their lives, children brought up in English-speaking homes successfully master the use of hundreds of words, including those for objects, actions, emotions, and many other aspects of the physical world. However, when it comes to learning colour words, the same children perform very badly. If shown a blue cup and asked about its colour, typical two-year-olds seem as likely to come up with “red” as “blue”. Cognitive (认知) scientists at Stanford University in California supposed that childrens inability at colour-word learning may be directly linked to the way these words are used in English. They are used mostly in pre-nominal position (e. g. “blue cup”), in contrast to post-nominal position (e. g. “The cup is blue. ”). The difficulty children have may simply come down to the challenge of having to make predictions from colour words to the objects they refer to, rather than from the objects to the colour words. To explore this idea further, the research team recruited (招募) 40 English children aged between 23 and 29 months and carried out a three-period experiment. It included a pre-test, followed by training in the use of colour words, and finally a post-test that was the same to the pre-test. The pre- and post- test materials contained six objects that were unfamiliar to the children. There were three examples of each object in each of three colours-red, yellow and blue. The objects were presented on trays (托盘), and in both tests, the children were asked to pick out objects in response to requests in which the colour word was either a pre-nominal ( “Which is the red one?”) or a post-nominal ( “Which one is red?”). In the training, the children were introduced to five sets of familiar items (balls, cups, crayons, glasses,and toy bears) in each of the three colours. Half the children were presented with the items one by one and heard them labeled with colour words used pre-nominally, while the other half were introduced to the same items described with a post-nominal colour word. After the training, the children repeated the selection task on the novel items in the post-test. Correct choices on items that were consistent (一致的) across the pre-and post-tests were used to measure childrens colour knowledge. According to the assessment, childrens performance was consistent when they were both trained and tested on post-nominal adjectives, and worst when trained on pre-nominal adjectives and tested on post-nominal adjectives. Comparing the pre-and post-test scores across each condition showed a significant decline in performance when children were both pre-and post-tested with questions that placed the colour words pre-nominally.26 . What is the purpose of Paragraph 2?ATo present a phenomenon.BTo make a contrast.CTo give a possible explanation.DTo provide an example.27 . What can we learn about the experiment from the passage?AThe children had to place the pre-and post-test objects onto coloured trays.BThe children were presented with the same objects in the pre-and post-tests.CPre-nominal questions were less used than post-nominal questions in the training.DThe researchers aimed to look for consistencies in childrens knowledge of word order.28 . The outcome of the experiment shows that _.Achildren are unable to accurately sort objects by colour.Bchildren trained on pre-nominal adjectives perform well.Cchildren learn colour words rapidly in post-nominal position.Dchildren can make predictions from the objects to the colour words.Health is very important to everyone and we all want to keep healthy. But in a world full of junk food(垃圾食品),it is not very easy to do so. Now let me tell you some useful ways to keep healthy.First, we should eat right kinds of food. As we all know, eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for our health, because they are rich in fiber and low in fat. A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy, too. And we shouldnt eat too much meat or candy, because too much meat may make us fat and too many candies may be bad for our teeth. And dont drink too much coffee.Second, we should eat in a right way. We cant eat too little or too much. That can make us sick. And we must have meals three times every day on time, too.Its necessary(必要的)for us to have right food and healthy eating habits.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。29 . The writer tells us _ ways of keeping healthy.A1B2C3D430 . Why are fruit and vegetables good for our health?ABecause they are delicious.BBecause they are sweet.CBecause they are cheap.DBecause theyre rich in fiber and low in fat.31 . The underline word sick meansA生病的B烦闷的C可爱的D重要的32 . To keep healthy, we should .Aeat all kinds of fruitsBdrink milk three times a dayCeat in a right wayDeat four times a day33 . What can we drink every day according to the writer?ACola.BMilk.CTea.DCoffee.Music CenterJoin us! Now its your chance to play music!7: 00 pm-9: 00 pm every Monday, Wednesday 9: 30 am-11: 30 am everySaturday, Sunday( Dont forget to bring your instruments )Telephone: 5130564The Swimming ClubBusiness hours: 10: 00 am-10: 00 pm Price: 20 dollars for adults 10 dollars for studentsThe cafe is open from 11: 00 am to 2: 00 pm, every MondayAddress: 362, Williston Road Telephone: 5439624Season restaurantAddress: 126.Green roadBusiness hours: Mon to Sat.7: 00 am-9: 00 pm Sun.10: 00 am-2: 00 pmTelephone: 5706536Joes MarkFresh vegetables and fruit.We also sell sandwiches, cakes, pies.We are open 6 am-8 am Monday to Friday.Free ice cream for children under 10Telephone: 5807932根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。34 . If you want to join the music center, you may come at_.A8: 30 am on WednesdayB9: 30 pm on MondayC11: 00 pm on TuesdayD10: 00 am on Saturday35 . If you want to book a table in the Season Restaurant, you can call up the number.A5130564B5439624C5706536D580793236 . Mike and Jack are middle school students.How much will they pay in total if they want to swim in the swimming club?A10 dollarsB20 dollarsC30 dollarsD40 dollars37 . A(n)_child can enjoy free ice cream in the Joes Market.A8-year-oldB1l-year-oldC13-year-oldD15-year-old38 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe music center will provide you with some instruments for free.BYou can buy fresh fruit in Joes Market on Monday morning.CYou can get to Williston Road to have lunch in Season Restaurant.DYou can eat something in the cafe of the swimming club on Sunday.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词39 . Thailand is a great p_ to have fun.40 . There are many kinds of animals in great d_in the world now.41 . Elephants can walk for a long time and never get l_.42 . His grandpa is o_ ninety years old,but he is still very healthy.43 . We must s_ the endangered(濒危的) animals like pandas.44 . Tommy is a s_ boy,and he doesnt like to speak in front of many people.45 . Dont k_ animals for their fur.46 . We should tell people not to buy things m_of ivory.47 . Your parents are always there with you. Dont f_ to show your love to your parents.48 . Im very thirsty(口渴的). Please give me some w_.根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词。49 . Whats your_ (特别喜爱的)sport, Jenny?一Baseball.50 . English and IT are very interesting _(学科).51 . Do you like_ (科学),Mike?52 . Tom doesnt like _ (音乐).53 . What do you have in the afternoon?一Two_(历史)classes.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。54 . You should be _(friend)to these children.55 . I can hear someone _(laugh)in the other room.56 . He said that he _(come)back in five minutes.57 . They didnt play volleyball near the window. They were afraid _(break)it.58 . She left without _(say)any word.六、填写适当的句子补全对话59 . Mary decided (walk) to school every day in the new term.60 . Do you know the (different) between these two words .61 . I allowed my daughter to surf the Internet (two) a month.62 . Lucys shoes arent so (cheap) as Lilys.63 . Mr. Smith is much (serious) than our English teacher.七、话题作文64 . 卫生健康饮食: 健康一直是人们关注的问题,我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据下列提示内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇100字左右的演讲槁。内容包括: 保持健康的重要性,保持健康的方法,保持健康的结论等,可以根据自己的理解适当增加合适的内容。How to keep healthy?_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、话题作文1、

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