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第六课时,Lets sing,My schoolbag,Oh no, my bag is heavy! Oh no, my bag is heavy! Oh no, my bag is heavy! What do you have in your schoolbag?,What is in your schoolbag?,.看图,补全对话,Whats in your desk ? I _ two _, an _ and a notebook _my desk.,.看图,补全对话,Whats in your desk ? I have two candies, an English book and a notebook in my desk.,Whats in your desk?,I have three_,an_,a _, and a _in my desk.,Whats in your desk?,I have three keys,an egg,a pen,and a notebook in my desk.,Whats in your schoolbag?,Whats in your schoolbag?,Notebook,A,B,What do you have in your schoolbag?,Notebook,A,What do you have in your schoolbag?,B,What do you have in your schoolbag?,Story time,Questions:,Is Zooms schoolbag heavy? Whats in Zooms schoolbag?,( )1. more a. 每件东西 ( )2.everything b. 美梦 ( )3.put away c. 拿出 ( )4.sweet dream d. 更多 ( )5. take out e. 放好,( d )1. more a. 每件东西 ( a )2.everything b. 美梦 ( e )3.put away c. 拿出 ( b )4.sweet dream d. 更多 ( c )5. take out e. 放好,.圈出不同类的单词 A. English book storybook maths book Chinese book B. pencil pen notebook key C. toys candy heavy egg D. yellow blue white,.圈出不同类的单词 A. English book storybook maths book Chinese book B. pencil pen notebook key C. toys candy heavy egg D. yellow blue white bag,.改错题 ( ) 1. I have new schoolbag. _ A B C ( ) 2. A Chinese book and a eraser. _ A B C ( ) 3. What in your desk? _ A B C ( ) 4. I lost some candys. _ A B C,.改错题 ( B) 1. I have new schoolbag. a new A B C ( C) 2. A Chinese book and a eraser. an A B C ( A) 3. What in your desk? Whats A B C ( C ) 4. I lost some candys. candy A B C,选出不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. key B. five C. four ( ) 2. A. maths book B. candy C. Chinese book ( ) 3. A. fat B.toy C. heavy ( ) 4. A.colour B. blue C. black ( )5. A. notebook B. storybook C. lost,A,B,B,A,C,根据图片提示选择单词,补全句子。 Excuse me. I lost my . (key, keys) 2. Here are my brothers . (toy, toys) 3. I have some . (candy, candies) 4.She has a (stotybook, storybooks). 5. She has two . (notebook, notebooks),key,toys,candies,storybook,notebooks,Goodbye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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