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人教版八年级上学期半期英语试卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Millie is _swimmer in our class. We cant expect her to win the swimming competition.AfasterBthe fastestCslowerDthe slowest2 . your father often TV at home?No, he is too busy.AIs; watchBDo; watchCDoes; watchDDo; watches3 . It is important for himall the subjects well.AstudyBto studyCstudiesDstudying4 . We promise to keep our city clean. We want _ friends of the Earth.AbeBto beCbeingDwas5 . The actress is already 50,but she looks _ than she really is.AyoungBoldColderDyounger6 . Thanks for telling me the news. _.ASee you.BNo problem.CI am sorry.7 . Some people kill elephants _ their ivory.AtoBwithCofDfor8 . Do you like sports shows?Yes, I _.Adont likeBdoesnt likeCdoesDdo9 . Hainan is famous its beautiful beaches. It is famous an international islandAfor; asBas; forCas; asDfor; for10 . -Where could I find a _? Id like to buy some T-shirts.-Come with me, I also want to buy some clothes.Atoy shopBsports shopCclothes shopDbookshop二、完型填空Although it is cold outside,I enjoy the beautiful view in the park when I am free.Walking through the _ park,the trees stand cold and bare.The wind has shaken their yellow leaves to the ground.As I keep walking,a noise in the background is becoming _ and clearer.Now,100 meters ahead,is a group of women at the side of a path.In the cold wind of winter,they are moving their arms and legs to the music.They are dancing aunties. It seems that if you go to any _ place around China,youre likely to see these dancing aunties.When I first came to China,it was one of the first things that _ me.Thats because in Britain _ in public is not a cultural habit.You wont see any age group swinging their arms and tapping their feet in a park.Usually,people just _ for exercise. Now and again the dancing aunties have hit the headlines.Some people find them _,because they make too much _,but others respect their right to dance in public.Most of them are middle-aged.They have some free time to do what they like.There is no more work for them,and their kids have left. Personally,I like seeing these women enjoying themselves.They remind us of the _ of exercise as we get older.Besides,most of them have raised the whole _.Now its their time to have fun and enjoy some peace. When you meet those dancing aunties one day,please join them and I believe you will love them.11 . AsummerBwinterCspringDautumn12 . AnoisierBlowerClouderDsmaller13 . ApublicBprivateCopenDbusiness14 . AtaughtBsurprisedCannoyedDlearned15 . ArunningBwalkingCdancingDsinging16 . Atake a walkBtap their feetCmove their armsDraise their legs17 . AexcitingBannoyingCboringDinteresting18 . AnoiseBlaughterCmusicDdance19 . ApreferenceBresponsibilityCimportanceDbeauty20 . AcountryBfamilyClifeDchildrenI sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was_, for my whole world was dark.A young boy ran up to me, out of breath. He stood_before me with his head down and said_, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and_. I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play._, he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his_and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and its beautiful, too. Thats_I picked it. Here, its for you. ” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must_it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I_. ” Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not_he was blind.Tears (眼泪) came down my face as I_him for picking the best one. “Youre welcome. ” he smiled, and then ran off to_. I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain (痛苦).Through the eyes of a blind child,_I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all those years I myself had been_. I decided to see the beauty in life, and_every second of my life. And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.21 . AhopelessBcolourfulCsimple(简单的)Dwonderful22 . AjustBrightCstraightDalong23 . AdeadBfreshCaliveDheavy24 . AsadlyBstrictlyCangrilyDexcitedly25 . AdeadBfreshCaliveDheavy26 . ASoBOrCHoweverDAnd27 . AheadBnoseCearDneck28 . AhowBwhenCwhereDwhy29 . AbuyBsellCacceptDbreak30 . AadmireBdislikeCwantDhave31 . AcryBspeakCsmileDsee32 . AforgaveBthankedCpaidDhated33 . Aat mostBat timesCat firstDat last34 . AcheerfulBusefulCblindDdeaf35 . AhaveBenjoyCtakeDlike三、阅读单选Dont Be Angry with Your Friends EasilyI have a good friend. His name is Alan. Alan is of medium build, but he is a little fat. He likes helping others. He also likes telling jokes, and his jokes often make me laugh. But yesterday we had a fight because of the football teams. At break(在课间时间), we talked about the 2014 World Cup. We argued(争论) about which team was the best. I thought it was Germany but he thought it was Argentina. After that, he said goodbye to me and talked with other students loudly. I was very angry with him.Then he still didnt talk to me all day. He didnt look at me, either. I started to feel sad. When it was time to go home, I asked him if he wanted to go with me. But he said “no” to me and went away.But Alan called me just before I went to bed. He said he was sorry about what he did. I said I never mind. We are still good friends now and I feel much better. I hope we wont have a fight.36 . What does Alan look like?AHe is of medium build.BHe is of medium height.CHe is thin and outgoing.37 . Yesterday we had a fight because we argued which _ was the best.Afootball teamBsports starCfootball match38 . _ likes Germany better than Argentina.AAlanBThe writerCNobody39 . The writer _ after the fight.Afelt sad and angryBwent awayCdidnt talk to Alan all day40 . Why did the writer and Alan become good friends again?ABecause they truly cared about each other.B.Because Alan called to say he was sorry.BBoth A and B.AI am Leo. I have five good friends in my class, Class 6. They like different subjects.Sams favorite subject is science because he thinks it is useful. Marks favorite subject is geography, and he likes science, too. Jack likes art best because he likes drawing pictures. Mary likes Chinese because her father is Chinese. Her father teaches her Chinese at home. She also likes art very much. Bobs favorite subject is math. He thinks math is very interesting. He also likes P.E. because he likes playing sports.41 . 划线单词“it”指代的是“”。AgeographyBscienceCSams science bookDLeos favorite subject42 . Mark .Aisnt in Class 6Bis Sams brotherCdoesnt like scienceDlikes geography best43 . 划线单词“drawing”的中文意思是“”。A租B借C画D贴44 . Mary likes Chinese because .Ashe likes ChinaBChinese is interestingCher father is ChineseDher father teaches Chinese45 . 下列哪项陈述是正确的?AMary doesnt like art.BBob thinks math is boring.CP.Dis Jacks favorite subject.ELeo and his friends are classmates.四、阅读判断Perhaps youve already watched or heard about Readers, a TV show that has recently become popular on CCTV. It is hosted by Dong Qing. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage and tell their moving stories. They can read everything, like poems, books, letters and so on.Many people are fans of the show and fall in love with reading aloud at home. Now the show gives people special reading pavilions(亭子)to read in some big cities of China, but every pavilion is so small that only one person can come into it each time. Everyone can read what they like for three minutes in the pavilion. Later the show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.Thanks to the wonderful TV show on CCTV, the young are becoming more and more interested in Chinese traditional culture.根据短文内容,判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。46 . Readers has recently become popular on CCTV.47 . People can only read poems, books, and letters in the TV show of Readers.48 . Every reading pavilion is so big that many fans can come into it each time.49 . The TV show of Readers will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.50 . The young are becoming more and more interested in Chinese traditional culture because of Readers.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子五、从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用正确的形式填空。of ones own be different from sharewith. worry aboutbe full of fell better make dinner make a firegive sb. some ideas do some shopping51 . He always_ his health.52 . Look! The boys_. Its very dangerous!53 . My grandfathers garden_ flowers.54 . Mum is busy_ in the kitchen.55 . She often_ her food_ the poor boy.56 . Daniel also has a bedroom _.57 . Your trousers_ mine.58 . We dont know where to go. Would you like_?59 . Tom with his father_ this evening.60 . Are you_ these days?六、填写适当的句子补全对话口语运用:根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(10分)A:Hello, is Michael in?B:61 . A:Michael, the school sports meet is coming tomorrow. Lets go together.B:OK.62 . A:Well take our sports clothes and sports shoes.B:Shall I take my camera?A:63 . B:When shall we meet?A:64 . B:65 . A:At my house.B:OK. See you then.A: See you.AWhere shall we meet?BWhat shall we take?CLets make it half past six.DGood idea! Itll be fun.ESpeaking.七、材料作文66 . 地球是我们的家园,但是人们乱砍树木,乱扔垃圾,使我们的家园变脏,空气质量变差。我们应该保护地球。请你根据以下提示,写一篇题为How to protect the Earth的短文。60词左右。提示:不随地扔垃圾;种植更多的树木;出行尽量骑自行车或坐公交车。How to protect the EarthThe Earth is our home, and we should protect it. I think we should try our best to protect the Earth.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、四、阅读判断1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、材料作文1、

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