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人教版2020版八年级英语上册单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I prefer _ rather than _ to net bar.Ato stay at home; go outBgoing out; stay at homeCstaying at home; going outDgoing out; to stay at home2 . Do you know if Jack will drive to London this weekend?-Jack? Never! He_ driving so far.Ahas hatedBwill hateChatedDhates3 . There _ two pieces of bread on the table and there _ some cheese on the slices.Aare; areBare; isCis; isDis; are4 . l _ live there when I was a child.Aam used toBwas used toCget used toDused to5 . My father hasfor two weeks. I miss him so much.Aleft our homeBgot thereCgone abroadDbeen away6 . (题文)-Why not_the party till tomorrow? We have an exam today.-No problem. See you then.Ago offBtake offCturn offDput off7 . Will it _ warm in the room?Aare B. be C. is D. going to be8 . Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats.The plane_.Atakes offBis taking offChas taken offDtook off9 . The earth is our home. We should play a part in _ the earth.AsaveBto saveCsavingDsaved10 . _ your phone number?My phone number is 6781234AWhatBWhatsCWhere is二、补全短文6选5阅读短文,从所给的AF六个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、内容完整。Jim made some New Years resolutions this year. 51._ _ _ so hes going to exercise more and eat healthier food. 52._ _ _ Hes going to get a pen friend in the United States or Australia,. 53._ _ _ When Jim grows up, he wants to be an engineer. 54._ _ _Jims sister made some New Years resolutions this year, too. She wants to be a basketball player. 55._ _ _ A. So hes going to work harder in his math and science classes.B. He wants to stay healthy,C. and hes going to write letters in English to his pen friendD. He is a teacher.E. So shes going to join the basketball club and practice it every day.F. He also wants to improve his English.A. So hes going to work harder in his math and science classes.B. He wants to stay healthy,C. and hes going to write letters in English to his pen friendD. He is a teacher.E. So shes going to join the basketball club and practice it every day.F. He also wants to improve his English.11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . _三、完型填空DearMaria,Howareyou?Myfamilyare_now.Imwriting_you.Myparents_housework.MybrotherisstudyingEnglishinhisroom.Heisagoodstudent.Hestudiesveryhard.Hewants_agooddoctor.Doyoulikeanimal?Whatsyourfavoriteanimal?Ilikepandas.Theyre_interesting.Theylookvery_.Theyhavebigeyes.Imsureyouwilllikethemverymuch.ButIdontthinkyoucanseearealpandainyourcity.SonowIgiveaphotoofa_toyou.Isitbeautiful?Ihopeyoucancometoourcitytoseepandasinthezoo.OK?Ifyoucomehere,youcanfindmyhouseveryeasily.Youcan_No.11BustoQinghuaStop.Turn_onFirstAvenue,andyoucanseeapostoffice.Myhouseisjustbehind_.Write soon please.Yours,Li Lei16 . AfriendlyBbusyChappyDtired17 . AforBwithCtoDin18 . AdoBdoesCare doingDis doing19 . Ato beBto doCbeingDdo20 . AlittleBa kindCkind ofDkinds of21 . AcuteBuglyCscaryDhappy22 . AtigerBpandaClionDcat23 . AbyBtakeConDbring24 . AleftBto leftCthe leftDto right25 . AthisBoneCitDthese四、阅读单选Tomorrow is Saturday. Im not going to work, and my brother isnt going to school. We are going to play table tennis. We are going to have lunch in a restaurant. Were coming home at five. My parents are going to visit my grandparents. They are going to get home at half past five. We are going to help my mother cook the dinner. After supper, I am going to dance with my friends, and my brother is going to watch TV with my parents.26 . What day is it today?ASaturday.BSunday.CFriday.DMonday27 . My brother is a .AstudentBteacherCworkerDmanager28 . My brother and I are going to tomorrow.Ahave a picnicBvisit our friendsCgo fishingDplay table tennis29 . My parents are going to come back .Aat 7:30Bat 5:30Cat 6:30Dat 7:0030 . Im going to dance .Aafter breakfastBwith my friendsCin the morningDwith my patents五、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分)Abing was born on August 17, 1893 in the eastern Chinese city of Wuxi. Abing was the name used by his family. He was given the name Hua Yanjun at school. His father trained him in drums from the age of 10. Abing began learning the dizi at the age of 12, then the erhu. At the age of 17, Abing first performed in some ceremonies, and won praise for his musical talent.In 1939, he married. After his marriage, Abing performed every afternoon in a public square in Wuxi. He became famous for his music and songs. After the performance, he would walk through the citys streets, playing the erhu. His most famous composition, Erquan Yingyue, was performed in this period.In the summer of 1950, two professors Yang Yinliu and Cao Anhe, travelled to Wuxi to record Abing. By this time, Abing had not performed for almost three years. After three days practice, three erhu pieces and three pipa pieces were recorded. However, Abings favorite piece, Meihua Sannong, was not recorded when the team ran out of blank records.31 . Abing was the name used at school.32 . Abings first show was at the age of 17.33 . Erquan Yingyue was the most famous piece of music from Abing.34 . In 1950, six pieces of music were recorded by Abing alone.35 . The team didnt record Abings favorite piece.六、填空The new year is coming. Everyone has a new plan. Most students are going to work harder at school this year because they want to get good grades. Some students are going to eat more fruits and vegetables to keep healthy. A few students plan to join sports clubs, and they are going to be sports players in the future. Some parents are going to make more money. And they can buy something good for their children because they hope their children can live well. Many young people are going to learn some new foreign languages and computer science. They find it important for them to do that if they want to get a good job根据短文内容完成表格(每空词数不限)PeoplePlanPurpose(目的)moststudents36 . to get good gradessomestudentseat more fruits and vegetables 37 . a fewstudents38 . to be sports playerssomeparents39 . can buy something good for their childrenmanyyoungpeoplelearn some new foreign languages and computer science40 . 七、回答问题任务型阅读This afternoon our school will hold a meeting in the playground. At the meeting some teachers and students will talk about how to be a good student. Mary is a top girl. She does very well in all the subjects. She will talk about how to study the subjects well. Tom is very strong. He is interested in PE. He takes part in all kinds of sports. He will talk about how to keep healthy. Mr White is a maths teacher. He teaches very well. He is one of the most popular teachers in our school. He will tell us some good ways of learning maths. Finally our headmaster Mr Green will speak. He will tell us what good manners are. I hope we can learn a lot from the meeting. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。41 . When will the school hold the meeting?_42 . What will Mary talk about?_43 . What does Tom like?_44 . Who is one of the most popular teachers in the school?_45 . What will the headmaster say at the meeting?_八、英汉互译:整句(题文)Jake thought today was going to be very bad. To start with, it was raining, and the rainy days made him sad.(小题1)今天是他的生日。But when he got up in the morning, no one was home, and his mother and his father didnt leave him any gifts.(小题2)He walked to school with his best friend, Mike.Mike didnt say anything to him, either.(小题3)这使他不高兴。Jake said “Happy birthday” to him last week, but he didnt remember his birthday! In class, the teacher asked him for his homework, but as he was so sad when he left home, he forgot to bring it with him. This made him annoyed(烦恼的) with himself.(小题4)But things became better in the afternoon.Mike invited him for supper. Jake was so happy to hear Mike say “Happy birthday” to him on the way to the restaurant.(小题5)He was very glad to see his parents and all his friends were there.Jake had a wonderful surprised birthday supper. That made him very happy.九、书信作文46 . 书面表达假如你是李明,学校7月5日就要开始放暑假了,你打算在暑假期间邀请龙翔一起去北京旅行。请根据提示,适当选用参考词汇,写一封邀请信,说明你的旅行计划。提示:向他发出邀请;说明你的计划,包括活动内容、时间、地点等;约定出发的时间和地点。参考词汇:the Great Wall,the Palace Museum,Tianan Men Square要求:不少于60词(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Long Xiang,I hope all is going well. Our colorful summer vacation is coming._ Hope to see you soon!Yours,Li Ming第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、英汉互译:整句1、九、书信作文1、


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