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人教版2020版九年级下学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从16-25各小题的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。Fuleis Family Letters is a book of letters written by Chinese translator and writer Fu Lei to his elder son Fu Cong, who is a famous _ Between 1954 and 1966, Fu Cong spent a lot of time away from home training as a piano player. As a result, writing letters became Fu Leis _ way of communicating with his elder son. Fu Min, Fu Leis younger son, edited the letters and the book _in 1981. The book _ Fu Leis family tradition and value. To Fu Lei, the purpose of education of a person, as shown in Fu Leis Family Letters, is to make that person_ to society. Fu Lei praised his son Fu Cong for winning a piano _. Fu Lei wrote, We are happy that youve made our country _. I am so excited when I think about your future. You will make great progress and serve more people, encourage them and heal them.In the family letters, Fu Cong was also _ to read famous Chinese texts. When reading these books, Fu Cong was told to link ideas and feelings together, for that would help him become a better person. To Fu Lei, learning to be a good person comes _any academic training. In 1954, Fu Lei wrote, Otherwise, the person will not _ much, no matter how knowledgeable he or she is.Fu Leis Family Letters has great influence on people in China. The book helps many young students understand how they should live their lives.1 . AwriterBteacherCpianist2 . AstrangeBusualCunusual3 . Acame fromBcame overCcame out4 . AdisplaysBpraisesCreviews5 . AconfidentBcelebratedCuseful6 . AmatchBcompetitionCachievement7 . AproudBstrongCwell-known8 . AtaughtBadvisedCinvited9 . AafterBaheadCbefore10 . AachieveBconsiderCexpect二、阅读单选Do you have the experience of taking music lessons against your wishes?Perhaps you have complained about it because you thought it took you much playtimeBut now youd better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical trainingA recent study suggests music lessons can make children have better memories than their peers (同龄人)The Canadian study showed that after one year of musical training,children did better on a memory test than those who didnt take music lessons The researchers made the children aged between 4and 6into two groups-one group of children took music lessons outside school,and the other didnt take any musical trainingIn one year,they took four tests in different timesThe results showed brain (大脑) development changes at least every four months The children taking music lessons not only did better in musical listening but also made faster progress in other ways,such as reading,writing,Maths and IQ People say music is the good medicine for a broken heartNow it seems music can also help us to improve our memoriesWe are sure to find more and more in the wonderful world of music11 . Youd better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training because _ Ayou get well after you take music lessonsByou will make faster progress in every wayCmusic can help you to improve your memoriesDmusic lessons have taken up most your free time12 . The researchers made one group of the children aged 46take music lessons for _ Asix monthsBa yearCtwo yearsDfour years13 . The Canadian study showed that brain development changes _ Aonce a weekBtwice half a yearCfour times a yearDat least every four months14 . According to the last paragraph,most people think music can make us _ AhappyBworriedClazyDconfident15 . What does the passage mainly tell us? _AHow to become clevererBMusic does us much goodCWhat to find in wonderful musicDEveryone should receive music trainingPeople say the lion is the “King of Animals” because we are very strong. So people watch us live in zoos behind bars or in parks when they drive in cars. But we are not happy there. We should live in grassy land in Africa. We live in families, too. In a lions family, there are usually about 12 members. We live and work together to get food and help the small ones. The mother lions usually get food for the baby lions . The father lions sleep most of the day. But you dont think we are lazy. We are listening and watching all the time.Now there are only a few thousand lions in the world. People are killing us.16 . How many members are there in the lion families?ATenBElevenCNineDAbout twelve17 . How do the lion families live?AThey live each alone( 独立 )BAll of the members of a family live together.CThey live on grass (以为主食 )DThey live on fish.18 . Who get food for the baby lions?AFather lionsBGrown-up lions.CYoung lionsDMother lions19 . Why are there only a few thousand lions in the world?Because _Athey kill their baby lionsBpeople have killed many of the lionsCthey dont want to feed too many baby lionsDmany of them die from illness (死于疾病)20 . People say the lion is the “King of Animals” because_Athey are very small.Bthey are very big.Cthey are very weak.Dthey are very strong.Today in school, I get into an argument with a boy in my class. I think that I am right and he is wrongand he thinks that I am wrong and he is right. The teacher wants to teach us a lesson. She brings us up to the front of the class and places him on one side of her desk and me on the other. There is a large, round object (物体) on her desk. It is black. But when she asks the boy he answers, White, I cant believe it. Another argument starts. The teacher tells us to change our places. Then she asks me, _ I have to answer, White. It was an object with two differently colored sides. From his side it is white. From my side it is black.Sometimes we need to stand in the other persons shoes and look at the problem through their eyes.21 . Who teaches the writer a lesson?AHis classmate.BHe himself.CHis teacher.DHis mother.22 . How does the writer feel when the boy says the object is white?ASurprised(惊讶的).BWorried.CHappy.DAngry.23 . Which of the following can be put in in Paragraph 5?AIs your answer right?BDo you think he is right?CWhat colour is the object?DWhat do you think of the object?24 . Why does the object look so different in colour?ABecause the boy and the writer have no ideas about colours.BBecause the object has two different colours on the two sides.CBecause the boy and the writer like making arguments with each other.DBecause the teacher is angry and she wants to play tricks on the students.25 . What can we learn from the story?AWe must believe what we see and speak out.BTeachers are always cleverer than their students.CWe need to look at a problem from others feelings.DNever have an argument with others in front of teachers.Learning about the environment is very important. There are many good books that will help you learn. To get started, ask your teacher or a librarian for some suggestions. You can also look at some good websites with information about the environment and climate change. Climate change may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.Driving a car or using electricity is not wrong. We just have to be smart about it. Some people use less energy bycarpooling. For example, four people can ride together in one car instead of driving four cars to work. Whenever we use electricity, we put greenhouse gases(气体) into the air. By turning off lights, the television and the computer when they arent needed, you can help a lot.Dont buy products that use too much energy. Some products, like certain cars, are made specially to save energy. These dont pollute as much, either. Products like computers, TVs, and VCRs with the ENERGY STAR label(标签)R are made to save energy. Buying products with these labels will help protect the environment.Buy recyclable products instead of (代替) non-recyclable ones. Recyclable products are usually made out of things that have already been used. It usually takes less energy to make recyclable products than to make new ones. So when you go shopping, look for the recycle mark on the packagethree arrows that make a circle.The less energy we use, the better.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。26 . The passage is mainly written for.Acar producersBschool studentsCparentsDhousewives27 . The underlined word “carpooling” in paragraph 2 most probably means.Asharing a carBpulling a carCselling a carDimproving a car28 . From the passage, we can learn that.Aturning off the electricity when it isnt needed can save a lot of energy.Belectricity will cause great trouble to our environmentCcars using less energy will not put greenhouse gases into the airDrecyclable products are marked with the ENERGY STAR labelR29 . Which of the following can be the writers opinion?ANo pains, no gains.BRome was not built in one day.CLittle things can make a big difference.DNothing is difficult to the man who will try.30 . Which one is NOT TRUE according to the passage?ADriving a car is not wrong.BDont buy products that use too much energy.CWe should buy non-recyclable products.DThe less energy we use, the better.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子选用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。Jump down go through go across the road run away take out of31 . The light _ the hole of the lantern and looks beautiful.32 . Dont _ that hole. Its dangerous.33 . Daniel _ his book_his schoolbag and put it on the table.34 . When Millie saw a snake, she was afraid and _ quickly.35 . - Hurry up! Well be late!But you should wait for the green light. You cant _ now.四、单词填空Im glad to be your guide. Let me tell you something about our trip. From the square you can begin your short36 . (旅行) of London37 . (穿过) the square, and you will get to the National Gallery. There are lots of38 . (著名的) paintings in it. Walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace. Turn left and reach the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. 39 . (在对面) you can see the Lon-don Eye. It can take you 135 metres 40 . (在上) the River Thames. On a clear day you can see 41 . (大部分) of London. Take the boat near Big Ben. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Next to it is the Tower of London. Its 42 . (超过) 900 years old. Take the boat back to the railway station. Go 43 . (经过) the station and go on. Turn left 44 . (进入) Kings Street and you can see a 45 . (教堂). This is where youll finish your tour.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Helen Thayer, one of the greatest explorers of the 20th century, loves challenges.She says, “I like to see whats 46 . the other side of the hill.” She has gone almost everywhere to do that.Helen Thayer was born in New Zealand.She has been 47 . (explore) the world most of her life.Since childhood, she has travelled 48 . (wide) in very cold climates and across rough lands.At the age of 50, she became 49 . first woman to travel alone to the North Pole.Accompanied only by her dog Charlie, she survived cold weather and meetings with polar bears.She has also kayaked(划皮艇) 2,200 miles down the Amazon, and climbed several mountains.Helen Thayer has never let age 50 . (stop) her.She and her husband, Bill, had a lifelong dream for their 40 wedding anniversary (周年纪念)They walked 1,600 miles in intense heat across the Gobi Desert.There they met Mongolian nomads (游牧民) and learned about their culture.To celebrate 50 years of 51 . (marry), the Thayers walked almost 900 miles across the Sahara Desert to study the customs of the people 52 . live there.Now in their 53 . (seventy), Thayer keeps planning trips for the future.In recent years, Thayer has been talking to groups around the world.She has continued to travel 54 . bring back stories to share with both children and adults.Thayer hopes to encourage people to follow their passions and realise their dreams.What is her55 . (advise)? Set goals, plan for success and never give up.六、多任务混合问题New rules and behavior standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students wont only have high grades. The following are some of the new rules.Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated(作弊) in an exam? Dont do it again! Thats not something honest students should do.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them.Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe youll find another earth in space in the future. Everyones new ideas are important.Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates? Dont let it happen to you. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Internet arent for kids, so try to look at the good webpage. You can use the webpage for fun or homework.56 . What should you do if you have to go back home late?_57 . What should the top students do to new ideas?_58 . What can the children use the good webpage for?_59 . 把短文第一自然段中画线句子翻译成汉语。_60 . 给短文拟一个恰当的标题。_七、材料作文61 . 书面表达上周,云南某地再次发生了地震,家园受到了损坏。一名灾区的学生卓玛(Zhuoma)下周将来你们班。她将在你们班学习一年。请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你将如何帮助她,并适当写出自己的想法。卓玛: 1. 年龄:13岁。 2性别:女。 3.家乡:云南。主要活动:1.带她参观校园;2.请她来家里;3.送她学习用品;4.一起吃饭;5.在学习上帮助她。写作要求:1. 不要出现真实的姓名和学校信息;2. 80个词左右;3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。Zhuoma will come to our class next week. Shes from.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、

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