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人教版2020版八年级下学期期中英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My brother has entered the university that he always dreams of . So you see, nothing is impossible. But most people just _ the half way.Agive upBdepend onCcare aboutDclose down2 . The boss is very kind and he always _ his workers .-How lucky his workers are !Aworries aboutBdeals withCcares aboutDtakes care3 . Is your mothers birthday _ October 16th?Yes, it is.AonBinCatDfor4 . .It is very dangerous for you _ soccer in the street.AplayBto playCplayingDto playing5 . -Have you returned the book to the library _? -Yes, I have _ returned it.Ayet, yetByet, alreadyCalready, yetDalready, already6 . How long can I_ your book?AborrowBlendCkeepDBorrowed7 . Why didnt you buy the pen on your way home? -Sorry, I forget _money with me.AtakeBbringingCto takeDtaking8 . Dont forget _ your homework here tomorrow, Jim.AtakingBto takeCbringingDto bring9 . _ will the meeting start?In about ten minutes, I think.AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow far10 . Tom, _ the other boys in our class, _ playing games.Alike, likesBlike, likeClikes, likesDlikes, like11 . The people there are surfing the Internet, _?Aarent thereBare therCare theyDarent they12 . Mrs. Wang advised us _ the math problem in another way.A solveBsolvingCto solve13 . _ terrible world it would be if there were no electricity !Thats why we have to save it.AWhat aBHow aCWhatDHow14 . There _ some water in the cup.AisBareChaveDhas15 . Lucy is good at playing the piano.Ais good forBis bad forCdoes well inDdoes bad in二、完型填空请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I will always remember my first day at the University of Lagos. On arrival at the campus, I was expecting to be met by some tired students(as was practiced in my secondary school), _every student around was new like myself. I asked the way to the multi-purpose hall but no one could tell me. I asked a number of questions about issues(担心的事)that _ me, such as where and how to pay my fees, the way to the dining hall and so on, but no _ was offered. “So in the midst of so many people I am all _ ” I thought to myself. The prospect(前景) was not _ at all and all the pleasure I had felt at _ into a famous university at seventeen began to disappear. Then as if _ by an unknown force, I walked a little bit down the corridor in the direction of a notice board which some boys and girls were _at. Because of _of something to do, I decided to stop and look at the notice board. Yes! I happened on the _ to all riddles that had _ me since I set foot on the campus that morning. On the board there was a big campus _, on which I was able to _ the multi-purpose hall and all the other places. There were _ details of various activities for freshmen and a comprehensive list of those offered admission into various courses.How enjoyable it was to see the light of knowledge, having been wandering(徘徊) in the darkness of _. Even then I was not able to _ the thought that though I could not be sure how much of the responsibility(责任)was mine, the fact that I didnt pay attention to the notice board had _ caused my initial problems. I learnt from that incident(发生的事) _ unforgettable that was very useful to me throughout my stay in the university, namely(即, 也就是)the _ of reading notice board and handbooks if one is to be well _ about places and events in the university.16 . AbutBandCsoDfor17 . AinterestedBtroubledCexcitedDsurprised18 . AviewBadviceCmethodDhelp19 . AavailableBaccessibleCaloneDafraid20 . AhelpfulBcheerfulCrespectfulDthoughtful21 . AgettingBenteringCreturningDwelcoming22 . ApersuadedBreviewedCofferedDdriven23 . AknockingBthrowingClookingDshouting24 . AlackBdreamCrestDwish25 . AwayBkeyCplaceDdoor26 . AinspiredBencouragedCpuzzledDfrightened27 . AnoticeBmessageCsignalDmap28 . AlistBfindClandDload29 . AalsoBalwaysConlyDjust30 . AdisbeliefBignoranceCjoyDdifference31 . Atell aboutBspeak ofCget away fromDunder control of32 . AclearlyBnearlyCnaturallyDrelevantly33 . AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething34 . AcauseBimportanceCadvantageDexample35 . AeducatedBwarnedCworriedDinformed三、阅读单选Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)We surveyed 300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:36 . The people of 11-18 enjoy _ most.Awatching TVBgoing to the moviesCplaying computer gamesDtaking a walk37 . How many people enjoy taking a walk in the 19-26 group?A50B25C75D1538 . People in which group like playing computer games best?AThe 11-18 groupBThe 19-26 groupCThe 27-35 groupDBoth A and B39 . According to the survey, which two activities do most people enjoy doing?APlaying computer games and watching TV.BPlaying computer games and taking a walkCWatching TV and going to the movies.DGoing to the movies and taking a walk.40 . We can see from the survey that the older people are, the more they like _.Awatching TVBgoing to the moviesCplaying computer gamesDtaking a walk41 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart?AFewest people like taking a walk.BThe people of 11-18 like taking a walk most.CEighty people like going to the movies in the 19-26 group.DThe people of 27-35 like watching TV most.I am KyraI think my father is a little fat but he says he is not. He is only pearshaped. My mother has a very beautiful face. The skin (皮肤) on her face is soft. She has skin like a peach. I have a little sister. We all love her very much. My mother says that she is the apple of her eye. My parents say I am lazyI like to lie(躺) on the sofa and watch TVI also like to play computer games and eat snacks. My parents call me a “couch potato” (沙发土豆) They tell me I should exercise more. But I dont like sport. It isnt my cup of tea. I have a dog. His name is Freddie. Freddie sleeps a lot. He likes to play with his ball. He gets very excitedhe goes bananas!I have a cousin. She has red hair. We call her carrot top because of her red hair. She is really kind. I think she is as sweet as sugarDo you like my family? It is easy to tell you all about my family. It is really a piece of cake42 . _is the apple of Kyras mothers eyeAFreddieBKyraCKyras cousinDKyras little sister43 . When_, Freddie goes bananasAhe sleeps a lotBhe has nice foodChe plays with his ballDhe meets my family members44 . Kyra thinks_is a piece of cakeAplaying computer gamesBdoing more exerciseCtelling others all about her familyDwriting interesting articles45 . According to Kyras introduction(介绍) of her family, we know that_.AKyra doesnt like doing sportBKyras little sister has skin like a peachCKyras mother has red hair, so we call her carrot topDAll the members in Kyras family like eating different kinds of fruitWolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian(奥地利)composer(作曲家)and pianist. Many people think that he was one of the best composers of music of all time.Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. He was educated (教育)by his father , a very good violinist. His father started to give him piano lessons when he was 4 years old. When he was 6, he went on his first musical tour of Europe. Mozart also wrote music. When he was only 5 years old, he started to compose( 创作) music. When he was 8, he composed his first real song. When he grew up he wrote some of his most beautiful music ever heard. However, he died when he was only 35 years old.46 . What was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ?AA composer.BA dancer. CA doctor.47 . How old was Mozart when he started to write music?A4 years old.B5 years old.C8 years old.48 . How old was Mozart when he wrote his first real song?A6 years old.B8 years old.C35 years old.49 . As he grew up, Mozart _ .Awrote some beautiful musicBwrote some beautiful storiesCmade some beautiful pianos50 . In which year did Mozart die ?AIn 1756.BIn 1760.CIn 1791.四、句型转换句型转换51 . Most students take trains to school in Japan.(对画线部分提问)_do most students_ to school in Japan?52 . It usually takes me two hours to exercise every day.(对画线部分提问)_does it usually take you to exercise every day?53 . Rueben gets to school by bus.(改为一般疑问句)_ Rueben_school by bus?54 . Miss Brown usually gets to school on foot.(同义句转换)Miss Brown usually_school.55 . I take the subway to the factory.(同义句转换)I get to the factory_.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子Pride makes failurewould with real for be surprise he one come butGorelal was a famous sculptor(雕刻家). His sculptures looked like real _56 . _ and many people liked his works very much. One day he had a dream that after fifteen days, the demon(恶魔) of death _57 . _ come to take him. Gorelal prepared nine statues of _58 . _. On the 15th day he heard the demon of death _59 . _, and he stood between the statues. The demon was _60 . _ to see ten ones instead of one and he could not pick him out. The demon of death got angry. Gorelal was very smart and stood there _61 . _ any move. The demon of death was very confused at first. _62 . _ he thought for a moment. He said, “Gorelal, these sculptures _63 . _ perfect and I like them very much.” Gorelal was very happy with his work. He came out and said and, “thank you _64 . _your praise.” The demon of death caught him.The statues were _65 . _ perfect, but Gorelal was caught because of his pride.六、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话(共5小题;A: Hi! Sue. You look stressed out.66 . ?B: I overslept this morning. And I didnt catch the school bus.A:67 . ?B: Yes, I was. By the time I got to school, my teacher had started teaching already.A:68 . ?B: He asked me to go to his office after school.A: Im sorry to hear that. By the way, will you be free this Sunday? Lets go out and have fun.B:69 . ?A: How about the new mall on Oak Street?B:70 . ?A: Yes, I think it is a good place. After all, there are so many products and they are all cheap.动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)71 . The musical video you look forward to _(sell) out yesterday.72 . At this time yesterday, that woman together with her sons _(wait) for his husband at the station.73 . Look! The snow _(stop).Lets go outside to make a snowman.74 . Last week they replied to my letter. They said they _(fly) to see me the next month.75 . I dont know what I should pay attention _(reduce) the pollution.76 . When I got to the factory, my workmates _(finish) their work.77 . Our school _(organize) a visit to the park unless it rains tomorrow.78 . When we were young, our teacher told us the earth _(travel) around the sun.七、话题作文79 . 书面表达本学期即将结束,寒假即将开始。假如你是Linda,请你给你的美国朋友Sally写一封信告诉她你的学校生活好吗?文中请提到你的学校饮食、运动、学科及对它们的印象等。字数:60-80。 My school life第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、2、七、话题作文1、

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