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人教版2020版九年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Those poor children will have to quit schoolsomebody can give them a helping hand.AifBalthoughCbecauseDunless2 . - Thank you for inviting me to your new house.- _. Just help yourself.AIt doesnt matter.BAll right.CDont mention it.DThe same to you3 . Its silly you others for their mistakes.Afor, not forgiveBfor, not to forgiveCof, to not forgiveDof, not to forgive4 . He often says, “I _ one million smiles in my heart _ one billion dollars in my pocket.”Adont like; butBprefer; thanCwould rather; thanDprefer; to5 . I want to know _. Im afraid that we cant be there on time.Awhy we arrived at the factory lateBif we will reach the factory lateChow can we get to the factoryDwhen are we going to reach the factory6 . (2017江苏泰州 5)Neither Jim nor Tom _ Australia before,but they know the country very well.Ahas gone toBhas been toChave gone toDhave been to7 . _is the boy? Fifteen.AWhereBHow oldCHow8 . _of the warm water _already been used up.ATwo-third;hasBTwo-third;haveCTwo-thirds;hasDTwo-thirds;have9 . (题文) - Linda, lets play soccer after school.-_ .AYoure welcome.BThat sounds good.CSorry, I dont know.10 . Is this a toy car?No , it is _ eraser.AtheBaCan11 . My mum always avoids _ home from work at 5 p.m. as theres so much traffic then.AtravelBtravellingCto travelDto travelling12 . The doctor _ the woman ,but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her.来Alooked overBlooked afterClooked forDlooked out13 . Its cold today. The window is . Joan, go and it, please.A closed; openBopen; closeC close; openDopen; closes二、完型填空完形填空Dear Kitty,Thank you for your email. In your_, you tell_something about your school in America. And I_a lot about you and your school. Now let you know something about me and my_I am a(an)_boy. I was born in Jiangsu. I am twelve years old. I am_Grade Seven at No. 2 Secondary School. It_about fifteen minutes to get to the school. I often go to school_But I dont walk to school when it rains. I take a bus. My school is big and beautiful. My class_twenty boys and fifteen_My teachers say all the_students are good._like us very much. This is my family. My mother is a_She_in Zhao Yang Hospital. I have a sister. She is very_But I am tall. We are in the same school. My father is a teacher. He teaches English. All students like his subject and are good at English too.I am happy in my family and I am happy at school too.Write back.YoursWang Fang14 . AbookBletterCemailDpicture15 . AherBhimCmeDit16 . AknowBwatchChopeDlike17 . AclassBgradeCschoolDoffice18 . AAmericanBEnglishCChineseDJapanese19 . AonBinCatDfor20 . AtakesBcomesCwalksDtravels21 . Aby busBby bikeCby trainDon foot22 . Athere isBthere areChasDhave23 . AmenBchildrenCwomenDgirls24 . AfifteenBtwentyCthirtyDthirty-five25 . AWeBTheyCYouDHe26 . AteacherBdoctorCdriverDfarmer27 . AstudiesBplaysCworksDshops28 . AshortBstrongCcuteDthin三、阅读单选阅读理解Danny and Bobby are classmates, but theyre very different (不同的). Lets have a look!This is Danny. He is fat, and he has lots of food every day. He likes eating hamburgers and chicken. Chocolate, ice cream, cake and candy are his favourite, too. He drinks too much cola every day. Danny doesnt play any sports. He likes staying at home, eating and eating.This is Bobby. He is very healthy and he has got lots of healthy food every day. He likes fruit and vegetables. Bobby eats meat, too, but he doesnt eat too much. He doesnt have any chocolate or candy. Bobby plays sports every day and he plays basketball very well.Do you eat well every day? Its important for us to eat healthy food and do some sports.29 . What does Danny like eating?ARice.BFruit.CChicken.DVegetables.30 . Danny likes staying _.Aat homeBin the classroomCin the shopDin the playground31 . What food doesnt Bobby eat?AApples.BMeat.CTomatoes.DChocolate.32 . What sport is Bobby good at?ASwimming.BBasketball.CFootball.DTable tennis.33 . What can we learn from the passage?ADannys favourite drink is water.BBobby drinks a lot of cola every day.CThe two boys are in different classes.DDanny doesnt eat much healthy food.While you are in trouble, what are you going to do? What? Cry? Or escape? Those are all the wrong way! Robinson Crusoe can tell you the right answer!It is an exciting story: Robinson Crusoe hated the comfortable life in his home town. So, he want to be a seaman and travelled around the world. But one day, a terrible thing happened. A great storm came and their boat crashed! No one was alive in this accident except Robinson. He was the luckiest man in the world-Because all his friends were dead but he was alive. However, at the same time he was the mosttragicman of allHe must face the fact .Alone on an island without food, water or gun!But, all roads lead to Rome!He just used his hands to work hard!Then, he made a cave, built a house, grew corn and kept goats. In the end, he could enjoy the life on the island. In his twenty-fourth year on the island, he saved a wild man, and gave him the name of “Friday”. With Robinsons teaching, “Friday” became a good servant. Friday, they got a boat and escaped from the island.Surely, the writer of Robinson Crusoe is really a hero! Its too hard to describe Robinson with words. We could say that Robinson was very clever, and also he was brave,.Certainly, too many good words can describe him. But now, I think it isnt important. However, the most important thing is what we have learned from the story. That is, use our own hands to work hard with confidence!34 . Robinson wanted to be a sailor because.Asailor was an interesting jobBhe could earn more money to be a sailorChe wanted to have an adventure experienceDhe didnt like the quiet life in his home town35 . How many people were alive in the accident?ANo one.BOneCTwoDMany36 . The underlined word “tragic” means “” in Chinese.A悲惨的B伤心的C现实的D幸运37 . Robinson met “Friday”.Abefore he traveled around the worldBwhen the accident happenedCafter he escaped from the islandDwhen he was on the island38 . According to the author,is the most important thing we can learn from Robinson Crusoe.Abeing brave and hard-workingBbeing brave and confidentCbeing hard-working and confidentDbeing brave, hard-working and confidentDevon Toomey had been on a website for an internation adoption many times and seen so many kids, but shed never determined to email the agency about anyone until she came across a photo. It was a baby born without arms and legs. “on seeing him, I just knew he was the right one. There was just something that spoke to me,” she says.Today, four years later, that boy, named Bowen Toomey, is a 5-year-old kindergartner with two older brothers living in Eagle, Idaho. He is keen on going to school, jumping on trampolines(蹦床), reading books and applying himself to difficult tasks.But his physical disability means he cant live normally like others: Where other children use their hands to handle things, Bowen sometimes uses his mouth or a special band he wears that lets him deal with things like a spoon.“He does everything any other kids do: he just finds his way to solve different problems. He can ride his skate already,” his mother says. “He particularly loves to swim, and can dive and swim independently. I think he loves it so much because the water is the place where he really doesnt have limitations限制.”A former special education teacher, Toomey and her husband, Jeremy, knew they wanted to adopt. Nine months after she discovered Bowen on the website of a Serbian orphanage(孤儿院), located in Belgrade, the entire family went there to take home their 18-month-old addition.Although Bowen had been well taken care of at the orphanage, he didnt get much attention, and for the most part he was just laid in the bed.The young boy responsed to his new family in a way that he surprised everyone. “We laid eyes on him and from that moment on, he became joyful, which really touched our hearts,” she says, “I said to myself, it is no wonder that I wanted him the moment I saw him. He is my child.”39 . How many children are there in Dovens family?AtwoBthreeCfourDfive40 . What can we know about Bowen Toomey?Ahe cant go to school and read books because of his physical disabilityBHe was once badly treated at the orphanage.COnly under the water can he enjoy freedomDHe keeps challenging his own limits in life41 . The underlined words”their 18-month-old addition” refers toADevons newborn kidBanother healthy orphanCBowenDone of Bowens brother42 . What can we infer from the passage?ADevon adopted Bowen because she was touched by his braveryBBowen can hardly deal with things that need handsCBowen has often lain in bed since he came to the new familyDThe boys arrival has brought the family surprises and happiness43 . The best title:_.AA “Normal” BoyBHes just my kidCthe wonder of loveDthe magic momentThe weekend is usually a time of rest. But todays Chinese teenagers cant rest during the weekends. According to a survey(调查), 24% of the Junior students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 40% of the Junior 3 students have less than eight hours of sleep each night.Ji Ping, a Junior student in Guangzhou, has to get up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. Then she has a whole day of classes. On Sunday she gets to extra(额外的)classes for Maths and English. But she doesnt complain(抱怨). She says that all her classmates work hard on Sunday.Liu Yang is from Dalian. As a Junior 2 student, his weekends are less busy. But he always spends Saturday in school. On Sunday, after finishing homework, he plays basketball. He feels happy because he still has time to do the things he likes.A few students are luckier. Yang Qing, a Junior 3 student from Zibo, Shangdong, is one of them. At weekends, she usually gets up at 8:00. Then she spends some time doing homework. After that she is free to do what she likes. “Dont push(逼迫)yourself too much. Learning well at school is easy,” she said. And she is a top student in her class.44 . How many hours do 40% of the Junior 3 students in Beijing sleep each night?ALess than 6 hours.BLess than 7 hours.CLess than 8 hours.DMore than 8 hours.45 . Why does Ji Ping get up early on Saturdays?ABecause she doesnt sleep well.BBecause she has a whole day of classes.CBecause she has to play computer games.DBecause her parents ask her to do so.46 . What does Liu Yang do after finishing homework on Sunday?AHe plays basketball.BHe plays football.CHe reads books.DHe does housework.47 . Which of the following in NOT true?A24% of the Junior students Beijing have classes at weekends.BJi Ping gets up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturdays.CLiu Yang feels sorry about his busy weekend.四、填写适当的单词补全句子单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题卡上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。48 . Tianjin plans to start a smart city program to deal with tjams.49 . Can you iwhat it would be like to live under the sea?50 . Teen singers TF boys are popular ayoung people.51 . Our traditional clike Peking Opera should be passed down.52 . Its reported that China is becoming the smost overweight country, just after the US.53 . Now, you can enjoy (免费的)Wi-Fi in many places.54 . People like (分享)things through WeChat now.55 . We should always keep an eye on school (安全).56 . Helping others is the most (有价值的)thing in the world.57 . I (很少)watch movies on my smart phone because its not good for my eyes.根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题纸标号为4145的相应位置上。58 . _(贸易)between the two countries has increased recently.59 . It is eight fifteen now. We may also say it is a quarter _(超过)eight.60 . He _(明智地) decided not to tell the lie.61 . The bridge broke down in the (地震)62 . A lot of people always _(咳嗽) because of smoking (cough)B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题纸标号为4650的相应位置上。63 . The story _(it) is interesting, but its a little difficult for children.64 . The two _(monkey) jumped up and down in the trees.65 . The number of crimes is rising _(rapid) in the USA.66 . Lishui has many changes at present and it is much _(beautiful) than before.67 . The project they are talking about _(need) improving.动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。 68 . We all know that practice _(make) perfect in learning.69 . While they _ (discuss) how to prevent accidents, another one happened.70 . “TheBelt and Road Initiatives”_(connect) China to the world in the near future.71 . If I _ (have) a rest when he comes, please ask him to wait for a while.72 . I dont know what I should pay attention to _ (reduce) the pollution.73 . You cannot imagine how much difficulty I had _( work) out the problems.74 . -Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping. -There is no need. He _(wake) up.75 . Theres no doubt that those islands in the South China Sea_ (discover) first by Chinese.五、句子配对找出相应的答语:76 . Welcome back to school.ANo, he doesnt.77 . Whose gloves are these?AThey are mine.78 . How will you go to Beijing?AYes, Id love to.79 . Does he pick a lot of flowers?AThank you.80 . Would you like to go shopping with me?AI will go there by plane.六、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。Air is very important to everything that lives. But the air we breathe is g81 . dirty. People all over the world are looking for w82 . to make it clean again.Have you ever watched the smoke from chimneys(烟囱) r83 . high in the air? Have you s84 . the smoke from cars and trucks on roads or the smoke from planes? The smoke is h85 . to everyone, especially old people and children. If we want to keep well and strong, we need to breathe f86 . air.With more and m87 . factories everywhere and more and more cars, trucks and planes, it is getting harder and harder to do with the air p88 . .Scientists have a89 . found ways to stop or slow down some of the things that make the air dirty. They will not stop working u90 . we have clean air again.七、汉译英:单词/短语根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(76-80每小题1分,81-85每小题2分)91 . 我们的老师总是提醒学生们不要在河里游泳。Our teachers always _ in the river.92 . 你能告诉我哪能买一双鞋?Could you tell me _?93 . 我期盼你的答复。I_ your reply.94 . 你的话使我失望。What you said _.95 . 据我所知,茶植物种在山边。_, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.96 . 你知道茶是偶然被发明的吗?_97 . 你足够大了可以自己做决定。_98 . 我们应该采取行动保护野生动物。_八、材料作文99 . 有人认为学生应该利用周末时间休闲放松,也有的人认为学生应该好好利用周末时间查缺补漏。假如你是刘健,你的英国网友Jack询问你对此有什么看法,请你结合你班同学周末活动情况写一封邮件回复Jack。要求:1.必须包括图中所有内容2.词数100120之间,可以适当发挥,邮件的格式和开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Hello Jack,I did a survey of my classmates weekend activities. Here are the results.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、3、五、句子配对1、六、单词填空1、七、汉译英:单词/短语1、八、材料作文1、

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