人教版七年级下册unit 3单元测试英语试题

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人教版七年级下册unit 3单元测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Excuse me!Wheres the new National Middle School of Qujing?Its a_Sunday_run to go there.Youd better take No.K1 Bus.Aa long wayBa short wayCa good runnerDa Sunday exercise2 . -_? I went to the mountains.AWhere did you go on vacation?BWhat are you doing for vacation?CHow did you go to the mountains?DHow often do you go to the mountains?3 . Is Lisas book sale on December 12th?_. Lets ask her.AYes, it isBYoure rightCHave a good dayDIm not sure4 . _ car is it?Its her car.AWhoBWhosCWhoseDWhat5 . Excuse me. Is the library open all day? . Only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.AYes, of courseBThats rightCSorry, Im not sureDSorry, Im afraid not6 . How does Li Xia improve her speaking skills?_ joining an English club.AWithBByCFor7 . The ticket for the museum _me 80 uan.AspentBcostCtookDpaid8 . Grandma, I want to _ you something about my new friend. Pardon? Millie, I cant _ you well. Can you _ it again?Atell; hear; say Btalk; listen to; speakCtell; hear; speakDtalk; listen to; say9 . students are there in your class?There are fifty-five students, thirty boys and twenty-five girls.AWhoBHow muchCHow manyDHow10 . _ is it from here to your home town?Well, it takes over three hours to get there by coach.AHow soonBHow muchCHow longDHow far二、完型填空Do you think everyone _ their weekends? Old Henry does _ . Last month, he went _ a walk_ Wang Wang, his cute dog. It was a nice day and old Henry was happy. He _ down and watched Wang Wang_ with a friendly black cat.Then it was time to go home. Old Henry _ for his dog. “Wang Wang!” But Wang Wang wasnt there. Now old Henry is very _ . He has no dog and _ family. He _want to do anything.11 . AenjoyBenjoyedCenjoysDenjoying12 . AnotBnoCanyDso13 . AtoBforConDin14 . AandBorCwithDhas15 . AsitBsitsCsittingDsat16 . AplayBplaysCto playDplayed17 . AlookingBlooksCto lookDlooked18 . AsadBhappyCluckDlucky19 . AnotBanyCnoDsome20 . AdidntBdontCdoesntDisnt三、阅读单选There are forty-five students in my class. They come from different places of the city, so they go to school in different ways. Some students ride bikes to school. These students think they can save a lot of time in this way. Some students go to school by bus because they live far away from the school. It usually takes thirty minutes. Some students walk to school because they live near it. A few students go to school by car. These students come from family with a lot of money. Their parents often drive them to school. Every morning, I have to (不得不) go to school by bus. How do you get to school?21 . There are _ students in my class.A40B42C45D4722 . Some students ride bikes to school, because _.Athey think they can save timeBthey live far away from the schoolCthey live near the schoolDthey come from the families with a lot of money23 . Why do some students walk to school?ABecause they like walking.BBecause they dont have bikes.CBecause they dont have money.DBecause they live near the school.24 . How many ways are mentioned in this article?A1.B2.C3.D4.25 . What can we infer from the passage?AI live far away from the school.BMost students go to school by car.CA few students drive to school by themselves.DIt usually takes me five minutes to go toA young man worked very hard on his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. One day he found that he couldnt fall asleep at night. As he became ill, he couldnt go to sleep. When he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he always failed.After a few days he decided to see a doctor.I just cant go to sleep at night. What should I do? he asked.I have a suggestion, said the doctor. You can try to count numbers. When you count to one thousand, you will be asleep. I am sure of it. The next day the man returned to the doctors office.Well, said the doctor. How are you today? Did you try my suggestion?The man still looked tired. Yes, he said. I tried to count one, two, three. , up to one thousand. But when I counted to five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldnt fall asleep. 26 . Why couldnt the young man go to sleep at night?ABecause he didnt finish his lessons.BBecause he worked too hard.CBecause he was worried about his homework.DBecause there was a lot of noise.27 . What did the doctor ask the young man to do?ATo drink much water before going to bed.BTo count numbers while he was lying in bed.CTo count numbers before he went to bed.DTo take some medicine and go to bed earlier.28 . The young man returned to the doctors office the next day because_Ahe wanted to thank the doctorBhe felt better and wanted some more medicineChe wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbersDhe still couldnt go to sleep at night29 . The young man counted_Afrom 1 to 569 and got up to drink some teaBfrom 1 to 569 and fell asleepCfrom 1 to 1,000 and fell asleepDfrom 568 to 1,00030 . In fact the young man _Adidnt understand the doctors suggestionBwas not able to count numbersCwas very afraid to stay at home by himselfDwasnt sleepy at all四、根据首字母、中文提示填空31 . _(健康)is important to everyone.32 . My brother is a lazy boy,and he h_ever exercises every day.33 . It is a good habit to brush your teeth at least_(两次)a day.34 . There is something wrong with his teeth. He should see a _(牙医).35 . 1 often help my mother do some h_, such as washing, sweeping the floor and so on.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空36 . It was much _(fog) than before in Fuzhou this spring.37 . They did a good job because they have good_(memory)38 . Inspringbeesflyand_ (butterfly)dancearound the flowers.39 . Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is_ (cloud).40 . The weather will be much_(bad) tomorrow.41 . I dont feel well and need to take my _(温度).42 . He _(落下)the books when I came into the room.43 . Boys always like _(踢) stones or cans on their way.44 . It is an _ (糟糕的) day and we are feeling bad.45 . We sit among the_(堆)of books.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子46 . 你想去哪里旅行?澳大利亚。Where do you want to _?Australia.47 . 你认为八点钟见面是太早还是太晚?Do you think meeting at eight oclock is _?48 . 西蒙在家庭作业上花的时间比我少。Simon spends _ than I.49 . 每天我们只有一小时的家庭作业。We only have _ every day.50 . 大多数学生在学校里可以选择学习的科目。Most students can _ at school.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文,使短文完整、通顺。walk,take,have,off,near,from,come,how,minute,orDear Rose,Im very glad you are51 . to visit me.Now I will tell you 52 . to get to my home.After you get 53 . the train at the railway station,you can 54 . the No.8 Bus to Yingbin Road.It may take you 30 55 . to get to the bus stop.The bus stop is 56 . my home.57 . you can take a taxi if you like.Thats much faster.By the way,its not far 58 . my home to the beach,so we can59 . there every day.I hope you will60 . a good time here.Best wishes!Yours,Mary八、回答问题How do you get to school every day? By bike, bus or car? In Chongqing, there will be 3,000 new school buses on the street by the end of this year. These school buses look just like American school buses: yellow with a big nose.In February 2010, the Chinese government announced the first standard (标准)for school bus safety. Since then, more yellow school buses can be seen on the street.In China, besides the bus driver, there should be an adult on the school bus to look after the students. If there are more than 40 students, two adults are needed. The students usually rest or read books on the school bus.In America, yellow school buses are very popular. There are about 480,000 school buses in the country. The older kids sit in the back of the bus. The younger kids sit in the front. They usually listen to music, talk on their phones or just sleep. The only adult on the bus is the driver.The school bus is important in students everyday lives. It can keep children safe. Usually a child is much safer going to school by school bus than any other way. It can also help the environment. A school bus saves a lot of gas (汽油)because it can carry a lot of people.61 . What color are the new school buses in Chongqing?_62 . When did the Chinese government announce the first standard for school bus safety?_63 . How many adults are needed on a Chinese school bus if 45 kids are on it besides the driver?_64 . Why is the school bus important in students everyday lives?. _九、材料作文65 . 书面表达假如你是李华,你的英国朋友杰克(Jack)不久前来到你所在的城市。这个周末他想去新华影院(Xinhua Cinema)看电影,但是不知道如何去。请你根据下面表格中的信息,写一封电子邮件给他提一些建议。交通方式所需时间注意事项步行约40分钟/乘出租车(taxi)约10分钟需支付(pay)15元乘公共汽车约20分钟需支付1元,下车后步行约3分钟要求:70词左右,电子邮件的格式、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jack,You have three ways to get to Xinhua Cinema. Which one do you think is the best?Yours,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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