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人教版九年级上学期期末质量抽测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The sick boy is getting _ day by day.AbadBbadlyCworseDworst2 . Next week, Janes new book _. I cant wait to read it.Awill publishBwill be publishedCwill be come outDcome out3 . Is your name Tina? _.AYes, I amBNo, Im not.CYes, it is.DNo, that isnt.4 . What was your father doing when you got home yesterday?Hedinner at that time.AcooksBwas cookingCis cookingDwill cook5 . Mr. Zhao is good at cooking and he decides his own restaurant.AopenBopeningCto open6 . I am looking after Tom today.Hes been in my house _ 8:00 this morning.AsinceBforCatDtill7 . Many foreign students come to study in China _ they are interested in Chinese culture.AsoBbutCthoughDbecause8 . have you learnt English? Since 2006.AHow farBHow longCHow oftenDHow soon9 . According to the law,traffickeep to the left in England.Amay B. must C. need D. can10 . Michael_ from his skateboard and hurt his left leg.Afall downBfell downCfall illDfell ill11 . Little Charlie was born_a sunny morning _October, 2013.Ain;inBin; onCon; onDon;in12 . Eason loves winter, but it never _ in the city he lives in. Its usually sunny.AsnowyBsnowingCsnowDsnows二、完型填空Jack is one of my best friends. Now Ill tell you a story about him. One day he wanted to buy some new clothes, _ he went to a shop. First he _ for some trousers and put them _, but then he took them off and gave them _ to the shopkeeper, “Now, give me a coat instead of these. ” The man gave him a coat and said, “This one costs the same _ the trousers. ” Jack took the coat and walked out of the shop with _. The shopkeeper ran after him and said, “You have not paid for that _!” “But I gave you the trousers for the coat, ” said Jack. “They cost the same as the coat, _they?” “Yes, ”said the shopkeeper. “But you didnt pay for the trousers _!” “Of course, I didnt! ” answered Jack. “I didnt take them. _gives things back and then pays for them ! ”13 . AbutBorCsoDwhile14 . AwantedBaskedCboughtDgot15 . AawayBupCoffDon16 . AbackBthenCinDtowards17 . AlikeBsoCasDwith18 . AthisBitCthatDthe trousers19 . AthingBshopCtrousersDcoat20 . AdidntBwasntCwouldntDcouldnt21 . AtooBalsoCeitherDneither22 . ASomebodyBNobodyCAnybodyDEveryone三、阅读单选Working as a TeamAt Uppingham School, there is a program called the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. It encourages students to challenge themselves in a number of ways and helps them develop physical strength and personal skills. The time that is required to be spent on each task varies according to the type of award one wants to win. For the gold award, either the “physical” or “skill” test should last for 12 months.The most challenging part of the program is the expedition(探险旅行). In the gold group,we have to spend four days and three nights outdoors. We chose to go canoeing(划独木舟)for our trip. It took months for us to prepare, as we had to learn some survival skills.Although we trained hard and learned all the skills beforehand, our practice expedition was much more difficult than we expected. We had to canoe for at least six hours a day, keeping rowing(划船)through the water. We also dealt with various difficulties, such as falling into the water and having to get out of the canoe and drug it over some rocks.Although physical strength is important, it was teamwork that really got us through the four days. We learned to cooperate with our teammates to find the right way to paddle(划桨). When we were in trouble, we helped each other out, as well as shared our food and dry clothes. It was an unforgettable experience that turned me into a stronger and more tolerant(宽容的)person. I learned to work with both other people and with nature. I am looking forward to receiving my gold award.23 . The Duke of Edinburgh Awards are intended to _.a. improve students personal skills b. develop students physical strengthc. give scholarships to students from poor families d. encourage students to challenge themselvesAabcBabdCacdDbcd24 . What do we know about the writers expedition group?AThey went camping by a lake.BThey prepared a lot before the trip.CThey failed because they didnt have any survival skills.DThey spent six hours swimming in the water.25 . What is the main idea of the last paragraph?APhysical strength is necessary for expeditions.BTeamwork is necessary to achieve success.CThe writer had a good relationship with other students.DStudents need to get close to nature.26 . How might the writer describe this experience?AFairBEffortlessCBoringDMeaningfulIn almost every big university (大学) in the USA, football is a favourite sport. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances (机会) to move the ball ten yards (码). They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the other end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touchdown (底线得分).It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell (喊加油) for their favourite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders (啦啦队长) come to help the people yell more.Each team plays ten or eleven games. Each season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.27 . In America, football players can _.Aonly kick the ballBonly throw the ballConly carry the ballDkick, throw and carry the ball28 . There are _ on each team.Aten playersBeleven playersCtwelve playersDthirteen players29 . If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team has to _.Ago homeBcarry the ball ten yardsCrun with itDkick the ball to the other team30 . The best teams play again _.Aon ChristmasBafter the season endsCon New Years DayDon Sunday31 . The underlined word “yell” in the passage means “_”.Ashout (喊) loudlyBjumpCtalk loudlyDsingA. Dear Mrs. WebDear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and opinions for you. She receives and answers worldwide e-mail questions . She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study project, problems in making friends. Dear Mrs. Web welcomes all questions and suggestions. You can receive the reply usually in 48 hours. Her e-mail address is mrsweb advice comB. Help Line VolunteersEvery year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming. helpful, kind support and free information service for the English-speaking aged people.We are in need of volunteers who are :good listeners, warm-hearted and patient; excellent English speaker; can work 10 hour every week.Please call us at 0241-85902 or e-mail us at helperlineservice.com.C. Save the Earth ClubEarth club is for any student in Green School. Earth Clubs goal is to help keep the school, neighborhood and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same. We also need to discuss some real solutions to save the earth. Earth Club meets 2-4times a month. Come and join us!D. The King Sweeper“My great, great grandfather invented the carpet sweeper 125years ago. This King Sweeper is by far the best. I invite you to try it in your home. Youll find it used daily in hospitals, restaurants, offices and homes throughout the world. This is just the thing to keep your carpet soft , clean and fresh. Only for $59.99!We are so sure that you will be satisfied with the results of using our product.E. Trendy SunglassesThey can protect your eyes when driving, gardening or reading in the sun. It can make your life easier and happier, and make you look smarter! $20.99 each or 2 for$39.99!32 . People who get help from Dear Mrs. Web or Help Line Volunteers _.Ahave to pay for itBhave to help othersCmust be quite poorDneednt pay for it33 . Save the Earth Club is _ to help improve environment.Aa world clubBa city clubCa school clubDa neighborhood club34 . How much do need to pay if you buy one King Sweeper and two pairs of Trendy Sunglasses?A$80.98B$101.97C$99.98D$109.98A farmer carelessly lost an expensive gold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but failed.So he put a notice on the gate of the farm: whoever finds the gold watch will be rewarded 100 dollars.People tried their best to look for the watch in order to get the reward. However, the barn was too large and the straw in the barn was too thick. It was getting dark and they were still unable to find it. So they gave up the reward of 100 dollars one by one.But only a small boy was still not discouraged but kept looking for it .He had nothing to eat throughout the day. In order to solve the family problem, he looked forward to finding the gold watch and let his parents, brothers and sisters have a full meal.The night was already getting late, the boy was also tired. He was lying in the straw to have a rest when he heard a strange “tick-tock ”.He immediately held his breath and listened carefully, and followed the sound. He found the watch and got the 100 dollars.Like the gold watch in the barn, success has been around us and spread in every corner of life. Only when we are calm and firmly look for it ,we can find it.35 . If someone found the gold watch, what would the farmer offer him?A100 yuan.B100 dollars.C100 pounds.D100 pence.36 . Why did the boy insist on looking for the gold watch?ABecause he liked the gold watch.BBecause he wanted to own the watch.CBecause he was silly.DBecause he wanted to get the reward.37 . The passage above is probably taken from_.AA newspaperBa science bookCan advertisementDa notice38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe boy had no brothers or sisters.BThe boys family had a hard life.CIt was easy for the boy to find the watch.DThe farmer didnt look for the watch for himself39 . Of the following,which order is right according to the story? The boy succeeded in finding the gold watch The farmer offered the boy a reward of 100 dollars A farmer lost a gold watch carelessly Many people tried to find the watch,but they failed.ABCD四、回答问题Welcome to The Film Review Programme!Today were reviewing some of this weeks new films. Lets start with this weeks likely hit,Jungle Fever. Some of you may remember last years TV documentary film about a family of tigers in India. Well,this is an unusual cartoon based on that programme and I can report that its great fun for people of any age.Dont miss Swim!,a comedy which takes a look at learning to swim as an adult. Its about a 20yearold man who wants to join his friends when they swim in the lake near his home. So, he goes to the local pool to take lessons. Be prepared to laugh until it hurts!And now its competition time,so I hope youve listened carefully and made some notes!If you want to enter this months competition,just go online and answer the ten questions in our quiz. Go to www. movies.com and select your answers. Last month,we gave out free restaurant tickets as a prizethis time were offering cinema tickets which you can use at a choice of exciting places. You must complete your entry by May 28th. Make sure youve finished by 2:00 pm when the competition closes. Well announce the winners on May 30thand if youre lucky,the prize will be yours by the second week in June. Good luck and goodbye!40 . What kind of programme is it?_41 . Which film is probably the most successful one this week?_42 . How many films have they reviewed in todays programme?_43 . The film Swim isnt a funny film,isnt it?_44 . How can you enter this months competition?_45 . Do you want to take part in the competition?Why or why not?_五、材料作文46 . 假如钢琴家(pianist)李云迪是你的偶像,请根据下表提示,以My hero 为题写一篇短文,90词左右,可适当发挥,开头不计入总词数。出生年份及地点1982年,中国中部才能很小就能唱较难的歌曲对音乐有天赋学习历程4岁学习手风琴(accordion);7岁开始对钢琴感兴趣;自那以后就痴迷于弹钢琴;每天苦练,有时太沉浸于音乐世界以至于忘记吃饭。成就在国际比赛中多次获第一名,在世界各地举办过许多音乐会你的愿望至少两点My HeroYundi Li is my hero. _六、书信作文47 . 假设你是阳光中学的张红,你家将作为友好家庭接待来自美国的交流学生 Amy请根据Amy 的邮件内容,用英语给她写一封回信Dear Zhang Hong,Im so happy to have the chance to study and live with you I cant wait to leave for Nanjing I am curious about the study and life in Nanjing Would you please tell me about that?Is your school far from home? What is your school like? Are there any special courses for us to learn?Do you have any plans for our weekends?Im looking forward to hearing from you soonYoursAmy注意:1文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3词数 80左右,信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数Dear Amy,I am very glad to receive your email Welcome to my home and my schoolYours sincerely,Zhang Hong第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、五、材料作文1、六、书信作文1、


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