人教版九年级英语 Unit 11 Section B period 3 课时练习

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人教版九年级英语 Unit 11 Section B period 3 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is Eric in the next room?Well,its hard to say. But I heard him _loudly when I passed by just now.AsingBto singCsangDsinging2 . Good news! John is going to teach us. He can draw 3-D pictures with chalk. Is that true? Maybe he has _ teaching skills to make our class interesting.AfewBa fewClittleDa little3 . Tony is my cousin. He is two years_ than me.AoldBolderColdestDthe oldest4 . The doctor told the fat woman _ more food.Anot eatBnot to eatCnot eatingDto not eat5 . Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting a few months ago. Nothing is _ .AimpossibleBpersonalCcarefulDlively二、阅读单选Hello and welcome to “Words and Their Stories”. We will research into some commonly used words and expressions. Compared to other languages, American English is rich in expressions that come from animals. Wolves are important animals in the traditions and stories of America. Today we will talk about the wolf.To begin with, there is an expression lone wolf. If we call somebody a lone wolf, he isnt a bad person, but he may like to do things by himself. In fact, he sometimes make you think he doesnt want to be around people because he dislikes them.Now, lets move on to the home. When having a meal, parents always tell their children not to wolf down their food. The expression “wolf down food” shows the child eats too quickly and without care. It can be bad for health.A wolf call is the noise made by a man to show that he likes the way a woman looks. But a wolf call is not a nice thing. These men sound rude. And in fact, most women dont like wolf calls at all.By the way, there is a popular expression about wolf from a very old story: a wolf in sheeps clothing. A wolf in sheep s clothing describes someone who acts and looks nice on the outside but is bad on the inside. It tells us that appearances can lie to people.6 . How many expressions can we read about wolf in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.7 . If a person is called a lone wolf, what is he probably going to do?AHelp classmates to finish homework.BMake many friends with people around.CBreak the window if nobody is watching.DCo to see a movie by himself after school.8 . Which of the following in NOT true?Awolf call is really popular to women.BAppearances dont always tell the truth to us.CChildren had better not wolf down food at meal time.DAmerican English has a lot of expressions with animals.9 . Where is it possible for us to find the passage above?AA science report.BA story about American history.CA book for travel guide.DA program for English learning.三、句型转换10 . I have a piano lessons twice a week.对划线部分提问)_ do you have piano lessons?四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。litter, wash up, smoke, passport, receive11 . If you travel abroad, you must carry a _ .12 . We can see the sign “No S _ ” in many public (公共的) places.13 . The girl often helps her mother _ after dinner every day.14 . I have just _ a letter. Its from my cousin.15 . Jim is a good boy, he always puts the _ into the waste.五、汉译英:单词/短语16 . _n寂静;无声17 . _v经过;通过18 . _adj.欢快的;明亮的19 . _n珍宝;珍贵之物20 . _v.&n信任;依赖21 . _v.包括;把列为一部分22 . _n(熟悉的、相关的人形成的)圈子第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、汉译英:单词/短语1、

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