人教版七年级英语下册:Unit 6 检测卷

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人教版七年级英语下册:Unit 6 检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Nature is our greatest treasure. Yes. If we dont take action, natural resources will one day.Aturn outBfind outCput outDrun out2 . John plays computer games. He thinks that isnt good for his eyes.AneverBalwaysCusuallyDsometimes3 . Its easy for him _ a nice picture.AdrawBwriteCto drawDto write4 . _ will your father come back?In a week. AHow soonBHow longCHow oftenDHow far5 . (题文)You are too heavy. I think you must _ eat _ meat.Atry; moreBtry to; moreCtry to; lessDtry; less6 . Angela, you are going to buy a flat here, arent you?Yes, but I cant _ an expensive one.AaffordBcostCpay7 . What is your plan for this weekend?I feel like _ this weekend.Adoing different somethingBto do different somethingCto do something differentDdoing something different8 . _ some milk in the glass.AThere areBThere isCItsDIts9 . Here is a book. First it and then tell me what you think of it.Alook upBlook afterClook through10 . Would you like some bread?_.AlikeBNoCId likeDNo, thanks11 . Lily, here are your pens. Please . OK, Mom.Aput it awayBput them awayCput on them12 . Tom, _ any sugar to my coffee. OK. What about some milk in the coffee?Adoesnt addBdidnt addCnot addDdont add13 . Ive got a ticket for the basketball game tonight.Cool! How _ you _ it?Ahad,gotBdid,getCwere,gettingDwill,get14 . There _ a dog and two cats under the tree.AisBareC/15 . Is this your coat _ his coat?AandBsoCorDbut二、补全短文5选5Pandas are very cute animals. In 1972, two pandas named Xingxing and Lingling were sent from China to the United States as a gift. 61Americans fell in love with the two pandas right away. On the first day the two pandas came to the zoo, about 20,000 people visited them. 62 .Xingxing and Lingling were just cubs (幼崽) when they got to the United States. 63Lingling gave birth several times. But none of the babies lived more than a few days. Each time a cub died, people all around the world felt sad.64Lingling was 23 when she died in 1992, Xingxing died in 1999 at the age of 28. 65Following Xingings death, the zoo received lots of letters from their fans. The letters showed their love for the pandas and told how much they missed them.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。ABoth of the pandas lived to an old age.BBut they were never forgotten.CThe crowds kept coming year after year.D. The National Zoo in Washington, D. C, became the pandas new home.DAs the years passed, many hoped the pair would have cubs of their own.16 . _17 . _18 . _19 . _20 . _三、完型填空John comes from England. When he comes to China, his friends tell him something about the traffic _ in China. People drive on the_ in England. but in China, people should drive on the right, Before you cross street, you must look _ ways look left. look right and look left again. _ remember the traffic moves on the right in China, or some cars and some buses may_ you.In the morning and the evening. when people go to work and _ back from work, the streets are very busy(累忙的). _ it is the most dangerous(危险的)time. When you want to _ the road, you must _ for the green walk sign.In China. you can always_ the policeman for help when you lose your way.21 . ArulesBaccidentClightsDsigns22 . ArightBleftCfrontDback23 . AeveryBallCbothDbetween24 . ANeverBSeldomCOftenDAlways25 . AmeetBcatchCcloseDhurt26 . AcomeBrunCwalkDrest27 . AOrBButCSoDBecause28 . AcrossingBacrossCgo alongDgo across29 . AlookBwatchCwaitDcheck30 . AmakeBaskCfindDwant四、阅读单选Lost: A black and white cat I lost a nice cat. Her name is Mimi, She is black and white. Please email me at alan 6518 yahoo.com. You can call me, too. My phone number is 348-7210. Oh, my name is Alan white, Thanks a lot. Lost: An English-Chinese dictionaryThis dictionary was lost in our school library. I must find it because its useful in my English class. Call Tony at 368-7412. And you can email me at tony 909 126. com Found: A baseball capI found a baseball cap on the school playground. Its red. I think it must be a boys, because a name of Jack is on the hat, Is it yours, Jack? Call Helen at 396-4657 for it.Found: A yellow T-shirtI found a T-shirt under a tree in our school. Its yellow with a picture of a basketball star on it. Who lost the T-shirt? Do you want to get it back? Please e-mail Johnson at jsn 568 163.com.31 . Who lost a black and white cat?AAlanBTonyCHelen.DJohnson32 . Where was the T-shirt lost?AIn the school library.BOn the school playgroundCIn the classroom.DUnder a tree in the school33 . Which of the following is true?AThe baseball cap is a girls.BThe T-shirt is a basketball stars.CYou can call Johnson for the T-shirt.DTony lost an English-Chinese dictionary.This is Mr. Zhangs ID card . And this is Jims watch . Thats Marys key . And that is Ginas notebook . Look ! this is a ring . Its Jennys ring .根据材料内容选择最佳答案 。34 . This is Mr. Zhangs _ .AnotebookBkeyCID cardDwatch35 . This is _ notebook .AJimsBGinasCJimDGina36 . Is this Jims watch ?AYes , it is .BNo , it is .CYes , it isntDNo , it isnt .37 . Is this Jennys ring ?AYes she is .BNo , she isntCYes , it is .DNo , it isnt .38 . Mr. Zhangs name is on his _ .AringBwatchCkeyDID cardA WALKTen kilometers long.Dogs and other little animals are welcome.Meet at the school gate.Time:7:30 a. m. Saturday morningWant to know more.Call Michael at 58555665For RentOne-bedroom apartment near No.3 Junior High School.Call Miss Wang for more.Tel: 682525039:00 a. m. - 4:30 p. m.Every weekdayFor Sale(大促销)Come and buy school things!All kinds of school things!Soccer ball:¥50Basketball:¥40Pen:¥1. 50Only five days, this week!Lantian School Things Store, next to No. 1 High SchoolWantedA waitress(女招待)in a restaurant.Work for eight hours.Like to meet people.¥160 a day.Call Miss Li at 65433265 today!From 10:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m.根据海报内容,选择正确答案。39 . They will meet at 7:30 a. m. on Saturday morning for the walk.Aat No. 3 Junior High SchoolBat the school gateCat No. 1 Junior High SchoolDat a restaurant40 . If Li Lei wants to rent an apartment, he can call Miss Wang at .A68252503B58555665C65433265DWe dont know41 . Kangkang has¥45. What can he buy in Lantian School Things Store?AA soccer ball.BA basketball.C.Less than three pens.CB and C.42 . Alice wants to be a waitress. She should call Miss Li .Athis weekBon SaturdayCtodayDevery weekday43 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe walk is ten kilometers long.BYou can call Miss Wang to rent a room at 3:00 p. m. on Monday.CLantian School Things Store is next to No. 3 High School.DThe waitress should work for eight hours.五、填写适当的句子补全对话情景交际从方框中选择适当的句子填在划线处,使对话完整通顺。A: Excuse me. My name is Linda.44 . B: Oh, welcome! Im Helen.A: Im new here.45 . B: Sure.A:46 . Are there any near here?B: Yes. 47 . A: OK. And is there a bank near here?B: 48 . But there is an ATM(自动取款机) in the supermarket.A: Thanks a lot.六、单词填空49 . 阅读理解Mr. Green is from England. He teaches English in a middle school. He speaks some Chinese, but only a little. He goes to Chinese classes every week. He likes working in China very much. He says the Chinese people are very kind to him. He has a son and a daughter. They go to school here, too. But they go to a different school. 阅读短文,用合适的单词填空Mr. Green is【小题1】. He is a【小题2】 of English. He can speak some 【小题3】, but 【小题4】【小题5】. He goes to Chinese classes every week. He likes working in China. He says the Chinese people are very【小题6】. He has 【小题7】【小题8】 .They go to school here. They【小题9】 in different 【小题10】七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子遣词造句根据图示和所给的提示词,每幅图写一句话,用上所给的提示词。take, three hours uniform, stop.from. if, accidentget tothere be, sing, tree50 . _.51 . _.52 . _.53 . _.54 . _.八、材料作文55 . 书面表达以我的学校为题写一篇短文,提示如下:1 我的名字是Tom. 我在第一中学(NO. 1 Middle School)2 我的学校不大,但是它很美丽3 我的学校有400名学生和40名老师。4 我的学校有一个篮球场,一个礼堂和一个食堂。(basketball court, dining hall)5 学校没有图书馆,但有一个阅览室,里面有很多书。,我爱我的学校。My school_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、单词填空1、七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、八、材料作文1、

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