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人教版中考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) (共20题;共20分)1. (1分) It is world of wonders, world where anything can happen. A . a; theB . a; aC . the; aD . /; /2. (1分) May comes _ March. A . beforeB . afterC . toD . on3. (1分) The two _ glasses _mine. A . pair; isB . pairs; areC . pairs of; isD . pairs of; are4. (1分) (2019泰州模拟) Fast development leads to a lot of environment problems, which should be taken _ by all the countries in the world. A . seriouslyB . politelyC . angrilyD . patiently5. (1分) (2019江西模拟) China is getting more and more independent of western technology, _ it is leading in many fields, such as the self-driving car industry. A . /B . orC . butD . and6. (1分) I _ a guide when I finish school. A . be going toB . am going to beC . be going to be7. (1分) The headmasters office is on the floor. A . oneB . twoC . thirdD . three8. (1分) (2019泰兴模拟) _ youve made! But you should still work harder. the teacher said to Melissa. A . What great progressB . How a big mistakeC . What a big mistakeD . How great progress9. (1分) (2019七下广州期末) If you do something for a short time, you will finish it .A . for a long timeB . for some timeC . for a moment10. (1分) (2019八上咸阳月考) Id like to eat . A . something niceB . nice somethingC . anything niceD . nice anything11. (1分) (2019八下潮南期末) I will go to visit my aunt in Shenzhen _ the summer holiday starts. A . whileB . sinceC . as soon asD . until12. (1分) (2019苏州模拟) Im new here. Could you tell me _? A . what was the matter with the bikesB . how I can call the yellow bikesC . whether should I pay something if I use the yellow bikesD . why there are so many yellow bikes here13. (1分) (2019九上长春开学考) What are you doing here, girls? We are talking about the musician _ played the piano at the concert last night.A . whoB . whichC . whereD . when14. (1分) The computer was invented . A . in 1940sB . at the 1940sC . in the 1940D . in the 1940s15. (1分) If you are about something, you firmly believe it is true. A . curiousB . carefulC . certain16. (1分) Kangkang, tell us something about in your hometown. Usually on this day, people eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan.A . the Spring FestivalB . the Lantern FestivalC . the Dragon Boat Festival17. (1分) (2019九下黑龙江期末) Which of the following signs means No starting? A . B . C . 18. (1分) (2019七上宝安期末) Across A . polluteB . remoteC . blog19. (1分) 找出与所给字母含有相同发音的一项。e A . FB . HC . aD . c20. (1分) (2019七上萧山开学考) 找出画线部分的读音与其他三个不同的单词 A . redB . bedC . meD . let二、 完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) 完形填空 I live in a happy family. My parents love me and they never let me do any chores. My dad is a good 1, so he does all the cooking in our family. My mom does all the other chores 2sweeping the floor and washing clothes. Last weekend, my parents were out, so I had to look after 3. In the afternoon, I was 4, so I decided to cook a meal. I 5cooked before, but how hard would it be? My father is a good cook, and then I must 6him in some ways. Finally, I decided to cook chicken. I took 7the chicken from the fridge. When the oil became very hot, I 8the chicken into the pot. Quickly the pot was on fire. I didnt know how it 9before I threw the flaming pot into the water. Then I noticed the white table next to the stove and the ceiling (天花板) became black. I spent the next hour trying to clean up the 10. Cooking isnt as easy as I ever thought, and theres always something I need to learn. (1)A . cook B . driver C . worker D . teacher (2)A . for B . with C . like D . in (3)A . himself B . themselves C . yourself D . myself (4)A . hungry B . dirty C . full D . busy (5)A . often B . never C . ever D . always (6)A . take after B . look after C . find out D . give out (7)A . away B . out C . off D . back (8)A . threw B . turned C . made D . used (9)A . stopped B . disappeared C . left D . happened (10)A . living room B . bathroom C . kitchen D . bedroom 三、 阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) (共4题;共20分)22. (5分) (2019泰安) 阅读理解 When faced with difficult situations in their lives, many people find them too challenging and give up, especially on their life dreams. But not for Gabriel Heredia. Gabrrel is a 21-year-old Argentinean barber(阿根廷理发师)who was born without hands. But he was able to grow up happy and independent because he always had the support of friends and family. In fact, his inspiration for such work was his mother, who is a hairdresser. At the age of 14, he began to take interest in her work and learned all kinds of hair cutting skills from her. Although he first saw it as an interest, Gabriel quickly decided that this was his dream job.Gabriels family soon helped him open his first barbershop in San Isidro, Peru, which he worked at for one and a half years. There, he met Zlatan Gomez, the president of Argentina Corta, an organization for barbers to connect, do charity (慈善) work, and teach hairdressing. Later, Gabriel became part of Argentina Corta, offering his services to people of all ages so they can build up the skills they need to get a job. Gabriel then moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina where he cuts hair today. As a bright and caring young man, Gabriel tries hard to not only be a barber, but also make a connection with the neighborhood. He says, The thing that I like the most about my job is that people feel comfortable and stylish with my cuts and that makes me feel happy.Gabriel always does his best to be independent. He never gives up. There is nothing he cant do. Besides cutting hair, he has learned to ride a bike, a motorbike and even to drive a car. He is no doubt inspiring others. (1) When Gabriel was born, what made him different from others? A . He was born without hands.B . His special haircut.C . His life dream.D . His happiness and independence.(2) At first, Gabriel Heredia learned hair cutting skills _. A . from Zlatan GomezB . from his motherC . from his friendsD . by himself(3) Which of the following statements about Gabriel Heredia is NOT true? A . He tries hard to make a connection with the neighborhood.B . He can not only cut hair but also drive a car.C . He joined Argentina Corta and taught others hair cutting skills in San Isidro.D . He opened his first barbershop in Buenos Aires with the help of his family.(4) What does Gabriels story mainly tell us? A . A good beginning makes a good ending.B . Youre never too old to learn.C . Nothing is impossible if you dont give up.D . Education changes life.23. (5分) 阅读理解 House of Pizza We have three kinds of pizzas, small, medium and large. A small pizza with pepperoni, onions and olives(橄榄)is $3. 5. A medium pizza with mush-rooms, tomatoes and cheese is $4.0. A large pizza with olives and cheese is $4.7. Welcome to our house! Lunch Special We have some great specials. The pizza with cheese and tomatoes is just $2. 50. The pizza for $ 1. 50 has great peppers and onions. The pizza and salad lunch special is $2. 90. Time: 11: 00 a. m. 2: 00p. m. Pizza Express Tel: 686-5028 The Californian pizza with mushrooms, olives and green peppers is just $3.00. The pizza with pepperoni and olives is $2.50. The hot dog is $1.50. The orange is $ 1.00. The juice is $0.5. Telephone a meal today!(1) If you want to buy a small pizza, a medium pizza and a large pizza at the House of Pizza, you need to pay . A . $3.5B . $4.0C . $4.7D . $12.20(2) People can have meal at at the Lunch Special. A . 9:45 a.m.B . 10:30 a.m.C . 11:45 a.m.D . 2:10p. m.(3) In the Pizza Express, you cant buy. A . orangesB . iced teaC . juiceD . hot dogs(4) Where do you probably(可能) read these passages? A . In a classroom.B . In a hospital.C . In a newspaper.D . In the bank.24. (5分) (2019东营) 阅读理解 The cold wind blew strongly outside. Amaya was warm in her house, thinking about an article shed read at school. The article was about kids who helped out their communities, and she thought it would be really cool to help her own town, Harvard.The only problem was that she wasnt sure how to help. In the article, the kids had grown food for people who needed food, but it was winter. She couldnt start a garden. Amaya was deep in thought when her mom said it was time to go shopping.As they drove along the road, Amaya saw a family walking on the sidewalk( 人 行 道 ), wearing only light jackets. How cold they must be! That gave her an idea! She could collect winter coats, hats and gloves for people who needed them.She shared her idea with her mom, who thought it was great. But how would they spread the idea to get plenty of winter clothing? Amaya decided to talk to her teacher, because then she could share her idea with her classmates at least.Ms. Monroe agreed when Amaya talked about her idea. They decided to call the project Hats in Harvard. Then they wrote a letter explaining the project. Ms. Monroe even said she could help Amaya talk to the headmaster about it, so they could get the whole school to join in it. They met with the headmaster during lunch time. He was excited about the idea, and said he would make sure copies(复印件) of the letter went home with all the students.They collected enough winter clothing in only one week. Then they left the clothes around two parks, so families who needed clothes could get them there. Three days later, Amaya and her mom went shopping again. She saw the same family that had given her the idea for Hats in Harvard. This time, though, the family looked nice and warm in some new coats, hats and gloves. Amaya felt warm in her heart, and was very glad she could help others.(1) Amaya wanted to after she had read an article at school. A . grow foodB . collect winter clothingC . help her own townD . go shopping with her mom(2) Whom did Amaya share her idea with first? A . Her teacher.B . Her mother.C . Her classmates.D . Her headmaster.(3) The underlined word it in Paragraph 5 refers to(指的是) . A . the letterB . the projectC . the winter clothingD . Ms. Monroes idea(4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . It took three days to collect enough clothes.B . Ms. Monroe only helped Amaya write a letter.C . Families who needed clothes got clothes from Amaya.D . The headmaster helped spread the project Hats in Harvard.(5) After reading the passage, we can know that . A . Amaya herself could complete the project wellB . Hats in Harvard was supported by many people in HarvardC . the family that gave Amaya the idea for Hats in Harvard knew AmayaD . Amaya helped the families who needed winter clothing because she knew them25. (5分) 阅读理解 Have you ever thought about what our food will be like in the future? As the population is growing fast, there must be changes in our food.More land will be used for building houses for people. Then there will be less space for cattle and chickens, so meat will be more expensive. Instead, people will eat more fruit and vegetables.Scientists are always trying out new ways of growing food. Only one third of the Earths area is land and the rest is sea, so some think maybe we can get more food from the sea.Besides, though rice supports more than half of the worlds population, it needs a lot of water to grow. Scientists predict(预测) the climate will get drier during the next century. Therefore, it might be impossible to grow rice in the future. Some farmers are experimenting with new crops. Farmers like to grow beans because they dont need much water, and beans also improve the quality of the soil. The soybean (黄豆) makes a good substitute(替代品) for rice and meat.(1) Why wont some people eat meat every day in the future according to the passage? A . Because meat makes people fat.B . Because meat may be more expensive.C . Because people want to be healthier.D . Because people want to eat more vegetables.(2) Where can we get more food according to the passage? A . From the sea.B . From the land.C . From the rivers.D . From other planets.(3) Why might it be impossible to grow rice in the future according to the passage? A . Because growing rice is hard work.B . Because people will eat less rice.C . Because rice needs much water to grow.D . Because it takes too much time to grow rice.(4) Which of the following about beans is NOT true? A . Beans may be popular for farmers to grow.B . Beans need as much water as rice to grow.C . Beans improve the quality of the soil.D . Beans can take the place of rice and meat.四、 交际应用(本题共10分,每空1分) (共2题;共10分)26. (5分) A: We had a nice holiday in Australia. B: _? (be like)A: It was warm and sunny.27. (5分) 补全对话 A. Cheer up!B. I am not sure.C. What for?D. What about you?E. Thats a great idea!F. I should do something outside. G. Really? What else do you enjoy doing?Jenny: Hey, David, are you going to join the football club this year?David: _ I really enjoy playing football, but Im going to be in the music club this year. Jenny: The music club is pretty good!David: Yeah, so Im afraid I wont have time for football. _Jenny: Well, Im going to join the painting club. David: _Jenny: Hmm. Playing video games is my favourite,but I dont like sitting in front of the computer all the time. David: Yeah, I dont like being indoors so much. _Jenny: Why dont you join the climbing club? They meet only once a month. David: _ I love the outdoors. And I can play in the music club, too. 五、 先阅读三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。 (共3题;共20分)28. (8分) 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 hear from, be excited about, arrive at, be afraid of, be good at(1) My uncle _ the small village by bus at 10:00. (2) The girl _ flying, so she always takes the train to go out. (3) They _ winning the school basketball match last night. (4) He _ his pen pal Mike yesterday afternoon. (5) Li Lei and his brother _ playing football and they are in the school team. 29. (7.0分) (2019八下庆云期中) 任务型阅读 As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here are some examples.One of the most popular words is Dianzan, which is often used when you quite agree with someone. Another example is Renxing. When you say somebody is Renxing, you mean that they will do whatever they like. The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping, which means ou can complete your shopping orders before others. But now its widely used when you achieve your purpose in a very short time. If you describe someone as a Tuhao, you mean that he or she is very rich.You can find lots of such new Chinese words. Keep learning and youll know more about Chinese culture.(1) When you quite agree with someone, what will you say? (2) What does Renxing mean in English? (3) How many kinds of Internet language are mentioned in the passage? (4) What does the underlined word purpose mean in Chinese? (5) 把文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。 30. (5分) (2019七下台州月考) 读下面表格,完成短文填空。 TrainFromToDeparture TimeArrival TimeD11BeijinngShenyang12:0017:00T8ChengduTaiyuan09:5007:06T7TaiyuanChengdu22:4620:50C2010TianjinBeijing08:1008:43This is a train timetable. If you want to go to Shenyang, you should take Train _. You have to spend _ hours on the train if you go to Shenyang from Beijing. If you want to go to Taiyuan from Chengdu, you can take the T8 train. The T8 train arrives in Taiyuan at _.The Train T7 will take you to _ from 22:46 to 20:50. If you want to go to Beijing from Tianjin, you can take Train _. It will take you 33 minutes.六、 书面表达(本题共20分) (共1题;共20分)31. (20分) (2019房山模拟) 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词效,所给提示语仅供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 题目假如你是李华,本学期学校国际部的学生准备去老人院志愿服务,你申请参加此项。志愿活劝(Volunter Work),请用英语给负责老师Mr. Smith写一份申请,内容包括你想加入该活动的原目,以及在活动中能做什么。提示词语:be good at, helpwithclean, wash提示问题:Why would you like to join the activity?what can you do?Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to you apply for the volunteer work, I would like to be a volunteer to help the people in Old Peoples House.Im sure that Ill be a good volunteer. I hope this application will be approved. Thank you for your consideration.Regards,Li Hua题目为了迎接2022年北京冬奥会,各校组织冰雪运动进校园活动,某英文网站在开展以 My Skiing Experience 为主题的征文活动,假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。请结合自身经历。谈谈你在此活动中都做了什么,以及有什么感受。提示词语:Yunju Ski Resort(云居滑雪场),fall dowm, never give up, happy提示问题:When and where did you go skiing?What did you do there?How did you feel?第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) (共20题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) (共4题;共20分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、四、 交际应用(本题共10分,每空1分) (共2题;共10分)26-1、27-1、五、 先阅读三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。 (共3题;共20分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、六、 书面表达(本题共20分) (共1题;共20分)31-1、


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