人教版七年级下册英语 unit3 第6课时 测试1

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人教版七年级下册英语 unit3 第6课时 测试1_第1页
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人教版七年级下册英语 unit3 第6课时 测试1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -There are more and more people _ a part in saving the earth now. -Yes,I hope so. The more, the better.AplayBplayingCto playDare playing2 . 15 dollars for a hat.Two hats are _dollars.AtwelveBthirteenCtwentyDthirty3 . You look _ . Do you hear the _ news?Aexcite: excitedBexcited: exciteCexcited: excitingDexciting: excited4 . (2013湖北孝感)Dad,why must I stop _ computer games?For your health,my boyAplayBto playCto playingDplaying5 . Very few people spent as much time _Hepburn did _ for charities.Alike ;to workBas; to workClike; workingDas; working二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或中文提示填写单词6 . Millie is going to _(相见)her old friends.7 . Are you going to visit the new _(邻居)with me?8 . Im _(害怕)my brother will not do his homework at home this evening.9 . Many _(游客)cant go home because the snow is so heavy in November in Beijing.10 . Please_(欢迎)our new friends from London.11 . I live in a flat in City Garden in _(第九)Street.12 . How many tall b_ are there in this street?13 . What do you have a_ your new house?三、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。14 . I think I have all the _(ability) to be a good nurse.15 . How _(bad) Tom did in the test! He got a “D”.16 . He was in a hurry and just _(nod) to me when he passed by.17 . Using “_ (can)” can always make you sound polite (有礼貌的).18 . Id like to work for the school radio station as a _(report).第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、


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