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人教版九年级上学期期中测试复习卷英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Have youyour breakfast?Yes, Iat 8:00 a.m.Ahad; ateBhad; eatChave; ateDhave; eat2 . -We should start withExcuse me.Sometimes we need to spend time_into a request.-Of course.We are taught to speak_when we ask for help.Alead,politeBto leading,politelyCto led,more politeDleading,politely3 . Do you want to go to the park (公园)with me?一Yes,_ Im very busy (繁忙的).AandBtooCwellDbut4 . - How long have you _ the book ?- For two weeks. But I _ return it to the library today, or I cant borrow one next time.Ahad; mustBbought; have toCkept; have toDborrowed; must5 . Do you mind_here?AI smokeBmy smokingCto smokeDme smoke6 . Morgans parents arent at home. He has to _his younger brother.Alook atBlook forClook afterDtake away7 . The boy _ a good sense of humor from Grade 9 is taller than _ in our class.Ahas; any studentBhas; any other studentCwith; any studentDwith; any other student8 . - _ exciting news it is to have undergrounds in Changzhou soon! Do you know when Metro Line 1 will open?- _ the end of 2019.AHow; UntilBWhat; Not untilCWhat; UntilDHow; Not until9 . Lets _ for a walk after dinner.AgoBgoesCgoingDto go10 . There is _800-meter-long road behind_ hospital.Aan, anBan, theCa, the11 . Zhijiang Bridge over the Qiantang River _ last year, which makes it very easy to go to Binjiang from Fuyang.AbuiltBwas builtChas builtDhas been built12 . I often _ television in the evening.AseeBreadCwatchDlisten13 . I am wondering _.Whatever the result is, dont be too hard on yourself.Awhy I can pass the testBwhen I have prepared for the testCif I can get high marks in the testDthat I am getting ready for the test these days14 . Frank, I found a black schoolbag on the playground this morning. I think it belongs _ Mike. He was looking for his schoolbag all morning.AtoBatCwith15 . I would like all my classmates _ in my home.Ato have dinnerBto have the dinnerChave dinnerDhaving dinner16 . Could you please tell me ?Yes. He came to study here just last month.Athat he is a new studentBwhen did he come hereCif she likes English bestDwhether he is a new student17 . (2017甘肃天水)Sleeping is a popular way among students.ArelaxBrelaxedCrelaxingDto relax18 . I went back not the rain, but I was tired.Abecause; because ofBbecause; becauseCbecause of; becauseDbecause of; because of19 . - Are you going anywhere?- Iabout shopping with Andrew, but now I have changed my mind.AthinkBthoughtCwill thinkDhave thought20 . Mom,someone is calling.Please_the phone.Apick upBfix upCtake upDset up二、完型填空Juan worked hard for hours. He put all of the coconuts(椰子) into large baskets. He then fastened(系) the baskets to the back of his horse.All he had to do was to take the coconuts to the home of the owner to get his pay. Just _ Juan started on the road to the owners house, he saw a young boy. “_ will it take to get to the owners house? asked Juan. “If you go slowly,” said the boy, “you will be there very soon. But if you go very fast, you will get there_.” “What a foolish boy!” thought Juan. As he pulled the horse along fast, coconuts began to _ out of the baskets. Juan had to stop to pick up coconuts. “Now I have to hurry to make up for(弥补) lost _,” Juan thought. More coconuts fell off the top of the full baskets and rolled down the hill. The more Juan tried to hurry, the _ coconuts fell and rolled away. Each time, Juan found it more tiring. He had to _ the fallen coconuts and pick them up. The sun began to set, and Juan _ the owners house at the top of the hill. He began to hurry once more. His hurrying made the horse _ fall. Some coconuts again flew out of the baskets and onto the ground. This time, the sun set. Poor Juan. He could not see the coconuts in the _ and could not send them until the next day. The boys advice was not so unreasonable after all.21 . AasBbecauseCifDalthough22 . AHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow much23 . Aat noonBat nightCtodayDtomorrow24 . AactBstayCfallDcover25 . AmoneyBtimeCcoconutsDbaskets26 . AmoreBfewerCheavierDcloser27 . Alook atBprepare forCgo afterDtake up28 . AhopedBmetCcaredDsaw29 . AhardlyBalmostCcertainlyDnormally30 . AbasketBlightCdarkDmistake三、单词填空Last weekend, I went o31 . a trip and lived in a five-star hotel. It was really a good hotel w 32 . the best service. The only problem was that it was a new place to me, so I often lost my way.One morning I walked out of the hotel with some postcards f 33 . my friends. I met an old man and asked E 34 . me, where is the nearest post office? Go a 35 . Bridge Street, and then t 36 . left at the second crossing. Its down Fifth Avenue on the r37 . . You cant m38 . it, he said.After I said thanks to him, I walked on. It t39 . me about 15 minutes to get there. And there was a l40 . next to the post office, so I did some reading after posting the cards.四、信息归纳Travelling is a very good activity. When you get tired of your work or study, and when you have free time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature or other cities. You can breathe fresh air, meet different people and make friends with them. Its good for your health to do so.But sometimes, travelling is not an enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable . It may be rainy when you travel. You may catch a cold or be ill while travelling. The worst thing is that the thieves may steal(偷) your money. All these may happen to a tourist.When you go on a trip, you must get everything ready. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, ask a friend to go with you so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful everywhere and try not to cause accidents. If you do this, you will surely enjoy your travelling.Title : 41 . AdvantageYou can enjoy the42 . view of the nature.There will be a lot of fresh 43 . around you.It can make you 44 . .DisadvantageSometimes it may 45 . when you travel. It will make the road wet and slip. You may be 46 . while travelling.The 47 . thing is that you will lose some money.AdviceAt48 . , you should know about the weather clearly.Secondly , you must invite somebody to go together49 . you.Thirdly, do everything 50 . . Dont cause any accidents.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、单词填空1、四、信息归纳1、

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