人教版九年级英语 Unit 14 Section A period 3 练习

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人教版九年级英语 Unit 14 Section A period 3 练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The school sports meet is coming. Will you it?AjoinBto joinCto take part inDtake part in2 . You need to brush your_ after_ .Atooth; eatBteeth; eatCtooth; eatingDteeth; eating3 . His brother insisted on _to have an English lesson _ he didnt feel well that day.Ahis come, althoughBhis come, butChis coming, thoughDhis coming, but4 . “Alex,I think two hours of TV is enough for you.” “Could I at least finish_this show?”AwatchingBto watchCwatch5 . I have a toothache.You should.Ahave a good sleepBsee a dentistCdrink hot waterDplay basketball二、补全对话7选5补全对话A: What are you going to do for vacation?B: Oh, Im going to London.A: Its a long trip then. When will you start off?B: Next week.A: 6 . B: No, Im going with my mom. She is going to have a meeting there.A: What will you do there?B: We are going to meet a close friend there and visit a lot of places such as the Big Ben.A: Sounds great. 7 . B: In three weeksA8 . A: Yes, I am going to take part in the summer camp in ShanghaiAB: 9 . A: I hope you will enjoy your vacationAB: 10 . A: Do you have any plans for your holiday? B: Who are you going with?C: You, too.D: Sounds interesting.E: How soon will you come back? F:How long will you stay there?G: Are you going alone?A: Do you have any plans for your holiday? B: Who are you going with?C: You, too.D: Sounds interesting.E: How soon will you come back? F:How long will you stay there?G: Are you going alone?三、完成句子11 . 你去哪里度假了? 我去山区了。Where_ you_? I_ to the mountains12 . 上个月你做了什么特别的事情吗?Did you do_last month?13 . 一你和其他人去的吗? 是的,我和我妈妈去的。Did you go with_? Yes, I went with my mother.14 . 你看到黄果树瀑布了吗? 是的。我看到了。它令人惊叹! _ you _ Huangguoshu Waterfall?Yes , I _. It was_!15 . 大部分时间我只是待在家里读书和放松。I just _ of the time to read and relax四、汉译英:单词/短语完成句子16 . 我梦想八小时内环游世界。I_in eight hours.17 . 初一学生的“春之声”3月29日在江阴电视台直播了。The Sound of Spring by the Grade 7 students_Jiangyin TV on March 29th.18 . 那位年轻的妈妈想知道她儿子在学校与同学处得是否融洽。The young mother wonders_his classmates at school.19 . 我和我的表妹都没有受到出席会议的邀请。_to the meeting.20 . 我们从不怀疑David已告诉我们真相。We never doubt_.21 . 上个月那个女总统由于违法,被迫缩短总统任职期。The woman president_ the term of office of the president because of doing something against the law last month.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全对话7选51、三、完成句子1、四、汉译英:单词/短语1、

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