人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元检测英语试题

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人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元检测英语试题_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元检测英语试题_第2页
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人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元检测英语试题_第3页
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人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Happy New Year! -_AThank youBThe same to youCOh, welcome2 . Bob swims _ than I, but he doesnt swim_ my brother.Amuch well, as well asBbetter, as good asCbetter, so well asDbetter, so good as3 . - Your shirt feels soft. Is it _ silk?- Yes. Its _ Hangzhou.Amade for, made inBmade from, made byCmade of, made inDmade; making by4 . My mother drove me to school because of the rain._. I had to ride my bike and got wet.AIts a pityBIm sorry to hear thatCYoure luckyDHave a good time5 . The little boy is lovely everyone likes him.Asuch; thatBtoo; toCso; thatDtoo; that6 . When we meet again in twenty years, we will be excited and talk about things and persons _ we remembered in the school.AwhoBwhichCthatDwhat7 . How did you feel about the _news?Im very _at it.Asurprised; surprisingBsurprising; surprisedCsurprising; surprisingDsurprised; surprised8 . What did you say to me just now? There is too much noise.I wondered _?Awhat rules do you have in your schoolBwhat size bowl of noodles would you likeCwhere do you have lunchDhow you came to school9 . Did you watch the UAV(无人机) show in the Youth Olympic Village last winter? Yes. I wasby the pictures they made in the sky.AboredBamazedCsatisfiedDpleased10 . My sister helps me with my English every night.You are_ to have such a nice sister.AreadyBbusyCfunnyDlucky11 . Students can read magazines _ our Reading Week.AonBduringCatDfor12 . (2017江苏南通 1)Jack is _ eightyearold boy and he goes to school on_ foot every day.Aan;theBa;不填Can;不填Da;the13 . -Can you see some people are waiting _ the library?-Yes, They are standing in a queue in front of its gate.AaroundBinsideCoutside14 . Not only my parents but also Iinterested in Chinese folk songs and Abao is our favorite singer.Abe BamCis Dare15 . We enjoyed_ the cakes in the restaurant.AmakeBto makeCmakingDmade二、补全对话5选5A: Summer holiday is coming. 26. 16 . ?B: Yes, Im going to my hometown.A: 27. 17 . ?B: For about a month. 28. 18 . ?A: I want to travel to Hainan Island. Its a beautiful place of interest.B: 29. 19 . . But I have to visit my grandparents in my hometown.A: It doesnt matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, youll have enough time to go traveling.B: 30. 20 . . Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.A: OK! I will wait for you until you come back.B. Thats a deal! Thank you.ADo you have any plans for itB.How long will you stay thereBWhat about youCId like to travel, tooDThats a good idea三、完型填空完形填空Most of_like Christmas. On Christmas Eve,_th the night_Christmas Day, children are very happy. They put their stockings(长筒袜)at the end of their beds before they_They want Father Christmas(圣诞老人)_them some presents.Parents tell children that Father Christmas is a very_man. He arrives on Christmas Eve. He lands on the top of the kitchen and comes_the chimney(烟囱)in the fireplace. He_children a lot of presents.On Christmas Day, children often wake up very early_They can not wait (迫不及待)to_their stockings and they are_to see so many lovely presents. Then they_and say. “ Merry Christmas!” to their parents. Then the family usually_a big breakfast. They_the whole day playing with the new toys and_their friends. They greet each other with a hug(拥抱)and say, “ Merry Christmas!”21 . AIBweCmeDus22 . ANovemberBDecemberCOctoberDSeptember23 . AafterBonCbeforeDat24 . Ago to bedBhave supperCget upDhave dinner25 . Ato showBto buyCto giveDto make26 . AyoungBkindCboringDbad27 . AinBupCthroughDfrom28 . AbringsBdoesCmakesDtakes29 . Ain the afternoonBin the eveningCin the morningDat night30 . AcloseBopenCshutDuse31 . AexcitedBbusyCdifficultDinteresting32 . Awake upBget upCphoneDfind33 . AhaveBhasCeatsDwill have34 . AletBspendCtakeDcost35 . AvisitingBplayingCwatchingDStaying四、阅读单选For a long time being happy was considered something that just happened,and there was nothing special about itNow we know that getting along with other people is something that we can work atIt is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better One way is being unselfish,not wanting everything from our friendsAnother way is to look for good points,not bad points in other peopleIt is surprising how successful this treasure hunt can beYou do not have to be spineless(优柔寡断的)in order to be popularIn fact,you will be liked or loved if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights(正当行为)But do it politely and pleasantlyBeing friendly and polite to your group,to other people and to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you is one way to develop a good characterYou cannot expect to be perfect,and you must learn not to be unhappy when you make mistakesEveryone makes mistakes,and no one is to be blamed if he does not refuse to learn from themMany young people become discouraged (灰心丧气的) when they know in themselves qualities that they do not like-selfishness,laziness,and other unpleasant qualitiesJust remember that we all have some of these faults(缺点) and have to fight against themAt the same time,it is important to remember that while you are probably no worse than others,the best way to be happy is to think yourself above other peopleWhen something is wrong,it is good sense to try to make it rightPerhaps you do not like a teacher or a classmateTry to see why,and look at yourself,too,to be sure that you are not doing anything to make that person dislike youSome day,things may turn out all right when you have to learn to get along the best with the situation,without thinking too much about itWorrying never helps in a situation you cannot change36 . One of the two ways the writer suggests for us to get along with others is to _Awork hard at everything we doBenjoy the best share of everythingClook for treasure in order to be successfulDpay more attention to their strong points37 . If a person wants to be popular,he or she has to_Abe polite and friendlyBgive up some rightsCget away arguing with other peopleDbe ready to change his or her character38 . There is no person but someone should be blamed if he or sheAis modest and generousBdoes not draw a lesson from his or her own mistakeCis selfish and lazyDis very happy with unpleasant quality39 . The purpose for the writer to write the passage is toAtrain you to be perfectBshow you the way to be happyCtell you how to act when you dislike a personDteach you how to be popular among your friends五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)40 . Jills gone to the office.(改为一般疑问句)_Jill_ to the office?41 . He speaks very good English.(改为感叹句)_ he speaks English!42 . They went to the supermarket to buy some fruit yesterday.(对划线部分提问)_ they go to the supermarket yesterday?43 . “What have you learned in the university?” The manager asked Tom.(改为宾语从句)The manager asked Tom _he_learned in the university.44 . He is not tall and not short.(保持句意基本不变)He is of_.45 . Damin pushes the birds into the water with the pole every day.(改为被动语态)The birds _into the water with the pole by Damin every day.46 . collect, enables, various, to, the Internet, teenagers, information (连词成句)_.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。47 . Could you help me o_the school party this evening?48 . Put your w_ in a safe place.Theres too much money in it.49 . Our English teacher has lots of teaching e_.50 . Its four m_ away from my home to school.51 . We should be c_when we do our homework.七、完成句子52 . 我们可以通过发展现代医学来改善病人生活。We can_ lives by developing modem medicine53 . 这个慈善演出是由你举办的吗?_the charity show_ by you?54 . 它向贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。It _ basic_ for children in poor areas.55 . UNICIEF为防止这项疾病的扩散而工作。UNICIEF works to _ the _ of the disease.56 . 我为能帮助这么多人而自豪。Im _to be _ to help so many people.57 . 他们已经决定为这位有眼疾的病人做手术了。They _ the patient with eye problems58 . 这个农业科学家教了当地的农民新的农业技术和知识。The farming scientist has taught the local farmers _59 . 这种新型能源成本很低并且取之不竭。This new type of energy costs very little and _60 . 我们应该避免打断别人说话。We should avoid _ others.61 . 你能尽快下定决心戒烟吗?Could you _ as soon as possible?八、回答问题Have you heard about “Survival (生存) Holidays”? “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults, but children dont know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.Answer the following questions according to the passage.62 . Is “Survival Holidays” for children or parents?63 . Why do people like “Survival Holidays”?64 . What do the children in big cities usually do?65 . How do children feel when they are in danger?66 . What can children learn in the survival activities?九、话题作文67 . 书面表达 (本大题共10分)假设你是第一中学的一名学生,3月21日是学校开放日,邀请家长来校听课参观,你作为志愿者参与了开放日活动。请你以“The School Open Day”为题,在答题卡指定的位置上写一篇90词左右的英文报道。内容提示如下:1. 你带领家长参观美丽的校园,并一同观看了升国旗仪式。2. 家长们听了很多堂课,高度评价老师精湛的教学技能。3. 王芳老师的音乐课有趣而活跃,成功地融合了传统和现代音乐。4. 张阳老师的历史课把抗日战争栩栩如生呈现到课堂上,讲述了七十年前中华儿女如何与日本鬼子勇敢战斗。5. 家长们都感到并希望( 参考词汇:抗日战争the Anti-Japanese War)注意:1文章必须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯。2最后要点的内容须用2到3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥。3报道的开头已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数。The School Open DayNo. 1 Middle School had a school open day on March 21st. Many parents were invited to our school. I第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、完成句子1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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