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人教版九年级4月统一练习(一模)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Listen! Cindy in her room. She there every day.Asings; is singingBsings; sings.Cis singing; sings2 . It is reported that New Culture Square _ in our city next year.Awill be builtBwere builtChave builtDwill build3 . ?She is a teacher.AWhats your motherBHow is your motherCIs your mother a teacherDWheres your mother4 . Physics _my favourite subject when I was at school.AisBareCwasDwere5 . You are leaving your schoolHow do you like it?Very much, of course, Ithis school since I moved hereAcame toBhave gone toChave been toDhave been at6 . Daniel, can you repeat what I said just now?Sorry, sir. Isomething else.Athought aboutBwill think aboutCwas thinking aboutDhave thought about7 . My father likes _ books in the evening. He doesnt often _ TV.Areading, watchBwatches, seeCto read, watchesDlooking at, see8 . Her father warned her _ alone at night.Anot go outBnot to go outCdont go outDto not go out9 . Give me another chance, _ Ill give you all a wonderful surprise.AandBorCsoDbut10 . Emily from America asked.Awe would have a holiday on Christmas DayBwhether people celebrated Thanksgiving Day in ChinaCthat his father will come back on Spring Festival11 . (2014南京市)-Do you enjoy Han Leis songs?-Yes. He is the winner of Im Singer II. I cant think of anyone with a _ voice.AbetterBbestCmoreDmost12 . ( )Let_have a look.AmyBmeCIDmine二、完型填空Joe was a farmer. His farmland was so poor that he hadnt good harvest for years. “If God let me control the _, then everything will get better,” he complained, “I know better than God does because I am a clever farmer.”God heard his words. “Well, I will give you one year,” God replied. “You will be in charge of the weather. Lets see what your crops grow like.” On hearing this, Joe was so _ that he couldnt believe what he heard. But he still wanted to have a try. He shouted, “Sunny!” Suddenly the clouds went away. “Unbelievable!” He thought to himself and tried again, “rain!” The sky became cloudy right away and heavy rain poured down. In the following year, he changed the weather between sunny and _. Watching his crops growing bigger and bigger, he felt satisfied.When the harvest season came, he went to the field, looking forward to a big harvest. But his heart sank to the bottom when he found his strong crops had not grown any grain(谷粒)at all. Puzzled and _, he started crying. Once again, God _ him.“Dont you have your wish to control the weather?” God asked again. “Yes, but I just cant understand it. I have given them what they _. How could it be?” Joe _. “Thats because you _ asked for wind, rainstorm, snow or anything that could make the roots stronger. Without strong roots, of course they wont grow any fruit.” After he realized this, Joe asked God to _ the power.It turned out that only through lifes challenges, we would succeed in harvest the _ of life. It takes both ups and downs to get satisfactory results.13 . AtimeBworldCweatherDway14 . AsurprisedBsorryCangryDworried15 . AwindyBrainyCcloudyDsnowy16 . AexcitedBembarrassedCnervousDdisappointed17 . ArefusedBheardCthankedDpunished18 . AknowBhaveCofferDneed19 . AmentionedBnotedCsuggestedDwondered20 . AalmostBneverCalwaysDjust21 . Atake backBtake offCgive upDput out22 . AtasteBmoneyCfruitDdiscovery三、阅读单选You may never be in an emergency situation. But if it happens, you should know how to get help. The telephone book in the United States has emergency numbers on the inside front cover. Look at the following table from the Boston telephone book. Notice that the numbers for the police and the fire department (部门) are the same. And it is an easy number to remember. If you are too unhappy or excited to remember any numbers at all, you can simply dial (拨打) “0” for an operator (接线员) in any emergency.EMERGENCY NUMBERSFIREBOSTON 911CAMBRIDGE 876-5800SOMERVILLE 023-1500Other Places _Write in your number herePOLICEBOSTON 911CAMBRIDGE 846-1212SOMERVILLE 645-1212Other Places _Write in your number hereDOCTORBOSTON 482-5252 CAMBRIDGE 856-3585SOMERVILLE 025-4774Other Places _Write in your number here COAST GUARD 223-6978OR DIAL “0” (OPERATIOR) IN ANY EMERGENCYWE ARE ALWAYS THERE AND READY TO HELP!23 . If you see a fire in Cambridge, you should dial _.A023-1500B846-1212C645-1212D876-580024 . If you dial “0”, _ will answer your call.Athe policeBthe doctorCthe operatorDthe fire department25 . This passage is most probably taken from _.Aa sports magazineBan emergency leafletCa TV guideDa telephone bookNew research suggests that our DNA helps us to decide whether we prefer coffee or tea. Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia studied how our genes(基因) influenced our tastes and why we like some tastes more than others.Following the research, researchers believe they know why some of us prefer coffee while others like tea more. The researchers have found that people who like more bitter tastes are more likely to drink coffee.The researchers say they find something strange in their research. People who are more sensitive(敏感的) to the bitter taste of caffeine are more likely to prefer coffee to tea. They were also more likely to drink more coffee than those who are not so sensitive to caffeine.Researchers looked at the study on more than 400,000 men and women in the United Kingdom. They also looked at an Australian study that compared the tastes of 1,757 twins(双胞胎) with their siblings. The researchers say genes arent the only factors(因素) influencing peoples tastes. Other things like our changing environment, social factors or the influences of taking medicine can also turn us on or off coffee or tea.The researchers said we can learn to like coffee. Dr Liang-Dar Hwang said, “Bitter taste is influenced not only by genetics, but also environmental factors. Even though humans naturally dislike bitterness, we can learn to like or enjoy bitter-tasting food after being influenced by environmental factors.”26 . The research suggests that_ .Aour DNA helps us to prefer coffeeBthe University of Queensland in Australia influenced our tastesCits more possible for people who like more bitter tastes to drink coffeeDits impossible for us to know why we like some tastes more than others27 . It can be inferred that people mentioned in Paragraph 3_ .Ahave the tastes of allBhave no taste of bitterCare more likely to like tea better than coffeeDare more likely to feel the bitter taste of caffeine28 . The underlined word “siblings” in Paragraph 4 probably means “”.Abrothers or sistersBaunts or unclesCfriends or relativesDteachers or classmates29 . From the last sentence, we know that_ .Aenvironment cant influence peopleBenvironment can influence people, tooCcoffee is the best drink in our daily lifeDwe should drink more coffee instead of tea阅读理解。We have a new houseIt has blue windows and a red doorThere is a big garden in front of the houseThere are many flowers in itThey are red, yellow, pink and whiteWe have a dog and a cat nowThe dogs name is BrownieShe is brown and yellowThe cats name is TabbyHe is black and greyThey are lovelyDad, Mum, Brownie, Tabby and I are a happy family30 . What color are the windows?ABlueBYellowCRedDBrown31 . Is the garden big?ANo,It isntBYes,It isCIts smallDI dont know32 . Tabby is _Ablack and whiteBbrown and yellowCa dogDa cat33 . In Chinese “lovely” means _A讨厌的B懒的C可爱的D辛苦的34 . There are _ people in Bens familyAFiveBTwoCThreeDFourA small man goes to a cinema. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes, he comes out and buys a second ticket. Two or three minutes later, he comes out again and asks for another ticket. But the girl says to him, “why are you buying all these tickets? Are you meeting your friends in the cinema all the time?”“No, Im not doing that.” The small man says, “but a big woman always stops me at the door and tears (撕) my tickets up.”35 . The small man _a ticket all the time.AtakesBbuysCbringsDtears36 . After a few minutes, the small man _again and buys a third ticket.Agets upBtears upCcomes outDgoes in37 . ”No, Im not doing that.” Means _Ahe is not seeing a filmBhe isnt meeting his friendsChe wants to buy the tickets for the big woman Dthe big woman doesnt let him in38 . Which is right?AThe small man is the first time to see a film.BThe big woman doesnt like the small man.CThe small man is very clever.DThe woman shouldnt tear his tickets.四、回答问题阅读短文,简答其后的问题。 Reading the passage and answer the question briefly.April is Hug Month and April 7th is Hug Day in the UK. Scores of people will be part of the Hug Campaign(运动) in high streets, stations and shopping centers! The UK is calling for people across the country to show their care and reach out with a hug. Every single person who joins in will hepl others fight loneliness in later life, especially the old people.Hugs stand for helping unite generations. We all know that a hug can make a difference. If youve had a tough day or youre feeling a bit blue sometimes, a heartfelt (真心真意的) hug is just what you need to cheer you up.At helping the aged, most people believe that everyone has the right to live a healthy, happy life, which includes the warmth of human contact (接触). Through the Hug Campaign we can bring hope to thousands of older people.Following the successful launch (开办) of the Hug Campaign last year, it becomes bigger and better than ever! Once again, the UK is calling for people to be part of the campaign during April-Hug Month. There is a whole host of activities that you can take part in, so that you can have fun and make a real difference to the lives of lonely older people.39 . When did the first Hug Campaign take place?_40 . What do the people do in Hug Month?_41 . What does a hug stand for?_42 . “Youre feeling a bit blue sometimes.” What does “blue” mean?_43 . Can a hug help a person cheer up?_44 . Hug Day isnt popular in the UK, is it?_五、材料作文45 . 书面表达某英文杂志正在举办以 “My Favorite.” 为主题的征文活动。请根据以下问题提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你最喜欢的一件物品(如书籍、CD、玩具、自行车等)。1How long have you had it? 2How did you get it?3Why do you like it? Why is it special? 4Can you say anything more about it?注意:1.词数:80左右;2.文章必须包括四个问题的相关内容,也可适当增加信息。My Favorite _46 . 假设你是来自美国 Westtown School的Alex,现在在广州某中学做交换生。你很喜欢这座城市,但最近发现该市存在一些环境问题。请你给市长先生写一封信,简要分析造成这些问题的原因并提出你自己的建议。词数70左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。环境问题1问题白色污随处可见。原因人们过多使用一次性用品,如望料,料,望料饭盒等。建议人们应尽量使用自已的杯子、饭盒等。环境问题2问题空气不是很好。原因马路上的汽车越来越多。建议人们应多使用公共交通。乘公共汽车和使用共享单车是个不错的主意。参考词汇:白色污染 white pollution一次性用品 disposable things塑料饭盒 plastic lunch boxes共享单车 shared bikes公共交通 public transportationDear Mr Mayor,Im from Westtown School in the USAI came to Guangzhou as an exchange student. I like this city, but I dont think the environment here is good enough._I hope the environment in your city gets better and better.Yours sincerely,Alex第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、五、材料作文1、2、

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