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人教版九年级秋季期末质量检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A new TV show called National Treasure has become wildly _with young viewers.AcreativeBfamousCpopularDexciting2 . (2016安徽中考)Nice to meet you, Mr Green. Im Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily.ASee you laterBYoure welcomeCPleased to meet you allDYou have a point there3 . _ is his family and _ are his parents.AThis; thatBThis; thoseCThose; this4 . Mum, why _ some water? Good idea. I am feeling a little thirsty.Anot stop drinkingBnot stop to drinkCdont we stop drinkingDnot we stop to drink5 . In my ideal school, we have a big library _ lots of _ books.Ahas; interestingBhas; interestedCwith; interestingDwith; interested6 . What did you buy _ your son _ his birthday present?Afor; asBas; forCfor; withDto; with7 . How much do you know about the two sessions? I know it _ every year and it is a great chance for Chinese people to make decisions regarding the country.Ais heldBwill be heldCholdsDheld8 . -Dont give up! Perhaps _ hard task youre working on needs more of your effort.-I wont. Ill have _ second try anyway.Aa; aBthe; aCa; theDthe; the9 . Can you show me _ to start the computer?AwhatBwhereChowDwhich10 . My sister is . She likes making friends.AshyBseriousCoutgoingDquiet11 . (福建省漳州市2015年中考英语试题)I was born _September 15th,1998AatBonCin12 . We can be thankful every day, not just _ Thanksgiving Day.AinBonCtoDby13 . Would you mind _ the room?OK. Ill do it right away.AcleanBcleaningCcleanedDto clean14 . _ of the city _ covered with parks and gardens, oh, its really a green city.AThree fifth / isBThree fifths / isCThree fifth / areDThree fifths / are15 . is necessary to tell him to put on more clothes because its cold outside.AItBSheCThisDThat16 . - Need I go there with you?- Yes, you _.AneedBmayCmustDcan17 . This Saturday I will fly to Beijing for holiday with _.AheBhisChimDhimself18 . I didnt know what happened _ Tina.AonBwithCofDto19 . - Do you know the womanglasses?-Yes. And the girlred is her daughter.Awith,withBin,withCwith,inDin, in20 . Where you ? Im from Beijing.Aare; fromBdo; fromCare; come21 . Do you know if he _ for a picnic with us?I think he will go if he _ free tomorrow.Agoes; isBwill go; isCgoes; will beDwill go; will be22 . (山东省济宁市2015年中考英语试题)Wow! _ beautiful the music is!Yes. Thats my favorite.AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow23 . (题文)Mum always tells the little girl not _ to bed too late.AgoBto goCwentDgoing24 . Thats a(n) _ fish. We can put it into a pool.AliveBaliveClifeDlived25 . I am not good at playing football, would you mind _ me?not at all. AteachBteachingCto teach Dtaught二、完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should notbe upset _ your English friends dont invite you home. _ doesnt meanthey dont like you. Dinner parties usually start _ 7 and 8 p.m. and end at about 11p.m.Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. Its polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle ofwine _ a gift.Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks. If you want to be extra polite, say howmuch you like the room, or the _ on the wall. But rememberits not polite to askhow much things _.In many families, the husband sits at one of the table and the wife sits at the other end. Theyeat with their guests.Youll probably start the meal with soup or something small, then youll _ meator fish with vegetables, and then dessert, followed by _. Its polite to finish_ on your plate and to take more if you want it.Did you enjoy the evening? Call your hosts the next day, _ write them a shortthank you letter. British and American people like to say thank you all the time!26 . AifBafterCbeforeDsince27 . AHeBSheCItDIts28 . AfromBbetween CatDin29 . AforBlike CasDwith30 . AclothesBpicturesCwindows Dhats31 . AcostBspendCpayDhate32 . AbuyBhaveCneedDgive33 . AwaterBteaCcoffeeDjuice34 . Aeverything BanythingCsomething Dnothing35 . AandBbutCalsoDOr三、阅读单选Young people have many dreams. Here are Lei Ping and his friends dreams. Lei Ping is going to be an actor. He likes acting. He thinks the actors are well-known and they can make lots of money. He is going to take acting lessons. His friend Yong likes writing. He is going to write articles for the magazines when he grows up. He thinks reading more is good for writing. So he often reads books in the library. The other friend Li is going to be a teacher. She thinks children are lovely and in the long vacation she can do what she wants to do.36 . Lei Pings dream is to be a(n) _.ApilotBactorCbank clerkDreader37 . What does Lei Ping think of the job of actor?AThe actors are well-known.BThe actors can travel anywhere.CHe doesnt like actors.DHe thinks they are tired.38 . How is Yong going to achieve his dream?AHe is doing more exercise every day.BHe is writing articles for the magazines.CHe is reading books in the library.DHe is taking writing lessons after school.39 . Li is Lei Pings _.AreaderBcousinCsisterDfriend40 . These ideas of the young are _.AinterestingBnot fit themCnot to be trueDwrongVisit the United Nations Headquarters in New York, US.Hours:Monday to Friday: 9:45 am to 4:45 pmPrices:Adults $16.00The United Nations Headquarters联合国总部Senior Citizens (60 and older) $11.00 Students ( with valid ID) $11.00Children (5-12 years old) $9.0041 . The United Nations Headquarters is in _.ALondonBNew YorkCSydneyDParis42 . The United Nations Headquarters opens from Monday to _.ASundayBSaturdayCFridayDThursday43 . The price for children is _.A$9B$11C$12D$16四、阅读判断阅读下面的短文,判断短文后的句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写(A),不符合的写(B)。Many people are trying to save the earth with special days like “Meatout Day”, “Earth Day” and “Buy Nothing Day”.“Meatout Day” is on March 20th. Many people around the world dont eat any meat for one day. In this way, theyll get healthier and reduce greenhouse gases (减少温室气体).“Earth Day” is on April 22nd. Many people all over the world try to do something green on this day. In Italy, people dont use plastic bags. In Canada and Norway, people ride bicycles and dont use their cars. In the USA, people dress up like plants and animals to dance in Times Square, New York.“Buy Nothing Day” is usually on the fourth Friday in November. On this day many people dont buy anything. “Buy nothing” means “make no rubbish”. When you make less rubbish, you can make a cleaner earth.Do you want to join them? Then you can remember these special days and do something green.44 . Many people dont eat any meat on “Meatout Day”.45 . Many people do something to protect the environment on “Earth Day”.46 . In Italy, people ride bicycles and dont use their cars on April 22nd.47 . All people buy and sell nothing on “Buy Nothing Day”.48 . According to the passage, people have these special days to save the earth.五、填空We all know teeth are important to us, and we have National Teeth-Loving Day on September 20 th every year. Do you know the life cycle of teeth in your mouth? Children under 6 years old have 20 baby teeth. From 6 to 13, people lose their baby teeth one by one. Now permanent teeth(恒牙)begin to grow. Between the ages of 17 and 25, some people grow wisdom teeth(智齿). Of course, wisdom teeth dont make you any smarter. They look like a symbol(象征)of being grown-ups(成年人). Do you know how to keep our teeth strong and healthy? Lets look at the following tips.What we can do:Brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Brush for at least two or three minutes every time.Brush up and down on every tooth.Use a dental floss(牙线)for your teeth to make them cleaner.Get a new toothbrush every three months.What we cant do:Dont eat too much sweet food, like candy and ice cream, or dont drink too much soda.Dont eat very hard food. That can hurt your teeth.Dont eat snacks before bedtime.Its clear that healthy teeth help us eat food to let us grow. They help us speak clearly. And yes, they help us look good.Title: Teeth are 49 . to everyone.The 50 . of National Teeth-Loving DayIts on September 20th every year.The life cycle of teethChildren under six have 20 51 . teeth.From 6 to 13, permanent teeth begin to grow.Between 17 and 25, some people grow wisdom teeth that mean they are not 52 . any longer.The53 . for keeping teeth strong and healthyThings we can doBrush your teeth at least 54 . a day: in the morning and before going to55 . .Brush for 2-3 minutes every time.Brush up and down on all the teeth.Use a dental floss to make your teeth cleaner.56 . your toothbrush every three months.Things we cant doNever eat too much 57 . food or drink too much soda.Dont eat very hard food because that can hurt your teeth.No snacks before going to bed.The importance of teethIts58 . to have healthy teeth when we eat food to grow, and they can also help us speak clearly and look good.六、回答问题Tony has got some coupons(优惠券). Bee Fast Food Shop Free Food CouponBuy a cheese burger and enjoy a free packet of French fries. Valid period: 1st-30th NovemberFun Caf 5 Cash CouponAn apple pie costs 15. Buy two apple pies and enjoy 5 off. Valid period: 1st-7th NovemberJoy Shoes Shop 10% Discount CouponBuy any boots or sandals over y150 and you can enjoy 10% off. Valid period: 15th-30th NovemberYummy Pizza Shop Free Drinks CouponBuy a slice of pizza and enjoy a free cup of coffee or a free can of cola. Valid period: 1st-10th December59 . Which coupon cant you use in November? _60 . How long does the coupon from Fun Caf last? _61 . If Tony buys two apple pies at Fun Caf with the coupon, how much does he need to pay? _62 . Tony does not like coffee. What can he have for free if he buys a slice of pizza at Yummy Pizza Shop? _63 . Tony buys a pair of sandals at fifty yuan on 15 November at Joy Shoes Shop. Can he use the coupon? _七、材料作文64 . 请写一篇短文描述自己每天的生活是什么样子。要求:1. 使用频率副词always , usually , often , sometimes , hardly ever , never , once/twice a week 等;2. 语言通顺,字迹清楚;3. 80词左右。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、阅读判断1、五、填空1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、


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